If You Are Flying to London for Vanya, Book a Little Excursion to Bonn [Updated now with Confirmation]

There are increasing indications that Mr A is going to implement his 2018 promise of cosying up to his fans more. German con organisers MagicCon have been mystery-tweeting all yesterday. And if you haven’t guessed yet who the ‘major star’ is who will apparently also attend MagicCon 2020, then I revoke your membership in this fandom. JK.

Richard played a character called Craig Parker in Casualty. And the elf reference should be the early play he did in his school days.


John Thornton-Porter-Proctor…


Straight to the heart.

Translation: “What do the Hobbit trilogy and 100% British cotton have in common?”


So, MagicCon 2020 takes place 17 to 20 April in Bonn, Germany. Tickets start at 109 Euro and go up to a rather magic 1399 Euro. Yes, you have read that right. Not sure whether that includes a kiss and a hug. Tickets are available HERE. Note: At time of posting (Wednesday, 2pm) there has been no confirmation yet but I think it’s pretty obvious that Richard has committed to MagicCon. In case you are wondering: No, I have not bought a ticket and will not attend even though MagicCon is taking place in my homeland and I even would get free accommodation with a friend of mine in Bonn. I have too many London trips scheduled and locked down already. I simply can’t squeeze any more absences and flights into the period from January to May without risking major displeasure from Mr Guylty. (He already asked me the other day whether he was going to become even *more* of an “Armitage Widower” (quote) when I told him that I was going to take on RAnet.) However, rest assured that I will be very, very jealous of all who manage to snag a ticket and go to MagicCon. And at the same time I am hoping so very much that some of my fandom friends will be able to go so that I can enjoy the whole event through their eyes.

I just hope there will be no delays and snafus when Mr A is jetting back and forth between London and Cologne. He’s got a theatre play to attend 😉


It’s official:

The blurb as per MagicCon:

Whether on the stage in front of and behind the scenes, as a radio play actor or of course in series and film roles, MagicCon 4 star guest Richard Armitage is at home in all areas of show business. But the focus at the con will certainly be on his role as dwarf Thorin Oakenshield in the three-part adaptation of J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit.

But just a quick glance at the impressive filmography of Richard Armitage reveals that the British actor has undergone an impressive development since the beginning of the 90s, which is always crowned by new highlights.

Armitage, who spent three years perfecting his acting skills at the „London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art“ (LAMDA), among others, set his career in motion in 2004 with the performance of cotton manufacturer John Thornton in the TV literary film adaptation North and South. Since then numerous productions followed. Among them, besides the Hobbit films, such well-known hits as Alice Through the Looking GlassCaptain America: The First Avenger and Ocean’s 8, or e.g. his leading role in The Lodge, which starts in Germany at the end of 2019. His series credits include shows like HannibalRobin HoodCastlevania and – now in the production phase – The Stranger.

With Richard Armitage’s visit toMagicCon 4, you can look forward to a versatile and charismatic actor who is also available for autographs and photo sessions. As always, the vouchers can be found in the Ticket-Shop.

Appearance: On all convention days

Autograph: EUR 85,00  –  Photosession: EUR 95,00

“Appearance: On all convention days” is having a few of us confused, seeing that there are performances of UV scheduled on the 17th and 18th of April. I take it as a typo…


56 thoughts on “If You Are Flying to London for Vanya, Book a Little Excursion to Bonn [Updated now with Confirmation]

  1. I just want to die…. i was so hoping to go back to Magicon with my friend and actually planned to ask her if she was going just because i really wanted to go… but it coincides with Easter back home…. which is a total disaster and i’m sick of it. :-(((((((


  2. I looked at their site and it looks as though other people from The Hobbit have appeared like Lee Pace, however I only want to see Richard performing as someone else, not as himself.


    • I think they have day tickets, Yve. And personally, I would not invest in any of the more expensive tickets. Just from my own experience at the con in London I know that the first few rows are reserved for those who buy the more expensive tickets. Even Silver Ticket looks to me as if you are sitting only in the middle because front row is reserved for that Platinum ticket, and gold takes the rows behind that… Plus, you need to save some money to afford a photo session. (Not sure how much that will cost, yet.)


      • Thanks for the information but I couldn’t make the effort to go to my own capital city to see the Red Dragon one so I definitely will not go to Bonn.
        I just think the whole nasty business could have been avoided by saying he would away from Uncle Vanya over Easter when he did the publicity tweet about seeing us in the New Year.


        • Hehe… Well, I am not making the trip to my homeland, either.
          The way the issue is currently handled, is definitely not ideal. It’s always bad when customers are kept in the lurch. I really hope they will clarify *very soon* because there is already a lot of bad feeling out there (on Twitter).


  3. I like it that they have done a thorough research of his filmography 😁👍🏻 I hope someone will attend and send us some pictures 🙏🏻
    Uncle Vanya is definitely not that intense and emotionally drained as The Crucible so I hope he will manage this all right.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Somebody there really researched it 😂. That’s the djermans for you. Always thorough! 😁
      But yeah, looks as if the material is easier to digest than being John Proctor… He’ll have to do a quick there-and-back-again…


      • only posted the comment because Magic Con tweeted that. Olga has directly tweeted at Richard…be interesting to see if there’s a reply


          • absolutely, i honestly would be furious and massively upset if i was booked on those dates (which i had considered as it’s nearest to my birthday without being Easter) It seems shoddy that they’ve used him as a big draw without mentioning he won’t be doing all the dates. And it’s not even that he’s going on holiday, but going off to make some extra money elsewhere


            • Well, let’s wait for clarification. I still can’t believe that Richard would actually stand for something like this. Not that he is a saint – but with his relative reservations re. cons and his big enthusiasm for theatre, I’d be very surprised if he willingly decided to forego theatre…

              Liked by 2 people

              • yeah, i know. It doesn’t even affect me directly, I just wish they would be aware of this stuff and be transparent from the start instead of letting people stew from lack of information


                • You are right – it’s really not ideal that there is confusion among fans. Fans are prospective customers – and are possibly not buying because of this. Or are worried that they are losing out after having forked out lots of money for theatre tickets.


    • Just saw a tweet by Magiccon to that effect… or rather, saying something with an ironic tone like “even actors get days off at the theatre”… If that is true, I have to say that I am surprised. I wouldn’t have imagined Richard to stand for disappointing his theatre-going public…

      Liked by 1 person

    • I have to say the same. I actually know someone who has bought exactly those dates and is coming a long way.
      But well, let’s wait and see whether he confirms it himself. If so – well, I do have to say “badly done, Richard, badly done”.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. I have to admit feeling some anxiety about this news. I am booked for Monday the 13th so I have my fingers crossed he’s not taking the whole week off. I noticed on the ticket site there already is no performance scheduled at all on Thursday the 16th. I am leaving London on the 18th and would love to add Bonn at the end of my trip but will be traveling with others so it would not be possible at this point. I feel bad for those who may be booked for the play on the dates he is attending the Con. What a disappointment for them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I haven’t checked the Harold Pinter site so thanks for this, I suppose because he is only supporting in UV it was easy to take time away but I am disappointed . I know he did miss one performance of The Crucible ( our local High School took a coach full of students and they got the understudy that evening ) but I assumed that was because of sickness.


    • I hear you, D! I do not have tickets for UV during or near that time, but when things like these overlaps happen, it brings it home that it could basically happen *any time*… And what a disappointment that would be.
      I think there is still a little bit of uncertainty at the moment. It’s regrettable that Richard himself hasn’t yet given any indication that he is aware of the clash of schedules.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Hab grade einen aktuellen Kommentar des Social-Media-Sklaven gelesen, dass Theater-Schauspieler ja eine Woche im Monat frei hätten. Das hieße ja dann, man liefe jederzeit Gefahr, dass man für teuer Geld nicht Richard, sondern Thomas Müller aus Hintertupfingen bekommt. Ist das wirklich so üblich (bin kein fleißiger Theatergänger)?


        • Ich sehe da jetzt gar nichts Neues. Das mit der Woche Urlaub hat Magiccon doch schon gestern abend getweetet? (Von wegen “Orlando Bloom hat eine ganze Woche frei gehabt”.)
          Ich finds ein bisschen ärgerlich, dass das immer noch ungeklärt ist. Beziehungsweise – aktueller Stand ist ja, dass Magiccon offiziell sagt, dass RA drei Tage in Bonn ist. Nun würde ich gerne mal wissen, was das Theater dazu sagt. Oder meinetwegen auch Richards Agent, da Richard ja offenbar nach Werbe-Retweet verreist ist…


          • Hab das nicht auf Twitter gelesen. Ich mein, ich gönne jedem Erholung (der Erholungsfaktor der Con dürfte aber wohl gegen Null gehen). Allerdings ging ich bisher davon aus, dass jemand, mit dem für das Stück geworben wird, dann auch bei jeder Vorstellung (so er nicht krank ist) anwesend ist.
            Es wäre tatsächlich nett, wenn der Herr sich dazu herablassen könnte, Licht ins Dunkel zu bringen. Sonst kann er sich seine blöde Action-Figur zusammen mit dem Diätbuch sonstwohin stecken…😡

            Liked by 3 people

            • Autsch. Im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes.
              Ja, die Kommunikation hakt derzeit wirklich. Ich weiß auch nicht. Vielleicht ist es ja zu viel verlangt, dass die innerhalb eines Vormittags dazu eine offizielle Erklärung bringen. Wer weiß, vielleicht sitzen da jetzt drei Rechtsanwälte in der Telefonkonferenz und streiten um die einzelnen Vertragsmodalitäten für Richard, ATG und Magiccon… Ich fürchte, wir müssen uns weiter gedulden, bevor wir den Stab brechen dürfen.


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