2018 Armitage Weekly Round-up #33

So, guys, what did you think of that whole “heartfelt letter” manipulation suggestion by Epix the other day? Anybody follow the call and send some sweet words to the man? Well, cynic that I am, I firmly decided against any free Twitter advertising for Epix public outpourings. I have never been much of a “correspondent” when it comes to RA. Not least because “correspondence” implies that there is a mutual exchange of letters going on. Since writing to RA is a little bit like cycling your bike into a cul-de-sac – only one way in, and the same way out – I have never felt particularly keen on investing much effort into letters that are potentially not even read by the recipient. Well, maybe they are read; I do know that he has occasionally referred to letters he has received from fans. But the last such reference I can remember was 2014 re. the Crucible, and even if you just think about it logically it is clear that the man can’t possibly read – never mind *answer* – the amount of mail he receives. So no birthday cards from me; no best wishes for new projects; no letters of condolence. I send those messages via my blog. The only exception I make is Christmas – in order to credit Richard’s fans who deserve their fundraising efforts to be seen by the man on whose behalf they are conducted. – I haven’t written this year’s card yet. But I will, because I haven’t given up hope yet that he might sign a few photos for us again. (Last year’s Christmas card with enclosed photos for requested signatures went unanswered. But as we all know now – it was a difficult year, and I do understand that answering fan mail was not at the forefront of RA’s mind.) In any case, since we have so many new readers here, here’s the fan service of the week: If you would like to write a heartfelt – but possibly private – letter to Richard, this is the address to send your letter to:

Richard Armitage
c/o United Agents (Fan Mail)
12-26 Lexington Street


And now on to the round-up – catching up on two weeks.

  1. How cute is this? Moodyhedgie catches Trevor and Thorin on the Christmas tree
  2. Could sustainability be a New Year’s resolution for RA? RA-of-light has a suggestion
  3. Audio book fan or no, but this is a gorgeous 8 page collage of Richard behind the mike and the various audio pieces he has performed so far. Brilliantly put together by riepu10
  4. I have no idea where this “dimenson jump” thing might come from, but I totally approve of the concept. Posted by fizzyxcustard
  5. And another riepu10 gif set – just because I was completely mesmerised by this shy rock star Guy gatzing love-lorn at his love
  6. Drldeboer does what she did very well during previous seasons of BS: screencaps of Daniel. Niceeee
  7. I think this is a crop of a promo pic posted by Epix, but nicely cropped by jassy2101
  8. Kendaspntwd gifs lots of pretty Daniel in BS 3×01
  9. Yeah, I have given up smoking, but boy that first picture in the series of Daniel caps by ausschweifendemotte… Well, ok, and the other ones are great, too. (I am slightly worried that I like looking at injured Daniel that much…) In fact I have about 20 caps of battered and bruised Daniel myself *eeeek*
  10. Love this big cap of Daniel plus accompanying gifs by yatanis
  11. Thanks to riepu10 we can compare Daniel Miller’s look in season 2 with his look in season 3. I definitely prefer season 3. You?
  12. Famous last words? Caught by deepestfirefun
  13. Did I already post the latest plushie? Season 3 Daniel Miller. By sinnaminie
  14. Interested in an autograph of Richard’s? Here’s an old one from 2013, on sale from lilithaluna
  15. Jeeez, I’m tellin’ ya, I’d love to see that sight every day at work, too. Gif by ausschweifendemotte
  16. Hmph. Manspreading at its best. But ok, I’d probably forgive this guy any kind of mansomething. Gif by ghisborne
  17. My dad and I used to call sunglasses like that “mafia glasses”… but well, ok, Daniel looks good in anything. Gifs of sunglasses-bespectacled Daniel by riepu10
  18. Now, *this* is a bit of a heartfelt letter – even though not addressed at Richard at all. But don’t we all know what oriviun means?

Sorry all, it was very heavily biased towards Daniel Miller this week. But well, just look at the pretty pictures and disregard everything else. Hmph. (Ha – btw, tonight is Sunday – which means episode 3 should be aired tonight, right? Will we find out what happens to Daniel???)

Anyway, before I go, I am bringing you a little Christmas gift courtesy of our ode-maker extraordinaire, Ms Kathy Jones. She sent the following piece of art to my bts – and it really deserved a little Christmas treatment.

Keep dreaming, everyone! And happy 2nd Advent.

Guylty ♥


162 thoughts on “2018 Armitage Weekly Round-up #33

  1. love the poem by Kathy! and the heartfelt letter at the bottom is just adorable. Who knows what he reads, but i’m glad he made some attempt at replying to the Epix tweet-even though it’s just advertising for BS3-it still will make anyone who did tweet to him at least feel like there’s a chance he read their words.


  2. I didn’t understand why they were asking (why period, why now) or what it had to do with the show or with Armitage. (Did they ask for people to write other actors letters?). Another instance of EPIX’s lame social media — they have no idea what to do with the attention they are capable of getting. I doubt Armitage had anything to do with it, nor do I think he’d have asked people to tweet him heartfelt letters, so I felt that his brief response was more than adequate, enough to make him not look like a jerk in this particular instance.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Nice haul on the Tumblr!
    No, I didn’t feel compelled to reply to that tweet. Anyone who’s ever had the pleasure 😉 of reading my writing would agree on one thing for sure: I am wordy at the best of times. I could not produce anything resembling a letter on Twitter ever, nor would I make the attempt.
    I’ve spoken about my general attitude to fan mail before. By all means, do it if you feel moved by something/someone. Personally, however, I would only ever do it for the sake of expressing myself and not for the sake of a (highly unlikely) reply. To me it’s like a blog. Sometimes you just need to say something out loud—or write it down, as it were—but I don’t want or need him to read it. In fact, I would much prefer if he didn’t (not that I have any fears on that front). I guess that’s the only difference with a fan letter: There is a theoretical chance that he *might* read it, so I would probably censor myself more than on a blog.


  4. Kathy’s poem says it all, doesn’t it? Sigh. A lovely Christmas thought with just the right touch of humour as well.

    Thanks for the roundup, always a tReAt. And don’t worry, I’ll take all the Daniel I can get, being as I’ll have to wait goodness knows how long for BS2&3, and no I’m not bitter at all. I’ll just sit here and feel sorry for myself. 😀

    Besides, I’ll always have Guy, though how Marian could resist that look in #5 I’ll never understand.

    Thanks again for seeking out all these goodies for us. Much appreciated.


    • Kathy always manages to hit the right mixture of sigh and snigger 😉
      Sorry you have to wait for the show – the flood of pictures must be bittersweet. But well, it’s always nice to see Mr A’s pretty face…


  5. 1 Kathy’s ode is spot on and so sweet and relatable kudos!!! 😘👍👏
    2 #17 my fav sunglasses may be his fetish but he looks scrumptious and sexy in them!!!
    3 #9 smoking one I could not access on Tumblr says need password but an glad you wrote you are smoke free kudos 💯 to you I know lot of hard work and perseverance but you are a true champion Guylty
    4 I think #18 is sweet so good for her

    I would not write a fan letter to him b/c I would be disappointed that it would go unanswered I know that is bring unrealistic but I’m being honest. I like your commentary manipulation is a spot on word for what EPIX is doing all
    The way around for S3
    Thank you for the round up we missed you last weekend 😘😘👏💗

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kathy’s odes are always great – FANtastic entertainment!
      Ooops, sorry about dissing those sunglasses ;-). I prefer the Mykita ones.
      As for #9 – ah, it’s probably a tumblr that is only accessible to followers. Never mind, it’s all screencaps of Daniel post-fight, so he’s got plenty of scratches. And there is that scene where he lights up.
      Yeah, I liked #18, too – I don’t think he is “perfect”. He definitely isn’t – he’s human. But he is in many ways a good, decent and scrumptiously handsome man…
      And yeah – sorry about missing last weekend. There was a lot of family time last weekend. And then I nearly missed the round-up this weekend, too, because I had my RL RA-friend visiting. She left this afternoon, and then I decided I didn’t want to miss another round-up…


      • Ah those weren’t Mykita? He looks just heavenly in any sunglasses for me! I’m glad if I didn’t see the bruises and scruffs very hard to see those fight scenes in Ep 2 on one go around. Glad you had real life friends and family time!!! Hope you are doing well and always happy when you post!! 👍😘😘👏


  6. I missed the letter-writing discussion while I was writing the above. I hereby designate today as my personal Annual Non-letter-writing day! Which lets me nicely off the hook.

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  7. Great roundup again G. #15 and #18 – yes indeedy – and I loved Kathy’s poem. 😊 I’m finding it hard looking at bruised and battered Daniel, there have been a few gifs/caps that I haven’t reblogged for that reason.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well, the cleaned-up bruised Daniel is kinda attractive in that rugged testosterone way…
      And btw – I didn’t see any posts by you this week – is that the tumblr issue you were talking of?


      • Oh, I wouldn’t mind cleaning him up, I’d even get over my aversion to blood to help him out!
        Re my posts this week, I made one simply of Daniel/Esther caps from one scene to see if my blog had been muted. It hadn’t been muted, but it’s disappeared completely (for the second time) from the list of blogs you scroll through in the header in the RA tag. Apparently I’ve “discovered a bug” and staff engineers are working on it. 🙄 Still not sure why some original posts appear in the tag and some don’t. I’ve had a long waffly response from Tumblr staff which doesn’t really help – I’m not posting much original stuff at the moment (lack of creative thought!) so when I actually do, it’s frustrating that it doesn’t appear in the tag.


        • Tumblr is such a mess right now. I wonder how the changes to their policy will pan out. Not that I have noticed anything yet. In any case, it’s more than annoying if there are stupid bugs there that keep your posts from showing up. I hope that they fix it pronto!


          • Me too, although I’m not holding my breath. You’re right, Tumblr is a mess atm, I (and so many others I follow) have had totally innocuous posts and reblogs flagged. So far my appeals have held up but the staff must be run ragged dealing with the fallout of the policy change. I’m generally just keeping my head down and hoping the dust will settle. Ultimately, because my blog is SFW, I shouldn’t be affected, but if those I follow and rely on for much of my RA content disappear, things will be very quiet!


  8. I wrote to him on several occasions while his Mum was still alive and always got a reply in the form of an autographed or dedicated photo since I made a habit of sending him a card or penning a letter to him once a year, usually with a pic attached for him to sign. Now that his post is handled by his agents, I’ll probably write to him only on very very special occasions and will think it twice about asking him to sign anything because I have a hunch they will only send a pre-signed promo pic if at all.

    In any case, we can use Twitter to send him our birthday or Christmas wishes and provide him with feedback on his current or future projects in a succinct and more inmediate way.

    As regards the episode of BS that airs today, it isn’t the third but the so-far infamous #2.


    • Ooops – it is the second episode? Damn, and I was hoping we’d get closure today.
      Yeah, the whole fan mail handling… I am wondering whether it is exactly what you are describing that is responsible for the latest disappointment. I sent him a Christmas letter last year – updating him on the 2017 fundraiser and enclosing a few of my photos for him to sign. But I never received a reply, even though I had enclosed a self-addressed envelope (and 2£ in Royal Mail stamps). It’s highly likely that his mum had passed on the fan mail responsibilities to the agency by then. Understandably so. But I must say that I am a bit annoyed with the agency for evidently scrapping my letter…
      As for Twitter and letters – not an option *I* like, but it’s definitely a channel of communication much used and approved of by many other fans.


      • I have always resorted to letter-writing when it comes to getting in touch with actors and musicians- mind you, I’ve always got replies because I’ve never followed uber-famous performers. However, not being friends or family has limited my epistolar efforts to feedback on some work of theirs that has particularly touched me or delivering good wished on a special date. I’m definitely not a stalkish sort LOL.

        Right now, I think that there’s a higher chance of having a short message read on Twitter than a letter. Although the large number of inane messages he must get and the need to prioritise probably means he skims his timeline and overlooks a lot.


        • Do you think he’s really reading these letters? I mean I hope he would but in reality does he sitce his phone perusing his Twitter I don’t know how that all works but he gets alerts in his phone and I would hate to think if he was attached 24 7 to the phone yeah know?


          • No, I don’t think he is. In all probability he’s even disabled the notification alerts not to be driven mad. He doesn’t seem to be a techno-addict and must have better things to do with his time. My hunch is he checks his Twitter once or twice a day and skims his messages- prioritising those from the accounts he follows. I’m not saying he doesn’t read anything we post or write; he’s always given little hints that show he does,. But still, it’s humanly impossible to keep up with everything. Too many balls to juggle, too little time.

            Liked by 2 people

        • What you say in your second paragraph – yes. And add to that, that not everyone wants to send “public” messages. I mean, I am not proposing marriage in my missives to him, but I definitely wouldn’t want to send them completely public even though I usually publish excerpts from them on my blog…

          Liked by 1 person

          • I prefer the privacy of letters or face-to-face conversations in RL: social media has never been my method of choice when it comes to expressing myself. If you check out my Twitter timeline, you’ll see there are more RT or Tweeting of visual art, nature, landscapes, literature, music, books, articles on teaching and RA photos than my own private thoughts. I’ve made a policy of not posting anything connected with politics, for instance, either national or international. I have my own ideas on the matter, but I simply don’t care to share them or to enter in pointless arguments with people I don’t really know because it’s an undeniable truth that having a public account means anyone can jump into the conversation.

            Liked by 1 person

      • No, I’m not watching. Thank you very much.
        To tell you the truth, I’m toying with the idea of saving the episodes that follow and only watch the remainder of the season depending on the comments made on the finale.


        • Well I commend you 💯 percent if you plan on doing that. I need to see Ep 3 thru finale just to get closure and especially after reading the summaries for 5-8 I do know Cromwell probably plays a big role in Danny’s mom past and that aspect of Danny’s past is interesting to me this whole Estonia stuff is ugh..,


        • That’s definitely an economical way of watching a show that one is not fully invested in. Tbh, I have no interest in BS beyond Daniel Miller/Richard Armitage. So I’ll be monitoring the comments re. the next episodes, and unless there is DM in there, I won’t be wasting my time on something that I am not invested in.

          Liked by 1 person

          • RA is the one and only reason I’ve kept watching this long. In truth, if he weren’t in it, I would have switched off after episode 1. I even doubt I would have started watching it for I’m more inclined to European shows. Give me a good British, French, Italian or German thriller or spy show and I’m in.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Guylty I get that and he can’t be in a lot of the episodes until maybe 5 but I am curious about Danny’s mum story and I like Orser and even KeKes April character so I’m willing to trudge on but I don’t think there’s a rainbow ending here 🙄🤦‍♀️😤


              • True but why put Diver front and center first episode if they don’t tie Cromwell and even Frostie in somehow and then why didn’t Richard film the entire season like last two years? Just seems bizarre although I am happy Orser has a bigger role. He is a class act!


                • Absolutely, Michele. And maybe that is something that we forgot when we got all up in arms over the end of episode 2…
                  Re. Orser – I am glad if he gets more room. Not only is Kirsch an interesting character with a defined backstory, but Orser also seems a nice chap.

                  Liked by 1 person

                  • Yes I agree on both points. Although I think if Richie is gone, this series is over and out.? I like Orser but he cannot carry a series neither could big mouth vegan nor Judd not even Keke
                    It doesn’t make any sense which to be honest is why I’m gonna trudge on more to see how this shit show plays out. Maybe closure from opening the mommy door in S 1 yeah know?


                    • Well, for *m the series is over and out as soon as DM is no more. But in general – well, any character is replaceable. And maybe the already have their new guy in there? Torres? Not that I believe that that is how this going to play out, but it is possible…

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Well ok G but MCM pic was of Richard
                      EPIX letter writing was of Richard, he was marketed heavily in the shadows trailer as the first and last one so I think if the star as he is first billed is gone why watch this series? Daniels character is the driving force they would have to start all over w Torres and why?? That is why I say bizarre b/c
                      Why give up a working gig when there is nothing around the corner at least as of July there was nothing but audiobooks on the horizon. I’m trying not to be pessimistic here but if it were Richards decision and nothing else had been lined up then why give up a starting role??


                    • I agree with you – it doesn’t make sense. But OTOH DM never was truly the leading role of the show, except by name. Hector always got much better action and lines. And I wouldn’t blame RA if that has also contributed to him making the possible decision to leave the show.
                      As for why leave when there’s nothing else planned – uncharacteristic for him, I agree. But then again, this year has been very unusual, and I am the first to understand that he might have needed a complete change and a lot of time off after his mum’s death. So it wouldn’t surprise me if his step back from the business was deliberate.


                    • Du hast ja so recht. Das hat mich in S1 und S2 schon so gestört. Mit seinem Namen und Gesicht wird groß geworben, aber die Hauptrolle spielen dann andere, insbesondere Hector. Den ich so dermaßen unsympathisch finde. Und den man einfach nicht loswird, wie es aussieht 🙄.
                      Bei dem, was die Schreiber so abliefern, kann ich nachvollziehen, wenn er keinen Bock mehr drauf hat. Und private Umbrüche können natürlich auch immer ein Grund sein. Oder vielleicht will er ja auch einfach flexibel sein und nicht durch einen Vertrag gebunden, in der Hoffnung, dass sich was Wichtiges ergibt?
                      Ich werd´s mir ohne ihn jedenfalls nicht weiter anschauen. Robert Kirsch ist für mich definitiv kein Guckgrund.


                    • Daniel war als Identifikationsfigur geplant – ist aber immer vage und schattenhaft umrissen geblieben. Ich kann mir ehrlich gesagt nicht vorstellen, dass RA das selber nicht auch aufgefallen ist. Insofern wünsche ich mir für ihn, dass er aus der Serie rauskommt.


                  • So Guylty I just read on heavy.com and if this is old news I apologize the 5 asked questions number one bring if Daniel is dead which this article thinks the druggie is the guy on the ground and Daniel is still alive that would make sense resting Ep 5 when Danny and Hector somehow reconnect. The questions are interesting and they have a Diver theory also which I forgot about from S1


                    • I read the article – but they are nothing but the assumptions made by the writers of the article. (I actually thought it was really misleading that Leland RT’d that article because it made it look official.) Tbh I didn’t like that article very much. It was classic click bait/empty content.


                    • They do. But what I am saying is that what they say is no indication of what will happen in the show. They are part of the audience just like we are. And they are merely providing fodder that will get people to click on their website.


            • Well, judging by his recent follows and his penultimate tweet, there seems to be a project for next year on the horizon; presumably a UK show or miniseries if his follows are the ones involved. *keeping my fingers crossed really tight*


  9. Endlich wieder ein Round-Up, wurde letzte Woche schmerzlich vermisst.
    Die Ode ist wie immer ein Gedicht 👏😉. Great work, Kathy!
    Nr. 11: Die Klamotten von S3, der Rest von S2 😉. Wobei das Promofoto nicht wirklich was mit Trevors Erscheinung gemein hat (er trug doch niemals den Bart so lang oder 🤔?).
    Nr. 17: Am liebsten ist er mir ganz ohne Sonnenbrille, egal welcher Marke.
    P.S. Konnte Nr. 9 nicht sehen, freue mich aber, dass du dem Nikotin weiterhin widerstehst 👍!


    • Ich roll das Ganze mal von hinten auf:
      Die Nikotinsucht wird nun langsam wirklich immer schwächer. Ich habe am Wochenende bemerkt, dass ich nicht mehr so oft diese fiesen Zigarettengelüste bekomme. Ich habe große Hoffnung, dass ich diese Woche damit durch bin und mich dann auch endlich wieder von den Ersatzhandlungen abwenden kann 😀
      #17: Jou, ganz deiner Meinung. Sonnenbrillen sind auch nicht so mein Ding.
      #11: In S2 waren mir seine Haare zu kurz. Bartlänge ist mir jetzt nicht als unauthentisch aufgefallen.


      • Wohoo, du schaffst es! Hat sich das Gattenproblem gelöst?
        Vielleicht liegt´s am Styling, aber mir kam der Bart nicht so dicht und hervorstechend vor im TV. Die Haare find ich aber tatsächlich viel besser in S2, auch wenn zum Glück das Styling bei dem Foto für S3 hier nicht so grauenhaft ist, wie auf dem Promofoto (Greasetolle voraus 😱).


        • Gatte raucht immer noch *kopfschüttel*, obwohl ich ihn nun zum dritten Mal aufgefordert habe, doch mit mir mitzumachen. Mal sehen…
          Hm, beim nochmaligen Nachdenken könntest du re. Bartdichte durchaus Recht haben. Obwohl Trevor ja durchaus etwas ungepflegtes hatte…
          Und ja – das fies hochtoupierte Haupthaar aus dem BS3 Poster geht schon mal gar nicht. Grauenhaft.


  10. YES, for the feelings. Her experience was “stunning.” RA has re-awakened hope in her for that kind of feeling happening again in her life. Not with him. We know she’s not deluded stupid. With anyone. RA has triggered dormant feelings. That’s what an artist does to you!!! (Do I have to explain everything?)


  11. Nice roundup!

    As for the ‘sincere, heartfelt’ letter… uhm…. no. I’m a big enough ‘Well Wisher’ as it is and I’d just soon not make a bigger ass of myself.

    Not to mention, Twitter doesn’t lend enough characters.


  12. Thank you to all that enjoyed my silly ode, designed to release some laughs during holidays which can be stressful. As for the heartfelt letter, there was a tiny scene of DM mailing a letter to Ester; it contained the heartfelt b and w photo of Diver and the guy he rescued. As well as DM putting a heartfelt stamp on it. Mimi dropped in for a couple of days and we plopped ourselves in front of tv for episode three (I get Epix in my cable package) and there was episode two in all its gory glory. Even guide said episode three was airing. However, we did see a new preview of 3 at the end. Spoiler alert – Daniel is missing! Bet you didn’t see that one coming.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Thanks for the round-up Guylty, full of drools. Re 9, I obviously don’t want RA to be battered but you’re not alone in being mesmerised by images of him cut and bruised. What’s that all about? ( I also love looking at images of Lucas with the artfully dribbled blood on his cheeks.)


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