2020 Armitage Weekly Round-up #43

Hello hello hello…ween over? As promised, here is the round-up, even if a day later.


  1. Moxie-sketches thinks *that* is the best line from TH. What do you think? (I’m including this here for the fierce fan art, though ;-))
  2. Starting off with the first of riepu10’s Halloween fan arts – Astrov (I’m scared)
  3. And following up with Astrovian’s Halloween post. Nice gif
  4. Vampire Francis by riepu10 and vampire Adam and vampire Richard (The Lodge) whom I almost didn’t recognise
  5. Here’s a Halloween edit by richardarmitagefanpage
  6. Hm. Grimweaver on RA in BS. Not quite sure about the first part of the statement
  7. I already saw this latest plushie by sinnaminie over on Twitter, but this is great, you have to see it, too – Astrov, plushiefied. Note the belly button 😂
  8. Screencaps by richardarmitagefanpage from the Red Prod podcast
  9. We don’t mind, shyguypisces. In fact, we join you!
  10. Here’s a comment on Guy that I can get behind and find discussion-worthy. Posted by timeladyjamie
  11. Also this week extensively giffed by riepu10: the podcast. Here’s the hair twirling scene
  12. Astrovian also giffed the podcast, but has also subtitled the gifs
  13. Vampire Raymond by riepu10
  14. Totally including this just as a birthday present to myself – torahana
  15. Astrovian shares their impressions on the filmed version of UV as opposed to the stage play – very interesting!
  16. And Astrovian once again – thoughts on RA sitting through six BBC radio interviews, always having to talk about the same things…

Now, while I have you here, can I ask you a quick question? I was over on Richard’s JustGiving pages earlier today, trying to donate some money. However, each and every of his seven JustGiving pages do not allow me to donate. The donate button is greyed out and not clickable. Is that just me or does it apply to all of you? While trying everything to get rid of the money (…) I also noticed that most of the JustGiving pages have last been active 10 months ago, i.e. last Christmas. No other donations recorded on the public lists there. Question: If you also can’t access the donation button, does that mean that RA has disabled his JustGiving fundraisers? If so, I personally welcome that – because I have always felt that he could make a much bigger difference if he concentrated his fundraising efforts on just ONE charity. The LOROS fundraising site via muchloved is still active – maybe that is where Richard would like to funnel potential donations? Once again, I can only applaud that move. Of course, all of the other charities are worthy causes, and I do not have anything against them per se. I just think that LOROS would be a fantastic beneficiary: a small charity for whom our donations make a much bigger difference than a huge big charity. Also, a cause that RA has a personal connection to and fully approves of. Anyway, just wondering whether it is merely a glitch, or whether Richard has made changes to his JustGiving activities. If the latter, I hope he’ll actually make a short public announcement – no justifications and explanations needed, but just letting his fans know where they may donate in lieu of gifts…

Right, Sunday already half over. Hope you are having a nice day, all!

Love – Sonja ❤️

28 thoughts on “2020 Armitage Weekly Round-up #43

  1. Thank you for this spooky round up. no 4 is really creepy, if I would meet him I would run away sceaming.
    I love RA as Astrov. I have looked forward to the Cinema release, but now- confinement


    • IKR – some of those Halloween edits are really effective.
      It’s really frustrating – to have the cinema release in our grasp, and then for Covid to take it away from us again.


  2. ooooh all the Halloween Richard!

    Have you tried contacting Just Giving and telling them you’re having problems with the buttons. If he or they have disabled them, they should either take them down or post something that there is an issue they’re working on right now…


    • That’s a fair point, but I actually never did. It seems though, as if others have the same experience as I do. The conclusion is that the fundraising has been disabled there. I can understand that they might want to leave the sites public so that donors can still see their contributions to the causes, but an official notice about the inactive donation button would be helpful…

      Liked by 1 person

  3. donate button not working here either, and I think your point about the last donations being 10 months ago is pertinent. It look like he’s maybe deleted the account too?


    • Thanks for checking, Rachel.
      I had actually noticed it when I was looking to donate for his birthday, but since I was going to benefit LOROS, anyway, I did not investigate any further. As for account deletion – well, could be, because the avatar that used to be displayed on the fundraising sites has vanished too…


  4. Donate button not working down here too. I’d say that the conclusion you’ve come to is the logical one, maybe the actual pages are left there as acknowledgement of past donations. Personally I have chosen LOROS over the other charities since the connection was made with his mother.
    Thanks for the roundup!!


    • Thanks for checking, Mezz. And I agree – the pages are public so that people can still see their contributions. And like you I have also felt that my donations might be more effective if I target them at the same charity all the time.


  5. No buttons working for me either. Curiously the Childline ‘Donate’ text is in black, unlike others, but it is still not active. Thanks for the round-up Guylty, lot of lovely vampiric Armitage. The Tumblr RA Goodies cup should go to Astovian this week (and I agree about the number of times he says “You know”!) And happy birthday Sonya! I hope you had/ are having/ will have a wonderful day whenever it is.


    • Thank you for checking the buttons, J. It’s just a bit confusing that there is no explanation for the inactive buttons.
      I had a lovely day, was pampered by the family with cake and dinner, and my beloved husband even let me win at Patience.


  6. Aaawww, vampires are so deliciously sinister!
    10. RH is poorly written, poorly directed, setting are cheap, costumes cheesy, and RA’s efforts have turned the show in Guy’s solo – something like a long, exhausting solo of death metal, for the amateurs only. Writers wasted every single thing RA did for Guy. So we can’t talk about Guy as a person, because his integrity is compromised. Poor Guy


  7. Pingback: It’s Happening – December FundRAiser [Announcement] | Guylty Pleasure

  8. I noticed around his b’day that it was difficult to find his account & charities on JustGiving- can’t remember if I was able to contribute anything or not. I would guess he’s revamping things, possibly with a new set of charities and/or new giving platform. Hope we find out soon.


    • I hope so too – especially as Christmas is coming up, traditionally a time of year when fans like to make donations in lieu of gifts… I’ve just e-mailed JG and hope they will reply.


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