Return of the “Fans Wax Lyrical” Series

Do you read the comments on blog posts? If not, you should. Because you can find some wonderful gems there. Reacting to one of the links in yesterday’s Weekly Round-up, Kathy Jones has written one of her inimitable odes again. It would be a shame to keep it hidden in the comments, and therefore I have copied and illustrated it appropriately for your perusal here:

Thorin Bag End

I remembered that Kathy had written another ode in the comments recently, and when I set about finding it, I came across not just *one* ode, but *two*. This one was written in reference to RA’s selfies and harks back to RAPS #116:

Twitter Love poem

And lastly, here is a gem on lips, by Kathy, in reaction to this RAPS and post from March 2016:


At this point, Kathy could actually publish a whole collection of odes!!! Maybe we should do that – collect them all, print them in a nice book, and present them to Mr A. (I wonder who would feel more uncomfortable about that – Mr A or Kathy 😉 )

Anyhow, if you would like to while away your May Day, you could check out previous lyrical posts by fans. As early as 2014, Kathy wrote an ode to Thorin’s pelt, and Hedgehogess retaliated in German (translation available, too), HERE. The next day, Teuchter created an ode to a beard and Hedgehogess and CraMERRY went poetic on Sir Guy. HERE. And Hedgehogess and yours truly waxed lyrical HERE. More recently, Kathy kicked off a flurry of odes on Servetus’ blog. Head over to the comments on Servetus blog post from 20 January 2016 which contain a couple of Jones gems. Also, Jennifer, who writes the PreoccupiedWithArmitage blog, is the master of the Limerick and has written a number of those about Richard. You can find them HERE. (I am missing other contributions, I am sure. Sorry. If you want them included, let me know in the comments and I’ll make a proper link list in a separate post!)

If you feel “inspiRAd”, don’t hold back 🙂 . You can add your contribution in the comments below (and I will illustrate it and add it to this post), if you haven’t got a platform of your own.

32 thoughts on “Return of the “Fans Wax Lyrical” Series

    • It would be such a shame to leave them unseen in the comments. They are fan art, too. Besides I am a lazy bum and like to have them handy in a post rather than having to hunt for them in the comments 😉

      Liked by 3 people

  1. Ok, ok! It’s time again to tell you ladies, how much I love your priceless and tireless writing and bringing together what belongs together!! And a special salute to the ruling Queen of Armitage Odes, Kathy!! Tata..tata…


  2. Thanks so much for putting my and others’ poetry in the literary spotlight. So much fun to write and read about RA’s charms. I think writing about his various body parts are particularly rewarding for me. 🙂 Great source material.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for passing it on and giving it a wider audience. I wrote this ode while staying at a friend’s (not into RA or anything so frivolous, poor thing) and she did not find it very amusing. But that was probably because I kept telling her to stop talking to me while I wrote it. Our husbands were out looking for alligators while we stayed in air conditioning eating grapes and watching HGTV landscaping makeovers. Good times.


    • Oh goodness, that whole scenario has me laughing out loud. Kathy chewing on her pen to get a sexy ode on paper with the friend annoyed and flicking through gardening programmes, while the husband lets off steam popping off a gator or two 😂. Good times indeed. I hope they invite you back and you get more odes down 🤓


      • It was really funny at the time.I was having trouble getting a rhythm down with the words sex and Fed Ex. Just when I thought I had it, she would say something and ruin my concentration. Which is impaired at the best of times. Now vacation is over and I am back at home. We were gone a really loooong time. It was fun andbut I am ready to be back and resume RL.


  4. Bessrer spät als nie … Ich lese zwar (meistens oder zumindest oft) die Kommentare, aber gesammelt ist immer gut. Danke, Guylty.

    And of course: Thank you, Kathy Jones. 😀


  5. Wonderful. Wonderful. Wonderful. I went to all the links. Fortunately I always read your comments. Cannot stop grinning like the village idiot. Hope Kathy will share many many more.


    • Thanks, snowjob. So glad you like my silly poetry and it made you smile. Don’t worry, there are many more odes lurking in my brain, waiting to come out.


    • Great – glad you also enjoyed the other links. That is the great thing about blogs – you can link to past posts and that way enjoy content again and again, or bring it to the attention of readers who had not been reading yet when the past posts came out. Hooray for technology 😉


  6. Pingback: Good-Bye, 2016 | Guylty Pleasure

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