2020 Armitage Weekly Round-up #41

Back to the Saturday slot. Have you seen the new interview with RA in today’s Times? [Note: Article behind pay wall. Look in the round-up below for a short-cut 😉] Richard is really trying to get his image as a grump across… “I’m quite a socially distant person by nature. When I walk past a busy bar, I run a mile.” And then in the next paragraph, “I can never understand it when actors have a reputation for being difficult.” *giggles*, well, maybe some of those “difficult” actors are anti-social grumps? *just kidding*. – As for fastidiousness and organising – I thought he previously claimed he was a bit of a messie??? Ah, Richard, Richard, you really like to confuse us, don’t you? 😘

Well, let’s check out that round-up, shall we? New header time!


  1. Most important thing first: Astrovian has got that Times article
  2. While we are on astrovian’s site, we might as well stay for Daniel Miller… For all those gratuitous needs *waves at Mezz and Dreamer*
  3. Riepu10 has done a “remix” of the quarantine house game. Mh, Miller, Becker, Turner and Gisborne in one house – I think that’ll do for me. You?
  4. Sgtbarnes107 has put together a gif collection of John Proctor. (Is that a new feature on tumblr? It gives all the original sources, which is brillian!)
  5. And here are sgtbarnes107’s thoughts on ranking RA’s chaRActers
  6. Richardarmitagefanpage posts the excerpt from a recent article about Julie Delpy, which mentions Richard
  7. Goodness me. There’s Richard emoting for Adam Price… Heartbreaking. Riepu10 is torturing us today 😉
  8. That’s an interesting approach by effervescentdragon. And in the case of Richard it really, really, REALLY works…
  9. I have no idea who archmage is, but there is something interesting about this manip by morrimorrigan
  10. *muhahahahaha* oh yes, I can see how that applies to Guy. Nfcomics’ What a Guy Wants

Not that much on the list this week. But hey, there’s that Times interview.

And just for the weekend:

Christ! Once *this fox* is fully silver, he’ll be devastating!!!

Have a good one!

Sonja ❤️

44 thoughts on “2020 Armitage Weekly Round-up #41

  1. possibly archmage is a character specific to a fantasy series (from googling looks like Elder Scrolls or Skyrim) -but it also means a high ranking magician
    the high def pic of him today in the Times is gorgeous. It’s a nice little interview. Wonder what he means by a small dog? i think he’d look good with a Golden Retriever lol

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree with you about the little dog, Rachel! As hilarious and sweet as I find it to watch my friend Jason, who is 6’6″, walking around cuddling his beloved teacup chihuahua, I think RA would be better suited to a larger dog. Or at least a Henry-sized pooch. Or maybe he considers Henry little? We’ll have to wait and see, I guess.

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    • Yep, that’s what I thought (re. archmage) but was too lazy to google ;-).
      Small dog – like a chihuahua? 😬 I mean, nothing against small dogs, but a tall guy like him… with a lap dog? Meh, would be a bit out of proportion even. A GR would be perfect!

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  2. The “ways and means” of starting a family is certainly another strong hint. I wonder how much longer it will be before he finally says the actual words? I hope he is feeling more comfortable either way, whether he says it or not. I’m glad he acknowledged his age though. As you know from a recent letter, I’m not a fan of men starting families at an advanced age. But if he’s going to do it, he’d best get going and not take too much time with the little dog!

    Sometimes I wonder if he confuses (deliberately or otherwise) being an introvert with being moody/socially distant. I’m definitely an introvert and you’d have to pay me a hefty sum to pick a crowded bar over a quiet restaurant where I could sit in the corner and people-watch or read. And there is his fame to be considered. He’d probably have a much more enjoyable time in the less crowded environment, one would imagine.

    I also thought that the complete reversal about being a slob is quite interesting. You have to be a rather determined neatnik not to even go to the loo first before unpacking! Either that or a *very* light traveler.

    I liked the explanation about why he so rarely does chat shows, as I’ve often wondered, especially when it comes to the Colbert show. He’s so often in NY, after all, and not only is Colbert a Tolkien fanatic, they presumably know each other from Colbert’s time on the set. Another check in the introvert column, I think, as we know that RA can be very witty and quick on his feet.

    Thanks for the lovely round-up. Hope all is well x

    Liked by 2 people

    • re the chat show thing-i think it maybe comes back to his apparent want/need to do things well and he perceives he’s not capable of doing the live thing well thus avoids it


      • After Richard’s radio interview with Graham Norton I wondered if Graham had suggested he appear on his TV chat show. Richard has a great sense of humour so I think he’d do really well on the red couch. He has shown in the past he can be a wonderfully funny guest – the George Stroumboulopoulos interview comes to mind. I think that was in front of a live audience.


        • I think he’s perfectly capable of it, but he just doesn’t want to. That’s how I read it. Which is fine. His choice and as long as it doesn’t hurt him professionally, I guess nobody’s gonna get on his case about it too much.
          He did brilliantly at RDC and that was a lot longer and far less controlled an environment than twenty minutes on a red sofa would be. On a talk show or late night program there is surely a way to start the questions beforehand or agree on no go areas.

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          • No idea what autocorrect was doing there and I don’t remember what word I wanted. I wanted to say that there is surely a way to curate the questions to some extent.

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          • That was my thought, too. I don’t see where he gets this reluctance from (and then agree to sit on stage at a convention to answer unvetted fan questions. Or maybe he was just living on the edge that day?). I think it’s all down to his refusal to get into the whole celebrity scene. Well done to him for that – even though it means we don’t have the pleasure of seeing him as himself in an entertaining, low brow context.

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        • I’ve often wondered whether RA actively declines invitations to such chat shows. I definitely expected to see him on Graham’s couch when the Hobbit films were premiering. But it was always Martin Freeman who took the mantle of promoting the film…
          I thought RA was *very* convincing and entertaining on stage at the Sydney Popcorn Taxi event…


      • I really wonder where he got this lack of confidence from. Any interview I have seen him in, he is well capable of answering coherently and in an entertaining way. The only thing I always felt was that he is reluctant to get into funny anecdotes (maybe because he finds them too private to share?) – and that’s what chat show success really depends upon…

        Liked by 1 person

    • Ways and means indeed. I’m surprised he’s brought that up again. Personally, I am not a fan of people having kids the other side of 50. Sure, he has the means to hire help of course, but it seems a bit self-indulgent to me. We none of us know how much time we have on this earth, but imagine being 55 or 60 on your kid‘s first day of school. You’d know you might leave them alone quite young. 😢 And honestly, I get that he’s trying to be funny or make it all less serious, but it shows that he knows nothing about parenting comparing a child to owning a dog. In future, dear man, less said on that subject might be more. There must be other ways to obliquely reference his orientation if that’s the goal.

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      • While I actually applaud him for realising that he is now getting to the point where having a child may be a little bit too late, I was slightly miffed at his comparison between infants and dogs. Sure, dogs need supervision and care, too. But well, having a child is a slightly different commitment that you can’t learn or test by taking on the responsibility of having a pet.

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        • Yeah, that wasn’t well done.
          I just wish they would stop with that particular question. I don’t like it—for men or women, straight or otherwise. And unless you are seriously considering embarking on that particular journey any time soon, it would be better to answer this differently. He could have said the first part (49 is a bit old) and left it at that. I mean, are we seriously to believe that this is something he is actively contemplating?


          • The question is intrusive – and often motivated by “suspicions” about a sexual orientation that is not het. As such, I find it simply distasteful, like a trap set for the interviewee to step into.


    • Grah, that family question again. Assuming that this “text” actually originated as a (written?) interview where he received questions which he then answered, it just kind of makes me feel like yawning that this stupid question gets asked again and again. It makes me wonder why. Journos hoping for a scoop? Journos too lazy to research (and find out that he has given vague answers to this question countless times before)? Journos believing that this is something that the readership is disproportionately interested in??? Meh. I just wish they’d lay off such questions. – As for his answer, though – yep, it kind of feels like another way of hinting that he’s gay. Well, it’s his decision if and when to come out. Maybe he is simply paving the way, slowly?
      I agree with you on the introvert thing. I never had the impression he was a full-blown introvert, so “moody/socially distanced” describes it much better. I feel the same way as you described – but I also think that my age comes into it. I was far more outgoing as a young adult. Because I did not have any obligations and lived a much more carefree life than as a woman with family and work commitments.
      The U turn on messie/OCD – also an age thing? Houseproud in his dotage? 😂 A reflection on changed domestic arrangements? If you are sharing your space with another person, messiness is a bit unfair because you are imposing it on your partner. Or maybe he has just become more concerned about his clothes… 😉


  3. #2 *waves back* 👍 there’s even more Daniel on my dash this morning courtesy of Astrovian *yum*
    I loved Richard’s last comment in that interview about only seeing the destination when one is younger – that it’s the journey itself that’s important resonates strongly with me, particularly now that I am older.


    • That was an almost philosophical remark – although I kind of dislike the death reference. It’s true, of course, but I really don’t like being reminded of it. But yes, the journey is the destination.


  4. That photo of Richard on astrovian’s site, which I guess was in the Times, looks cold, brrr, I need a coat to even look at that. I see what you mean about the interview, but I feel like his answers here are actually true this time. He was always talking around things like how he wasn’t comfortable in groups in the past and he always looks uncomfortable interacting with fans. I guess he just decided to not pretend to be a hail fellow well met guy anymore. I kinda like grumpy Richard! I’m an introvert, too, so I get it. I enjoy people for sure, but in smaller groups. However, I wouldn’t run from a pub. I’d go in and strike up a conversation with someone and give them aggro if they didn’t have any gluten free ale. LOL


    • Cold? You feel cold when looking at bright-eyed Richie in a cosy jumper? Nah, it makes me feel a warm glow 😉
      As for his answers – I get the impression his answers are “true to the moment”, and possibly tailored to his (perceived) audience. Plus, I guess we all grow older and change, and we come to a point where we don’t feel we need to conform to others’ expectations but can give a true answer.
      He always stresses that he is grumpy and moody – which never really comes across when you see him interact with people. Even if he doesn’t like interacting with the hoi polloi, I’ve never seen him grumpy as such. Good actor? Or simply well-mannered? Or maybe not as grumpy as he paints himself to be.


    • Small dogs are probably also easier for city centre apartment living. (Although I personally do not think that it would be fair on a social animal like a dog – he is absent for long periods of time when filming. Doesn’t sound like an ideal situation with a dog.)


  5. At 49 I wouldn’t be able to run round a football pitch, my dad walks faster than me? Yeah, right. It’s a revealing interview though. It’s interesting that RA says he avoids chat shows, as I’ve often wondered, like Lolo, why he hasn’t done more and felt annoyed on his part, thinking he hasn’t been invited. He may not enjoy doing them but he can be hugely entertaining and funny. Ab-sol-ute-ly devastating pic too.
    Thanks for the great round-up, especially to you and Asstovian for the Daniel gifs and that trouty kiss. But, oh, to be in Sylvia Hoek’s shoes!
    Quarantine house? I would be in trouble for mixing bubbles.

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    • LOL – some of his self-deprecation comes across as a trawl for compliments. I doubt that he can’t run around a football pitch. He probably trains every day… And boy, I am just remembering his young Francis Dolarhyde antics, doing pull-ups and handstands and such like.
      The trouty kiss 😂

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  6. Interesting interview….I had to have a quiet chuckle of the image of Richard dashing into his flat, jigging up and down, desperate for the loo, crossing and uncrossing his legs, whilst he trys to unpack his suitcase. What a funny piece of info to reveal publicly about yourself!!
    If Richard is a fastidious Mr Neat n’ tidy then if he is considering having a child (or even a little dog for that matter) he’ll need to learn to live with a bit of mess… and clearing up little accidents!
    Do you think he’s back in the UK for a bit or maybe for good even?

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    • Now, that sounds a little more realistic… bouncing on one leg while tidying his clothes back in the wardrobe before finally relieving himself in the bathroom…
      I don’t think he’s back in the UK. From the time stamps of his recent tweets it looks more as if he is in the US. I assume all filming schedules have been interrupted, so maybe he is off until further notice?


  7. Just seen the Daniel Miller shower gifs….Whilst having a good ogle at RA I couldn’t help noticing that the suitcase on the bed appeared to be unpacked…😆

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    • LOL – well, that was just acting, Zigzag… you are confusing DM with RA 😉. RA would have sorted his whites from his coloureds, hung his shirts in his wardrobe, put the pants in the trouser press and put on the first wash before jumping in the shower 😂


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