#FlatRichie and Mountain Richie

We interrupt our Hannibal re-watch for a couple of announcements.

Flat Richie Surprise Visit

In case you were wondering why we hadn’t heard from Flat Richie for a while: He arrived here in my house for a short stop over today. No reason to worry. The package didn’t need refilling, and the chain isn’t broken or anything, and neither is Flat Richie. He’s fine and still in working order. He just stopped here for logistics reasons and will now be sent on from Ireland to his next destination. Since it was an unscheduled stop, I did not take anything from the box. I didn’t even read the log. I’m keeping myself unspoilt until the package eventually returns to me later this year. I just had a quick check whether everything was ok in the box.

However, I took the opportunity to have a quick tête-a-tête with Guy.

And while our Richie is flat, another Richie is mountainous. Alright, the segue is not really that smooth, but well…

Mountain Richie

Top of the world? I hope he’s not in Nepal!!!! 🥶

But otherwise nice to see him on a little holiday, doing something he enjoys doing. I also hope he’s there with a group of nice people, having a proper holiday.

In other news…

It is now 50 days since I gave up smoking. My quit support informs me that I have now NOT smoked 1,000 rollies. And I have saved €100. Tbh, the number of cigarettes is impressive. The amount of money saved – not so much. The support e-mail also fails to mention that I have instead gained 18lbs (8 kg). Flat Richie, meanwhile, still weighs less than 2kg and will go into the post as soon as I have finished this post.


Back tomorrow with the round-up. Re-watch returning (probably) on Sunday.


73 thoughts on “#FlatRichie and Mountain Richie

  1. Congrats on the 50 days! (I honestly have similar experiences with “health” — if I successfully put pressure on one problem, a different one expands. You are a very determined individual, though, so I’m confident you’ll get where you want to go).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Serv. (And you have exactly pinpointed the problem. I may have stopped one addiction – but only because I have started a new one. The realisation of that is so disheartening. It doesn’t feel as if I have achieved anything. I have merely shifted the problem from one area to another.)


      • fwiw, because as you know my own health is never a matter of huge concern to me — we live hugely unnatural lives. We use our bodies in ways they are not designed to work, we sit all day long, we mess up our sleep schedules with alarm clocks and electric lights, our atmosphere and our food are full of chemicals, women are oppressed, our personal situations are so often frustrating etc., etc. Some kind of coping mechanism is going to be necessary for most mortals.

        Liked by 1 person

        • That is a very good point. Modern lifestyles are just not conducive to healthy living. Except we all have a brain and a will. Looks as if I have no will whatsoever, though. (And maybe no brain, either 😂.) I wish it was as easy as making a decision and sticking to it. (Mind you, that is how I stopped smoking. I decided on Wednesday evening “That’s it, I’m not smoking anymore” and I simply didn’t. Instead I ate. And now the eating feels like more of an addiction than the nicotine…
          Sorry for all this moaning. Forget it. I’m just letting it all out.


          • You’re entitled to feel miserable, you’re in nicotine withdrawal. But I don’t think it’s honestly a matter of willpower. There’s this thing called decision fatigue. Most of us suffer from it from time to time. And I can honestly say, although I’m not comfortable with the amount of Coke I’m drinking at the moment, it’s still true that knowing there’s a can of it waiting for me at home after a particularly exasperating encounter often gets me through. I’m not going to beat myself up for it.


            • Prompted by your use of the phrase, I just read up on ‘nicotine withdrawal’ – and was surprised to find all my current issues listed there. I had no idea that nicotine – or rather: giving up nicotine – had such an influence on mind and mental stability! It explains a lot – and it actually makes me feel a bit better now.
              I had not heard about decision fatigue, but the concept makes sense. And Coke is a good example. In fact that is one of the new “addictions” that have replaced my nicotine addiction…
              Your last sentence is actually the most important one of all – not to beat oneself up for it. Good point. I have to keep my eye on the prize – and forget about the side issues.


          • Listen if you weighed like 300 pounds I would say you have a food issue and even that isn’t fair to say that so the chocolate 🍫 (a lot of us are chocoholics) is a sub for the nicotine
            The nicotine is now gone and once your body adjusts to no nicotine the chocolates cravings will subside
            Remember 25 freakin years of smoking is not gonna disappear in 51 days so take the first step of quitting positively piss and Moan here about it
            Take support and congrats from everyone here b/c you should be proud of yourself and dare I say it relax and ease off yourself. It’s hard not know I beat myself up about my body all the time but you’re amazing and enough said

            Liked by 1 person

  2. I hope you are smiling, he’s got stubbly going, no full beard there and a cute smile!!! Do you have any idea where he’s slaloming or whooshing (I don’t ski so I don’t know the proper terms) ?
    The weight gain is temporary, the overall end is 50 days!! You will be celebrating soon in less than a month!
    Congrats though on the 50! Well done indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  3. Well done on the fifty days!! The weight gain is annoying, I’m sure, but let’s focus on the other number in that paragraph: a thousand ciggies not smoked. In other words, you have beat temptation ONE THOUSAND TIMES. So do you appreciate how fantastic you are? Because you should. That is a mountainous feat and you did it. So here’s three cheers for Guylty: hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray!!!

    The photo of the sun and the landscape is gorgeous. The guy could be anybody tbh for as much as we see of him, but I hope he’s having a fantastic time and can really relax and let his hair down (the little speed demon).

    Liked by 1 person

  4. thing is , when you quit smoking you not only nibble instead of having another ciggie but your taste returns so food starts tasting better! you’ve done brilliantly to do 50 days and hopefully this’ll be the end of that habit long term x
    lovely to see the cute pic of Richard ski-ing and i’m glad he’s had a holiday. I kind of forget that twitter for him is a work related thing really , so it was probably nice to have a break from it! I’ve always wanted to have a go skiing but i’m also a terrible klutz and with my job i simply can’t afford to be off work for a long period of time! it reminds me of when my one practice did a team building day out involving It’s a knock Out and i just said -nope! they all went and came back with bruises and twisted ankles!
    can’t wait to see where Flat Richie lands next 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Three cheers for you, I am proud of you. And for the gain of weight: 50 days without smoking is a very good excuse. I am non smoker and has gained some kg this winter too so what is my excuse?
    Maybe RA is in the french Alpes again? He deserves his winter holiday

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Bea 🙂 Well, this time of year is always a time for storing extra energy on our hips. New year, new resolutions. Diet action starting soon.
      I was wondering whether it was the French alps, too.


  6. Happy 50 days Smoke Free!!!! Yes the amount of money IS substantial! Go buy yourself something with it!!!! Or collect it in a smoke-free jar and set a date to go spend!!!!

    BTW, it’s my understanding it’s NORMAL for smokers who quit to gain weight. I’m struggling right now as well.

    I’m glad to see our Richie is taking some downtime. Sometimes, it seems he goes from job to job, no break, and just go go go. Just reading about his agenda exhausts me!!!

    Now I need to go buy clothes, I’m that tired!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, good idea re. investing the cigarette money in something nice for myself. I might continue saving for a little while longer though. (Until I have found a job again – at the moment I am glad I am not spending extra cash on something as superfluous as cigarettes…)
      I saw all the options you are thinking of buying, on your blog. Fingers crossed that they get a few discounts!

      Liked by 2 people

  7. 50 days is wonderful, Guylty. Yes, weight gain is to be expected, alas. But being a bit heavier is still a lot healthier than smoking… you probably don’t feel any better at the moment but your body will be thanking you! Dare I ask, has V. stopped now?

    Very intrigued to find out where flat Richie goes next! 😃


    • One of the reasons why I find it so difficult to be elated about my achievements so far, is that I really do not feel any healthier at all. If anything, because of the weight gain, I am feeling worse.
      No, V is still smoking. He’s trying not to smoke in my presence, but he still smokes in the house.
      As for Flat Richie’s journey – he stopped over here because I was basically along the route… 😉


      • Stop beating yourself up! The number is very impressive and you are 51 days further better in smoke free health: the weight will settle down wait until you hit 5-0 it gets really hard then and love your progress and know you are loved here and supported and keep crafting
        Writing and drinking your tea!!😻😻😻😉👏👏

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Congratulations Guylty, what a fabulous achievement! Quitting smoking is tough – the tobacco companies make sure of that! If you need any reminding of what you have achieved health wise (aside from the money you’ve saved) and what you stand to gain in future, this might help!

    It was so good to wake up to that Instagram post of Richard, to see him looking happy and relaxed doing something he has made clear he loves. And no filter, courtesy of those big goggles!! I’m very happy to see the stubble back too. ❤️


    • Thank you for that link. I read it with great interest. Mind you, I am currently in a “glass half empty” phase, and reading it all reminds me that I have ruined my health for so long, it’s probably too late now… But well, I’m off the smokes now, so that’s good.
      It was a really nice post from him – it almost felt as if he was writing us a postcard from his holidays. “Hello all. The scenery is here, wish you were beautiful. Lots of love, RA” It was nice of him to think of us 🙂


  9. Oh that’s fabulous G, congratulations! That’s no easy road I know. Your metabolism has slowed down somewhat but your body will adjust with time and some tweaking with your diet. As long as you lower the calorie intake that the nicotine used to help you burn off (by raising your heart rate) you should be able to get back on track. Easier said than done it’s true, but I’m confident you will see it through until you succeed.
    Seeing RA in his happy place = bliss ❤️ Goodness knows the man deserves it. Also, Hooray the stubble is back 😍

    Liked by 1 person

    • I need to get back into the swing with my diet. One of the reasons why I am not overjoyed with my no-smoking achievements is, that while achieving that I have completely reversed my weight loss achievements from last year. And that had been so hard… I am quite unhappy that I will have to start from 0 again, and I have been consoling myself with chocolate… I wish I had RA’s discipline. I mean, just looking at the skiing photo I am reminded that he is not that much younger than me – and a thousand times fitter. Boom, and again I feel guilty… (I knew why I chose my internet name…)


      • Take it for what it’s worth, but most people who have studied it have concluded that weight loss is a great deal easier for men than for women.


        • I am not surprised to hear that. And it makes sense. Physiologically they do not *need* to store fat for any reproductive reason. Hence they get rid of it quickly… Mother nature. So unfair.


          • I get mad at my husband because he’s NEVER hungry. I could not give food to him for days and he wouldn’t ask for it. For him to follow a diet is so much easier than it is for me and then he’s surprised if I’m in a bad mood when I can’t eat what I would like. 😦


      • Ok 1 he doesn’t have kids he can just jet off to French Alps w his overpriced ski gear and sunglasses and granted he deserved to swoosh swoosh but he still doesn’t have to worry about bills and real life stuff like us mere mortals do. I would not compare our lives to his he probably wishes for more normalcy or maybe he’s happy living in a bubble ?? You have a great family and you live In Dublin!!! And there’s Jag the awesome cat !!!!😘😘😉😻


        • Well, it’s not just about the skiing, the fancy gear and the plush hotels. If I had discipline and will-power, I could easily exercise EVERY day, FREE of charge, with NO equipment. It’s called “walking/jogging/running” and I have a beautiful private park right outside my front door… but I am just too weak…


      • I have to lose weight too. I did it a few years ago, but I am back to the starting point. The problem is finding the motivation to start a diet, my mood becomes horrible when I feel deprived of the food I like. And eating healthy food usually means eating thing I don’t like at all (and I also don’t like cooking, especially when I know that the result won’t be tasty). At least I began exercising a little thanks to Guy. My mother in law asked me to walk on the treadmill or the cross trainer with her and I said yes as long as we could watch Robin Hood while doing so. I only have the dvds in English and she doesn’t speak it, but she accepted all the same, so while we exercise I also translate the most important thing of the episode so she can understand the plot. So far she likes it, even if she prefers Robin, and she gets mad at the sheriff 😀


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