RA Pocket Shrine 15/? – Thorin, King Under the Mountain

Hail the European postal service. With a May Day delay of one day three Europe-destined shrines have arrived at their new homes today. I have had word from Germany and France that three RAPS have been safely received. *phew* Just in time to get one of them out tonight, especially as he has already made an appearance on tumblr, where fire–and–thunder has shown a glimpse of him in his new environment.

This was actually one of those stories that I love. D___, the woman behind fire–and–thunder, got in touch with me to ask was I selling the shrines. We started chatting and we made a deal. I hope she is happy with her RAPS, which is a discreet size again (and therefore was accompanied by a few other crafty RA goodies to make him appear bigger :-D)

Shrines (50 of 52)

You don’t need a key to open *this* shrine, but it’s handy as an indication of its size. Well, that is if you knew how big my key is… But anyway, made for a nice set-up.

Shrines (46 of 52)

Inside, I decided to give Thorin the crown that has so far eluded the Prince under the Mountain. Couldn’t resist attaching it at a jaunty angle, though. However, if that is too cheeky, D___ can take the crown off or set it straight. It’s removable.

Shrines (47 of 52)

Depending on your angle of view, the pointy finger from the Hobbit map will either indicate the majestic Durin proboscis, or the ovary-busting killer beard. And I decided to continue the handsome king into the bottom part, too minus bottom, unfortunately. For a bit of TH reference I included one of the catchphrases of the majestic king.

Shrines (49 of 52)

There he is, illuminated by candle-light. It seems a bit harsh to put so majestic a king into so small a box. But hey, it could have been worse. This is not the smallest size tin I have used so far… But as I pointed out to D___, the smaller, the fiddlier – there’s no less work in this one as in the bigger ones I made for hot-elf and for Tree. For another version of the Thorin RAPS click here.

What would you like to see next? A Guy or a RL guy???


24 thoughts on “RA Pocket Shrine 15/? – Thorin, King Under the Mountain

  1. The crown! Oh my 😀 He looks as if he’s daring anyone to question the angle 😉 Love the point finger too (definitely going for the nose, IMHO)

    Next one? Hmm, tricky. Guy is always so tempting but I’m really interested to see how you’ve dealt with RL RA!


    • You got me, Helen. The finger was meant to point to the nose. Cos I really like the nose. Big, bent and majestic – part of the whole package. Always worth pointing out. Not sorry.
      I knew you were gonna go for RL RA *ggg*. I am slightly uneasy about that, but heck, I made it, I might as well show it (eventually). 😀


  2. Beautiful job, loved the jaunty crown. The perfect touch for a mini monarch. (Only mini in the confines of a shrine, never out in the world, where he rivals the Statue of LIberty in stature).


    • He is so missing a crown. Haven’t even seen manips with a crowned Thorin. Come on, people, head canon rules :-D. And yes, he is a giant in a dwarf-sized body.


  3. What a lovely shrine once again! Sometimes small is beautiful. (: The details are great and that crown is just perfection. I have to say I really like these photographs. The setting is simple yet beautiful and fitting. At first glance I thought there was a real pelt. : D


    • oooh, thanks Quutamo – you must know that the photography is part of the project for me. Truth is – I have been thinking of how I could use this pastime as an art project in its own right. I may have to put a photographic spin on it in order for it to stand up outside of the fandom. Not sure if I will take it anywhere, but the thought is there, and what I am doing now may lead to something else…


  4. GOD SAVE THE KING !!! Fantastic. The key is very interesting because it really seems to have been made by the dwarves. Where did you find it ???


    • Oh, the key is just a cheap reproduction I bought on Amazon. It is only two-dimensional, really. I took a leaf out of Agzy’s book and turned it into a brooch.


  5. Thorin is great as always, and you´ve done a great job…As I use a big messenger bag I could put all your great RAPS into it,. but you´re spreading the love all around the fandom, so we can share and enjoy tegether…


    • The possibilities are endless :-D. Maybe someone else who is good at sewing could invent the RAPS Messenger Bag 😉 – you know, a nice handbag with lots of pockets, zippered or buttoned, to keep different shrines of different dimensions in. And otherwise the shrines are here.
      Just thinking: Maybe I should add a gallery page to my blog that is purely devoted to the RAPS. A picture each, a bit like the Guylty *ooof*lets… Would be fun to see them in chronological order without clicking around.


  6. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 19/? – John Porter “Why?” | GUYLTY PLEASURE

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