2018 Armitage Weekly Round-up #3

I’ll get straight to the point this week.

  1. Compiling this on Guy Day, I can’t help but start with this little B/W-Colour number of my favourite knight, courtesy of lotsofchocolateicecream
  2. Really cool fan art of Proctor by anemiechen. Really fits the feel of TC
  3. Mezzmerizedbyrichard has giffed choice moments from the 13eme RUE interview in Paris
  4. I have no idea who or what archmage is, but I do like this piece of fan art by morrimorrison featuring RA
  5. Not your usual RPF subject, this is a break-up story of Richard x reader. I am usually not a huge fan of reader-insert stories, but this is well-written, and I am curious to know what will happen in part 2. By arwenaminmaeleth
  6. I suspect Richard might like that kind of answer! A little scenario by missakylea
  7. Lovelovelove these fan arts by hannibatchsmuse!
  8. As a total sucker for interior design, I am a big fan of moodboards – but I didn’t know that moodboards for Richard existed, too. Great idea by anemiechen
  9. Here is some major RPF fluff, perfect for a rainy day, supplied by arwenaminmaeleth. It caught my attention because of the nice “cover” picture that accompanied it, but it also reads quite nicely
  10. TBT the Hobbit press tour in Japan courtesy of felorinbailenshield2 – remember that shiny suit?
  11. Sorry for the multiple posts by anemiechen, but they are just too good to pass up. Here’s another Proctor edit – love it
  12. LOL – Lego-Richard (and Martin). I see Ricky Deeming here. Posted by lego-martin

If it’s cold and raining where you are (like here), curl up with a hot cocoa under a blanket!

Have a nice weekend!

Guylty ❤️

14 thoughts on “2018 Armitage Weekly Round-up #3

  1. Die Kreationen von anemiechen sind echt Klasse! Leicht verfremdet und trotzdem bestens zu erkennen.
    Es gab übrigens gestern nach den Chips noch ein Käsebrot für jeden 😃 So macht Sport erst richtig Spass!


    • Ja, mir gefallen die Edits von anemiechen auch sehr gut – deswegen habe ich mich auch nicht nur auf einen Beitrag von ihr beschränkt.
      Das Käsebrot hat’s wieder rausgerissen 😉. Ich mach mir jetzt nen healthy wrap zum Mittag…


  2. Oooh, lots of lovely Guy to start the round-up. ❤

    Some phenomenal fanart this week, too. A shame there can’t be prints of anemiechan’s Crucible art. I’d buy one. And the one of Mr A as an archmage from some fantasy universe is one of the most convincing manips I’ve seen.

    I’m not into RPF as a rule, but arwen can really write. I’d read the novel with the male lead suitably disguised. And I agree about the pic.

    Thanks for digging it all out for us, Guylty. 🎖 Another great roundup to brighten our weekend.


    • You could always print one of anemiechen’s creations for yourself… They are great, I agree.
      RPF is a tricky thing. I don’t mind it as such, but often its themes don’t really reflect my interests. This one was nicely written.
      And I am glad if the round-up contained some entertainment 😘


  3. Ich wollte Dir jetzt eigentlich nur gleich ein paar Herzchen schicken….aber habe keine Ahnung wie ich die da “rein bekomme”…..Einfach so…..Mmmmhhhh…. (der Wille ist willig und zählt, oder ??) 😉


    • Bei mir geht das, indem ich Alt+Ctrl gleichzeitig mit der Leertaste drücke – dann kommt das gesamte Smiley-Menü in einem neuen Fenster und ich kann das gewünschte Symbol anklicken 😁


  4. I liked the writing also. Although writing RA as a cheater is taking a risk. We like to think of him as more virtuous than that. At least I do.


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