Armitage Weekly Round-up 2019/20

When I wrote this post yesterday (I always compile the weekly round-up on a Friday night – so that you have it ready for 8 am on Saturday morning. Yes, that’s how good I am to you.), I was still in giddiness mode. Today is the 22nd, and I am now officially counting down to the 25th when A Nearly Normal Family, read by Armitage et al. will be released on Audible. Yes, I have a gif for that.

Wow, that whole room is shaking… I may have to work on my giffing skills yet

This week’s round-up:

  1. Big smiles are a favourite theme of mine at the moment. Here is a very smily fan art by iangatiss
  2. Fantastic – Ilariaeugealtomasini has been taking pictures of the new dream team. Hilarious!
  3. Just pinning this gif set by amatesura here for later reference – and because it said “scrapbooking”
  4. Birdsdancebelowme apparently went through a Richard Armitage phase in 2010. Chibi Guy!
  5. Riepu10 gifs one of the lesser known characters – Percy. RA’s gesturing still needs a bit of fine-tuning
  6. Fizzyxcustard finds a piece of Thorin fan art 
  7. Rather than linking to these pictures, posted by fizzyxcustard, let me do something else and show you a screenshot. Much better effect, I think!

Damn, guys, I am sorry, but there isn’t anything else. Are we in silly season already? Actually, people are probably beginning to go on summer holidays. I know that nokisuu, for instance, is on holiday in Hawaii. What are your holiday plans, everybody? Going to far-flung places? I am going to Munich for a weekend next week, but that’s basically all. (I am not counting my time at home with my mother as holidays. It’ll be hard work!)

I was going to leave you a Guy of Gisborne fan video to make up for the lack of links, but my favourite fan video seems to have vanished from YouTube. I think it was called “Surrender” and was made by a fan called Olery St, featuring Josh Groban’s “My Confession”. I know this pretty well because this was one of the videos that dragged me into the hell pit of fandom in those early days. And even though I really am not a fan of Josh Groban at all, I ended up buying “My Confession” as a single download because I *needed* that song on my iPod (yep, that dates it) for my walk to college every evening. In its place, there is a video called “Guy of Gisborne’s Confession” with the same music, but I am 100% sure that that is a different video although it seems to reuse a good few scenes from Olery’s original. Ah well.

Ok, so instead I am going to embed myself in this post again. Watch this and you’ll see my video editing skills getting better and better. Guylty can now not only do titles and transitions, but also stills and outros 😂. Skip this shit if you are not interested in junk journals! I am having fun with it but I am sure a lot of people think it’s stupid. That’s fine!

Have a lovely weekend, all!

Guylty ❤




105 thoughts on “Armitage Weekly Round-up 2019/20

  1. Good morning and thank you. Amazingly, tumblr is cooperating this morning. And I get a Percy gif set. What a start to my day.


  2. So, now I’ve had time to watch the video. Those JuJos are gorgeous. I can’t even decide which one I like better. You did a fantastic job combining the colors. The inside cover of the dark one is sooo beautiful. And the greenish-minty ribbon detail on the outside of the ivory one. 😍😍😍 You’re an artist. And your video titles etc. look fabulous.


      • I agree. These are little works of art that obviously “mean something” to you, Guylty, and I encourage you to just keep going with them, without worrying what they “mean.” (If it’s satisfying to you to make them, that’s all that’s necessary.) ps. I see that it’s not just any old telephone book page in that second book. I spied “O’Gorman”….


        • That is a really nice way of encouraging me, Besotted. Thank you for that. (I needed to hear that, too.)
          And oh, the O’Gorman didn’t even occur to me. I just grabbed any old page ☎️


  3. Guylty thank you for another peak into your junk journal world 🌍 I particularly like the first one w the globe picture and the camera 📷 page!
    Your brilliant creative mind has produced two more masterpieces!
    I hope your daughter has a trip of a lifetime thru Europe!! 😘👏👍


  4. A. Don’t get your hopes up too high for A Nearly Normal Family. 😒

    B. I leave for Shediac, New Brunswick on the 2nd. Checking out the flower pots, magnetic hill and Grand Manan Island. Plus it is my first time flying! Eeek!!


    • Oh goodness – that looks gorgeous. I quickly looked up Shediac and Grand Manan on the map, and “oh Canada”… (Also, I am delighted with all those placenames that have a meaning to me because they sound German. Lubec, Lunenburg… And then there is “Mechanic Settlement” 😂
      In any case – wishing you a lovely holiday with lots of sunshine.


    • A. Why not? Have you read it?
      B. That sounds wonderful! I’ve never been further East than Quebec. Enjoy! (If you ever decide to take a longer flight and come out to the West coast, look me up!)


  5. Richard must have finished The Stranger he is back to audio work next week.
    Marcus Aurelius , Meditations certainly different but I wonder who this is for.


    • Oh, I hadn’t thought of that but you are right – if he is back recording, his current work must have finished. I really do wonder what this piece is for, though. Sounds like a rather unusual piece of audio to me. I am wondering, therefore, whether this might be more like a VO for a documentary or something?

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Loved the video. I was impressed that the minty green journal matched your nails. Very nice. Goes to show what draws my eye. Irrelevant details. Roundup was great, as usual.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you Guylty. I love to see all the things you’ve gathered. I love your junk journals as well. Such satisfaction in making something from what others might see as junk. You apologized in another video I watched of similar items about your scratchy voice. No need. You have a lovely voice and I love your accent. You seem a fun person. Thank you for sharing! @angelicwit

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aw, that is such a nice thing to say, Angelicwit! Thank you.
      You are so right re. the junk as well. I had such fun going through my dad’s study and putting a lot of stuff aside that I can yet use in a junk journal. I love the whole recycling idea of it.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Thanks for the round-up Gulty! I love your gif of RA raising the book. I’m disproportionately excited about A Near Normal Family, after grumbling about all his audio work last year,

    5, Also feeling rather jealous seeing that table between Percy’s strong thighs, it’s a strangely arousing image though.

    And your junk journals are truly beautiful and to be treasured, all the little details. Very smooth video too, It reminded me slightly of the animations of Jan Svankmajer . Are you familiar with him? I mean this as a compliment as he is one of my heroes.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yep, that gif needed to be made once I realised that there were two gifs from the same moment. I can’t wait for the release – I have totally run out of audio material to listen to while I am sitting at my crafts table. Today I had to resort to listening to an atrociously bad fictionalised account of Audrey Hepburn’s life… It’s time for some quality stuff!
      Table? What table?????? – Right, I looked it up. OMG, how weird! What happened there? Why did RA not sit at the table like anyone would? Why the legs opened wide?
      Svankmajer – was he one of those Czech animation artists? I watched a grotesque clip just now – fabulous work, loved it.


      • It has been a real RA audio drought – I never thought I’d be complaining. He he , shows it wasn’t Percy’s hands that caught my attention. RA’s thighs are just too virile – ,even for the table. Yes , that’s the animator, I love his work. One of my faves is his short film Food, which is on YouTube

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Bautiful nail polish. Stunning work, as usual – such a beautiful blue fabric in the dark one and the envelopes! The white one is very elegant and femenine. My family supports me in my junk journaling efforts – actually I’ve infected my sister, who made her first pocket tag all alone last week. So proud. They support me but they think I’m a little obsessed, don’t know why! So while I was gushing on RA + Anthony Head my daughter asked: it’s another JJ video? And me: yes, look! My fangirling is now totally undercover 😂

    Liked by 2 people

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