What Rhymes With Rust

Ladies and gentlemen, happy Sunday with a little Ode by Kathy.

Oh Ricky…

Poor Richard. That was another job where he had to deal with water…

Just for comparison, here is the previous Ricky Deeming RAPS that I made 100 years ago. It was #10, btw, so one of the earliest shrines ever made – and looks it. Still slightly less elaborate in its design.

#10 Ricky Deeming “Raw”

BTW – I will definitely reach the 200-shrines mark this year. I have posted 190 shrines so far, and there are four shrines that are already made but not yet revealed. It’s taking me a long time to make the second 100 shrines, considering that I had 100 of them done after just one year… And while I have let all of them go, I have my shrine book to look at if I want to remember them.

RAPS Photo Book from Guylty Pleasure on Vimeo.

I hope I can get volume 2 of my shrine anthology done before the year is out 😉.


30 thoughts on “What Rhymes With Rust

  1. I don’t know. I think the old Ricky is pretty swell. That scarf is awesome and it’s a unique tin shape. Each of them is different, that’s the really cool thing about them.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Congrats on all your hard work and brilliant creativity for all the RAPS they are all unique treasures to you and all your lucky recipients!!
    Wishing you all the best as you hear to 200 very very soon!! 😘❤️👍👍

    Liked by 1 person

      • Guylty as Sue had suggested a few months ago can you take a portable craft kit w you to Germany or will just too much to do w your mums move?
        6 is not only doable but destiny and deliciously daring to dive into !! Looking forward to the next 200 from you 😘❤️❤️👍👏😉


        • That portable craft kit is a great idea… Mind you, I am such a fickle “artist”. Or overley sensitive mimosa. In order to create I need *all* my stuff with me. Heck, I even have to sit in my usual spot, where I know where all the various bits and pieces are, in order to get the creative juices flowing. Total crafts diva 😬

          Liked by 2 people

          • Diva ? Nah you are a giver and yes having a ritual and sense of order and routine to get the creative juices flowing is endearing! Nice that you are honest and give us non crafting people like me a peek into your world! ❤️😉👏


  3. Wow, nearly 200! That’s incredible Guylty and I agree with Kate that both Ricky shrines are unique and they are lovely in their own way. Smashing ode Kathy! (As I’ve been furiously cleaning my house for some friends’ imminent arrival, it was dust that first sprang to mind as rhyming with rust.)


  4. I’ve never been one for poetry but I love your odes Kathy!
    The RAPS book is gorgeous Guylty, what a fabulous memento of the generous creativity and love you have sent out into the fandom. And there’s my first RAPS at the end! iirc #2 Lucas North, which I was lucky enough to win in a raffle (your first?)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Je suis sur internet avec des correspondants à Tokyo en Europe et en Amérique. C’est le bon créneau horaire pour communiquer (21h30, 14h30, 8h30).


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