2018 Armitage Weekly Round-up #23

Welcome to the monthly occurrence that is the falsely named Weekly Round-up… *coughs* Well, the good thing about missing a few instalments of the weekly round-up is that you are getting a nicely long list of links today. Also helped by the fact that in the last four weeks we had a) World Beard Day *hooRAy*, b) RA’s birthday *confetti*, and c) apparently some Ocean’s 8 DVD leak *tuttuttut*…

Lean back and make yourselves comfortable, sistas, here comes…

Sorry girls, much like Claude, I couldn’t resist…

  1. Jesus, Claude, what are you doing to me? I was mesmerised by this gifset. Thanks armitaken!
  2. If you had to represent Guy in any kind of gesture/movement, which would it be? Mine would be this one – nicely seen in profile. Gifs by riepu10
  3. I must say, witchylass has a point…
  4. This gifset has the potential of becoming a continuous-loop-favourite. *coughs* Thanks for the fan service to riepu10
  5. Wow, if I had this in my bed, I couldn’t wait to turn in every night. Posted by nuvoleincielo
  6. You could almost believe that Trevor was into DIY… in any case, his muscular back is nice to look at. Posted by deepestfirefun
  7. I have no idea whether these are real. If so, I definitely want one. I choose… #9. And you? A great idea by deepestfirefun
  8. LOL, I didn’t expect any fluff involving Raybo de Merville. But thorins-magnificent-ass really has made me laugh
  9. Sorry, a third item from riepu10, but she really has got me this week with her posts. This one is included because it contains two men that I love – RA (as Daniel Miller) and James Joyce, by way of the first line of Finnegan’s Wake. [smart alec mode on] “Riverrun past Eve and Adam’s” refers to the River Liffey in Dublin flowing past the Franciscan church of Adam and Eve’s on Merchant Quay [/smart alec mode off]
  10. Apparently there was world beard day the other day. Who to better model some facial architecture than Mr A? Compiled by deepestfirefun
  11. And a quadruple whammy for deepestfirefun this week. Sorry, in view of those O8 treats I just can’t resist
  12. Jeepers, and riepu10 again – strike four. This is just fun. What items have you seen the name Armitage advertised on?
  13. And more Claude Becker. I am quite taken with picture 2 in this compilation by ausschweifendemotte. Specs!!!!!!!
  14. If I had been Daphne, I don’t think I could’ve kept a straight face when remembering *that*. Gif set by mxrana
  15. Ooooh, good morning, luv… Kindly supplied by youwerealwaysmyking-dwalin
  16. Smug cad or not, I loved this gif set of Claude Becker by finaiizer
  17. And more dreamboat Claude (completely ignoring his actual personality), courtesy of Clematis70
  18. Ha, I don’t think I have seen this stone age gif before. RA, Hobbit time. That’s some side-parting you’ve got there, Rich!!! Gif by kingunderthemountain 85
  19. Oh, I loved this birthday post for Richard by ghisborne. Simply – but effective. Nice.
  20. And further catching up with tumblr birthday greetings, here is a great one with fabulous fan art by consbastony
  21. I totally loved this mini-story put together by papirossy. Not sure whether it actually exists as original fiction, but with RA starring in this mini photo-love-story, I am totally sold!
  22. Wow, is this for real or just a clever photo shop? TTYTT, I’d buy that book – even though I dislike NS. It just goes to show that you can sell *anything* once it is packaged nicely. Posted by it-comes-in-venti

Hope this fills your Saturday morning!


Guylty ❤️

116 thoughts on “2018 Armitage Weekly Round-up #23

  1. Thank you so much for all of these! Nice change up that Claude seemed to be the theme here! I know you are not an ardent fan er admirer of Richard as Daniel Miller but that look in the hoody on top that of the running hoody, scribble facial hair, skull cap was a bit swoon worthy no? Have a wonderful weekend!!


    • Yeah, Claude really made an impact this time ’round.
      Daniel Miller – I am really conflicted about him. He has the potential of becoming a favourite, what with being half-German. But somehow he was so under-written and under-used in the show that I never really got into him. I liked him better in season 2 – maybe because there was more of him there. Trevor was an interesting alter-ego. However, the skull cap is *exactly* what puts me off *lol*…


      • See I’m the opposite I liked him better in S1 bec he spoke German, his hot sex w Esther, his interaction w Patricia and Max, he wore running gear ( I’m a jogger/runner) he looked damn good in those dress shirts and slacks and the baseball cap and skull cap hmmmm


        • Generally speaking, he *did* look better in S1 (no beard, yay!), I agree. I usually like him better in casual clothes, too, but tracksuit bottoms and baseball caps are a particular pet hate of mine.


          • Yeah I’ll concede I don’t like men in tracksuit bottoms either but my biggest
            pet peeve is men in ..,flip flops and socks and sandals which would be a major turnoff. I know flip flops are comfy and supposedly cool but I think they are sloppy and yucky especially on men. He wears a baseball cap esp as a spy just so sweetly like his eyes are peeking out. Leland Orser wears baseball caps well too I gotta find me his Budapest one that is awesome cap!!
            You’re so sweet no beard! It took me awhile to really like the beard but as long as it is not bushy I think he radiates s.e.x. 💗💗💗😍😍🤣


            • I don’t mind flipflops (anymore) – NZ has cured me of that. And baseball caps are something to be worn by little boys. And baseball players. Just like tracksuit bottoms are to be worn when working out. But that’s just me – I simply have a massive dislike of these items of clothing.
              I’ve never liked the beard, and I just don’t see the attraction of men with beards. RA is the only exception to that rule 😉


              • Ahh ! Well good point on baseball caps on little boys and baseball players but David Tennant, Lee Pace (acting only), Gerard Butler look good w and w/out beards acting. My heart still belongs to our Guy! I’m so jealous that you went to NZ lucky duck!!


  2. Another one approving of the Claude-tastic round-up. A pity he’s a sleaze, but he’s an easy on the eye one. The Thorin pillow case is gorgeous in #5, but I have a better idea for a duvet cover…

    And I love Guy’s classic eye-roll in #2. But what I love more is the appearance of Richie’s nose in the picture, as though he’s coming to give our dark knight a slobbery kiss.

    For #12, I give you Armitage Shanks, blazoned on bathrooms throughout the UK. It always makes me think of that pic of Longshanks Lucas running past that London landmark with the cranes or whatever they are.

    Thanks for this, Guylty. 🥇 Good things are always worth waiting for.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Herzlichen Dank, das war mal wieder so ein richtig “runder” Samstag, auch wenn ich erst recht spät zu meinem Kaffee kam und mir die Zeit für dies hier nehmen konnte. Da ich den Film bisher noch überhaupt nicht gesehen habe (warte auf DVD wegen der originalen Stimme), bin ich immer dankbar für ein paar Eindrücke von Claude. Optisch macht er ja durchaus etwas her, aber charakterlich habe ich da so meine Zweifel 😉


    • Das hast du ganz richtig so erkannt. Optisch gibt’s da wenig zu bemängeln (außer dem Bart, aber naja, das bin ja wieder nur ich), aber ansonsten hat Claudie nicht wirklich das Zeug dazu, fan favourite zu werden. Es sei denn, es erbarmt sich mal jemand, eine schöne Fan Fiction zu entwerfen, in dem der Gute geläutert wird und am Ende ein Typ ist, der Liebe wert ist 😉


      • Da sagst du was! Wie war mein Leben doch arm, als ich noch nie etwas von Fan Fiction gehört hatte. *kicher*
        Aber im Ernst, da gibt es wirklich richtig Gutes zu lesen. Es ist nur nich so leicht, es zu finden. Vor kurzem habe ich versucht, das Phänomen einer völlig “unwissenden” Freundin näher zu bringen, doch sie sah mich nur verständnislos an. Da sie sich wenig für Film und Fernsehen interessiert, wird sich ihr der Reiz wohl nicht erschließen.


        • Ich stimme dir voll und ganz zu. Als ich Fan Fiction entdeckt habe, hat sich eine ganz neue Welt eröffnet. Einfach fantastisch, dass die Geschichten, die ich in Film und Fernsehen schon liebte, dann auch noch weitergeführt wurden. Aber es stimmt, wenn man sich nicht für Film und Fernsehen interessiert, dann bringt einem Fan Fiction nichts. Ihr Verlust!


  4. OH MY!!! It’s a Claudapocolypse!!!! My favorite kind!!!

    Funny, I thought you LOVED NS. Or was it just the filmed rendition? (I have needs to rewatch it. I didn’t see it under optimum viewing conditions…)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Claudapocalypse ROFL… yep, totally imploded…
      No, I definitely never loved NS. I knew the book before I watched the series, and when reading the book, I just hated, hated, hated the lame Victorian interpretation of the class struggle. So condescending. I never felt any kind of affinity with Margaret, either. So, no, if it wasn’t for the love story, I’d totally boycott the whole thing…


      • Just caught the final hour on the Drama channel, it’s the music that moves me so much I cannot get through it without a tear forming in my eye its corny I know but I doubt I shall ever be immune lol


        • Oh, I totally fall for the romantic stuff, too… it’s the socio-political stuff that enrages me and makes me dislike the book… Thornton, bad, bad capitalist that he is, is lovely to dream about…


          • I fell for the love story that these two seemingly opposite people are really similar like in Pride and Prejudice and all the manners and cordiality I really like. The socio, economic and political stuff to me were secondary and were like fixtures to move the romance along. The train scene at the end was even better than Matthew McFayden walking in the midst toward Keira Knightley in P and P. I’m just a complete sucker for romance and Thornton as a quiet passionate man was just the bomb !!


            • Despite my criticism, I have to agree with you on Thornton as a total dreamboat. All that romantic passion underneath the cold, rational exterior – that makes for a classic misunderstood hero. However, Thornton and I would massively clash over his capitalist politics – pretty good basis for lots of make up sex *coughs*.
              You’re hitting it on the head with the comparison to P&P – except Austen did it better by keeping it within one class of society and leaving politics out of it. When I read NS, I was really disappointed because it all seemed very much like a copy: the proud mill owner and the pejudiced middle-class lady.

              Liked by 1 person

              • Oh I agree w you on the politics. I’m shaking in my boots w the shitshow happening w Numb nuts in the US now. I completely agree Austen is better and more vivid and caring in her interpretation of love between strangers. Thornton wouldn’t be a bad chap to console you on a cold winters night I’d be happy w his arms around me among other places 😍😉👍


              • Yep maybe Gaskell was trying to say despite all their socio? Economic and political differences love conquers all which is a pretty nice albeit idealistic notion but I like happy endings esp tall handsome strangers at train stations


                • She kind of goes for a middle way – reinforcing the Victorian belief in capitalist economy, combined with the strong notion of taking care of those “below you”. That may have been progressive at the time she was writing, so ok, I’ll give her that. “Love conquers all” is such a lovely idea. NOt sure whether it really works, though. (I had a boyfriend once whose politics were diametrically opposite to mine. It was exciting at first, and it provided lots of food for conversation. But eventually we couldn’t reconcile our different opinions anymore and broke up.)
                  Happy endings and tall handsome strangers at train stations work really well, though 😉

                  Liked by 1 person

                  • You coulda/shoulda been a teacher. Great explanation there thank you
                    Glad I’m not the only one who likes happy endings and tall handsome strangers who like to kiss 😘


                    • Hehe. Well, you’re not far off, Michele – I was a a teacher in my previous life. (i.e. I trained as a teacher before I left Germany for Ireland. And history was one of my subjects.)
                      I love happy endings. In fact, I am at the stage where I tend to say “F*ck family drama films, I want a chick flick!” 😂

                      Liked by 1 person

      • Margaret was no angel I agree she was snooty and not that nice to the people working for her family but I liked her stubbornness and speaking her mind w men especially Thornton.
        I found her much like Lizzy in P and P although I liked Keira Knightley better as an actress.


  5. Pingback: Richard Armitage Fan A to Z: G to J | I'm Feeling This

  6. OMG OMG OMG OMG Il est arrivé!

    Thank you, Guylty! I love it so much! Daddy Cahalan’s RAPS is truly perfection in a tiny package. I’m so lucky to have discovered such a talented, generous, welcoming and kind corner of the fandom. 😊


    • Ha! This is so funny, LL – Last night I was exactly thinking about your parcel, wondering whether it had finally made it to you. And here is the confirmation. Phew, so glad it has arrived and that you like it.


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