RA Pocket Shrine 180/? – Fast Food

For all my Big Mama Bear histrionics, I am sometimes a right booby. The number of cells active in my brain seems to develop inversely proportional to the number of years I am clocking up in life. Sometimes I wonder whether I am actually suffering from early on-set Alzheimer. But then I remember that I am not a junior anymore, and this isn’t *early* on-set at all. I am getting side-tracked. The point is: Thanks were more than overdue. I had received a really cool present last December – a hand-woven scarf made by fellow fan Monica. There are no excuses – it appears that I never said thank you. I didn’t post a picture of my lovely new neck adornment (even though I clearly remember intending to do so), and I didn’t mention my present anywhere. On top of that, a search in my e-mail inbox actually revealed that I had received two e-mails from Monica – and never even replied to that. Seriously. Not on! So when the inspiRAtion flash hit last week, I very quickly decided that some of the mini RAPSes needed to be sent as long-overdue offerings of thanks. And this one went to Monica:

Monica works in a spiritual vocation. Angels and atonemints seemed appropriate 😉

And the other side of the tin already hints at what is inside. *doh* as does the background.

You can see that I was still kind of running on Steampunk steam… Monica had watched The Crucible, and this tin is meant as a little late souvenir of that unforgettable live experience.

The concept of fast food would probably have been alien to John Proctor. Mind you, the way he tucked into his food was pretty fast. Or maybe *he* is the fast food in question? What I was really searching for in my stash of ‘fridge poetry’, was the word ‘soul’. Because Richard is our soul food, right? Alas, there was no soul to be had. Only ‘fast’. *hmph*.

Monica can decide for herself. It’s hers now and she can take the magnet words out of the tin if she prefers. And the atonement of the tin lid really refers back to the RAPS maker – may this RAPS be a little thank you for your support and your generosity. Even if I am late in acknowledging it – I appreciate all the attention I receive from all of you. You are the soul of this blog. xx 

116 thoughts on “RA Pocket Shrine 180/? – Fast Food

  1. Yes, fabulous tin and contents! Proctor was so extraordinary.

    You have my sympathies re memory, Guylty: though you are nowhere near my age you have officially entered the period when if you don’t write it down, it doesn’t happen! 😂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Atonemints! 😂😂 Oh, that’s brilliant. How you turn these teeny tiny things into art is amazing. I’d go nuts with the fiddliness.

    And Proctor—well, you’ll never hear ME complain about Mr. Intensity. *swoon*

    Liked by 1 person

    • P.S. And who better to choose for an ‘atonement’ theme than Proctor, really. Although, now that I think of it… Porter would also work, or Thornton, Thorin, Guy… After the steampunk series, how about an atonement allotment?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hahaha, atonement allotment… Your argument is spot on – all those guys mentioned would sit pretty well in an atonement scenario. Not sure whether I have enough Atonemint tins, though 😉

        Liked by 1 person

                • I didn’t realize I used that word although I meant it in a good way
                  There used to be a American show called Hoarders on some cable network where true hoarding takes place like can’t get inside a house I lasted 8 minutes watching it thinking I’m a pack rat like my mum not a hoarder. I think the tins are cool and obviously they bring you joy and creative spirit and you send them to wonderful recipients like myself who are immensely grateful so I see nothing but beauty and kindness and generosity in that.


                  • Hehe, no worries, I didn’t take the word “hoard” as an insult, M. I have tendencies of hoarding, with my hobbies leading to serious shopping frenzy… The tins are a combination of being unable to resist buying funny tins, and my lovely fan friends sending me tins… They are quite a collection…


                    • Guylty all I can say is go girl!! More power to you and I agree w Donna I enjoy the post describing your thought and creative ways and how cleverly you put in clues and asides like a puzzle !! 😘👍👏❤️❤️💜💜💜

                      Liked by 1 person

              • Haha. Ok. I might turn this into another video then. But it needs preparation. Not only do I have to collect all the tins from their various hiding places; I also need to count them and categorise them. Small tins, large tins, tins with special designs, antique tins… The longer I think about it – maybe I’ll make another video…

                Liked by 1 person

    • Hehe, those mini mint tins are just so funny. They really work perfectly for my purposes. The fiddliness is challenging. I am actually amazed that I am not going crazy over it. Quite the contrary – it feels as if it is almost meditative for me to slow down and work on these small boxes…
      Mr Intensity – too right… Whoa, I can tell you, the man really had such presence on stage… Even several rows back you could almost “feel” him.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Proctor is my ideal man so this RAPS is a masterpiece! To have half of your creativity Guylty just 👏👏👏👏to you! Kudos to Monica for your kindness and great taste!! The Crucible is phenomenal and as Proctor The Armitage is just beyond fabulous out of this world extraordinary!!❤️❤️❤️❤️😘💜


  4. The tin definitely suits JP to a T. I had forgotten the important role a glimpse of his nipple played. It deserved an award of its own. Best performance by a small body part.

    Liked by 2 people

    • The nipple deserved a RAPS of its own – which has happened. The award hasn’t. Maybe that should be done and prepared for the next possible occasion where the metal medal could be presented?


  5. Schön, dass du dem berühmten linken Nippel mal wieder eine Bühne gibst. Und Proctor ist sowieso nie verkehrt. Jetzt würd ich aber gern auch noch ein Foto von dem Schal sehen. BItte, bitte.

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  6. Ah, gorgeous hunky Proctor – another chaRActer who lives on in my HappilyEverAfter AU (it’s become quite crowded there with Daniel joining the crew 😉)
    My own brain cells seem to be disappearing at a great rate so you’re not the only one. Although I have always been on the absent minded side, it’s become worse post menopause. I have my “Mum’s safe places” where things are stored never to be found again (except when I’m no longer searching or it’s too late for the birthday/Christmas for which I bought an early present). I make daily lists, weekly lists, shopping lists….. the list goes on lol. I lose words. When I mentioned “zeppelin” in my Oamaru comment in the steampunk RAPS post, I had to look up “Hindenberg” because for the life of me I couldn’t recall what kind of craft it was. My mum reassured me by saying it’s not exactly a word one uses on a daily basis, but I,ve been known to lose those common words too! The other frustrating thing that happens is believing I have actually done something (like answering an email) when all I’ve done is think about it – in my mind it becomes fact not intent *eyeroll*

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    • Ha – how did I overlook this long comment??? Oh yes, I want a Proctor ever-after, too. You know, all those ever-after inhabitants, maybe somebody needs to write a fan fic about that? Must be one hell of a hotel where that lot is hanging out once they escaped hangings, deadly spawn of evil, nasty American traitors… the list is endless.
      As for those brain cells – Hahaha, those lists sound familiar. I keep this pad right beside my laptop, writing all kinds of keywords on it. And then I can’t remember what it means…


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