2017 Armitage Weekly Roundup #28

How’s the weekend progressing for you guys? We have had a big family event yesterday with visitors from England and Scotland, and so I have been distracted and delayed for a bit. Sorry.

With Pilgrimage finally reaching cinemas in the US, so many reviews and interviews have been published the last couple of days. The most concise listing of all news can be found over at Me+Richard, but I particularly liked the Hypable interview that Richard referred to via Twitter himself and in which he gave us a tiny glimpse into the isolation that comes from staying in character.

[…] to be honest I do tend to stay in character, so Raymond’s sense of humour was only in regards to his own devious means of torture. But I loved the fraternity, everyone really looked out for each other and Jon was very much a mentor to Tom, which was lovely to watch.

I was a little envious to be honest, as I had to play the role of the villain, so I stayed away from the group gym sessions which the lads used to bond. I felt like this would help me feel isolated in the role, as Raymond was in the world, but I would willingly have been one of the gang. I think secretly Raymond longed for a brotherhood. The isolation fuelled his rage.

However, I am slightly disappointed that RA hardly gets a mention in most reviews of the film – beyond mentioning his name followed by “The Hobbit” in brackets. As the main antagonist in the movie, I would’ve thought his work would receive more response. Yet, it seems that the draw of the Marvel heroes overshadows everything else. Well, or maybe I haven’t got the right priorities…

In any case, here is the weekly tumblr round-up:

  1. I think hilfedraws needs a shrine… praying to Saint Richard…
  2. The drawback of watching Pilgrimage in the cinema, is that you don’t get the extras. Here are some screenshots from the interview with Richard by ausschweifendemotte
  3. Here’s some Trevor Belmont fluff by sundowngarden – little scenes that illustrate Trevor’s personality
  4. And just as a little follow-up to Sinnamin’s great plushie work – here’s a post by a happy client who ordered the Castlevania set for her husband – who happens to be Sam Deat
  5. But moodyhedgie’s drawing of Trevor definitely bows to the actor who voices him
  6. Early sketch of Trevor Belmont by the animators *lol*, spotted by konakoro
  7. I completely agree with bestthingsdwelloutofsight
  8. Darthstitch’s coinage “toucan beaked goober” has me in stitches
  9. Spotlight on the past: A close-up of Standring, giffed by riepu10
  10. Riepu10 has also put the three character posters of Raymond de Merville in one post
  11. Ghisborne answers which film she first saw Richard in – always nice to get other fan’s “testimonials”
  12. Scaredy-bee comments on Richard’s American accent – what do you think?
  13. Gifs of Richard in the AP interview from last week. By riepu10

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

Guylty ❤️

18 thoughts on “2017 Armitage Weekly Roundup #28

  1. Number one is hilarious. Number five has disappeared from tumblr (not just the post, the entire blog). Number seven looks like something Richard would draw. Number eight is true. Number nine: “I forgot he was also a panty melting romance novel hero. SEND HELP.” *snort* Number 10: Thank goodness for Paula’s gifs! You know how much I love John Standring (the fictional one, not yours, please don’t kill me). Number 11: I’m very tempted to send the first image to the orange clown, but I’ll refrain. Wouldn’t want him to get ideas and invite Richard to the White House. That would put our lovely man in a pickle! Number 12: Aww! Number 13: Yes, he’s working hard and it’s better.

    Thank you!


    • You are so right. Ireland really didn’t come across as the lush green island it is – it was all greyish-purple (and some browny green in the forest)…
      The disadvantage of seeing Pilgrimage on the big screen is not getting the extras 😟

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Love the roundup. Getting frustrated that the nearest theater where I can see Pilgrimage is 60 miles away. I’d be happy to see it by VOD or in any other form, but it is not available here in the wilds of Southern California. So I appreciate references and shots of something I would love to see,BTS or in front.


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