More Armitage Chocolate

Whiling away the evening before The Stranger drops? In that case I can help you. Following on from my “Joy to the Ears” post, here is another clip with Richard. This is only really short, and it appears to be *not* about promo for TS or UV, but in context of the theme “risks”. Richard talks about being waterboarded (no, stop, don’t yawn quite yet!) for Spooks – and it is actually quite interesting because he explains how the “opportunity” even came up and what motivated him to do it. He also looks at this “method experience” with hindsight, and I did find his revelations quite interesting. Although I *did* yawn when he mentioned “empathy”. Sorry.

An altogether nicer image of Richard and water than the waterboarding scene…


The link to the interview is here:

Go to about 23:15, where the segment with Richard starts.

Otherwise – as a quick update before Netflix releases TS, here is the result of yesterday’s survey:

45 votes were cast, and I have to say that my approach is the top two options – my life dictates that I cannot watch the show in one setting, and when I finally get to watch it, I prefer to do it undistracted, on my own and without my hubster sniping about Richard 😉. Only 4 hours now, right? I hope to get the first episode in tomorrow morning. And frankly I am hoping for some inspiration for a little RAPS per episode.

8 thoughts on “More Armitage Chocolate

  1. Meine Güte, das ist ja Vollstress, wenn man alles konsumieren will, was grad so reinkommt 😅. Dieser Clip hier ist wirklich interessant und fällt etwas aus dem Rahmen, das mag ich.
    Ab morgen werd ich mich von Blogs und Social Media wohl auch erstmal fernhalten, bis ich alle Folgen von TS gesehen habe. Ich mein, ich würd ja gern Binge-Watchen. Müsste nur jemand meinen Arbeitgeber davon überzeugen.


  2. Yikes, I completely missed the poll about how one plans to enjoy “The Stranger.” I would like to do it along the lines of 1 and 2, but owing to the deadline pressures at work, combined with the ever-increasing pain from the car accident, I may not have a chance to watch a single episode until after 9 February! I hope that I can rely upon the *empathy* of my fellow fangirls as I whinge endlessly about my sad, sad fate. 🤣🤣


    • Oh no, I really hope you can get to watch sooner than that. Honestly, you need time to rewind and relax after that accident. Mind you, the show is just so fast-paced, my heart was racing most of the time. Not exactly relaxing…


  3. Drool, oh I love that wet jean scene. It was an interesting interview and it was reassuring to hear Richard’s thoughtful articulate self-awareness that comparing an actor’s brief experience of waterboarding to the actual torture could be seen as crass and he pre-empted that.


    • Yes, I thought he was quite reflective and sensitive over the whole thing, including the awareness that something he may have seen as a prep to understand his character better, could become an advertisement. I appreciate that.

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