Armitage Weekly Round-up 2019/41

I’m still alive and very active on Twitter the last couple of days. The short form was just easier to facilitate while entertaining a guest 😉. Important issues first! In my last post I asked you to give me feedback via a poll re. timing of the upcoming fundraiser for the RAnet rescue. Vox populi has spoken, as you can see in the poll results on the right. I am happy to take the majority preference on board. I will post a separate announcement of the fundraiser dates in a blog post of its own, but I can already say here that the fundraiser will take place from Friday 29th November to Monday 2nd December. That way, I hope, we cover enough days for people to take a peek at what is on offer, to place bids on items and/or to purchase items that are not in the auctions but will be on regular sale via a different platform. Thank you to all who took the time to vote in the poll.

It’s a good thing that my visitor will leave on Sunday as I have a few things to organise before the fundraiser goes live on Friday. There are fan packages to put together, items to photograph, and blurbs to be written. No complaint, actually. I love being busy. That is something that I have realised over the last while. I’d rather have too much on my plate than too little. Never mind that I am also preparing for a craft fair that takes place mid-December. (I have spent the last three days creating 100 tiny book pins for that market, and have about 30 junk journals on my list for the market… wish me luck!)

But today it’s round-up time. Sit back, sip your tea, and have fun.

  1. I mean, I *say* I am NOT #TeamShrubbery, but some arguments are hard to beat. Via fizzyxcustard
  2. This isn’t new, but I am fascinated with RA going into professional selfie mode in this gif, posted by ladyoakenshield
  3. Two in a row for ladyoakenshield. Because, frankly, this is an oldie but goldie. Peach alarm!
  4. Thewarriorandtheking captures two strangers meeting in the forest. I bet Guy was delighted his horse was so much bigger
  5. Mezzmerizedbyrichard gives us BTS Richard on the set of MZ
  6. And riepu10 giffed a very angry/desperate James
  7. There is a new challenge making the rounds. I love this. This is mezzmerizedbyrichard’s picspam challenge. (I think I am going to do one on blog, too)
  8. Young Porter – a nice piece of fan art by grey-s
  9. Whether it is a Richard-kind-of-night or not, peneigh-dzredfohl’s picture of Ricky is definitely worth a look
  10. I completely concur with kittensmctavish. I had the same experience. (In fact, I never even finished Meditations.)
  11. Notthatmelody has a point. Mind you, that book is far too short… I’d rather he read a 10-volume mega tome – for selfish reasons
  12. Always nice to hear other fans praising Richard’s acting. This is by gatissed
  13. Posting this *especially* for circusgifs’ caption at the bottom. Cute indeed!
  14. And finishing up with some essential hand porn, originally posted by alectrack, reposted by mzperx0506universe


I’ll be traipsing the Hill of Tara today. Wish me luck that the weather holds.


Guylty ❤️


64 thoughts on “Armitage Weekly Round-up 2019/41

  1. #1 🤭 n/c
    #2 / #3 can only be seen on tumblr with an account 😕
    #4 🤣🤣🤣
    #5 Resigned to seeing this at some point on DVD. No showings anywhere near. 😏
    #6 Love Yelling!RA, but can we talk about how 4/5 is the embodiment of disdain? Wow! Once again I bow to riepu‘s giffing skills.
    #7 sounds great. Realistically, I will be too lazy to do picture selection like that. S-M-C is hard enough, but I encourage you to do it!! And I loved seeing Mezz‘s choices.
    #8 Portah! #sigh
    #9 Ricky is always worth a look. That smile. Such a soft boy deep down.
    #10 I never even tried
    #11 My mind is single-track rn. More Jackman, please!
    #12 Perfectly sums up my Hobbit feelings. Too much other stuff getting in the way of RA appreciation.
    #13 Eyelash acting 👍🏻👍🏻
    #14 😍😍😍

    Thanks for another great round-up.
    Enjoy Tara (makes me think of Gone with the Wind).

    I’m very curious about the auction. *rubs hands*


    • #6 James sounds like the sort of role that RA really excels at. Anger and resentment – definitely something for the man who came in from the scold.
      #9 – nicely said, soft boy deep down. I really liked he fan fictions that picked up on that. The rebel with beatnik sensibilities.
      Tara was… nice, but very wet today. We ended up going for a much longer walk than I had anticipated, and my coat was wet through and through after only 20 minutes. Good thing I had brought the wellies, though. (And you are not that far off with Tara from Gone with the Wind. I think it was named after the Hill of Tara, which is the seat of the High Kings of Ireland. Nowadays you can only see several large rings/moats and a sunken avenue, all covered in grass. One of the burial mounds has a rather phallic standing stone on top – kind of fitting for a patriarchal, feudal society. The site is apparently where a number of subterranean energy lines meet – hence it was a place where the prehistoric warriors met on a regular basis, to “recharge” themselves with the energy provided by the earth and the supernatural world. There is said to be an entrance there to the supernatural world, so it is a place where our world meets with the supernatural world. As esoteric as it sounds, I have it on good authority from a botanist friend that the area is particularly fertile and that the vegetation grows denser and quicker than in other places…)


  2. Thanks for a great round,-up Guylty, packed with goodies, e.g. peaches. I can certainly see there are ‘a few’ advantages to the shrubbery! Liking the pic spam idea, it would be a good, almost legitimate, excuse to drool through my RA library. Tara sound incredible and atmospheric. Did you take photos? Hope the crafting is going well too.


  3. #4: Vielleicht sollte man Guy darauf aufmerksam machen, dass die Größe des Pferdes keine Rückschlüsse auf die Größe bestimmter männlicher Körperteile zulässt 😉😂.
    Bin gespannt auf die Auktionen (auch wenn ich nur maximal einen Tag aktiv daran teilnehmen kann). Organisatorische Frage: Braucht man für die andere Plattform ein Nutzerkonto?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great roundup again G., and thank you for the inclusion of my picspam post. I did three, since Kelly had so many title prompts in the blog picspam post she did which had inspired me, and it was a lot of fun trawling through my RA folder. I hope you can get around to doing it too sometime, it will be fun to see what you come up with!


    • Always a pleasure!
      And oh, of course, it was Kelly’s picspam post that kicked it off. I will have to come back to this after the fundraiser, but it really looks fun.


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