2015 Armitage Weekly Round-Up – tumblr edition #25

How are you getting along with the whole aspect of live experiencing an Armitage project? Well, it’s not entirely live, of course. We are still divided by when we actually get to see the latest episodes of Hannibal, with Canada first, the US following after and the UK bringing up the rear and many international fans watching somewhere in between. For me, it is the first time in this fandom that I get to discover a piece of Armitage’s TV work along with my fellow fans like this. It’s different to the movie premieres, or the live theatre work we were treated to last year. With different release dates of movies depending on territory, there was never a coherent live experience of the Hobbit films (or ITS), and with The Crucible drawn out over three months, we all saw Armitage’s terrific stage work at different times. But with Hannibal we get to see his turn as FD mostly within a matter of a few days, and reviews and commentary on Armitage’s latest work is posted timely and within a matter of days.

It feels very concentrated, and almost against my will, I find myself drawn into the world of Hannibal, on tumblr, on Twitter, on blogs. It’s exciting and invigorating, because we are looking at the same thing (almost) at the same time. We’re on the same page and we know exactly what we are all talking about. I am really enjoying this, I must say, and it makes me wish that Armitage did more serialized TV work – the pleasure drawn out longer, something new every week, discussions that last longer than a day.

Alas, we are already on the fourth of the Red Dragon episodes, and I with this week’s instalment we are already set for the final climax and denouément. Good thing that tumblr will keep Dolly going for ever and ever… 😉 Here’s this week’s tumblr round-up:

  1. Red Dragon round-up 25Clematis70 caters for hand fetishists: Francis Dolarhyde and hands. Nice!
  2. Already a few weeks old, but this gif set by dwarfydowner on Thorin couture too nice to exclude it
  3. Great Dolarhyde fan art by kaitlinmarieart
  4. Awwwww – cutie pie!!!! Literally. Comic interpretation of the Red Dragon by pinksnowdevil
  5. Black and red – my favourite colours. Combined with stark editing choices, these manips by hustonjack are totally up my aesthetic street
  6. And now for something completely different: What a Guy Wants, snarky as ever. By nfcomics
  7. Fuckyeahjohnlockfluff has compiled part 2 of episode 3×10 review links. Links to other review round-ups within this post
  8. In case you are thinking of live tweeting with the Hannibal crew tonight, here is info on this week’s hashtag
  9. Two and a half years ago Richard said something about playing a dragon… and now it has come true… applefia2036 put the evidence in a photo set
  10. Mezzmerizedbyrichard has giffed the memorable scene when John Porter walks into the Brooklyn Museum. Eh. Francis Dolarhyde…
  11. *aaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrgh* *dead* the swallowing in the first of these two gifs of Dolly, close-up. Thank you richardrmitage
  12. It’s *always* Richard Armitage time… manip by ladymofgisborne
  13. See how closely Fuller et al. modelled their visuals on Blake’s paintings. Set by mymadnesswon
  14. The fantasy Red Dragon from the scene where Dolarhyde chats with Hannibal as a gif. And all I can think is “Is that really a pixel on the dragon’s Bermuda Triangle”??? Giffed by yunafire
  15. Cute Tooth Fairy doodles by farfalla-90
  16. Watercolour caricature of Dolarhyde talking to Hannibal by kellystarspangled

And here are the first posts based on Hannibal 3×11. SPOILERS! Note – The following links contain gifs, pics and fan art that is based on previously unseen material from ep 11. Don’t click if you don’t want to be spoilt!

  1. Red Dragon fear, giffed by clematis70
  2. Gifset from the Canadian teaser ad for Hannibal 3×11 “And the Beast from the Sea”, by beaufortplace
  3. richardarmitagebr put the 6 official stills from 3×10 into a set
  4. Say what you will about the fantasy elements in Hannibal, but the visuals of Dolarhyde becoming the dragon are amazing. Gifs by cheeseboytyrell (bonus: one peach!)

And without spoilers let me just say that ep 3×11 is absolutely splendid, too – and much more of an emotional rollercoaster than 3×10. Whoa. What a ride. This is proper thriller territory. And thriller terror.

Enjoy your weekend! I have some full-on Armitaging in front of me as Hariclea is here for the weekend. If you don’t hear back from us, you’ll know that we have over-dosed…

spontaneously combusted

Guylty ❤

38 thoughts on “2015 Armitage Weekly Round-Up – tumblr edition #25

  1. Danke fürs Zusamenstellen. 🙂

    Großes Geschwafel erspare ich uns allen.

    Viel wichtiger ist: Habt Spaß beim Richarding, Guylty und Hari! 😀


  2. Ich glaube fast auch, da ist was verpixelt, jedenfalls wenn ich nur lang genug starre. 😉
    Aber auf dem Ganzkörperfoto ist er ja Neutrum. Was gäbe es da also zu verstecken. Oder ist das wieder nur so eine fiese Teaserei für uns?


    • Ach, das ist diese alberne amerikanische Prüderie. So ein Unsinn, da war ja nichts, aber auch gar nichts zu sehen. Im Grunde wird durch die Pixelage da noch viel mehr Aufmerksamkeit drauf gelenkt als ohne…


      • Actually, I took a strong ibuprofen, took a HOOOOOT shower and did some writing (Gary is currently going up and Roland is probably half done with his last installment!) and watched some Richard-style comedy (VoD) while knitting. I finally got some 13MM long circulars, so that jacket I’m working on now is moving along rather quickly and is finally looking ‘webby’…


          • Gary is up at DF and at Ao3. With required puppy cuteness. I expect him to go up at RASF sometime midweek. I’m heading off for shopping in a few. And then some minor cleaning in this itty bitty room and then my feet are going up. That’s the bad thing living the way I am. I can’t cook and I’m eating too much fast food at night. My sodium levels are sky-high and it shows in my feet. If my feet are propped up, I might as well WATCH something and knit!

            Liked by 2 people

    • I’m telling you, it’s almost like my preferred way of dying… Hari and I had a lovely RA-related weekend, but we actually also had plenty of non-RA talking (whenever there were “outsiders” around ;-)) We watched Strike Back last night, and exchanged a few sentimental Crucible memories over coffee in Cafe Nero today. Aw… lovely. Live fangirling is just such fun!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I had sort of done this (illegally) during the broadcast of Spooks 9 and it was a serious rush! I’d forgotten how much of one until this reappeared. In particular, I love how much more of him I get in a TV show — more to watch, more to think about artistically.

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s exactly it – there is so much to see, plus, there seem to be a lot of still, behind-the-scenes and promo interviews done in conjunction, so it’s really rich pickings. The communcal discussion and enjoyment is another great argument in favour of more TV work…


  4. i should so be in bed! but sort of pottered about not really wanting the weekend to end 🙂 Going to save these treats for tomorrow evening to take me over the Monday, yuk! I’ll have to keep my head down and do some serious work tomorrow at least half of the day with no distraction but then hopefully i’ll share some Richarding thoughts with the universe, and no not on H yet 🙂 That can wait until it gets on this side of the ocean 🙂
    Thanks for the collection and for the lovely new insights and trips down memory lane 🙂 One should not neglect old treasures because of the new! 🙂


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