Armitage Weekly Round-up 2019/12

Let’s blame London for the lack of a weekly round-up last weekend. Back home now, here’s an extra-packed new issue, just in time for Easter.

  1. OMG. I think this is already old. But boy, does this work… Armitage details in glorious b/w by applefia2036
  2. Jassy2101 says Happy Easter
  3. *muhahaha* This What a Guy Wants episode by nfcomics is very naughty – and fun
  4. Riepu10 has giffed us some Richard from The Lodge trailer. Phew… Especially that thumb on *her* knee *thud*
  5. *rofl* And another really, really naughty one from the What a Guy Wants series. Nfcomics is on a roll…
  6. Thewarriorandtheking focuses on Thorin’s eyes… wow, those blues are just stunning…
  7. TBT one of Richard’s lesser known (and even much less loved) roles. Paul in BTS, picture set by mezzmerizedbyrichard
  8. Leaving this picture of Dr Scott White, posted by fizzyxcustard, here for future reference when in need of visuals for a doctor fantasy
  9. Fizzyxcustard was also totally on a roll about Thorin. Lots of gorgeous images of Thorin. Here is one in lieu of all
  10. No idea who Etrigan/Jason Blood is, but hey, any reason to see a new kind of post is good in my book. Post by fancasted_dc-universe
  11. Ok, I am totally not a fan of those baseball caps. But I am definitely a fan of daddy!Armitage. Gifs by riepu10
  12. I loved this photo posted by thewarriorandtheking for the glimpse into her house. Look what’s on her screen/desk/wall
  13. This whole scene in Hannibal was just great… And there is something very touching about the young, shy Francis Dolaryhde. Post by filmofil
  14. A Thorin BTS that I don’t remember seeing. Posted by tallian
  15. A collection of Richard in b/w by angelpretend. Gorgeous
  16. Richard, riding. By riepu10
  17. And a little TBT 2015 when Richard made Pilgrimage (which was shown on Irish TV last night). Gifs by ausschweifendemotte

Speaking of which – Jamie Hannigan (writer of Pilgrimage) posted this unused poster of the film on Twitter.

Only one more sleep and I can finally eat some chocolate again!!!

Have nice Saturday!

Guylty ❤️


58 thoughts on “Armitage Weekly Round-up 2019/12

  1. Hi G, Etrigan/Jason Blood is a demon who’s brother, Sabastian Blood, has frequently been a regular on The Arrow TV series. Sorry, comic minutiae you probs don’t care to know. 🌷😊🦋


    • Mimi thanks so much for the info as always! 😘👍
      I agree w Rachel love the Pilgrimage poster so much!! Raymond is such a hunky chunk guy!!
      Riepu’s always got great stuff!
      Yes on the Dr Scott pic!!
      Enjoy your chocolate tomorrow and have a wonderful weekend and Happy Easter to all that celebrate it !!!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I like the horror, crime and humor genre best. While I am gonna know most who the people in the Justice League are, I don’t remember everyone in the Teen Titans, Titans, The Legion of Super-Heroes or everyone in the Green Lantern Corps. However, I do know the oath needed for the battery if I need to charge a Green Lantern ring. I’m gonna tell you in case you find yourself needing to know it, you know, to save the world:

        In Brightest Day and Blackest Night,
        No Evil Shall Escape My Sight,
        Let Those Who Worship Evil’s Might,
        Beware My Power—Green Lantern’s Light!

        There are different Lantern rings and they all have different oaths too. I should get more Green Lantern rings to Zeesmuse for her students, tho I haven’t sent her any of the other rings. Some are dangerous and can raise the dead.

        I know, I sound like a dork nerd, but trust me, I (like Jon Snow) know nothing compared to most boys/men who read and follow these stories.


        Liked by 1 person

            • Mimi I did not read Martins books either. My dad was so persistent that I would love the show I finally broke down in 2017 binged watch all 7 seasons then did a rewatch last week of S7 to prepare for last Sunday’s premiere 😛😆

              Liked by 1 person

              • I couldn’t binge watch all 7 seasons. It would be hard to sit still for so long and for years I have rarely more than an hour to myself to watch any TV. I make an exception on Sundays with a few friends that want to see a movie. They buy my ticket cause they know I won’t stand them up. (They think I need to do other things besides work.) Maybe I could force an exception if RA had several episodes of a show drop at once, but not guaranteeing I could. 🤗 Too fidgety even without having overcommitted myself. Which reminds me, there is something I promised I’d try to get done by today. D’Oh! 🙃

                Liked by 1 person

                • Mimi it took me like 2-3 months to watch all the episodes! I could only muster 2 a night and sometimes had to skip a couple here and there b/c of work or family stuff or just the intensity of them. BS when I discovered Richard I did binge 3-4 episodes at a time just staring at him and sighing… same w Robin Hood and Spooks. Spooks I watched all the seasons leading up to S7 so I knew the characters and what was going on. But yeah it’s super hard
                  What movie is next up for you? Hmm let me take a guess… 😘❤️

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        • We all have our areas of interest and expertise. I am just glad that being a “nerd” has become somewhat fashionable. I am always impressed by the dedication and loyalty of comics fans – they did there thing long before being a geek became fashionable. And that takes strength of character.

          Liked by 2 people

          • Or in my case, I selfish disregard for fashion and what others thought of me because I was always more interested in what I was reading. 📚 Thank goodness for a younger sister that taught me how to put in eyeliner and a mother who convinced me to shave my legs when I was 17. 💄Haha


                • Mimi me too and my college roommate would give me make overs too! My sis always would blow out my hair and give me make overs which was really nice. Sadly I didn’t take good notes! I wear very little make up and my hair only gets blown out at the hairdressers! 😛😉

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                  • My sister always insisted, when it comes to makeup, less is more. I bet Mr A knows that as he doesn’t seem to wear as much eyeliner as he did when he was Guy. 😂 haha Geez, how would it be to look that great, that pretty, all the time? Not fair.

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                    • Yep Mimi I agree although I think The Armitage may not see himself as handsome like we all do. He may be very self critical just like I am and some of us are here. I actually find those qualities that humility and honesty refreshing in him and in people in general.

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                    • Hi Michele, Okay, I agree with you to a point. Meaning, RA might not think himself as handsome or attractive as we all do. But that doesn’t mean he would settle for a romantic partner that was less attractive than he perceives himself to be. (I’m not saying he wouldn’t have sex with a totally unattractive person, lots of men do, but that is a different line item.) I’ve actually been on panels where the main guest (a man) on the panel has asked the audience, (200 to 500 people, majority being men) if they would date a woman they thought was not as attractive as themselves? Non admitted to publicly having a girlfriend that wasn’t better looking than themselves. He then asks the women in the audience if they would date a man less attractive than themselves. Every woman raised their hands that they would. Obviously this isn’t a scientific survey, but I was enlightened by the whole concept at the time.

                      So yeah, RA might not think he is all that, but he isn’t likely to want someone who isn’t what he thinks is pretty hot. I’m not trying to diminish is positive characteristic traits. Having said that, men _are_ easy, and we all have different things we find attractive and we are not all in agreement of what those thing are. But I do find the whole subject very interesting. Okay, end of my coffee break, back to work Cruz! heh heh

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              • What! I have no eyes without eyeliner, so there is that problem. But I have a family that gives me endless shit about what I put in my mouth or what I wear or how my hair looks. Endless. I hit puberty while away at an all girl school between my 14th and 15th birthdays. When I would visit home my mom kept telling me to shave my legs. She really got after me when I was 17 saying that it was unacceptable to have such hairy legs. I was such a pain in the arse for her, wait, I still am. hahaha


  2. number 1-woweee
    so number 3-the beast let loose again?!
    no.4 -amI really the only person totally creeped out by RA in that trailer? his eyes are dead (which is deliberate i believe)
    number 17-jeez, how can he be so hot, even with that haircut?
    and i love the Pilgrimage poster


    • #4 – I didn’t notice that his eyes were weird. But then again, I was just looking at him in general, trying to avoid any other horror thoughts to invade my consciousness.
      #17 – that haircut was absolutely the pits. I mean, it’s not even historically correct. I have no idea where that whole thing came from… But yeah, he looked like his horse.

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  3. #1 is stunning, it’s no wonder that when all those incredibly beautiful details are packaged together in one man, the effect is mouth-watering!
    #7 thank you for the link love once again. Looking at these pics, the difference between him as Paul, and Thornton a year later in 2004, it’s like two different men. Then you watch the N&S interview and he’s giggling over horse poo lol!
    #13 what a brilliant suggestion of Richard’s, to have this scene in the final cut. IMHO it demonstrates how in touch with his characters he is, he knows what is needed in order to flesh them out, in this case, Francis.
    #17 great poster!


    • #1 should be sent to all the casting agents in the world… Seriously, I can’t understand why he hasn’t been snapped up by Hollywood…
      #13 Richard really knows about drama. And that scene was so fabulously dramatised – the change from boy to young man…


      • He was seriously under appreciated. I was watching Keely Hawes on Graham Norton the other night. Her high quality CV just keeps growing and she hasn’t needed Hollywood. For me personally, most of the really good television (and I include Netflix here) comes out of the UK, they’re the projects I have enjoyed the most.

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        • You know, as I was writing my previous comment, I was thinking to myself that in my heart of hearts, I am glad that he hasn’t actually truly “made it” in Hollywood. He sure could. He has got the looks and the acting abilities for it. He even has the projects to show, and lesser men have made even though they ticked fewer boxes. But for some reason I have the suspicion that the Hollywood game wasn’t his to play. The variety and quality of work available in the UK may actually be more rewarding artistically, anyway. My wish for him would be to concentrate on his career in the UK – between quality TV work and the stage, he could build up a fabulous reputation. But well, whatever he chooses to do – he knows best…


          • Guylty I agree with you. Hiddles never came to the US tv market and yes he has done MCU he lives in London and has done quite nicely for himself except the one he Swiftie incident in 2016 he has stayed on a nice career and personal path in the UK so Richard doing something similar would be grand IMO


          • I agree with you Guylty. I always felt selfish not wanting him to try Hollywood, even though he had expressed a desire to do so in at least one interview that I can recall. British TV/stage just seemed to be a better fit for him, and imho he would’ve had more exposure/better projects had he stayed there. Still, his career, his choice, we will never know of course, and he’s always seemed to be up for a challenge re his career and craft, so good on him for taking the chance.
            I agree with Armi about Netflix being a positive move; with The Stranger coming up, I’m actually feeling more optimistic about future projects than I have been for a while. Since The Hobbit (when I believed his career would head for the stratosphere) I seemed to feel a bit let down (and consequently disappointed in myself for feeling that way) as one project after another was announced that wasn’t my preferred genre, wasn’t widely released/difficult to access or didn’t come to fruition at all. No doubt I’ve just been difficult to please – it has nothing to do whatsoever with Richard’s actual performances. Thank goodness for his narrations, for Ocean’s 8 and Berlin Station – S3 notwithstanding, it gave me Daniel Miller!
            Grumble over!!!

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            • That’s such a good point. Yes, selfish. Because rather than share him with Hollywood – and an ever growing number of new fans – I sneakily thought it would be better to just keep him to ourselves. That’s b’shit, of course, since he is not “ours” anyway. But yeah, mega stardom wasn’t really something I wished for him. And if I am honest, I still don’t. But more for his own sake – because I have the distinct feeling that he himself isn’t comfortable with that notion. Otherwise, I think, he would’ve already pursued – and accomplished it.


        • It is a frustrating mystery why his acting talent and astonishing looks haven’t been recognised more by Hollywood. He would have been / be perfect for so many big roles but yes I agree about his TV projects . They have been the most satisfying and Netflix is a promising move.

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  4. As a member of Team Hairpiece, even I was surprised by just how sparse on top RA is looking playing Paul Andrews back in 2003. You can see his scalp quite clearly and the pattern of baldness emerging. He must have had hair plugs or he wears a hair piece or else he’s got a bathroom cupboard full of spray on hair!
    Either way, it can’t be easy being a heart throb…


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