Distraction Challenge 8 #ADC

When there is nothing to say, at least there is the distraction challenge. Which, incidentally, Herba has updated yesterday, too. Check HERE [in German].

8. Which audio book would you like RA to read

Naturally, like everyone else, I would like a piece of literature read by him that a) is reaaaaaaally long. b) It would be great if it had lots of different characters so he could apply his accent talent to the text. Although I am very much enjoying all the thrillers he has read so far, I would love for him to read a “literary” piece. No Dickens, please and thank you, though. However, I would really love to challenge him. Like, *proper* challenge. Something he has not done before – something that may not even “actable” but a book that requires a completely new approach for him. Yes, I know I am being mean, but my choice is… Finnegan’s Wake.

Sadly, it has been done for Audible already, and one of the two versions on offer by one of the greats of Irish theatre, Cyril Cusack. (Yes, that is “Mrs Thornton’s father.) Mind you, blasphemously I would love to hear this read by a non-Irish performer. After all, this Joycean piece transcends the boundaries of language (and thus nationality) so completely, it doesn’t matter if it isn’t read with an Irish accent.

Seriously, I think this would be ideal for Richard to literally cut his teeth.

In other news – I totally forgot to tell you, but picture this: Some scumbag tried to break into our house on Sunday night. Seriously, what an asshole. To actually try and burgle a house *at this time*. We only noticed it on Monday morning when Mr Guylty decided to oil the lock as it had been a bit stiff recently. Only then did he see that some of the wood from the actual door had splintered around the lock. We were very fortunate that the burglar failed to open the door, as Sunday evening we had been too lazy to go all the way down to the front door and lock it for the night. We usually always lock (because we have been burgled a couple of times already), but that night of all nights didn’t. Our 200-year-old door (and actually rather unsophisticated lock) have proven once again that they have been made of stronger stuff than the building materials of today. However, that burglar – may he rot in hell.

To counteract all this crap, I have been wearing my flower crown today. Totally forgot I was wearing it when I left the house to drop a letter in the mailbox opposite. Got compliments both from one of our neighbours as well as one of my son’s flatmates who happened to be outside. Immediately boosted my mood.

Over and out.

47 thoughts on “Distraction Challenge 8 #ADC

  1. Sometimes, ya just gotta wear a flower crown, right? I have 2, somewhere…

    Oh BOOGERS on your almost-burgler!!! We don’t have a lot of crime in my area – all these army men and they all have guns! I drive by all these homes – This home guarded by Smith and Wesson, beware of dog, I have a big ass frying pan that will hurt if I drop it on you! Or smack you with it or both, actually. Just glad they didn’t get in!


  2. What a fuckshit with the burglar. They really try this in times like this? I think they never not try to break into houses and burgle. Glad your lock and door stood steady.

    Woah your choice of literature for Richard to narrate is quite something 🙈 a bit evil 😁
    I wouldn’t understand a bit but he could read anything to me. And loooong is always good. I listen to David Copperfield again and enjoy the many characters and voices.
    What I enjoyed a lot and listen to again and again is „puss in boots“ it is so hilarious.

    I would totally love him to read a sci-fi story-maybe from Isaac Asimov because I love Asimovs stories so much.
    Or a book from Harlan Coben- Harlans writing style is so great and I am sure Richard would rock that perfectly.

    You remind me of my flower crown… what a lovely idea to just wear it at home. Or outside with mask 😷 😀
    And getting compliments from neighbors for something simple like this is wonderful. ❤️


    • You are right – criminals are criminals, and in many ways, NOW is the best time to burgle offices etc because there are less people around. And chances are our burglars did not realise that the house is actually lived in.
      As for the audio book – yes, definitely evil ;-). Joyce made up his own language in the book, and some stuff is really difficult to read. A nice little challenge for Richard. As he said himself, he thrives on challenges.
      I need to re-listen to Puss in Boots. NOt a massive fan of sci-fi myself, so I’d not be too pushed about Asimov & Co. Harlan Coben would definitely something that makes for good listening. But for my taste it is just too samey.
      Have you tried wearing your flower crown yet?


  3. Omg, scary! Once someone stole a bicycle from our garage, that was open, because it’s the house of a family of hedgehogs. The discomfort. But we have 4 more bikes, at various stages of decrepitude; the stolen one was old and broken too.
    I’m not really into audio books, but I’d like some poetry, maybe Dickinson. I’m really enjoyning listen to Patrick Steward.


    • A few years ago I had my bicycle stolen from our doorstep, too. And both my children had their brandnew bikes, which they had been given for their respective birthdays, stolen on their first outing. They were both inconsolable.


  4. The lads living on the ground floor didn’t hear someone jiggering the lock? Maybe you should put a sign in your window: No valuable office supplies within—only flower crowns and craft supplies.

    Your book choice is too hilarious. I now pronounce you officially Irish. (If you had any lingering doubts.)


    • The lads’ bedroom is to the back of the house, so if the attempt at intrusion happened way in the early morning, they wouldn’t have heard a thing. We really ought to have some sort of sign up saying “no valuables”…
      Hehe, yes, I think I have assimilated quite a bit… And I have always had a soft spot for James Joyce.


  5. Some stupid burglar! But pretty scary tbh It’s good you are not living alone.
    As to RA a/books. I would like a very long book with many words and many characters, a series would be great. The Forsyte Saga? 🧐 There is one book I love and it’s my dream Richard would narrate it one day. I haven’t checked whether it was recorded or not. I don’t want to listen to anyone else. It’s The Good Soldier: A Tale of Passion by Ford Madox Ford. I know there is a TV adaptation but in my opinion only Richard could do it justice playing the main character. If only….
    Stay save! In all sense of the word. 🤗


    • Yep, it’s a bit scary. But at the same time I am quite relieved that we are living on the top two floors, and burglars don’t usually go that far up. It would be a cul-de-sac, so they stay on the two main floors. Mind you, a good few years back during one of the previous burglaries, they made their way into the basement flat (where my son lives now). It was inhabited by my brother-in-law and his girlfriend at the time, and the intruders actually must have walked into their bedroom because they stole a laptop from in there. THAT is really scary – the idea that an intruder walks into your bedroom while you are defenseless and sleeping…
      I know FMF but I don’t think I have read The Good Soldier. Nice reading tip, even if RA doesn’t perform it for audio.


  6. I would love to hear “Lucky Jim”, one of my favorites. It is hilarious and has so many creative insults. “Jumped up turd” comes to mind.


    • Oh, that is one of my favourite books, too. I am a huge fan of the ‘campus novel’ genre, and this is one of the classics. (Have to re-read for those imaginative insults. It’s always good to have some of those on-hand!)


  7. Continuing the whimsical Celtic theme, I rather fancy Under Milk Wood. I know it’s more of a play but he could do all the voices beautifully. The Barchester Chronicles would be good too. Great choice, Yve. And there are rather a lot of them which can’t be bad. 📚 📚

    Yikes, about the burglar. 😱 Hope you’re all locked up now, like Fort Knox. 🗝⛓🗝


    • Your last remark made me think “Port Knox” and I chuckled.

      Never heard of The Barchester Chronicles. I’ll have to look that up.


    • Dylan Thomas! A radio play voiced only by RA sounds like a great idea because he could also act…
      Fort Knox indeed. For as long as this lockdown lasts, we will double-lock the front door every evening!


  8. What a scary experience, I’m glad they weren’t able to get in! It’s one we’ve never experienced thank goodness although my car was gone through one weekend when we were away. I’d left it unlocked, something I very rarely do. They took coins but didn’t want my CD stash (audiobooks and oldies’ music!)
    My son’s house has been burgled though, only a few weeks after he’d moved into his newly built home. Luckily he wasn’t home, I dreaded to think what might have happened if he’d confronted them.
    With people having to stay at home these days you’d think the scumbags out there would think twice about trying to break and enter but no, we’ve had warning locally that there are “snoopers” out there casing houses, going through cars.
    That’s certainly an interesting choice of book for Richard to read – is the whole book gobbledy gook like that? For me, I’d love to hear him read more Georgette Heyer. I don’t like anything too “deep” when I listen to an audiobook, I don’t want to have to concentrate, I just want the words to wash over me in that beautiful voice. 😉 Having had to look up The Barchester Chronicles, I agree, good choice, Yve!
    I’m sure your flower crown made quite a few people smile!


    • That’s the scary part of burglaries – I mean, sure, it’s annoying when they steal items. But the thought that someone has been in the house while I was defenselessly sleeping, fills me with terror. And even more so when I consider that they might have specifically *targeted* us.
      Glad to hear your son did not get into the burglars’ way. I always think that I would probably play dead if someone walked into my bedroom at night, rather than be heroic and confront them…
      Finnegans Wake is pretty much gobbledegook all the way through. Joyce really had some fun with that book. I guess it reflects his life – in that he lived in various countries and spoke several languages – and he just amalgamated them all into one.


  9. How scary to have someone even try to burgled your home. Makes a person feel violated. Good for old stout doors. Glad your flower crown could give a couple people a smile, I think we really need those these days.


    • Anything for a smile, right? Haven’t been outside today, but next time I go out again I will put the flower crown again. For the other people’s sake more than mine.


  10. What a scary thing to happen. I’m glad they didn’t get past your sturdy door. 🚪

    I love that you’re wearing your flower crown. I bought another one that is Guy inspired and tried to the other day. I thought the fact it’s on a rubber band would make wearing it nice, but not so. Turns out it’s very uncomfortable. Hmpf. I guess it’s crafting time.

    Unfortunately I have no bandwidth to come up with a book for him rn. I have a few series I like, but they’re American and I don’t want him to do that accent. Other than that I’m drawing a blank.


  11. I am so sorry to hear about the attempted burglary, how awful for you. I did say that I’d like RA to read more Dickens ,(sorry) or Sarah Waters but thinking about it, a challenging book/s would be Proust’s great work. It’s very long (so lots of RA) and has lots of characters for hin. Also I keep starting the first book, then leaving it for ages, so I have to start from the beginning again. Over and over. It’s a standing joke in my family.


    • Proust – oh yes, that would also keep him busy. Come to think of it – maybe he should read the classics of world literature, one from each language. That would make *all* his fans happy 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  12. urgh, so disgusting people trying to break into your house especially atm…been so unhappy to hear NS workers being targeted for muggings and having their bikes stolen, etc too


  13. Re Finnegangs wake: RA actually did have half of the opening line in Berlin Station at the beginning of Season 1… speaking on the phone to his superior 😉 “riverrun, past Eve and Adam’s” – “from swerve of shore to bend of bay” (and I thought that’s a stupid line for spies to use because it’s so unique that probably an outsider could have completed the sentence just as well…but lets not delve too deep into the implausibilities of that show…)
    Anyway, maybe he did read the whole piece then – so he’s already practised and your challenge might not be all that difficult…? 😉
    Personally, I would love him to read the whole of Bernhard Cornwell’s Uthred book series! (I think it’s always jarring to switch from one narrator to another in a series but to go from RA’s “Lords of the North” to book 4 “Sword Song” read by Gerard Doyle really is quite impossible :-P)


    • Great reminder, Anja. Of course he did. And I totally agree with you that using that sentence as a code was no use at all because it is so well-known.
      I love your suggestion of the sequels to Lords of the North. The original LotN is actually my favourite audio book by RA, so if he were to record more of that, I’d be over the moon.


      • I think Uhtred’s story is up to eleven books now with maybe one or two more to come, so lots of material there for Richard. I would love to hear him read the whole series. LOTN is one of my favourite audiobooks, but I haven’t heard it in a while because it’s on CD and my new car doesn’t have a player, only the fancy bluetooth thingy.


        • already 12 books in the series (and the last one was again really really good!) and number 13 will probably come out in autumn 2020, they’re already advertising for it – so yey! hours and hours of listening if RA would read them all!

          Liked by 1 person

          • Although I’ve read them all I’ve lost count! 12? The last one I read was Sword of Kings. Happy to hear there will be another book released later in the year. Thanks for the info, Anja!

            Liked by 1 person

        • Oh goodness, is it that many books already? I read the first one – after I had heard the audio book – and loved it. But the more books the better, at least when it comes to RA performing them for audio!


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