2022 Armitage Weekly Round-up #20

Good morning all! Will I have time to cobble together a round-up in half an hour? I am heading out at noon for a fan meeting!!! Well, a super-small fan meet between myself and Nokisuu who is currently on business in Ireland. We are meeting around the corner from me at the Museum of Literature Ireland, so it’s only a 5 minute walk for me. Nevertheless, I better get started with the round-up pronto.


  1. First things first: lathalea and fizzyxcustard are starting the “Armitage Summer Splash” – an initiative to beat the silly season. Every day throughout the month of June, they are planning to post prompts to get participants to react with a piece of writing. Doesn’t have to be long, can take any form – it’s just for the fun of all! rebloggers and commenters welcome, too!
  2. Playing with Fire by middleearthpixie goes to chapter 30
  3. For those who didn’t see it on Twitter, richardarmitagefanpage has reposted Arturo Perez-Reverte’s complimentary tweet and Richard’s reply
  4. For Besotted here on my blog, mezzmerizedbyrichard has combined Father Quart’s push-ups and Francis Dolarhyde’s pull-ups
  5. Riepu10 has giffed us some Dr Astrov, poring over maps
  6. Not new, but hey, we take some shirtless pics any time… Pic set by thestarringrole
  7. Chapter 15 of fizzyxcustard’s Lucas North fan fic Covert Eyes
  8. A propos shirtless – Never not reblog *that* scene in TC, giffed by riepu10
  9. Some edits of Richard’s photos by olya-dwarf
  10. LOL on nfcomics’ latest What a Guy Wants
  11. And because this made me snort – for the choice of photo – this other What a Guy Wants by nfcomics
  12. A nice Thorin edit by oreliel-from-valinor
  13. And a sketch of Thorin by shrimpsthings that gives insight into how artists create their drawings

Not too bad!!! And I am still in time for my meeting 😊 despite last minute work on a current creative project. My announced hat project from last week’s round-up has taken a back seat. For the same wedding, I was in need of a personal gift. Since my friends are proud geeks, I decided to create a wall art piece for them that will serve as a reminder of their wedding day. I created the night sky over Dublin on the day of their wedding, cutting out the constellations, planets and the stars. My Cricut machine helped me with that – but I had to punch out every little star manually 😅. The night sky is in a deep picture frame. And to make the stars shine, I then illuminated the space behind the image with a small length of string lights. The photos are meh because of the reflections but it does look nice in RL.

I am now searching for a love poem that mention stars because I’d like to recite it when I hand over the gift… anybody got any ideas?

Right, off to meet Nokisuu now! Have a nice weekend,

Sonja ❤️

19 thoughts on “2022 Armitage Weekly Round-up #20

      • Mezz, but you realize that if you ever add another third exercise to it, for example Francis raising arms, we may not survive this fitness program 😉 😊


  1. # 11 😂 . Oh, I’m dead, twice: # 5 (😍; I will never see it in the theater 😭) and I’ve never seen such lovely wedding gift 😍 (I’m still picking my jaw off the floor).
    There is a very short poem by Szymborska (Trzeba – Needed (One should), starting with the words: The stars, the stars covered the sky), even than she is not my favorite, that could be good for the occasion, but I can’t find a translation. It consists of only four short sentences, but a poem must be translated by a poet.
    Fan meeting, that’s great.


    • #5 – but even if not seen in theatre, at least we have the filmed version of it…
      Oh, thanks for the suggestion of a poem… It would be so nice to find a love poem that somehow talks about the stars (or constellations or something like that) but it seems hard to find. Strange, I would’ve thought that there are plenty of poems that make a connection between love and stars…


      • Btw, Richard’s white T-Shirt at the ABBA concert reminded me that I wanted to tell you that the T-Shirts you made for the last auction are very nice to wear, are of very good quality and look really great.


  2. What a beautiful romantic weeding gift . I can only think of Bright Star by John Keats. And thank you for the sizzling round-up! I loved Mezz’s slow pull-ups and push-ups and , while Astrov isn’t one of my favourite RA characters, wow he looks so sexy pouring himself over those maps.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 275/? – Mistake? | Guylty Pleasure

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