2022 Armitage Weekly Round-up #20

Good morning all! Will I have time to cobble together a round-up in half an hour? I am heading out at noon for a fan meeting!!! Well, a super-small fan meet between myself and Nokisuu who is currently on business in Ireland. We are meeting around the corner from me at the Museum of Literature…

Impromptu Charity Craft Sale for Ukraine

Maybe you have already guessed what I was gearing up to, with two shrines in quick succession… Well, the post title says it all: With the horrible war and the successive refugee crisis going on in Ukraine, I wondered how I could help (beyond my own donation a couple of weeks ago). The obvious answer…

2021 Armitage Weekly Round-up #1

The first round-up of the year is finally happening. Apologies for missing one last week – I was still in holiday mode and stayed away from the blog for a bit. But now it is time to see what has piled up since last year… Time for a clean slate new header: So, did anyone…

2020 Armitage Weekly Round-up #32

Goodness! With all that excitement going on, I almost forgot the weekly round-up. And meh, I just noticed that Richard has already tweeted his birthday thanks. Um – fairly early in the day. Thank you for all the birthday wishes, the donations, the fundraising, the auctions and gifts. I feel very special. XRA pic.twitter.com/Wvva9JL8lZ —…

2020 Armitage Weekly Round-up #16

Before we get to the round-up, I have to rescue a Kathy Ode from the comments. Did you see this? I think that is another one of Kathy’s gems that looks straight into the heart of the fangirl 😉. Sorry, what did you say???? Right, let’s go to the round-up. It needed a new header.…

Misheard Movie Quotes

My friend Abby posted a tweet the other day about the lockdown stage where you are in “spouse chews loudly” phase. Touché. Although the lockdown phases in my house also manifest in other ways. Imagine my surprise this morning, for instance, when Mr Guylty suddenly and without any prior introduction starts suggesting things I could…

RA Pocket Shrine 180/? – Fast Food

For all my Big Mama Bear histrionics, I am sometimes a right booby. The number of cells active in my brain seems to develop inversely proportional to the number of years I am clocking up in life. Sometimes I wonder whether I am actually suffering from early on-set Alzheimer. But then I remember that I…

2018 Armitage Weekly Round-up #16

We are in week 20 of the year, and this is the 16th round-up on my blog. I’ve missed a few instalments, and I am annoyed with myself. After last year’s Christmas blog tsunami (aka the 12 days of raffle fun), I had decided to ramp up the frequency and blog a bit more. At…