RA Pocket Shrine 114/? – Lucky Charm [Paddy’s Day Raffle]

Hello? *peeps into Armitageworld* May I come in? Do you still remember me? My name is Guylty, and I have been involuntarily absent for 12 days. Steve Jobs is not a god, after all. That little liquid disaster I mentioned in my last round-up? Well, it turned out to be a liquidation disaster. After luring me into a false sense of security, the MacBook folded on me literally minutes after I had finalised the round-up – never to recover again. The Apple doctors took a look at the patient and decided that, while a keyboard transplantation was theoretically possible, the patient was too old for it to be economically advisable. During all this time, Guylty had to move back to her Methusaleh PC. And you know what it is like: Once an Apple user, *always* an Apple user. The PC put me in a perpetual bad mood – not conducive to activities in my happy place, i.e. Armitageworld. I was further hampered by my German OCD. Of late, my study had become a dumping ground for spare mattresses, old furniture, books to be taken to the charity shops, and heaps of unsorted documents. With a pile of rubbish behind my back, I simply could not work, so before I even touched the PC to resume work, I had to conduct a major tidying-up session.

MacBook GoldBut all hail – not only is my study now tidier than ever (and suddenly a huuuuuuge empty space… where did that all come from?), a shiny new MacBook is already en route to Casa Guylty, courtesy of the best boss of all, whose reply to my confession that the precious work MacBook had been totalled, was a simple and no-questions-asked: “I’ll buy you a new one.” He chose a blingy little golden number for me. Not quite my style, but beggars can’t be choosers, eh?

The good news are, that the arrival of the MacBook is forecast for next Wednesday. And with things thus looking up and today being St Patrick’s Day , I suddenly felt my mood improve drastically, and had the irrepressible urge to make a little, topical RAPS, despite a heavy work-load/back-log that is weighing me down. It is Paddy’s Day, after all, the Irish national holiday, even if I have to work for my British company today. So I fashioned a little Irish box of luck from a “Blink” mint tin, courtesy of Susanna.

IMG_0486 smMr A is decidedly *not* Irish. But with a name like “Mulligan”, this brightly smiling chaRActer surely must have some Irish roots. IMG_0487smHe has charm, the lucky rogue… He could be *your* lucky charm…

So, if you are in need of good luck, then just rub:

IMG_0488smMr A is decidedly *not* short, either. But sure, if they can turn a 6’3″ bloke into a 5’2″ dwarf, then this long-legged and impish bloke might just be “the world’s tallest Leprechaun”…


IMG_8034Since I already have the luck o’ the Irish, I do not want to keep this little lucky charm. Everyone is Irish on St Patrick’s Day, so I am raffling this off to anyone who would like to have it and who leaves me a comment here on blog. Deadline for commenting: Saturday, 19 March 2016, 6pm GMT. (I am heading away on a short break Sunday to Wednesday, so it has to be a short turn-around.) Small print: I’d be delighted if you spread the word about the raffle on Twitter etc. since I am still on my Social Media break. However, for the same reason, I can’t count RTs or comments on Twitter etc. as an entry. Please comment here if you want to win. Lent is over, soon, and I’ll be back in Social Media-land, soon 🙂

Best of luck to you all ❤

and Happy Paddy’s Day!


119 thoughts on “RA Pocket Shrine 114/? – Lucky Charm [Paddy’s Day Raffle]

  1. NIPPLETAGE!!!!!! Oh I could rub that forever!!!!!!

    Among other things, hubba hubba!

    I could sooooo use some luck! Car has been down all week, scuttling my spring break plans (a radiator. My kingdom for a radiator!) and my PC kindle has crashed again – it’s doing this every 10 days – and Amazon finally told me, well hon, you’ve got too many books. The new ‘update’ limits you to 2000, not 25000. So now what am I supposed to do????

    Looks again at shrine…. come to Mama…

    Liked by 1 person

      • yeah, that’s a sign that you’re clueless. I’d say Happy St Paddy’s to anyone except I read in the Guardian this morning that that is only Irish American. When I was a kid people would say Erin go bragh but I haven’t heard anyone say that in years. We do still have “shamrock shakes” at McDonald’s, though I have never had one … 🙂


  2. Time travellers might do with 19th February, but, wasn’t it meant to be 19th March?
    Love the long, tall leprechaun BTW. And Mully, the bully. And the idea, as usual! Nippletage – very tempting in all circumstances! 😘
    Nice boss you have, sponsoring shiny MacBooks! 😄


  3. Happy St. Patrick’s day! I love you’re writing. It’s so refreshing and smart. Today’s my birthday and I hope I’m lucky enough for this cute shrine! Great work. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ich muss gestehen, dass ich das selber gar nicht so gewagt fand… allein schon, weil man Nipplitage im Schrein nicht so gut erkennt wie in meinem Foto :-D. Aber ein bisschen Schmutz ist ja auch mal gut…


  4. Happy SPD! Today we are awash in green beer and corned beef and cabbage. That is how we celebrate in Calif. Love the little shrine. The nipple was a master stroke. Or should I say “rub”?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Green beer sounds good. Corned beef and cabbage not so much. I’m so sorry you have to endure that for the sake of Paddy’s Day!
      Lol on the “master stroke” pun! Nice one!


  5. Happy St. Patricks day! Und Glückwünche zum baldigen neuen Laptop, großzügig!!! Jemand der seine Mitarbeiter schätzt, den Boss solltest Du behalten ❤
    Bei Deinem shrine wird es dem fangirl wieder mal warm untern Herzen……


    • Ich zähle die Tage! Und bin so weit, langsam zu glauben, dass ich wirklich als Mitarbeiterin geschätzt werde. Das mit dem Selbstwertgefühl ist noch relativ neu für mich…


  6. OHMAGAWD!!! The party tit is back along with Daniel and John M. I need some luck like this…kind of like you need certain M&Ms. We all have our addictions. Mine right now is PEEP candy season (you know those sugar coated marshmallow chicks and rabbits?) and they have a new flavor…cotton candy. Love cotton candy.

    See? I told you that they’d replace your work computer without asking questions. Companies understand that, if you allow employees to take home equipment, accidents do happen. This actually reminds me to take both my laptop and my tablet into the Geek Squad. Tablet won’t access the internet anymore but I can still play mah-jongg. My sturdy laptop has a few persnickety bugs bugging the Hell out of me, one being the color calibration keeps changing to tan whenever I turn it on. It won’t save what I want.
    So does this post mean you’re back from your Lent break because I’ve missed you here and on Twitter.


    • Party tit LOL! And boy yes, it is! Takes every opportunity for being exposed, that shameless, unnecessary gland residue…
      I’ve been really lucky with the replacing of the laptop. Mind you, let’s not jump ahead. I’ll laugh, once it gets here. And I have learnt my lesson. Drinks only allowed in vicinity of laptop when served in screw top containers…
      And no, Lent is not over until Easter Sunday. So a bit over a week to go. And then I’ll return to Twitter. I am missing the banter, too!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. There once was a gal from German-eee
    Who met a fair lad who was Irish
    He turned on his charm
    She swooned in his arms
    And they both made their home by the Liffey!

    hahaha…I tried, but what can I say? A bad poem is a bad poem, but I love you, my friend.
    Happy St. Patrick’s Day!~


  8. Last few days i was wondering did something happened with subscription email because you were nowhere in sight! Now we can safely say it did not have to do with that 😛 and I am glad you are safe and sound
    p.s. twitterets notified! 😛


    • Nah, WP is working perfectly. It was me who was less than perfect. I guess I could’ve blogged via iPad, but I just go crazy if I have no proper keyboard to type on…
      Thanks for passing on the message xx


        • Ah no – and that was an extremely rare view of myself (deliberately blurred out). Don’t really like showing my face online. But I realise that it actually makes things more personal. I certainly like it when I know the face of the person I frequently read 🙂
          Re. comments – it looks as if I am the odd one out when it comes to the nipple. I have created my own Nipplegate, it seems 😀


          • Hm, I get it with this online thing. Does that means you want me to put pic of myself? XD It’s a joke, don’t punch me!
            And if you were some high position officer or even president/prime minister/whatever, this Nipplegate would even, I dare say, increase your popularity 😀


    • It’s weird how a Twitter hiatus initially is really hard. Then, after 3 weeks, you have broken the habit, and you don’t feel compelled to tweet anymore. But I do miss the interaction with you all. So I am secretly looking forward to coming back on Sunday week 🙂


  9. Wie schön, wieder von dir zu hören.
    Und die kleine “Zwangspause” hast du natürlich gleich wieder kreativ genutzt – knuffig ❤
    Ich hoffe, du hattest und hast noch einen sehr erfreulichen St. Patrick's Day. Grün ist in diesen Tagen in manchen Gegenden eine sehr erfolgreiche Farbe… 😉


    • Naja, ist ja schon ne ganze Weile her, dass ich zuletzt geschreint habe. Warte derzeit auf die Ankunft eines Schreins in USA, damit ich das Schätzchen auch vorstellen kann…


    • Du brauchst definitiv so eine Weltkarte, in die du dann überall dort Nadeln steckst, wo sich deine Schätzchen mittlerweile schon befinden: USA, Indien…
      Ein weltumspannendes Netz!


      • Oh, sowas hatte ich vor zwei Jahren schon mal angefangen. Fand die Idee auch sehr nett. Mittlerweile habe ich allerdings total den Überblick verloren, wo sich die einzelnen Schreine befinden. Da hätte ich mal besser aufpassen sollen…


  10. you know I looked at that twice and thought nooo that can’t be.Well,you badddd girl,it is. Mulligan,that sexy devil and nips .Oh St.Patrick is hitting you with his shlaley,[sounding it out ,have no idea how it’s spelled]..love the shrine


    • But, but, but… it’s just a nipple!! I am all innocence here. I had no idea it would come across *that* naughty… o_O After all, the male variety is often on display. Especially the left one *ahem*


    • Honestly, as I keep repeating, I am all innocence. It’s just a nip. A male nip. Often seen uncovered.
      And pssst – I had that nip picture left over from a previous shrine, that’s why I thought I’d use it, especially as it tied in so nicely with the “luck” theme…


  11. Oh my, Guylty! Talk about a “hot button” 🎯 A girl would be lucky indeed to rub that spot! As always you have created another brilliant shrine. Hope you are enjoying your break. You are truly missed. Happy St Patrick’s Day 🍀


    • Thanks and hope you had a nice Paddy’s Day, too. (I worked.)
      “Hot button” LOL – yes. And let’s be honest here, in view of that pert raspberry, wouldn’t everybody’s fingers itch to have a quick feel?


    • 🙂 Bin schon mega-gespannt auf das Maschinchen. Ist dünner, leichter, kleiner als der vorherige. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, wieder unabhängig vom feststehenden PC zu sein und je nach Laune in Wohnzimmer, Küche oder sonstwo zu arbeiten… Und ja, Bossman ist ein Schatz, wirklich großzügig, keine Vorwürfe, einfach nur ein Mann der Tat.


  12. World’s tallest leprechaun, LOL! I am so sympathetic to your Mac woes, being a lifelong Devotee. My first computer was a Mac, way back in the days when they had those cute, tiny screens–and no hard disk! Hope the bling arrives soon.


  13. Ah, that’s great that your boss got you a new computer! Enjoy!
    So, where do the candles go? i don’t think I saw any candle holders on this one…or maybe it should go right on the nipple? 😉


    • That would be a shame, hiding that nipple, though, wouldn’t it? 😉 – No, I left the candles out because the tin is quite nice, and I didn’t want to punch holes in it. Also, those blink tins are not very big, so candles seemed superfluous… I have to experiment with that, though – I have a big stash of those beautiful tins.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. sorry this is late, but HAPPY ST.PATRICK’S DAY. the RICHARD ARMITAGE lucky charm is adorable, but I won’t be able to tweet to people about your raffle. I don’t have a twitter account. I am happy that you got a new computer.


    • Thank you, angel – I worked through Paddy’s Day, but I’ll indulge in some proper Irishness on my little break next week. Trip to the West coast of Ireland. It doesn’t get any more Irish than that.
      And no worries about tweeting – that came across wrong from my part. There was no obligation to tweet at all 🙂


  15. oh my, you will have to put up with a golden number! How dare he not choose the right colour, which is pink! (snort! 😛)
    He’s a good boss and that in itself is a whole load of luck 🙂
    That is one tickly tin 🙂 That perty things need a hand to keep it warm in this March cold.
    Sorry you had to work on St Patrick’s day, the town’s pubs here were overflowing! And the London Eye was beautifully green 🙂


    • Psssst: Before I received the (now totalled) silver MacBook, my previous PC-laptop *was* indeed powder pink. And I loved it! Cos I’m a girl…
      Tickly tin *hehe*. Totally hands-on! Just as I like it.
      Saw pictures of the green London Eye. In Dublin, they had illuminated the Government Buildings in green, too. And today there was a mass ceili in front of the National Concert Hall. Unfortunately they were already packing up by the time I passed by on my way to a concert…

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ohhh I love ceilidhs! St Patrick’s is always such a joyful celebration 😀and I absolutely love colourful pcs If only I could get the ones I like in blue or teal sniff
        But you know what??? I found out yesterday perusing sites for laptops that I could actually get a mac just like that gold or silver 😁with a work squeme no interest in monthly payments hmmmmm but I also saw an hp with bang olufsen speakers and they don’t have that But the work squeme is great for serviceable work pc I think I will consider it 😎


        • Oh, that work scheme sounds really good. I can only say that I love working on Mac. I have never had a faster and easier computer than the MacBook. But I acknowledge that you have to pay through the nose for Apple products for an artificial exclusivity. Think hard before you decide to go for it. There’s no turning back. Once you’ve been on an Apple, you’ll find it hard to get back to PC…


  16. Lovely RAPS, as usual :-). And a new laptop for even more creativity.
    I love reading all the reactions on your post, you were missed.
    Hope you enjoyed St. Patricks Day.


    • Thank you Emma 🙂 – I was very touched that there were comments (and even e-mails) about missing me. That makes coming back even sweeter 😉
      Paddy’s Day was spent at work. But I’ll be indulging in some proper Paddy whacking on my short break the coming week.


  17. Pingback: Armitage Weekly Round-up 2016/11 | Guylty Pleasure

  18. Oh! I’m not too late! Yay! 👏 The RAPS is adorable.

    My condolences on the demise of your MacBook. I, too, have suffered the loss of my beloved MacBook. 😢 She suffered an expanding battery pack, which managed to bulge the trackpad out of place. Because she is older, replacement surgery was out of the question. And it was imperative to get the battery out of the house (lithium ion, fire hazard when they do silly things like expand suddenly and without cause). But, hubby, being the true gallant that he is, got me a new one. It’s up and running and files have been transferred. Color me happy. (Y’all might consider that a warning. I don’t blog well on my iPad, but with real keys under my fingers? I’m just sayin’ … 😉)


    • Hehe, you’re in the draw, Zan!
      And congrats on your choice of husband 😄. What a gem, replacing your MacBook! I agree – blogging on a touchpad is just not the same thing. That’s one of the reasons why I kept quiet all last week. I could have blogged via iPad, but copying links and writing text is just a pain in the rear… Looking forward to your updates then!

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 133/? – Irish Lesson [Happy Paddy’s Day + Raffle] | Guylty Pleasure

  20. I would love to win one of your amazing litter shrines, so much thought and humour in a tiny space.Things have not been going great for a lot of us I know, I wish everyone a bit of the Irish luck ❤


  21. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 152/? – You Make My Sham ☘️ Rock | Guylty Pleasure

  22. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 234/? – Let’s Go Green | Guylty Pleasure

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