Armitage Weekly Round-up – tumblr edition #45

So, a weekend without a tumblr round-up felt like you were missing something? I am sorry, folks, RL caught up with me. I don’t miss my duties lightly, I can assure you. It breaks my heart because my German sense of order is all disturbed now – with the number of the week not corresponding to the number of the round-up *bigsadface* But well, as you all know now, I was prepping for my trip to London… But good news is: I am not missing this week.

BOFA round-up 45

  1. Cartoon Richard, fresh from the latest premiere, thanks to planet715 – so cute, it hurts
  2. I confess I haven’t caught up on all the interviews. I am relying on richardarmitagequotes for the best bits
  3. The story of the dwarves’ ring – a quote posted by mrsjohnstandring
  4. tumblr excels at putting all photos into sets. Here is one made by jollytr that has the Crucibleonscreen images
  5. This post started out with a funny pic by wewillburntogether, but jollytr’s response is great, too – linked to my own tumblr for convenience
  6. Dear Christ. Well, almost. The hair is right, anyway. Fabulous Thorin photo by mirielofgisborne
  7. Totally out of context, but I laughed out loud at this quote via elenevoronwien. Yeah, right!
  8. Seems I am not the only one who has a thing for black backgrounds. Check out this manip by ciaomaschio. Yum-mie!!!!
  9. I love it when Richard is cheeky. This little gif set by stevemcqueened makes me smile
  10. And another one by stevemcqueened. Great grimacing, Master Armitage!
  11. jollytr has updated her 2014 video audio links master list. Great service, thanks!
  12. Another instance of Richard stealing clothes from a set? And keeping them for years? richrichrichs2 has the evidence
  13. Riepu10 may be on to a similar thing. Conspiracy theory, anyone?
  14. Need a calendar for December 2014? r-armitage-characters-home has one for each major character!
  15. My tumblr buddy yungarnet was at the French premiere – with a VIP ticket *cheers*. She wroote up the whole day for you here
  16. And look at the souvenir she snagged at the premiere #jealous
  17. lilith-in-angband was at the Paris premiere, too. Her clip shows how quickly things work on the red carpet. Assembly line, anyone?
  18. LOL mrsjohnstandring has a knack of focussing on the essentials. NSFW!
  19. Well, avenge-mer-lock, send her to Me and my readers will set her straight!
  20. If there were a caption contest, this would win. x sherwitched
  21. Possibly controversial. But it made me laugh. Made by liiitza
  22. O-M-G! I was absolutely mesmerized watching this. Kejinart (ohminastirth on WP, if I am correct?) condenses 3 hours of digital drawing into a 12 minute clip. I watched from start to finish. Fascinating to see how this is done! And it’s part of a fan initiative. Please click and love

Hope this isn’t too much overload for you. Myself, I am currently on a strict Hobbit diet. That is – I limit my intake of Hobbit related material. I still haven’t watched the junket videos, I haven’t read the new articles – and *shock* *gasp* I haven’t even drooled over looked at the new pictures. It’s all a bit much for this old girl. Somehow the barrage of news/clips/photos overwhelms me. At long last – I have become an old fart. Or maybe it’s just the time of year and my systems have gone into hibernation mode. Could also be a side-effect of standing in the cold for 8.5 hrs last Monday. My brain is frozen. Wait, there is a way of dealing with that… There, that’s better.

Happy Saturday, m’dears!

❤ Guylty

48 thoughts on “Armitage Weekly Round-up – tumblr edition #45

      • Ja, da hast du dir was aufgeladen!
        Vorbei die Zeiten, wo du den Samstagmorgen genießen konntest.
        Nix da mit home, sweet home …
        Nix mit einem gemütlichen Tee, während du Mr. Guylty zuhörst, dessen DIY-Aktivitäten (dem Klang nach zu urteilen) offenbar mit dem Einreißen der Hauswand enden sollen …
        Nix mehr mit andächtigem Lauschen auf zarte Kinderstimmen, während der Nachwuchs sich gegenseitig massakriert …

        Hach ja, die gute alte Zeit …



  1. Endlich wiedef business as usual!
    Ich unterstütze übringens deine “die weisse Wand muss weg” -Kampagne. Was für ein geiler Effekt in schwarz! Jetzt schiesst er mich mit seinem Blick erst richtig ab 🙂
    Bei diesem Sockenzusammenschnitt habe ich fast einen Satz auf meinem Stuhl gemacht. Da denkt man sich nichts beim Runterscrollen und dann…… weisse Socken 😎
    So, ich zünde mir jetzt auch ein Kerzlein an. Vielleicht kommt der Guy dann auch zu mir 🙂
    Sonst müssen halt wieder meine homoerotischen, äh- homöopathischen Naturprodukte das Delirium lindern 🙂


  2. Ahghghghgh thank you so much for mentioning my video! And thank you for watching it, that was long and you are brave. 😀
    I still have to read your last articles on the premiere, but I bet you had a great time. I hope, at least. 🙂


  3. Very interesting round-up Guylty. I needed it because I had to go again in hospital for my knee. I laughed so much with n0 5 : this is me/us absolutely !!! And N° 8 : in my next life I want to be a ring !!! LOL.


  4. Phew, everything feels frantic at the moment but guess what,. this just slowed things back down to a nice normal pace 🙂 It may be Thursday when i got to it but i enjoyed it very much 🙂

    Is that a naked cat hoarding coins? shudders… eeevil! Nice Thorin photo that one though i feel overwhelmed and i haven’t even seen it yet, i think i realised for myself that i enjoy a film more when i don’t have anything during the waiting period, fantasy works better i think 🙂
    Love the way PJ looks at him in that photo from the French interview!
    That cardi is for using in the winter in front of yer telly Mr A, not in public :-p
    Snort at the socks 😀 but those sheets are horrendous!!!! i just couldn’t! 😀
    That drawing is awsome!
    Finally, i love what he said about Proctor/Crucible and when he became an actor (whispers – maybe when the Botfa craziness dies down a bit we can go back and talk about Proctor again?)
    Thanks very much as always, i love these!


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