Ready for a Challenge? #ADC

This thing has been sitting in my drafts for a while now. It was coming up to this time of year, and with RA busy on stage every day, I felt that maybe we needed to create a few diversions once the immediate reporting and reviewing of TS and UV would fizzle out. Well, who would’ve…

RA Challenge ♡ #20: Best Fan Fic I Have Ever Read

Another opportunity for alienating my readership. Because there are several very talented people among this select group of people who have written fan fiction. Do I really want to single anyone out? There are at least five works of fan fiction I can think of off the top of my head which I consider truly…

RA Pocket Shrine 135/? – Annual Easter Roundup

Not only did I get the go-ahead from Herba re. posting my contribution to her and die Pö’s monthly community challenge, but something else occurred today which puts me into the proper Easter mood. Totally unexpected, an Easter package arrived at my doorstep. Sender: Hariclea. The first thing that appeared when I opened the envelope,…

RA Pocket Shrine 48/? – Dear John

But which John? There are so many Johns in the Armitage oeuvre… And boy, have I already made lots of John shrines… 1 Mulligan – #14 2 Proctors – #47 and #45 2 Standrings – #4 and #12 3 Porters – #2 and #9 and #19 and 6 and a half Thorntons – #6 and…

RA Pocket Shrine 6/? – John Standring

It took a while. He was overtaken not only by Harry Kennedy, but also by Mr Thornton. But finally word has reached the hallowed halls of RAPS Inc. that the Pocket Shrine – Pastoral Edition has reached its destination in a far-away overseas desert. There he shall rest, to spread love, and joy, and the…