The Picture of Richard Armitage – #RDC5 [part 1]

You know what’s coming, don’t you? If you’ve followed me for a while through Berlin, London, Leeds and New York, then you know that I need time to process. Today is day 1 after the con – and I am still reeling. But I am also sitting in a hotel lobby in London, killing time until I catch my plane this evening. And as luck would have it, I found something in the waste paper basket of my hotel reception. Looks as if a reporter from a quality tabloid was staying here, too. And I have their scoop.

Shocking? Yeah. Here’s the evidence in bigger version:

I’ll talk to you later!

PS: I’m in love.

224 thoughts on “The Picture of Richard Armitage – #RDC5 [part 1]

  1. Perhaps he is Dorian in disguise. 😂 Which would explain why he doesn’t look like he’s aged at all.
    And I’ve decided he must be a wizard or a warlock – using charm spells to keep us all spellbound. And I’m good with that. 😉


  2. 1. The RAg got an exclusive chat from Miss Pleasure about her near death experience with The Armitage so kudos to both!
    2. Hopefully Miss Pleasure will have a safe flight home to Dublin tonight
    3. Hopefully she and the Muted Twin had the time of their lives this past weekend
    4. Glad Miss Pleasure is in love (again) about freakin time!!!
    5. I know more about Dorian Gray than I will ever want to know!
    6.Perhaps Mr. Armitage on Saturday was shy and needed a bit of warming up like a classic car
    7. Thank goodness he ditched the hoody ensemble on Sunday
    8. Did Miss Pleasure asked The Armitage any questions either day?
    9. Precocious performer indeed
    10. Hover hands-lucky women there!!

    Can’t wait for a full blow by blow description!!! Confession: major FOMO by me!!

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      • hahahaha LoLo I would climb inside that leather jacket in a hot minute with him! I mean Mads didn’t look any better like they had rolled out of bed, no shower but I liked Sunday’s sweater and black pants/jeans and trainers look. He’s 47 not 17 In my Opinion.. a hot to trot 47 mind you..

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        • I guess I have a different view of the garment in question considering that I live in Los Angeles, the official home of the hoodie. We are required by city law to each own at least twelve.

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          • LoLo he’s 47 not 17 and he could have worn a nice jumper on Saturday he looked great but reminded me of a skaterboi dude although LOVED the boots!! Uber cute!! I would not survive in LA that and flip flops I hope he NEVER wears!!! Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!


            • Dear lord, woman! I’m not a heathen! No flip flops for me or him either (although I do like his feeties). 😂 We’ve seen those marvelous boots before haven’t we?

              From the looks of the material of that hoodie, and knowing how much he spends on a single t-shirt–assuming that Alexander McQueen doesn’t give them to him for free for publicity–I suspect that it cost more than every jumper I’ve bought over the past 8 years…combined. Not that that will necessarily affect your opinion, but imma thinking it was veeerrrryyy soft but still very masculine (unlike the loved but somewhat-derided “what the hell color is that” cashmere turtleneck jumper he wore during that Christmas Audible interview).

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              • Hahaha ok thank you for the comment about the jumper at Cmas I mean that color did not look good on him. I like him in darker colors. I think the hoody bothered me b/c it was probably McQueen or not Belstaff or Burberry but whatever else hip London designer is out there but that he wore it twice and iidn’t put any effort into it-like he needed a woman’s touch there so much! Yes Mads quite frankly didn’t look any better but at least he had clean fresh clothes on Saturday. Am I being uber shallow here? Yep but many people who took the time to dress up are coming to take pics with you and if you are not going to be touchy huggy the first photo op day at least look nice and presentable and not like a 17 year who woke up at the last minute late for school.

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                • I must confess that I also wondered why he wore the exact same outfit two days in a row. It’s not as if he didn’t know there would be photographic proof! I suspect that where he needs a woman’s touch is when it comes to packing his clothes in the first place. A chore I absolutely loved to do when married but was sternly chided about by a friend (as in, he’s old enough to pack his own damn suitcase). I always thought of it as a way to make sure he thought about me when he was away, and for my stupidly tender heart to take care of him. You can bet I’d be packing his suitcase for my Tall Dwarf! Perhaps he just wasn’t thinking and didn’t pack enough clothes? That’s what I’m sticking with for now. 😬

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                  • Lolo, what I didn’t get is he lives in London right? I mean I thought aside from his little skiing escapade in Utah he has been a mole underground in London since last August. So he would have clothes and other er necessities available to him. He definitely needs a woman’s touch and I completely agree with you that packing his suitcase and putting in gentle reminders of you is fantastic. I would pack his suit… case in a heartbeat!!! I love that he is messy but he knew it was photo op day and not being touchy huggy was one thing but not at least climbing out of the overpriced hoody into maybe a nice jumper or denim shirt or even Guylty’s beloved white T would have been nice. At least the buffalo plaid lumberman’s jacket/shirt jacket did not make a cameo…


                  • Hm, I kind of have to go all APM on you now, girls. Well, not really, but I have to say I truly love love love that he wore the same outfit on Friday evening and Saturday. Just because that is so NORMAL!!!! That’s what regular blokes do. And I just like the idea that Richard might be an extraordinary but relatable man.
                    Plus – wow, that black hoodie looked so soft… You should’ve seen it from up close. (That’s where my eyelevel was at *coughs*) No touching, of course, but I bet it was soft and thick. (A bit like Richard himself *muhahaha*. Ok, no, he’s not thick. Neither figuratively nor literally.) In any case, I loved it and didn’t really think it looked too young for him.

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                    • I completely agree with you about loving the hoodie, G! Oh! and that it looked that soft up close! *thud* (my above comments are all about loving the hoodie, and believe me, when he becomes my future third ex-husband, he will be wearing it a lot. Briefly, but frequently, if you catch my drift.)

                      Your point about his wearage being so utterly normal is well-taken, indeed. Sort of what I was trying to get at with my idea of him being a poor packer like most men, but I failed. I can absolutely see him doing that IRL but was just confused about him doing it in a “celebrity” setting, given his admissions of being vain. Then again, he’s said how many times that he gives not a hoot about clothes? So it actually is in keeping with our beautiful man, isn’t it? If it had been a hoodie with a logo or pattern on it, I might have thought it a tad too young, but that lovely, classic black? Utter perfection.

                      (LOL about soft and thick!!)


                    • Well, it’s not the first time this has happened. He did the same in Leeds, where he wore the exact same outfit Friday evening and Saturday. Maybe he changes his clothes every Friday late afternoon and that way gets two days’ wear out of them? JK.
                      IDK, I have the impression his vanity is more related to his body shape – he doesn’t want to be “a fat dude” (which is actually an expression that I really disliked when he used it. Not very nice, respectful or neutral.). Also, I was joking with Kate that maybe he banned the flower crowns because of the hair piece. BLASPHEMY!!!!

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                    • Just curious, how is it hypocritical of him not to want to have 100s of strangers putting their own flower crowns on him? (Honestly, am just asking.) Is that different from not wanting to be hugged by everyone? He didn’t mind if people wore their crowns; he just didn’t want any placed on him.

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                    • Oh I thought he had banned them altogether , hypocritical b/c he had worn one in a pic at Saturn Awards that’s what I meant. I’m not attacking him here. I did not know he didn’t want people putting them on his head which I think so what I mean I get the no huggy thing although he eased up on that but if a fan takes the time to bring you a flower crown as a token of admiration can’t you just put the damn thing on your head for a photo op for 3 seconds? Look at what Mads did for fans and what those other guys did, one fan had a threesome arm wrap which I thought was so sweet and endearing.


                    • The Saturn Awards flower crown was forced onto him by Bryan and Martha, I suspect. Iirc the fannibals were actually slightly miffed back in 2015 (?) at SDCC when RA straightforwardly asked why he had to wear a flower crown. My heart actually sank when he more or less committed the same faux-pas on Friday in London. It’s obvious he isn’t on board with the flower crowns – which could be interpreted the wrong way…
                      The sad thing is: the man actually looks really good with a flower crown on his head. But yeah, hair pieces and flower crowns don’t mix *muhahahaha* (That’s what you get when you ban flower crowns – speculations why…)

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                    • Do you think he indeed does wear a hair piece? I thought the whole idea with hair pieces was so that one could not tell that it was on, same with hair extensions (which I don’t wear, would not as a personal preference)


                    • He did????????? *screams* WTF? I mean, I saw the pic where two girls are holding a flower crown high over his head, but I didn’t see him actually wearing one. *huffs* Maybe that hairpiece rumour that I started, did the trick… *muhahaha*
                      (Just joking. I only said that to Kate, and in jest.)

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                    • And how!! Not even serious wearing. Absolutely silly wearing of a flower crown. I’m so mad about my Saturday photo now.


                    • I don’t think it was hypocritical. But I certainly think it was a bit diva-ish. Not all attendees wore flower crowns, and not all of those who did, would’ve asked him to put theirs on. Mads, Aaron and Scott had no such issues. Sure, because they have been at such events before and knew what was happening, but also because they actually completely went with the flow… Maybe RA should’ve brought his own – and avoided the issue?

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                    • Guylty, ok so this was Saturday. I know I’m digging around here but since the door is open a crack now and hopefully you are on a caffeine buzz with strong wifi and power outlets charging away, why the change of heart on Sunday? Did the photo slave say “oh ye he now says huggy is ok or he will initiate the hug” ? The flower crowns are a huge symbol of the show, no?


                    • No, the slave actually repeated the same thing – and what it meant was – RA did not want to do any weird poses where the fans gave him real proper hugs or anything like that. (Just google RDC5 and Mads Mikkelsen and you’ll see the antics he and the fans got up to. Full-on biting included.) No flower crowns, again. Everybody accepted that. And as we stood next to him, one by one, *HE* actually put his arm around all of us. Which was really lovely. He simply needed to do it on his own terms – and probably had to warm up a bit before he could let loose. There’s also the possibility that he was aware of the pushback on Twitter. If so – full marks to Rich for adjusting his MO and giving us more than he had actually intended.
                      I’ll say this here again: He had all the right in the world to set his own boundaries. His own fans kind of expected this and were very quick to accept it. The fannibals, however, had different expectations because in their con experience such relative stand-offishness does not occur. Hence they were disappointed, and rightfully so. In the end, a compromise was reached, and I think everyone went home reasonably happy. At least I think Richard wasn’t traumatised for life after having to stand close to 600 squeeing women for 2 hours at a stretch…

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                    • I went ballistic APM all weekend about the photo thing and think you’re absolutely right about the different expectations of RAfans and fannibals. We know that he may be tall and gorgeous and an actor but he’s still shy and had never done a con before. I can’t imagine the horror for a shy person at having such an onslaught of strangers (or squeeing women, lol) wanting to touch you. I’ll never be convinced that buying a ticket to have a photo taken automatically gives one the right to touch a stranger, but full marks to Mads and the others for being comfortable with it. Their photos were truly delightful! Hopefully RA’s wonderful Q&A sessions and lovely demeanor during the autograph sessions were enough to comfort/placate the disappointed fannibals. (Now shut the hell up, LoLo, before your big gob gets you in trouble again.)

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                    • Well, just to qualify what I wrote. I actually do not think that Richard is an innocent little snowflake or that he has to be protected from all those evil fans at all cost. He signed up for this con – and having attended SDCC twice and WonderCon once, I think he should’ve had an inkling. I’m not a massive fan of the “introvert” and “shy mimosa” excuse tbh. This was a professional gig, so he was working, intro, extro or per *lol*… and he should’ve known and prepared. I know you didn’t mean it like that, but the thought that I and all the other kind, lovely and certainly in no way intrusive or aggressive fans should’ve been seen as an “onslaught” or as a threat, makes me really sad. I have never been at any event that was so much about the expression of pure, unadulterated love and admiration for a bunch of actors. I really, really hope that RA understands that. The event was as much about satisfying our own curiosity about him, as it was about giving him the *gift* of our admiration by being there, by queuing for HOURS for his photo and autographs. I don’t regret anything, but I also do not pity RA for anything. He didn’t have to endure anything horrible – by con standards. And everyone was respectful of his wishes.

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                    • I have no doubt that I’m 100% doing the blinkered fan thing of projecting my own fears and anxieties on him rather allowing him to be the grownup professional that he is. I wouldn’t be able to handle it, despite the very good intentions and behaviour of the fans involved, so I fall into the trap of assuming that he has difficulties. And there’s no doubt that he should have known what to expect. A part of me does hope that it was the practical concern of not wanting to risk getting ill before beginning filming in March (as a film historian, what happened to poor Gene Tierney always looms large in my mind). But yes, I hope that by Sunday, if not sooner, he realized more fully how much admiration was being gifted him.


                    • You bring up a good point though LoLo. It can be overwhelming for anybody even Richard who’s been around now for quite awhile to have so many people there in a small space but he is a big boy now. The training wheels have to come off eventually!!!

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                    • Hehe, Michele, I think you are the only one who likes those pants. Let me put it to you this way: You didn’t see them from behind, and let me tell you: it is a crime against humanity to hide the beautifully tight and continuously-trained-for tushie in extra-loose trousers the seat of which hangs down to his knees. Tragic, Michele! Tragic! (I suspect it was the same pants he wore in Leeds – and I was devastated back then, especially as I came to stand LITERALLY 10 centimeters behind him that time. With NO VIEW WHATSOEVER!!!!!!)

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                    • I want to say one little thing about the many people in a small space and if I’m repeating G please forgive me—I cannot fully navigate the 120 comments just now—but he was never ever crowded. Not for photos and certainly not for autographs (I worked his room both days). His personal space was ensured by the setup at all times. So I’m with G in not feeling protective of him at all about this. He chose to come and the finer points were certainly made clear to him beforehand. I’m sure they gave him a walkthrough of the setup if he asked.

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                    • Well, I think we all have the tendency to base our conclusions on our own sensitivities. When it comes to Richard, I actually believe that first and foremost he is a consummate professional. Polite, thoughtful, keen on fulfilling his part of the deal. I think it took him a day to figure out how an intimate con like RDC works. This is not a 150,000 visitor event such as SDCC. It’s small, a family event. 95% women. All ages. No aggression whatsoever, only love and admiration. He was very clever to start his con career with this event! It should’ve eased him in nicely…
                      As for fear of infection. Hm, tbh LoLo, that did not occur to me in the slightest. No disrespect, but that feels like a very showbiz kind of approach to me. Is that how people in LA operate? Mind you, I guess RA *is* in showbiz, *and* he has been used to American ways for the last 7 years or more. So who knows. Just judging by his looks – he looked in excellent health, and people who are ruddy and healthy are less likely to catch anything. Especially if they don’t have to shake hands with 600 people. (For comparison: Mads Mikkelsen shook *every* fan’s hand at the autograph session. By *HIS* initiative! I would’ve let him off the hook, but he offered his hand and it would’ve been to refuse him. LOL (which I later did in a different context. But that’s a different story.)
                      Back to RA – he made a lovely speech last night, and I think he learnt a little bit about what cons are about. He seemed to approve of it, anyway.

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                    • My imagination has decided that part of the reason he did the particular con was he does want to give back to the fans more. And a one-on-one basis is such a lovely way to do it, even if you have only a moment or two to do so. So he was getting his toe wet, so to speak even though he has done some cons before. As you say, it took him a bit to figure things out. And with luck, it was a positive enough experience (and he had such a good role model in Mads) that he will feel more comfortable and be able to better live up to expectations at the next one.

                      Yep, it is show business, and not just in America. I doubt that any performer who is used to clauses.of all.k8mds about.their health would not be aware of it at all times. Tbh, I’m surprised that he was “allowed” to go skiing so close to the upcoming shoot by whichever company is insuring “The Stranger.” He does have an extremely important shoot coming up. Ruddy and in good health or no, pneumonia or bronchitis could screw things up for him bigtime. And you only have to look at the current measles outbreaks in the U.S., due to the morons who aren’t vaccinated their children, to see what dangers lurk in even the most innocent or unexpected public situations. RA being such a professional inclines me to suppose that he would be thinking that far ahead, even while trying to fulfill his duties at RDC. He has a lot riding on the upcoming show, as do lots of others. I dunno. Protecting his health was literally my first thought when the photo kerfuffle first arose, so perhaps I should stick to that? 😬


                    • Oh bollocks. Stupid tiny keyboard on my phone! I managed to hit send before cleaning up all my typos and making sure I wasn’t making an even bigger fool of myself. It should be “I doubt any performer who is used to clauses of all kinds about their health would not be aware of it at all times.”

                      But yeah, I could be completely wrong about the whole thing.

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                    • LOL – listen, we can believe whatever we choose to believe, LoLo. He is not going to illuminate us anyway ;-). Maybe it is like you say. I don’t doubt that there are plenty of insurance clauses and that pressure is put on actors to avoid any risks to their health. I personally don’t believe that avoiding sickness was the reason for his stand-offishness (and I base that on his past behaviour), but that’s just *my* opinion. I say, believe whatever fits *your* image of him. I do the same. Win win! 😉

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                    • Guylty, that’s a great way of putting it. I meant by the flower crowns that these fans put in the time and effort and expense of coming to see him and Mads and Abrams and the other guy (sorry other guy!) were professional and interactive with fans. I mean he seemed at NFF to be animated and lively and jovial from what I read last year and RDC was a bit bigger arena but still you put on a professional demeanor and go with the flow. I do think he’s shy and a mimosa and so am I and so are you to an extent but we don’t get big bucks as a stage, tv and film star and he does. Maybe he clued in yesterday and settled down some and nerves played a part for him. Those fannibals and everyone who attended seemed down to earth and very affectionate with everybody and he wasn’t the only attraction there.

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                    • I think you are spot on there. It’s a paid gig – it’s a job – and *he* is professional. On the other side of the bargain, we all paid for the photo ops. And hefty sums, btw!!! (I’m embarrassed about that – it’s something I always said I’d never do, so here I am, broken principles…) So no wonder there were expectations from the more seasoned con participants.
                      IDK about the whole shy and mimosa thing. I guess he is. (And it is something I intensely dislike. It disturbs my image of my fantasy Richard 😁) Maybe we can compromise and call it “sensitive artiste” 😉.
                      I am not a fan of these introvert/extrovert labels. Especially as I have seen it used this weekend to fire little jabs at supposedly steamrolling extroverts – which is not the full truth either. Just because it is suddenly in fashion to be shy and introvert, doesn’t mean that extroverts are ignorant arseholes. (Sorry, rant not directed at you – prompted by something I read on Twitter.)
                      He definitely clued in and adjusted his approach. Either someone told him or he perceived it himself. In any case, full marks for being able to change and finding a compromise that worked for him as well as the fans. There was a definite change in atmosphere in the photo room on Sunday, and if RA really is as sensitive as I think he is, then he noticed it.
                      Very good point you are making at the end there, Michele. In fact, Richard very clearly was second fiddle to Mads. Which also was a nice segue into the whole con business for him. He got a lotta love, but he didn’t have to carry the main interest. And Mads was fabulous at doing that. (Says someone who is not a Mads fan.)

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                    • Guylty part of my physical and mental attraction to him is that he is shy, mimosa or whatever the term is these days. He’s not out there like Leo cavorting around with models old enough to be his daughter or sister. He’s quiet and reserved or shy or whatever aloof even to an extent. I don’t mind that at all. But what was happening on Twitter? For fans like me who were not physically there I ask all these questions b/c I don’t know. I think we are “judgmental” (not caustic just curious) b/c we were not there and you and Kate were so we rely on you guys to tell us what really happened and how he was.
                      Yeah know I thought looking over the #richardarmitage Twitter last night with Mads pics that he is a real pro-he seems to have that magnetic personality and he’s not on Social Media from what I gathered! I thought I read one woman said English was not her first language and he chimed in that it wasn’t his either and he pulled a croissant from his pocket and gave it to one woman! I mean how sweet is that!!!


                    • LOL – damn, we are in a quandary here. My attraction to him depends on him NOT being a mimosa or a anti-social introvert 😂. What do we do now????
                      Without blowing your bubble (because I don’t think it really hurts your image of him) – I don’t believe he is really that shy. He is reserved but he comes across as shy because he also prefers to listen rather than to speak. Maybe there is also a lack of confidence thing happening there, too. I don’t think he is anti-social, either, even though he writes that in his profile. He was perfectly capable to make an attempt at non-committal small talk with *everyone*. The man is intelligent – especially in terms of emotional intelligence. I think he can “feel” other people – he is perceptive. But in any case, whether shy or not, he is intensely private, and *that* makes him look rather stand-offish. Fair enough.
                      Ok, my gate is being called, so I have to stop here, but will come back later.

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                    • i agree completely with your description of him-pretty much sums up how i feel. I think alot of the ‘shyness’ is partially lack of social confidence but i think hen you look at videos of him over the years-there’s a marked improvement in his self confidence


                    • You know, as women, we are especially sensitive to issues of confidence and insecurity – and we probably also have a lot of compassion and understanding when it comes to that. It does endear him to me on some levels. But it feels even better to see how he has moved forward.


                    • Mads was phenomenal in every way. I am not a fan (I don‘t dislike him, I just haven’t seen him in much that I‘m aware of) and he completely won me over. He is hands down one of the loveliest strangers I‘ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. I could’ve listened to that standup comedy routine masquerading as a Q&A for another hour.

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                    • Absolutely agree. So much so that I actually started checking out some of his stuff on YT today. I really enjoyed him at the con – an entertaining mixture of mischievous and self-deprecating (that comment about not speaking English very well 😂), very confident, and at the same time really fan-friendly. He, as well as Scott and Aaron really surprised me – and I can say that all three will from now on be on my radar.


                    • I’m dying! I’m dying! (Although I did think the exact same thing about the crowns!!) I didn’t know that he has a prior pattern of such clothes wearage. I will need to mull….

                      I’m glad I’m not the only one who was upset about his “fat dude” comment. I’ve not mentioned my feelings about it before (I think), but while it had a very slight tinge of his adorkable cuteness, mostly it made me feel sad and hurt. And not just because I’m fluffy myself. He’s usually much more thoughtful and respectful. But as often been noted, fat people are one of the last few “acceptable” targets for derision. His point would have been made just by saying he’d rather shave his head.


                    • LoLo I think he should just keep his mouth shut period and be more Harry about appearances. His lovely tweet to Dawn about Kate’s book was so touching!! He certainly doesn’t need to go anywhere about fat or balding or any other reference to how people look. The short American could teach him something in a “RA in RL” segment there too!!!


                    • Well, you know, I don’t mind the sentiment as such. I am overweight, too, but I am aware not wanting to be “fat” is not only a matter of beauty but also of general health. And as such I can understand people saying they don’t want to be fat. But the word “fat” itself is just so hurtful and mean. I have struggled with my weight all my life – even during the times when I was actually slim but *believed* I was fat, such is the level of brainwash when it comes to women’s weight. And the word “fat” just implies weakness, lack of discipline, possibly also being disgusted by someone who is “fat”. So yeah, I felt hurt by the word, even though it wasn’t directed at me. And I also disliked the kind of vanity that the statement implied. But well, Richard says a lot of things in interviews… so maybe we shouldn’t be too literal…
                      Circling back to the clothes wearing – yep – I have the photos to prove it!!!

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                    • Loved the hoody, loved the fact that he didn‘t feel he had to glam up and do unnecessary wardrobe changes (would’ve been totally wrong for the vibe for the whole thing) and he looked great nevertheless. I wore the same pants on Friday and Saturday as well (#carryononly), so feel free to object to that girls. Friday was only a one-hour gig for him. Hardly enough time to the get the newly washed jeans to adjust to his body.


                    • Ha, I only had one pair of trousers with me, anyway. And three tops for four days. *shrugs* So yeah, my Richard Armitage cosplay jumper had to be worn two consecutive days…

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            • I also loved the hoodie 😉 and I never perceived this as “only teenagers can wear that” – funnily there are a few things the other way round where I think “only grandpa would wear this” (and not even *my* grandpa, because he actually dresses quite “youthfully”) like double breasted suit jackets and things that obviously become hip at the moment again. The teenage daughter of a friend proudly presented her new set of clothes last time and I was thinking “uagh…you look like my grandmother in her office outfit from the old photographs…terrible…” – didn’t tell her though 😉

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    • Oh, I love the handy numbering, Michele. Ok, let’s get into it.
      1. The RAg and Miss Guylty Pleasure have an uncanny knack of being in the same place at the same time. I smell something fishy!!!!
      2. Sitting in City Airport right now – several hours early. But I figured I’d at least have no problem with wi-fi and power outlets here, so I am planning to keep drinking coffee until the plane lifts off.
      3. Guylty and her Mute Twin had a meeting of minds. There is a lot to say, and it will be said. Strangely, the RAg completely ignored such human interest stories and exclusively concentrated on the celebrity news. Ugh.
      4. Yep – unexpected, actually. You think you are old and cynical and seen it all, and then this guy turns up in all his ravishing gorgeousness, expresses himself eloquently and beautifully, hovers his warm hand over my shoulder, and *boom* love hearts in my eyes and a symphony orchestra of sledgehammers beating in my stomach… Weird.
      5. Who’s Dorian Gray??? 😉
      6. Definitely shy, reserved, not ready. More about that to come.
      7. Respectfully disagree. Loved the thick, soft hoodie under the leather. Not a massive fan of the leather jacket itself (weird cut tbh), but definitely appreciative of the snug black jeans. Also always a fan of Armitage footwear – Proctoresque boots. Flashback and turn-on in one go. Thumbs up.
      8. No. And I am annoyed, embarrassed and generally upset about that.
      9. (I just wanted the alliteration…)
      10. Well, I’d have preferred the hands bang on my shoulder rather than just hovering, but I understand that a) he mightn’t want to touch 300 strangers, and b) we live in times of #metoo… He’s a sensitive man (which was very clear this weekend), and he undoubtedly is hyper-aware of personal space and boundaries…
      More details to come asap!!! And no, don’t think you have missed out. There will be other opportunities for you to see him up close – especially if he reprises Proctor on Broadway.

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      • Guylty I am very happy that you went. Maybe this was exactly what was needed given the anti-smoking project and winter blues. The pics I’ve seen he looks healthy. I can only imagine what your heart was doing being that close to him and those eyes, hands, thumbs, shoulders.. legs…
        Loved the Proctoresque boots!! I’ve said enough about the hoody!

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        • It never occurred to me but you could be right, Michele. This was my reward for giving up smoking. (BTW, there were a few moments over the weekend where I would’ve loved the escapism of a nicotine flash, but well, of course I didn’t.) And well, if this was my reward, including some feelings of lalalalove, then the pain of withdrawal was worth it.

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        • I’m much more willing to move to London now than in the days of my second ex-husband, when incoming pets had to be held in quarantine for six months due to fears of importing rabies. But the London winters will be hard on me. Perhaps my future third husband will be willing to split the year in each of our counties.

          Liked by 2 people

          • LoLo, I thought the quarantine was still in effect hence Meghan had to give up one of her rescue dogs (that did not sit well with me sorry) when she moved to London. I mean Harry is a prince and all but I could never make a Sophie’s Choice re my three pups. Tall Dwarf could split the seasons with you- I mean you know the ins and outs of Hollywood and he of London so that would be the best of both worlds.

            Liked by 1 person

            • The quarantine laws are different now thanks to the Chunnel. It’s not an automatic six months, although if your pet doesn’t meet the requirements, it could go into Q for up to 4 months. I don’t know the particulars of Meghan’s situation but perhaps that one dog didn’t like to travel or was of an age where air travel would be dangerous? Or if it was a breed like a pug, with a very short snout, those don’t do well on planes, do they? I must say, with the little old lady cats being almost 17, I’m not sure that I could put them through such an ordeal. Of course, their new daddy has enough Hobbit money that he could charter a plane just for us and we could bring their vet along. But then we would indeed have to stay in London. No way could I do that to them multiple times.

              Liked by 2 people

              • LoLo yes Tall Dwarf could definitely charter a private plane and come and bring you and the two lovelies to London esp since he probably still has a decent size house there in maybe a toney part of London.. the trauma on the cats would be hard on a plane back and forth. My pug did well on planes when she was young, She lived to be 16! She could fit under the seat. I unfortunately could and would not use her or any of my dogs as Service Dogs to get them on board let alone first class when they could not fit under the seat as one of Tall Dwarf’s er “friends” did last summer.

                Ooh perhaps a” RA in RL” episode here LoLo, hmmm???

                Liked by 1 person

  3. What a fabulous article! Glad to see that the RAg is keeping up its magnificent standards.

    Considering how absolutely over-the-moon, irrevocably, irretrievably, beyond-all-reason in love I am, and that only from following along on Twitter, I can’t imagine how someone who was only inches away can feel! 💖

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hehe, the RAg is ever at the forefront of the hottest entertainment news. This article alone might revive the otherwise ailing publication….
      How do I feel? I will get to it in detail in another post, but the initial reaction is a feeling of bliss and disbelief and happiness. Followed by the other extreme the morning after such an event or experience: I always experience it as a post-partum feeling of extreme sadness, irritability and crying.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Ha ha, you got the tabloid speak off pat! Watch out, Daily Wail, there’s a new rag on the block, very appropriately named as well.

    I’m glad you had fun. It sounded like one of the single topic fan-run cons they had, back in the day. Not so regimented, and plenty of chance to mingle. To paraphrase Guy, process away! In your place I’d begin to come out of it circa 2020 at the earliest. I’m having trouble now and I wasn’t even there!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yep, for news based in Britain Guylty Pleasure usually refers to The RAg, whereas North American news usually get reported in the National EnquiRA. Speaking of which – that publication has been rather quiet for a long time. Should probably revive that, soon, and see whether the National EnquiRA has a review of Bullshit Station season 3…
      Yep, it was fun, and the fannibals were a massive part of the fun. As was my experience as a steward (a volunteer) which resulted in a few remarkable things happening that I can’t wait to share with you all. Just to say I was really, really touched by the organisers (or the people working for the event organisation) for myself and for others. Again, more about that, soon!
      But yeah, the processing is starting now that I have the first post out – and written some of the cynicism off my chest.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Pingback: And don’t miss Guylty’s commentary | Me + Richard Armitage

    • Yep, still a bit deery in the headlights. Which is kind of fitting considering all the stag imagery that is associated with Hannibal. But yeah, slowly finding back into the real world and realising that I had a few beautiful moments there. Some *with* RA, some *because* of RA – and some without *any* help from him at all. Because a lot of it is actually not about him but about us as fans. And that is definitely more rewarding.

      Liked by 3 people

    • Ha!!!! Dark hair. Exactly what I said to Kate. Or rather, I alluded to “dyed eyebrows”. But yes, I thought he was slightly darker than before. And damn, now that you mention it – the grey temples are gone!!!!!!!!!!! Noooooooooooooooo [Luke Skywalker voice]

      Liked by 1 person

      • Is the stubble/beard dyed, too? Did he have a salon appointment in between Sundance and this Con? (Google the photos from last week!) Is that how performers do this?! Yikes, what a commitment to appearance. Sounds exhausting to me, actually, and I’d cut him a lot of slack if he didn’t want to bother. Maybe that explains the clothes. Hair: check. Beard: check. Clothing: whatever.


        • After looking at other people’s photos, too, I am thoroughly confused now. I thought he looked freshly cut and dyed, but I did see some grey temples in someone’s photos… However, if he is gearing up for his new show, I expect he will dye his hair again (and probably lose the beard – hooray).


  6. Great to hear from the always fun(ny) RAg! Glad you had such a great time and that you are in lurv again! I have to confess that I am head over heels again just from seeing all the pictures and reading the comments he made during the Q&As!

    Contrary to Michele’s opinion, I really really love the hoody and in fact the whole outfit, including the light beard/heavy stubble. I agree with you that wearing the same hoody makes him seem more human. And I’m sure he changed whatever white T-shirt he wore underneath and showered in the morning. (I’m assuming he didn’t smell bad?) I liked it better than the Sunday outfit. Those pants look like the kind that are tight when you put them on but stretch out almost immediately.

    As for hugs, I don’t think anyone should have to be hugged by people as part of a professional gig, if they are not comfortable with that. (What about a kissing booth? Would that be something they’d have to do?) Speaking personally, I am not a hugger and it makes me really uncomfortable if it’s not someone I’m super-close to. So, much as it might have been disappointing, I support his asking not to be hugged. (Caveat: If Richard wanted to hug me, I would gladly submit!)

    On the hairpiece or no, I think it could be just some really terrible hairdressers making him look like he has a hairpiece. Like in BS. But these pics and the ones from Sundance don’t look like it. I guess you didn’t get the opportunity to peer closely at the man’s hair so far up? (Wouldn’t that have been awkward??!) But sounds like you’re saying it looks like his real hair.

    Anyway, I’m so glad you and Kate had this amazing opportunity, had such a great time, and are able to share it with all of us!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yep, the outfit actually really appealed to me. It was perfect for the occasion – not too fashionable, no brand-name designer shirt for 500 £, just a pair of snug jeans, a soft-looking hoodie and a leather jacket. I think he nailed it. As for wearing it two days in the row – who knows, maybe he has five such identical hoodies, so we can’t tell them apart? In any case, the man didn’t look as if he was sweating profusely, so there is absolutely nothing wrong with wearing the same gear two days in a row. If I am really honest, I think that it is a bit hypocritical to criticise him for wearing the same outfit on two consecutive days. After all none of us throw clothes in the was after just one day of wearing. We put them back in the wardrobe and then wear them again a few days later. So there.
      No kissing booth there, Sue, I can assure you. But when it comes to hugging I beg to differ. Well, what I mean is: I personally would not want a hug from my favourite actor. That’s not what I queued up for when it was *my* time for the photo. I personally would not feel comfortable getting that close to RA. He may *look* familiar to me, but as a person he definitely is *not* familiar. However, the issue with personal space in a photo shoot scenario is totally up to the sitters themselves. Mads, for instance, was happy to hug closely with his fans – and why not, if that is what he is comfortable with, then happy days. Even though RA is quite happy to hold his cast mates close, that kind of contact obviously does not extend to strangers. (It used to, though – if you remember the early fan photos that we saw years ago.) At the con, part of the issue with RA’s conduct at the photo sessions was, that the resulting photos all looked as if there was a cardboard cut-out of RA in the photo, which various fans just placed themselves beside while pose and non-committal grin of cardboard RA remained the same. There *are* ways of making the photo shoots fun – that involve NO TOUCHING at all. RA eventually realised that because he was much more relaxed the next day, and I have seen the pics that prove it…
      Hairpiece – hahaha, no, I didn’t check, and even though I stood directly in front of him for the autographs, I didn’t look at his hair 😉 The whole hair piece argument was only thrown in by me as a rather disrespectful joke 😉

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      • Well of course it could be a 500£ hoodie, I guess, designed to look dressed down! I think you’re right, though, that particularly with hoodies or pullovers, people tend to wear them again and again. (But really, I was trying to find out if you were close enough to say if he smelled good!)

        I see what you mean about the stiffness, although I thought the pictures I saw turned out fine — except for the shadows and glare that must have been to do with the lighting. That would have annoyed me. Fan pictures I’ve seen with RA in recent years just seem to be him only leaning towards the fan, but I guess he used to be more willing to get closer.

        I really *need* to know about the hair! Lol.

        When he was saying he doesn’t walk away from projects, was that in reference to BS? Or do you think he asked to be let out of that commitment?


        • True – maybe that was a Gucci hoodie, exclusive and extra black.
          Hm, that iffy smell question. Tbh – I detected no smell. But I wasn’t really leaning in to sniff, you know. It wasn’t something I was interested in or that was even on my mind the moments before it was my turn to stand beside him. I can only say this: He wore no cologne, and there obviously was not even a hint of a bad whiff. He was just normal. At least from the respectable distance that I kept from him.
          Shadows and glare on the pictures? Maybe that is because people were taking pictures of their printed picture? I don’t recall glares and shadows around the faces of the subjects in the pictures. There was a professional photo set-up there, with two soft-boxes and the photographer in the middle of it. It may have caused reflections if the sitters wore glasses, but otherwise should’ve made sure there were no shadows…
          And yes, he was merely leaning. And even on Sunday, when he finally took the hands out of his pockets ;-), he only hovered his hand behind the sitters. But that is fine. Especially in the day and age of #MeToo.
          The loyalty question at the Q&A – tbh, it didn’t occur to me at all that he could’ve been referencing BS at that time. I can’t quite remember the exact question, though, so I don’t have the proper context in my head.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Normal smelling is good. 🙂
            Oh I get it now on the pictures. It’s just that people were taking pictures of the photos! Duh. I kept thinking, why is that shadow across their faces. Of course it’s the shadow of the cell phone!
            I’ll have to catch up on your posts and find out more about the Q&A.


                • Sue I totally agree w you that he is shy but humble and sweet. That type of situation especially his first time was probably a tad overwhelming
                  I hope you can watch the q and a on Saturday floating around
                  His humility is so endearing!! The water bottle attachment is cute too!!

                  Liked by 2 people

                • You know, I used to debate that whole ‘shy’ thing. But having closely observed him over the course of three days and at various different occasions at the con (on stage, at Q&As, being photographed, signing autographs), I have changed my mind. Despite being a star who acts and appears at red carpets, he is actually shy and prefers to stay in the background. I know, he always said that himself, but I kind of thought he was being a bit of a coquette. He wasn’t. He really was like a sweet, shy boy.

                  Liked by 2 people

                  • Guylty, I’m glad you said that. I know that there’s been talk about shy vs reserved vs humble vs all an act but just looking at the pictures from RDC and yours here his body language seems shy, not stand offish or arrogant but exactly like a shy sweet boy which would make his mum super proud may she rest in peace! And if I may add the fact that it is hard for him as an actor to socialize and engage with others and his fans readily adds to his charm and physical appeal for me.


                    • Yep definitely not arrogant or stand-offish, although I am not sure whether shyness is something that any mother rejoices in ;-).
                      As for the whole “hard to socialise and engage” – I suppose that really comes down to personal preferences. I have lived with a man who is socially almost debilitatingly shy and awkward, and frankly, I am tired of it. Sure, I fell for it when I first met him, and the humble, reserved behaviour was very attractive. But believe me, it loses a bit of its shine if it means *you* are the one who has to carry *all* the conversation, social contact, small talk, socialising as a couple. So, what I am saying is – I think a little bit of humility and shyness is fine. Full-blown inability to communicate and socialise, however, is not my cup of tea. (Wasn’t really what I saw in RA, though, so you and I differ in our interpretations ;-))


                    • Well I’m sure among friends and family Richard jokes around and loosens up and isn’t he a bit of a prangster or I thought I read something like that during the LLL run? Yeah debilitating shyness can get old but humility and not wanting to be in the spotlight aka non narcissistic behavior I’ll take any day over a narcissist where everything is focused on him and you as the spouse/girlfriend take a backseat..


                    • Do you think the venue here was just too much for him on Saturday versus Newcastle last year where he was in a more intimate environment with less people viewing a movie and q and a.? Or when you saw him in Leeds in 2015 or 16 that he was more engaging then b/c the venue was smaller? Didn’t you write that he came up to everybody when his private car pulled up and he started taking selfies with people waiting or am I fantasizing here?


                    • Well, I actually think that he had (has?) some preconceived ideas about cons and thought the whole set-up was not for him. They are of course designed for fans to have an intense experience with their fans, where they get very close. Comparing the con with the two Urban premieres, the con was bigger I think, which probably contributed to the relative reserve he viewed us with. Maybe Newcastle and Leeds also benefitted from the fact that the promoted film was really close to his heart, and the character he had played there was a real person?
                      As for engaging – well, I can’t speak for Newcastle (because I wasn’t there) but I don’t really think that he engaged so much more in Leeds. It only *felt* as if he did because there weren’t paid for photo ops and autographs but he just took his time to satisfy all the requests of his fans. Yes, he did take selfies, but that was kind of the obvious thing to do for him – I mean, when you arrive in a car and there is a throng of people waiting for you outside a venue, you just segue into that… But it was a smaller event than the con, anyway, and I don’t really think he went out of his way to actually engage with his fans in Leeds. – From what I heard, Newcastle sounded a bit more personal even than Leeds, and as if he engaged more.

                      Liked by 1 person

  7. Haha! That RAg reporter knows what’s up! Looks like all suspicions were corroborated by the experts in attendance as well. I really got a giggle reading this article and I’m loving all the comments here. My Twitter feed was a magical banquet of gorgeous photos and good feels this weekend. It was glorious! I really regret not making concerted effort to attend this event. I think if the stars align and there comes another opportunity I would definitely go for it. It seems like such a different experience than say a play/stage door meet. I’m really happy that you and Kate were able to do the event together. I thought he looked fabulous all 3 days. Not being there up close but the pictures….oh my heart! I liked his clothing choice much better than what he wore to Sundance. (Not a fan of what he wore at Sundance tbh) And I thought his demeanor was much happier and relaxed. Maybe in response to all the love and admiration -but it seemed like his attractiveness was uber radiant. I hope that this event was a positive experience for him and that he finds himself seeking more opportunities to connect with his fans. I’m really looking forward to hearing more about your experiences too. And lots of pictures hopefully ❤️ p.s. Absolutely an RDC5 shrine is what I am yearning to see in the future 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    • Glad you found the spoof funny, D! I had funny coming up with ideas for it.
      As for not attending the con – don’t regret anything, D. There will be other opportunities, I am sure. And it would be a long way to go for a con where you are only interested in one guest star. Kate and I didn’t have to go very far, and for us it had the added attraction of providing a reason to meet up. Kate is an absolute hoot to be with, and I couldn’t have wished for a better companion.
      As for the clothes – yes, he looked gorgeous in every way. All black, and with leather – well, I’m a Guy girl, so naturally I was drawn to that look. The Sundance look wasn’t fully my cup of tea – but it didn’t exactly repulse me either *lol*. It looked tamer – maybe as befitted his role as the father of the family in The LOdge…
      I also hope and pray that the event was a nice experience for him. I think he was a bit shell-shocked on Saturday, but he quickly got over that. I don’t really think that anything traumatic happened, so fingers crossed that he will do other cons and many fans will be able to meet him.


  8. Ahaha i love this scoop! Thank you so much for sharing your experience during RDC5. I can only imagine the happy atmosphere of the fans with all of the posts from twitter and instagram.

    As for the photo ops, my only guess is RCA saw the photos from saturday and realized he mostly looked like a cardboard standee— not much for people who paid a lot. So he decided to switch it up and add a side hug. Kinda like that captcha thing that makes you do stuff to prove you’re not a robot, in this case for him “yep, i’m here in the flesh! Not a cardboard.” Lol do forgive me for this weird joke :p It was still nice he warmed up for the pictures, but i think the best part (based on the socmed feeds) was his q&a! I feel like my crops have been watered after so many months of drought.


    • Hahahaha, cardboard standee – that was exactly what Kate and I said. But bless, I did feel for him – he just looked plain uncomfortable in most of the pics, hands deep in his trouser pockets, and shoulders pulled up to his ears. I hope he realised it himself and decided to change his game by his own free will.
      The Q&As were absolutely perfect. He is just such a good speaker – always interesting, he very rarely repeats himself. He is obviously into language and expression because he is eloquent in describing what he wants to say.
      “crops watered” – that is such a good way of describing it. Same here! And my fragile little fandom flower had almost withered away until Friday…

      Liked by 2 people

  9. If he attends another at Heathrow I shall make the effort to go, apparently I could take the train between Stanstead airport and Heathrow airport.
    I don’t remember anyone speaking about the cost of 3 days overnight accommodation plus 3 tickets. Do you have to do every day?
    Never done anything similar so I would like more information if it’s not rude to ask?


    • It was actually very reasonable, all of it. No, there are no day passes. But this was actually a reasonably priced con at 120 £ for the three-day event. There were discounted hotel rooms in the venue (the Renaissance Hotel). We opted for even cheaper prices (that’s us – cheap and cheerful) and paid 45 £ each for three nights sharing in a twin bed room in the Ibis Hotel (about 15 minutes by foot away from Renaissance Hotel).
      However, spending doesn’t stop there. You have to eat and drink. (London prices!) And then there are the con extras – 1 photo at £45. 1 signature of each of the guests is included in con ticket. Any further signatures are £20 each, up to a max of 4 extra signatures. No limit for photos, I think… But yeah, it could be expensive…

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you , I have stayed at the Ibis hotel chain before ,that was good value , out of season but still London!
        I understand now why an attendee stated that she would get another photo the following day because Richard had his eyes closed lol
        Three days must have helped with the camaraderie.


        • Ah well, that was a very rare occurrence, though. I think the stars are so used to being photographed, they knew to keep their eyes open. (Unlike me! 2 re-shoots, can you believe it??? But that’s a story for tomorrow!) However, there were a couple of occasions where RA had his eyes shut, and those people received a reshoot as a matter of course – no fees. Which is only fair.

          Liked by 1 person

  10. Greetings from Christchurch, New Zealand! I can feel the giddiness from here!!! What a wonderful post (love the RAg!) and comments, I’m so glad you and Kate were able to meet up, and that you had such a fabulous weekend.
    Although I find the subject matter of Hannibal revolting, I admire the Fannibals for the warm, respectful and inclusive fandom they are. I’ll always remember how welcoming they were to Armitage fans when we learnt he had the Dolarhyde role.
    I’m really looking forward to reading your account once you come back to earth sufficiently to write it!!


    • Oh Mezzzzzzzzz – Christchurch yayyyyyyyy! Give my love to the kiwis, feathered and human variety. So so jealous you are there. Hope you have lovely summer weather. Was thinking of NZ yesterday when watching Sie Peter’s WW1 documentary prior to leaving London.
      Anyway, yes, the fannibals are a really, really special fandom. There was not a single fan there who looked down upon us as “outsiders” or fake fans or something like that just because we were first and foremost there as Richard’s fans. Also, their enthusiasm really was infectious, and by the end of the whole show I queued for a long, long time to get autographs of Mads Mikkelsen, Scott Thompson and Aaron Abrams, too. So *their* conduct actually really benefits the show and the cast. (Producers/Showrunners hark up!!!)
      Hopefully writing more about the con today.


  11. I had to have a chuckle over your description of RA coping with 600 women squeeing over him! I look forward to reading your full debrief of the event.
    I have never been to a con (yet alone met RA in person) but it sounds as if you really enjoyed it and that it was worth attending. And you didn’t have to be into cos play to enjoy it.
    I’m very impressed Mads Mikkelsen shook hands with his fans. What a guy! He sounds right out there (in a good way) along with the Fannibals.
    Just wondering whether you feel you got a bit more of a glimpse of the real Richard at the con, a sense of who he is/ may be as a person? In any event, I’m glad you got the lurve back! X

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hehe, well, yes, 600 against 1. Well, actually – 600 *for* one. We all just wanted to shower him in love and attention 😉
      But yes, I did enjoy it. I had no proper idea what it was going to be like, but I loved it. I had so many nice encounters at the con – with fellow RA fans, with RA fans I already knew, with the fannibals, with the event organisers, heck even with the actors! (Not to criticise RA, but the encounters with the other actors were actually a tiny bit better – probably because I had expected NOTHING and therefore felt I was given LOADS…)
      Mikkelsen was a real trouper. And I think his fannibals absolutely loved him.
      As for real Richard – yes, I think I did, and I was quite surprised about it, Zigzag! There were a few things that happened, that made me reconsider some of my (previous) conclusions about him. It’s hard to know what is going on in the pretty head of his. He is so professional, so polite, so private! And tbh, he is not the easiest actor to fan for – because he is all of the above, with added shyness, insecurities and possibly a few preconceived ideas. But at the same time that unpretentious shyness and reserve adds to the attractiveness of the man. I still think he rocks, even though there were moments where I sighed deeply and screamed his name inside. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Pingback: The Photo Loot from #RDC5 [part 4] | Guylty Pleasure

  13. Pingback: RDC5 through the Guylty Lense – My dearest Louise…

  14. Pingback: Pick-Me-Ups | I'm Feeling This

  15. LOL! Just now getting around to reading this, one month on. And I know what you mean! Somehow, no pictures can do this man justice. He looks great in pictures but in real life… swoon!


  16. Pingback: Seven-Year-Itch: (Missed) My Blogiversary | Guylty Pleasure

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