Season’s Greetings, 2016

Before I set off tomorrow and head home to the Fazerland for Christmas, I need to tidy up my blog. There are a few pocket-y exploits I need to show off to you before the new year begins, and since I am still in bed, nursing my cold in an attempt to be back on my feet for my flight tomorrow, this is the perfect entertainment for Guylty.

First of all I’d like to say thank you for all the Christmas cards and messages that have already reached me here at Casa Guylty. It has been lovely to receive traditional, snail mail greetings, and I am displaying them all on my kitchen window sill. It has been another wonderful year for me here in the fandom. You have continued to shower me with your attention and support, you have sent me gifts and tins and sparkles, and it has been a pleasure to communicate with you on the blog, via e-mail, on Twitter or in actual RL in Leeds. Thank you!

In lieu of a Christmas card to each and everyone of you, I am sending you this post as the “official season’s greetings” ;-), mirroring last year’s post. Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, but the very next day… oops, no, wrong medium the RAMBO, a “Rich-in-the-box” Christmas ornament. This year, I developed the RAXS, the prototype I made for Glady. And then I went on and made a few more, just for the fun of it… Hope they’ll make you smile and relieve the inevitable pre-Christmas stress. Sit back and enjoy.

RA Xmas globes

Some eagle-eyed readers had already spotted Thorin in the bauble group shot. His silhouette is unmistakable. He’s got a very special Christmas tree topper…

RA Thorin globe

I don’t know about you, but even in my advanced years, I can’t wait to unwrap my presents…

RA unwrap globe

Well, I mean, just imagine, if *that* was what was waiting for you under the Christmas tree…

RA wish globe

(Sorry, blurry picture – the heart says “All I want for Xmas is…”)

And lastly, with a name like that, it had to be done. Not sorry.

RA North globe

So, merry Christmas to all – have a lovely festive holiday, some family time, some rest, and some peace.


48 thoughts on “Season’s Greetings, 2016

  1. “North Pole” LOL. And my 9-year-old wanted to know why I was laughing. Well I told him only half the truth *evil grin* Thanks for your wonderful ideas and all the laughs in the past year. Save journey and Frohe Weihnachten!


    • The truth is – the North pole is where Santa lives, and that’s why there was a sign post in the bauble *grins*. I have no idea what you were laughing about…
      Happy Christmas xx


  2. Was für eine wunderschöne und sehr individuelle Weihnachtsbaumdekoration 🙂
    Ich wünsche Euch eine gute Reise und ein schönes Fest mit der Familie! Genießt den norddeutschen Weihnachtsmarkt mit all den Leckereien 🙂 Ganz liebe Grüße ❤


    • Das mit dem Weihnachtsmarkt fällt aus wegen is nich – wage mich wegen der Erkältung jetzt nicht mehr raus. Aber Weihnachten wird trotzdem schön.
      Frohe Weihnachten!!!


  3. North Pole – LOL! 😀

    Gute Reise für dich, und setz vorher die Erkältung in einen Flieger nach Irgendwo-Ganz-Weit-Weg. Angeblich ist das DAS angesagte Reiseziel um diese Jahreszeit, und wir gönnen doch deiner Erkältung nur das Allerbeste, oder?

    Schöne Feiertage und eine stressfreie Zeit. 🙂


    • Ich sag dir, wäre meine Erkältung mal woanders hingeflogen. Aber so hatte ich sie am Hals und der Flug war ein einziger Horror. Als ich in Bremen ankam, konnte ich mich kaum noch auf den Beinen halten und bin zu Hause sofort ins Bett gefallen, während meine Mutter noch Essen gegangen ist. Inzwischen bin ich wieder einigermaßen hergestellt.


  4. Thanks for sharing these pictures. The RAXS’s are fantastic and really gave me a boost! Wishing you safe travels and a wonderful time with family. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in 2016!! 🙂


    • Thank you Teuchter – arrived safely – and then had to spend two days in bed. But now getting better in time for Christmas.
      Looking forward to another year in the fandom with you, too. Happy holidays, xx


  5. Thank you for your efforts this year in bringing us so much RA for our viewing pleasure. It’s been very much appreciated. Love, love, love your Christmas baubles. If I had my way (and I had your talent), my tree would be filled with them. Have a merry and safe Christmas and New Year


    • Hi Cecilia, thank you for commenting and reading – glad if you like the baubles, just another fun little thing. let’s see what next year brings, creatively and otherwise. Happy Christmas, xx


  6. Your RAXS’s are lovely! Have a wonderful festive season with your family and safe travels. I look forward to more fun and friendship here in 2016.

    (PS did you get the photo I sent of Mulubinba and me?)


    • Thank you Mezz and happy Christmas to you, too.
      (was unfortunately completely out of the loop for a few days due to illness, so will have to catch up with my mailbox now)


  7. A very merry Christmas to you and your family Guylty. Thanks for all the fun and smiles and pics and RAPS this year. Have a lovely holiday, happy travels xx.
    Oh and North Pole…..cheeky girl you are ;o) LOL!


  8. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 108/? – Frolicking in the Snow | Guylty Pleasure

  9. Pingback: The Twelve Days of Christmas – Day 11 [Raffle] | Guylty Pleasure

  10. Pingback: Day 5 of 12 Days of Christmas | Guylty Pleasure

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