And Now For Some Light Entertainment…

Do you remember the good old days of AD 2014 when the last part of Peter Jackson’s epic trilogy “The Majestic King” (better known by the wider public under the misleading misnomer TH) was still before us and we amused ourselves in the run-up to the final premiere with some creative rhyming? Not that the “Summer of Love” was a lull – far from it. Daily updates of the latest trends in men’s fashion were transmitted from the SD of the Old Vic, and RA’s cleansing performance as John “Shirtless” Proctor (he does wash his armpits, you know) seemed to inspire a whole slurry-pit of creativity.

So let’s return to the old Fans Wax Lyrical series for a moment while I present you with the latest poetic outpouring, caught in the comment thread to Servetus’ refreshing appeal “Time to ogle the Armitage“. Since not everyone bothers with all the comments, I present you with a gem of rare beauty, courtesy of Ms Kathy Jones, poetess extraordinaire.


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A snooze later, and Kathy has taken up the gauntlet thrown by moi in the comments, and added another ode to her oeuvre, prompted by my choice of a fantastic picture by Heathra:


And this, in turn, has prompted further poetically inclined readers to add their rhyming prowess to the talent pool. Look at Teuchter, eulogising the beard:

RA Crucible poster

And to top it all of, CraMERRY leaves her native language behind and expresses her woes of fangirling in rhyming form:

RA fan girling ode

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Edit N° 2, 21/01/2015, 10:49pm: The fun has continued all afternoon, and five further lyrical expressions of general Armitage admiration have been submitted. I present to you…

Part 3 of Kathy’s ode oeuvre – she’s getting closer and closer. And she’s changed perspective:

Lucas Norths Zipper

Next up is Glady who is not ogling *him*, no, she’s merely ogling a poster. Or so she tells herself…

Crucible Poster Ode

Our quilting queen Jholland has also a strong reputation as a limerick-slinging lyricist. She points out, that there is more to sing praises of than just the bod…

Untitled Ode

Nellindreams grabs the chance – in lieu of grabbing other things…

The Star

And finally, (for now?) JennyS puts music back into the ode. Now which melody goes with this:


If this continues, we will have a whole poetry anthology on our hands, soon! Just imagine – a book load of lyrical praise. I bet there aren’t that many actors whose praises have been sung in rhyme (and without reason)…

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Edit N° 3, 22/01/2015, 4:31pm: And yet another update. 😀 No complaints here from my side – I love it, and judging by the response on Twitter, I am not alone in liking it…

Here’s another ode by Glady – to RA taking selfies

RA selfie

This is fun, ladies. Keep ’em coming!

And as someone once famously said: “Ogle and let ogle.

Remember: INHIARE HUMANUM EST*. Maybe we should engrave that on the Armitage Army coat of hairy arms.




*To ogle is to be human.


101 thoughts on “And Now For Some Light Entertainment…

    • *giggles* I should’ve put a disclaimer in the title, or some sort of warning. “This post might cause you to pee in your pants. The blog owner does not accept any responsibility for ruined lingerie. Your statutory rights are not affected.”


  1. You girls are absolutely killing me here. My sides are sore from laughing so hard!! 😀
    My “poetry” is very tame in comparison and I wrote it years ago when we saw his “Hobbit” beard. Forgive me if I share it again but I loved his “Crucible” beard too. Apologies to Robert Burns of course, especially as his birthday will be celebrated on January 25th!! 😦

    Ode to a Beard,
    See yon brown beard that grows so fine,
    Could we but with our hands entwine
    Those silken strands.
    Alas for us ’tis but a dream,
    There’s lands and oceans in between,
    But hope still stands!

    Ogle on ladies, ogle on!!!

    Liked by 5 people

  2. I don’t know how I can explain,
    but when I see him I feel pain.
    The legs, the arms, the bum, the chest,
    I can’t decide, what is the best.
    The eyes, the nose, the lips, the hair,
    All in one man this is NOT fair.
    Even his neck is worth a drool,
    Sometimes I’m feeling like a fool.
    But this is what we’re fangirls for,
    it’s only fun and nothing more! 😀

    Liked by 7 people

  3. I am overwhelmed by the artistic effect of ogling 🙂 My first attempt – and the only one so far- with some poetic flavor is the fanvid I made for my first Christmas in the fandom. There was a discussion if he will send a Christmas message or not and I was very happy because it was the first message for “me”, so I made this vid
    Now you challenged me with this post, so here’s my contribution inspired be The Crucible poster, the one I use for my “altars” 🙂

    Ode to a Poster

    The picture’s there, as it should be,
    I look at him, he doesn’t look at me.
    What are you? my mind is crying,
    you’re nothing to me, yet everything you are,
    a temptation, that I couldn’t resist so far.
    My finger follows the line of your lips,
    I touch your hair and I touch your face,
    the glass is cold, yet what I feel
    is the warmth of your skin.
    I cannot run away, and even if I do
    I come back always to ogle you.

    Liked by 6 people

  4. May as well throw my hat in the ring =)
    Of odes to Himself, the oft-ogled King!
    His torso, his pecs
    His beard and his neck
    Plus his bum… these praises we sing.

    For each of these hallmarks we gladly rejoice
    Our ovaries, of course, have simply no choice!
    Now may I draw attention
    For it deserves at least one mention
    That alluringly deep and ear-tingling voice!?

    Liked by 6 people

  5. Here is one more. It demanded to be included with all its friends.
    Ode to Zippers.
    My hands clench, my fingers itch.
    I find myself so close to Rich.
    My smile is dreamy,
    He does not see me,
    Towards him I slowly inch.
    Oh what precious treasures lie,
    Beneath the zippers that I spy.
    Do I dare to risk a pinch?
    Just a touch, nothing much,
    My thoughts are full of purity.
    As I draw near, about to clutch,
    I am foiled, here comes security.

    Liked by 7 people

  6. May I join the poetry slam? You’re all so inspiring!!!

    “If ogling be my only chance
    I’ll have it straight,
    no circumstance!

    That man deserves the highest praise!
    There’s no one better
    in this place!

    Thus I shall study from afar
    each single move
    of our star…”

    Fangirl mode off, leaving this attempt right here… Not daring to look at it a second time…

    Liked by 6 people

  7. All these are inspired. Great stuff, so many talented ladies!

    And now I bring you a little musical interlude:

    Six foot two, eyes of blue
    Those lashes make us fangirls coo
    Has anybody seen our guy?

    Distinguished nose, casual clothes
    Year by year his magic grows
    Has anybody seen our guy?

    If you run into six foot two
    In Leeds or Berlin
    On the Underground in London town,
    You never know, it could be him

    Do we drool? You bet we do
    We defy you not to, too
    Has anybody seen our guy?

    Liked by 6 people

  8. Since I feel inspired, here’s another try:

    Ode to RA taking Selfies

    A moment, a click, it’s nothing for you,
    we’ll share it on Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook, too.
    You can post it on Weibo, we really don’t care,
    as long as you give us a picture to stare.
    We’ll analyze the context, the background, your smile,
    your beard, your hair and the light in your eye.
    A moment, a click, it’s fun most of all,
    So, Rich, press that button as a gift for us. LOL!

    Liked by 4 people

  9. Pingback: Armitage Weekly Tumblr Round-up – 2016/4 | Guylty Pleasure

  10. how lovely this all!!! such great inspiration and outpouring of fun and creativity 🙂 sorry to be late but it;s not an underestimation to say i was up to my armpits in inspirational material too! 😀 reduces somewhat the fun when you squeeze them and brighten them and hassle the printer but the hours i’ve spend eyes deep in his photo… mmmmmm…. 🙂 choosing is hardship! on that note i need an ode to his lips!!!
    If there are no takers i might just have to rack my brains myself 😉


    • Well, that sounds great, actually. I really look forward to seeing what this round of the swap will throw up. I ffinished my piece on Saturday, so now I only need to get it ready for send off.


      • oh, better not get too excited! 😉 i’m better at some stuff that i thought i would be but under current time constraints i should have started in December so i could redo some stuff, I just learned not all glue is the same! Mine needs at least 4-5 more evenings and i’ll be out Wed, Thur, Fri and Sunday! 😱 But i am still enjoying it despite the trials and errors.. i just may never do another one LOL But i now totally get how crafting enhances the imagination and even admiration for the subject


  11. Pingback: Good-Bye, 2016 | Guylty Pleasure

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