Armitage Weekly Round-up 2019/6

Damn, I really should have kept some of last week’s loot for this instalment of the tumblr round-up. What has happened? Why is there no new stuff??? I am so sorry, I can only pass on this:

  1. Not quite sure how this works, but seikunsbuilds has made a bingo card for the upcoming Wolverine podcast series
  2. Slo-mo RA is always good. Even from the past. Thanks to riepu10 for the gifs
  3. Roleplay icons of Richard in Ocean’s 8. I’m sure they’ll also come in handy if you are NOT roleplaying… supplied by thehollowedartists
  4. Jesus Christ, ra-of-light really has got the bug… we have now moved on to belly buttons
  5. And here the thigh version, also by ra-of-light
  6. Not sure how old this post is – but there wasn’t much new stuff this week, so I am including this here because the quote is an example of the thoughts that RA puts into creating his characters. Posted by tallian
  7. If truth be told, I am not a massive fan of RAxreader stuff, but I did like the use of this gif, and the headcanon is pretty comprehensive. Posted by fizzyxcustard

Trying to think of an extra to add to this post… First of all: armidreamer has also written down an account of RDC5. Check it out HERE – she’s spent half of the Saturday in Richard’s presence. Sort of 😉

Funnily enough I had actually written the next part before I read armidreamer’s RDC5 story… the sync continues! But well, I am going to leave this here: I finally decided to splash out even further and buy the digital format of my photos with RA taken at the con. I was saying to Kate yesterday, they are literally so hilariously shite that I will be using them as a reason to giggle every time I need to lift my mood. For the time being, they have actually been locked away in the poison cabinet.

Seriously, if you could see those pictures, you’d piss yourself laughing. *I* definitely look uncomfortable, and RA probably gets the awkward vibes from me. Well, no, he puts on a professional face and pretends to be genuinely delighted to be photographed with the famous (…) Miss Guylty. *muhahaha* I hasten to add, that RA looks stunning in the pictures, of course. Alright, here, this is the important bit:

My subtle Richard Armitage cosplay was not noticed.

Have a nice weekend!

Guylty ❤️


142 thoughts on “Armitage Weekly Round-up 2019/6

  1. I love your photo, at least the part that’s visible lol ,obviously the ‘hands in pocket day’ You look comfortable in grey sweatshirt ? I much prefer to be comfortable, no high heels for me!


  2. There are still problems with posts showing in the tag. Posts won’t show up or disappears. Also there are few reposters in the tag again. And people aren’t interested anymore.


            • Twitter quiet? Hm, depends on how many followers you have etc. Maybe people don’t know that you are there… If you start posting there, let me know and @tag me, Riepu. I will break my Twitter-fast for you and RT your posts.


                    • Aw, Michele, you very sweetly overestimate my influence on Twitter 😉. There is so much happening there, so whether I tweet or not is not going to change the experience.


                    • I do lurk to see what is going on there but not going to join not even for Richard. It goes w/out saying but you do what you need to do for YOU. I and a million other commenters are happy here w your blog posts!! ❤️😘👏


                    • Oh well, we can do both Michele. We can blog and we can tweet. I will eventually return to Twitter. I just decided to start my annual Social Media abstinence a little bit early – because I was upset by some people. It takes a couple of weeks, and then I am usually fine again. But nonetheless, I won’t be back on Twitter until Easter. That’s the plan.

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                    • Yeah I’m not on Twitter and not even a personal invite from The Armitage himself “Michele love please join Twitter and follow me “ will get me there. I have learned I am far too emotional a person to handle the slings and arrows of Twitter even though some wonderful people I know are on it! 😉😛

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                    • The tricky thing is, there are slings and arrows anywhere where there are people, Michele. I never used to have problems with Twitter… but well, there’s always a first time…

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Right you are Guylty! I found out on commenting on a blog as well but the joys and love on the blogs I comment now on far outweigh any negativity or I would stop commenting. Again I fully admit that not being on Twitter means I’m out of the loop for stuff. That as I wrote on my own post on Friday rests uneasy w me but I think I would become unglued far more than staying stoic even though I have friends on Twitter. It’s my problem I totally own it but I was being cheeky there with The Armitage ! If he ever even thought that in my wildest dreams omfg!!!!!!


              • It seems to be, but I’ve been active there only about a year. Though my made my account six years ago. You have already re-tweeted few of my edits and gifs 😉


                  • Riepu certainly keeps my blog looking good with her posts *waves to P* As for the reposters, I seem to spend too much time checking on their source(s) if they seem to have used others’ work. Hopefully with RDC5, The Stranger and it’s associated press/promotion coming up, we will have a bit more material to work with. I know I’m struggling to be creative.


  3. I should have stopped after the gif on no. 7 because the headcanon is a nope for me. Many issues. Many, many, many…
    I approve of the thighs. They’re good thighs. Very thighs, erm, nice. *sighs*


    • i waver on the whole RPF thing…at the end of the day it kinda goes with all this stuff-we don’t know him, we don’t know what goes on in his head. We all have our own versions in our head what we think he’s like and that’s going to vary wildly. Fan fic writers just write it down, they can do that. Doesn’t make it right or wrong in my book-it just is what it is. And yeah, you either like it or you don’t. But it’s just fantasy at the end of the day. I’ve read stuff that i’m like ‘euww no’ but others that kinda go with the narrative I have of him in my head.

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      • I don’t think anybody here has said that RPF is wrong, Rachel. We have just said that we don’t like it. I am glad that people are writing this stuff – there’s a market for everything. In fact, I have written some – frankly rather pithy – RA RPF in my day, so I’d be a complete hypocrite if I said it was wrong to write it.

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      • I don’t object on a general basis. I must admit, I don’t usually read it personally, but hey, to each their own. And I have read some fun ones.
        I just had too many “no way” moments with this particular description of him and it annoyed me before breakfast. My fault, I guess. But the thought that he would be unprofessional and snappy on set because he can’t control himself over missing someone absolutely has my APM spiraling out of control. He is a consummate professional. We’ve never heard one bad word about him from cast or crew that I am aware of. It just pissed me off.

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  4. Re: #4 & #5 I admire a well developed thigh as much as anyone (and his are quite nice) but I’m quite shocked by the fact that I’ve never really noticed before that he has an adorably sexy belly button. Go figure, hehe😅 I’ll bet your RDC5 pictures are quite nice and I think he looks very relaxed and natural and delighted to strike a pose with you. I have often wondered- do you think he’s blissfully in the dark or completely tuned in and aware re: the degree of nervousness his fans experience during face to face encounters with him? Also- agreed thumbs down on the jog pants. Not a deal breaker but …just no.

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    • Oh, that belly button has *so* been on my radar since that uncomfortably sexy scene where John Porter is tied to a cross in Afghanistan.
      As for the pics with him and me. Think “American Gothic” *muhahaha*
      The jog pants – a crime against humanity, as I already pronounced them to be way back in 2015. As much as I love it when it is obvious that little Richie has dressed himself (visions of a toddler pulling on a wild mixture of unmatching clothes), I can only shake my head at these awful, flabby pants.

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      • Oh how well I remember that Porter scene of which you speak -ahem *supresses involuntary squee* but I am quickly diverted away from the belly button, up the torso and mesmerized by the armpitage. Every.single.time. That poor belly button never has a chance lol.😂
        As for the jog pants – he should burn them immediately- I can’t be convinced of any alternative option. 😉


          • Haha, thanks Michele! 😘 Porter is one of his characters that gives my remote pause button a workout. He’s really gorgeous in that show imho and requires intense scrutiny…for research purposes of course. 😍

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              • Guylty, wowsa that is saying A LOT!! I don’t know if I will ever get to that point. I love Guy to death. But you did sell me on Lucas North aka S7 and S8 so who knows about Portah!


                    • Guylty read the book you will see what I mean and bear in mind I am an agnostic even the way I feel presently surging into atheism so for me to fall for F Quart totally seeing The Armitage as this character is heady stuff! 😘❤️❤️❤️💪👂😍😍😍😍😍


                    • Oh, I have no problem whatsoever with breaking celibacy. But boy, do I have a bad image of Catholic priests. Ireland has a very bad record when it comes to sex abuse on the hands of Catholic priests. That is why I am not really overjoyed to see RA play a priest – especially if a sexualised character makes light of the fact that Catholic priests have caused misery for hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent children, women, and boys.
                      Sorry, not meant as a lecture – just an explanation.


                    • Let me assuage you Guylty the book is NOT about religion per se. It centers on
                      Vatican but it’s more a political thriller
                      and about secrets in a small community although Seville I believe is a fairly big city. F Quart is a priest but not in the context you are thinking. Again don’t want to be spoiler Queen here so I’ll leave it at that. I would not read this book if it was about your adequate description above. I am vehemently for separation of church and state and I have no love for any religion period. I am sorry if they offends commenters here because that is never my intention. IMO as always


                    • Oh, I know that Michele. I know that the book is not about clerical sex abuse. But me, personally, I am just not particularly cool about priests. I find it difficult to meet priests – fictionally or real – without prejudice and preconceived ideas. I know it is unfair to tar unrelated, innocent people with the same brush, but imo the Catholic church has really fucked up, quite literally. And the idea of a “hot” priest really makes me throw up in my mouth a little. (Which in turn is an experience that I really do not like to connect to my favourite actor… )
                      Sigh, I’m gonna have to come down from my high horse, though. As much as I am “judgmentalising” here, I’ll probably forget all my principled thoughts as soon as RA dons that cassock…

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                    • Guylty yeah I am with you on priests and anything religious. It’s the author’s description of Quart and how he acts and interacts that remind me of The Armitage in the role and THAT is what is sexy about it not the story itself.


  5. Thanks for the round-up Guylty, as ever, quality over quantity! And thanks too for the link. I also bought the digital version of the photos and don’t know why. I could have scanned perfectly good versions for copies and I’m not made of money. I think in my case it was hanging on to the last vestiges of a connection with RDC5.

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  6. Donna, well maybe for April we should campaign for SB as our re-watch and I will give Porta another go. I admit the belly button , torso and arm action are intoxicating and Guylty changed my mind about Lucas after her campaigning wore me down.


  7. Michele, have you ever watched the SB series? If not, the only place I’ve seen S1 (Origins) available (besides the DVD) is on Cinemax. I suppose it’s also been downloaded on YT but the quality of those are sometimes a bit sketchy.

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    • Donna, I have seen the SB Origins on Amazon. I ended up buying the 6 part series b/c of The Armitage, I have RH all three seasons in my video library purchased too. I have not seen past where Richard is killed off and I actually saw that Season first before I knew of Origins. My dad is a huge SB fan and told me Origins is actually S1 but was done in UK. I didn’t even think of looking at YT although I have seen Impressionist and his medical helicopter drama on YT and the quality I thought was pretty good. I’m new to the streaming and downloading but I am happy to share everything I have with everyone here.


  8. Ah great then. I see you have it pretty well covered. Most of the stuff I own of his are on bluray/dvd but I do have a few digital purchases of his films I bought off iTunes. I would be happy to share any of my DVDs on loan if there’s something I have that you have been unable to get. Admittedly a few of those are region 2 so if you don’t have a region free player they would be of little use.

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            • Always protecting one’s own privacy… well, for good reason. I mean, admittedly, those celebrities might get a few favours thrown in their way, but they really lose their privacy and recognisable when out in the public. Not sure whether I’d like to exchange places with them. Well possibly. If it means I can fly first class all the time *hehe*


              • Yes I will confess I would love to fly first class once in my life outside the dream world. I know that makes me very superficial and materialistic but yep I would do it in a heartbeat!! ❤️👍


                    • Guylty,

                      1. I take horrible horrible sefies, hence the video for Flat Richie although that is terrible too
                      2. I had no idea who this guy was. That is how out of touch I am with SM and all that jazz
                      3. Maybe that first class is a little over my class. I would gladly drink the alcohol there and take the complimentary bath gear or two or three
                      4. I confess I would feel a tad claustrophobic in that biosphere contraption. I would want some air to breathe
                      5. Must be nice to make a living off on what? Like a Kardashian type of life?
                      6. I mean even if I had er male company in there it would seem hard to maneuver around to er have F-U-N
                      7. He must have a super duper phone to record that long
                      8 . That would never happen to me to get upgraded . I would probably pass out
                      9. NY to Dubai is very very long….. te jet lag alone would kill me
                      10. Thank you for the vid though!! amusing


                    • Oh, I would’ve NO trouble whatsoever sitting in my cosy First Class compartment, stretching out for a snooze, waking up near my destination all refreshed and uncrumpled, having a quick little shower before arrival and scoffing down all that great grub. Oh yeah, baby, give it to me. But heck, I’d have to be more than a millionaire to spend 21 fucking thousand Dollars on a flight. (Besides, I don’t really want to go Dubai, either hahahaa)
                      Casey films with proper gear – not just his phone. I think he might be using his Canon 5D there (same camera that I use – hence I like him *hehe*)
                      I wouldn’t say that he is really living a Kardashian life as such. He came from poverty, more or less, and has worked hard to earn money as an influencer. He’s not just holding his mug into the camera – unlike the Kardashians whose talentless entitlement makes them truly detestable – he has opinion and expertise.
                      Oh, and I have never ever been upgraded either. Despite frequent business trips from DUB to LCY…

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                    • Guylty, well I will go check him out on YT. I know I sounded very judgey there sorry! Something knocked a little early on my door this morning and hence the ibuprophen today. Anyway yeah no for me to Dubai. Yes for me to London or Dublin (hopefully this fall fingers crossed) I would scarf every single thing on that fucking menu and then some and drink myself into happy sleep. I think that’s great if he is self made. Influencer-not a job I could handle though.


                    • No, you weren’t judgey – and maybe I am too apologetic on his behalf. Initially I was sceptical as well, but he has a really sound way of looking at things. I like him and his honesty, and I really think he deserves everything he gets for free 😉
                      Influencer – oh, I’d love that job *haha*. I can talk for Ireland if I need to… And can be pretty opinionated, too.

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                  • He’s got a Zox bracelet on!!!!!!!!!!!!! he looks a bit young to have a son. He also looks schleppy for first class but who am I to judge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    Sign me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                    • That’s Casey Neistat, Michele – third biggest Youtuber. And actually a pretty cool dude. I’ve been following him for a while, and he is sound. He had his son really young – and has worked hard to make a career out of filming/YT. But yeah, he is a celebrity in his own right, and hence gets free First Class flights which he then reviews. Mad…

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