#2019RABirthdayAuctions Are Over – Results [Provisional]



I just took a break to have dinner because the thoughts were spinning through my head and I just couldn’t think straight, let alone write a coherent blog post. I am still in shock and I don’t think this is going to be a literary masterpiece, but I owe you a first, provisional tally. “Provisional” because we still have donations coming in, and while that is happening, I won’t know the exact sum that we are going to transfer via JustGiving to Shelter on Thursday. So the caveat is, that some money donations may still come in, while some will be deducted in order to pay the eBay fees. However, there are fantastic news to be passed on.

I already left a hint over on Twitter that we managed to pass another major milepost. Massive. And unexpected by me. In fact, at lunchtime today I was not sure whether we’d pass the 1,500 € mark. Doubting Thomasina me. Of course we did. And just to prove me really wrong, the air started to burn when the “last hourS” – the time between 4.10pm and 5.21pm, when the 29 eBay auctions were set to finish – began. My phone kept buzzing. My intention to live-tweet the final minutes of each auction, quickly petered out – admin duties took over. But this is what went down:

Between lunchtime and the end of the auctions our eBay tally increased by almost 300 €. The final result of the eBay auctions is a massive 1,640.90 Euro (1496.93 £ or 1821.97 US$). Additionally, the separate e-mail auction of the custom RAPS generated 175 €. The proceeds have been further increased by independent donations to the tune of 235 €. So, all of that together brings us past the above mentioned milepost:

2,050.90 €

For our British and US supporters that means 1870.42 £ and 2277.22 US$ respectively.



The caveat is that some of that will be deducted in the shape of eBay fees. (10.7% of the eBay tally = 175.58 €) However, I think we are not quite yet arrived at the final sum because I have heard that some people are still planning to donate to the fundraiser. Hence this is just a provisional result. The full accounts will be posted before I transfer the money on Thursday. Until then, donations can still be received. If you would like to contribute, send me an e-mail and I will let you know the account details.

So, even before we have the final, final tally, let me send a big hug and a huge thank you to all of you who took part in the auctions. All your contributions – the donated items, the hand-crafted items, the donations for postage and for the fundraiser, your support, your suggestions, your comments, your RTs and reposts and reblogs, your encouragement on Twitter, FB, tumblr and WordPress, and of course *all* of your bids – I appreciate them all because altogether *you* have achieved this result. I am very happy that we will be able to contribute such a sizeable sum to a great cause. It just goes to prove that we can *really* get results if we work together. It makes me happy to be part of such a community.

Thank you!

I will sleep well tonight. And I can’t wait to pack all the goodies and send them off to the auction winners tomorrow.

31 thoughts on “#2019RABirthdayAuctions Are Over – Results [Provisional]

  1. Yaaaaaayyyyy!!!

    [insert running around screaming gif]

    Oh man, this is so soo soooo great! Thanks Guylty for once again being our captain on this journey and thanks to everyone else who was along for the ride. You girls rock!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Great indeed. I am totally on a high here. I am literally shaking. Still. Three hours after the end of the auctions.
      It’s been a pleasure to organise this, and I am a fan of Richard’s fans!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Das kannst du laut sagen. Ich bin hier völlig aus dem Häuschen. Auch nach dem vierten Mal bin ich immer noch jedesmal von der Generosität des Fandoms beeindruckt. Danke für deine Mithilfe xx

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Wow! That’s amazing! 😃 Huge congratulations to Guylty and all those who donated items! And to the bidders of course though those who won have their own wonderful rewards 😃


  3. This is wonderful and thanks again for all participants and organisers, it just makes it such a lovely celebration! But gotta say, e-bay are robbers!.. honestly, especially since this is for charity. They should have a way of reducing the costs when the money goes to charity in the end, even if it was retrospective and requiring proof of donation or something, nearly 11% is an outrageous amount 😦


    • Just to explain – there is an eBay for charity option. But it only works if you allow the money to be funnelled directly from eBay to the chosen charity, if I understand correctly. If we want to donate with attached birthday greetings that make it clear that his fans have fundraised, that option is no good. Also, since there are also always donations on top of the auction proceeds, we need to donate via JustGiving… It’s a bit of a conundrum…

      Liked by 1 person

      • ah, that’s fair enough but it’s true we want them to know where and how the donation is coming about; i understand why ebay would want the money to go directly as this makes it certain the system does not get abused


        • Yes, I completely understand that, too. There’s otherwise probably too much fraud. I wish there was another way of getting an exemption but that would probably also mean that we need an endorsement from the charities themselves that we are allowed to fundraise for them. All in all simply too tricky to organise.


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