Armitage Weekly Round-up 2016/27

*groans* Playing catch-up is so NOT fun! I mean, I don’t regret going on a short break to Scotland at all. Not after being faced with fantastic weather (in Scottish terms) and majestic views like this:

IMG_8697Straight out of TH, right? In fact, we were standing in the small little harbour of Elgol on the Isle of Skye with our hosts, and the conversation turned to Tolkien and how this view may have inspired him to think up the Misty Mountains. (I researched, but I did not find a source that would confirm this theory. Apparently he was inspired by the Swiss Alps, instead. ) Scotland, I must say, could’ve easily worked as a film set for the trilogy, too.

In any case, the barrage of new image goodness and news upon my return first had me in raptures – and then in frustration. Too much! Hell, how am I ever going to pick a favourite for a potential *ooof*? I suspect it might be this:

RA at Getty Portrait Studios Maarten de Boer

Although I was blown away by quite a few of the close-ups, too… But yeah, that’s the crux with too much choice… it’s overwhelming and ultimately off-putting. The *ooof* must wait, especially as I am off to Berlin again next week. So, gentle announcement that next Saturday will probably not see a round-up, either. But here, there’s plenty in this week’s:

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  1. Mezzmerizedbyrichard draws chaRActer parallels – here are Lucas North and Daniel Miller, engaging in some mobile environment surveillance aka driving in a taxi
  2. And staying with the theme, here is a richard-armitage-confidential along similar lines. My hunch: The similarities (and comparisons) are unavoidable. So rest assured, nonny!
  3. Thanks to all the BS goodness, riepu10 creates a new RA character collage. Would you believe this is already the 44th one she has made?
  4. For those who haven’t seen this on Twitter yet, Sinnaminie has reacted to TCA press tour RA and created a “Sockless/White Shoe Wearing” plushie. Cute, as always
  5. A “Fictional characters I would kiss” list has made the rounds on tumblr. I was tagged, too, but after these exhaustive lists by clematis70 and zeesmuse, all has been said. Or what would you say?
  6. LOL – great cartoon by gimmethehobbit. Works well in light of yesterday’s politico tweet onslaught, too
  7. You’ve seen this Gisborne scene, you’ve seen the screen caps. But richard-crispin-armitage’s commentary is priceless, hence included in this list
  8. Again, I am sure you have seen the material, but it is always good to have a link to the giffed version of scenes from BS. Here is one by ksei-zmrk
  9. And another (different BS) scene by ksei-zmrk
  10. More gifs from trailer scenes, by ghisborne
  11. Do you know who Craig Parker is? Yeah, right, he’s not really a nice chaRActer, but for completeness sake, here’s a gif set by laoih
  12. Controversial, Guy, controversial! Unless you are talking about yourself *smirks*. Another What a Guy wants by nfcomics
  13. A man with consistently ‘great hair days’, as proven in this richard-armitage-confidential
  14. Apparently this is just a ‘doodle’ – I’d love to have the talent of lorna-ka. Great little piece of fan art
  15. Colourful Guy. Who would’ve thought?? A gif set by sherwoodsy that is appealing
  16. And just for the record, I am including links to photo sets of the imagery from last weekend’s BS promo events. It’s nice to have the images all in one spot. Here’s a set by richardcfarmitage
  17. A mixture of close-ups, half-lengths and full-lengths from the after party, by the-hobbit
  18. And a set by fullerverse2016 of the press pics from the TCA event in the Beverly Hills Hotel
  19. I am not quite sure what this set by queenoferebor1204 exactly refers to, but the idea of Porter spying on fans amuses me
  20. Killthepain62 recounts her mother’s first reaction to Thorin Oakenshield in AUJ. A very amusing read!
  21. And for all of you who like crafting, here are the details of another Richard-themed craft swap, organised by Sinnaminie. I’m game!

Have a nice weekend, all!

Guylty ❤

PS: I still have some of those fan identifier badges left. If anyone wants one – just get in touch! I want to get rid of *all* of them. And I will donate the raised funds soon, so stay tuned for that announcement.

14 thoughts on “Armitage Weekly Round-up 2016/27

  1. #15 – Sherwoodsy – took me to a hiatus page. 😦

    But controversial Guy and Porter spying on the fans…. too funny!!!! Thank you for taking time to do this again.


    • oops, not sure what is up with sherwoodsy. Have edited the link and am now linking to the page where I reblogged it from.
      The funny stuff – like controversial Guy and spying Porter – is just the best!!
      And yeah, although it takes time, it is actually nice for me to do the round-up. It means I stay in touch 😉


  2. Nice roundup. I booty-shaking Richards and Night Flight’s pretty Guy cracked me up. Love the idea of the craft swap. Since I don’t have a single crafting bone in my body, I can’t participate. It would not be fair to whoever had to exchange projects with me. But I can’t wait to see what people come up with.


  3. Hi! Welcome home! Great round up…loved 3 and 20 especially. Would love to see photos you’d care to share from Scotland! I’d love to see it someday.
    Looking forward to the Ooof! There was one particular close up I loved…He’s incredibly beautiful.


    • Thank you Chazak!
      And thank you for asking for Scotland pics. I wasn’t sure whether they were relevant here, but I am always happy to share the pics. I’ll put a little collection together soon.
      As for *ooof* – I looked and looked and looked, and it just didn’t flow. I am not sure what it is. The man is as attractive as ever, but something is off with me. I think I am heading for an Armitage burn-out, if I am totally honest…


  4. Catching-up Guylty? yeah me too. Just farewelled Welsh visitors, now I’m trawling through two weeks of missed RA goodness, oh the hardship! Spent yesterday just on Serv’s site, must have been an RA news and pics explosion while I was away……….gotta say I’m not a fan of Mr super-scrawny-skinny even in his nice clothes. I mean for pity’s sake, someone feed that man before he snaps like a twig!
    Happily now I’m here and I must thank you for a great round-up as always and I hope you had a nice trip to Scotland. xx


    • And now the next news explosion, Austoz – Armitage on FB and Instagram. Oh dear, it is becoming overwhelming to keep up with him – even WITHOUT visitors distracting me from social media 😂.
      I have to say I also find him very, very thin at the moment… too thin, actually, although I very much liked his thinness when he was gearing up to be Lucas North. But that’s almost 10 years ago, and it suited a man in his 30s … ’nuff said.
      Had a lovely time in Scotland – and am now in Berlin. Quite a contrast…
      Sending some love to you xx


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