RA Pocket Shrine 48/? – Dear John

But which John? There are so many Johns in the Armitage oeuvre… And boy, have I already made lots of John shrines…

1 Mulligan – #14

2 Proctors – #47 and #45

2 Standrings – #4 and #12

3 Porters – #2 and #9 and #19

and 6 and a half Thorntons – #6 and #7 and #17 and #32 and #35 and #40 and #41

Well, when I tell you who commissioned “Dear John” you will know which of those five chaRActers was recently enshrined again. My lovely partner-in-shrine was Mrsjohnstandring. She sent me a fabulous package moooooonths ago (apologies, missus, your patience is admirable!) and I had the pleasure of meeting her in London in September. To make up for my delay I threw the RAPSpro in for her, too – she is the theologian who is testing the capabilities of a RAPSpro in the wild. Part of her package for me contained this darling little tin:

RAPS (6 of 10)Totally made for a Standring RAPS, don’t you think? (Or, if it was a RAPSpro edition, for a feisty farmer-ess…) Anyway, Missus wanted her lovely shepherd enshrined, so here he is in his usual habitat:

RAPS (1 of 10)

(The little glass sheep is courtesy of shrine fairy Helen. Soo cute.) Admittedly, John scrubs up rather well once he has been given a tidy, short haircut. And that crinkly forehead is just the sort of thing you want to touch with your … fingertips.

RAPS (2 of 10)A bit hard to see, but the scroll under the heart reads “I’m in love with (Mrs) John Standring” – kind of a compromise, depending on whether you want to see the message coming from Johnnie himself or from the shrine owner…

RAPS (3 of 10)

The pictures never really tell the scale of the tins – this one is quite small, too (4 x 6 cm). Perfect for carrying in your farming overall.

So that is 3 Standrings now. Or 16 Johns. There are at least three more Johns coming up in the future cue frantic shrining in the background. I’m not telling which ones, though 😉 And here is a little teaser – I have recently had my 200th post milestone on this blog. Which I totally forgot. Add to that the fact that I am heading for a significant milestone when it comes to the number of shrines I have made. Hint hint… stay tuned for an upcoming surprise in time for Christmas to celebrate my various zeros…

PS: Heading off on a romantic weekend break in a plush hotel with Mr Guylty tomorrow afternoon. I might be offline and unable to reply to any comments on the Weekly Round-up.

72 thoughts on “RA Pocket Shrine 48/? – Dear John

  1. Oh Gott – als Schäfer, warum fällt mir da direkt Glenkill ein? You´re right – Perfect for the farming overall. Hatte RA ernsthaft mal so dxxxx Bäckchen? Und dieser Blumenkranz ums Haupte!!! Sieht das Schaf jetzt schmachtend zum Blütenkranze oder zur Glitzerkugel? Dauergrinsen angesagt 😉
    Glückwünsche zum 200 Blog! Mindestens 200 Mal hast Du ganz viele Menschen/Frauen zum Lachen gebracht!


  2. Have a great trip and pamper yourself and Mr. Guylty with plenty of room service. Loved the shrine with the little lamb. Mrs. Standring is a lucky lady indeed. I never knew farm implements could be so sexy.


    • Mr Guylty unfortunately doesn’t do room service 😦 – he has to be out and about all the time… But it’ll be fine. Fingers crossed that the weather will be ok-ish. The weather forecasts predicts dry weather with sunny spells *yay*.
      Little lamb – so sweet, isn’t it. Just as Mr Standring.


    • Those sheep are to-die-for cute. And like Hedgehogess commented earlier – there is a certain similarity to Shaun the sheep (Wallace and Gromit). Have you ever sold the sheep in your shop? I would have thought that they attract a lot of attention!!!


  3. Hihi, Igelita hat recht:.das ist ein Shaun-das-Schaf-Shrine 🙂 Putzig, wirklich. Zum Glück guckt er nicht belämmert, der Mr. St.. Das wird ja grössentechnisch immer bonsaimässiger. Was für eine Frickelei. Demnächst perfektioniertst du das noch und arbeitest auf Briefmarkengrösse. Dann von mir auch mal ein schönes plüschiges WE. Und natürlich bleibt du gefälligst offline! Apropos, ich kann jetzt auch Viber 😀


  4. Bon week-end avec Mr Guylty. Enjoy. I don’t know very much about John Standring. It’s not one of my favourite “John” but the RAPS including the sheep are just perfect. Ciao Ciao.


    • Merci bien. We’ll do our very best 😉
      John Standring is a bit of an acquired taste, I think. First sight is always a shock – but he has grown on me, too, because he is so sweet, so shy, so loyal and loving. Like a sheep? *giggles*

      Liked by 1 person

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