Armitage Weekly Round-up #10

Operation Distraction will go full force now. I intend to up my posting frequency – to a blog post per day or so. Not least because *I* need the distraction. I am just back from the local pharmacy where my husband – he of the pulmonary fibrosis – regularly buys his tablets. They know him well there, and the pharmacist asked me whether Mr Guylty was looking after himself. I said that hubster has been working, albeit in private houses (as a painter and decorator), until yesterday, and was planning to travel to Wales for a family reunion next weekend. I said it jokingly, in the wink-wink “exasperated wife” kind of way. However, the pharmacist and his assistant’s reaction was everything but jokey. He *vehemently* and very seriously, without the slightest hint of a smile, said to me, that “under no circumstance” was Mr Guylty to travel at this time. In fact, with a serious respiratory illness (fibrosis is the scarring of lung tissue, causing shortness of breath and inability to breathe) he needs to stay at home and protect himself from any exposure to the virus. No visitors, and if that cannot be avoided, the visitors need to wear a face mask! A safe distance of 2 meters between him and others (except immediate family, of course); decluttering the house in order to limit the number of surfaces where the virus could settle; replacing towels after one use. Shoes and coats should be left at the door and not taken into the main living areas. Frequently touched items (door handles, desk, table, taps) need to be wiped down and cleaned with soap and water on a regular basis. I am writing this here to remind anyone who has a vulnerable person in their household, to not treat this virus outbreak nonchalantly. Despite my own trip cancellation, I was still secretly thinking that I was overreacting and that everything would be fine if we just went into isolation for two weeks. The pharmacist has given me three months’ worth of my husband’s tablets. He believes that the crisis is far from “managed” yet. I am embarking on a deep clean of my house. Cod knows it needs it, anyway.

And now some happy feels by way of the weekly round-up. It’s time for a new header, I think.

Yep, even despite the fact that some of us have had to forego the pleasure of seeing UV live, I’d like to support the production by using one of their stills as the current header.

  1. Hehe, I found this little note about TS by hidden-but very funny
  2. I think this cute little illustration by chaostwinsofdestruction would also somewhat fit the Richard Armitage fandom
  3. Oooh, World Sleep Day totally passed me by. Thanks for the beautiful reminder, Mezzmerizedbyrichard!
  4. Ok, not sure whether it is really good to dignify rule-breaking by linking to pictures taken during a play. But then again – Dr Astrov. Posted by liloutook
  5. Sinnaminie made the two dolls of Trevor and Sypha in Castlevania. Hilarious
  6. The two Price men chatting. I’d like to see the scene immediately *after* this one made into a gif. “Your Dick!” 😂 Giffed by 51kas81
  7. OMG, look at this birthday cake!!! Theelvenvalkyrie has the best friends!
  8. In times of social distancing, let’s live vicariously through mezzmerizedbyrichard’s lip-locking -smacking gif set
  9. Crazytxgradstudent hits the nail on the head. We have the smug pleasure of having known for a long time…
  10. Confession: I haven’t watched Castlevania s3 yet, but riepu10’s gif set of Trevor and Sypha really makes me want to watch, soon
  11. Also, you can use riepu10’s gifs of Richard’s interview for Penguin Books as a continuous loop – mood enhancer!

Short, sweet. And now for some cleaning *meh*

Look after yourselves, stay safe and have a nice weekend, all!


59 thoughts on “Armitage Weekly Round-up #10

  1. I haven’t watched Castlevania 3 yet either. Having serious issues burning dvd’s all of a sudden. I understand there is a bit of gratuitous nudity and sex in it this go round. THIS gif set makes me want to see it bad now. Seeing how there is a REALLY good chance I’m getting ready to have 2 to 4 weeks off school, I”m thinking a lot of marathons are due. The Stranger. Castlevania. A grand rewatch of Robin Hood. Definitely writing. William Edward is close to having his story told.

    You keep Mr. Guylty home. As I’ve stated well and hard, I’m not so worried about Corona as I am about flu. Either or, you keep him home! I’m going to probably head to my pharamicst next weekend and try to get an extramonth’s supply of my meds. Hmmm, might want to call my doctor as well. He keeps me in some of my meds as well.


      • Everyone is saying get up a few months of your meds. Thing is, most insurance companies here – including mine – will only allow so much to be filled within a specified time. I’m going to call my pharmacist and see if it’s possible to get early refills since we are probably going to head into the Interior as soon as school lets out for me. (probably Friday.) Also contact my doctor about the meds he gets for me. More Vitamin C and more inhaler. I might be good on the inhaler.

        This whole thing is a mess. Honestly, I”m seeing knock down drag out fights over this here in the States on my Facebook. So-called Christians not acting it and yeah, VERY politicized. I mean, can’t we just be SICK without pulling politics into it???


        • Here’s something we definitely agree on: It *is* a mess. Anywhere you look. And the response has been hindered by political debates. As I said to you elsewhere – I just wish for us to look back on this in a few months’ time and say “well, maybe we overreacted – but we got through it”. Erring on the side of caution. It might be easy for me to say that am happy to accept economic repercussions. I don’t own a business as such, and I don’t really care about money, either. But I do care about my friends’ and family’s health and am willing to practice some the social distancing for what looks like a limited period of time.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Mr. Guylty must stay home!!! Thanks for sharing the important information about Covid-19. I know many people who aren’t taking it seriously yet (in some cases because of misinformation from Fox News, and/or social media). In the US there is such a lack of leadership at the top that state and local officials have had to step in to shut down the universities and ban large gatherings. Thank you also for the distraction. I am heartbroken at missing UV, not least the delightful spectacle of Mr. A. without his shirt. To be honest, I want the London theatres to shut now. I think it is the responsible thing to do for actors and audiences alike.

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    • There is good reason why many of us – including me, who has lung issues – isn’t taking it seriously. That’s because 10 to 30 thousand people die of the flu here in the US alone, every year. 54000 have died from the flu worldwide this year. Compare that to around 3000 internationally who have died from the Corona virus. No one wants to talk about the 81000 who have survived! .I am more terrified of the flu than this thing! But hey! Let’s politicize it and whine because it took Trump a whole month to shut our country down, bring our rallying economy to a halt and then put us deeper in to debt to cover our butts because we’re all whining about a virus that will be done and over with in a few weeks and won’t cause millions of deaths!

      And while we’re busy pointing fingers at people we don’t like for whatever reason, let’s make a general comparison. it took Barrack Obama 6 fargin’ months to respond to H1N1. That’s right. Not a word. H1N1 for 6 months, that according to the CDC killed 575000. That’s not a typo. 575 thousand. And it took Barry, 6 months to tell people – oh, people are getting sick. Go wash your hands. During that epidemic, I taught in a large middle school and for some weeks, we had a large number of absences. NO ONE would admit it was H1N1 – we had rampant cases of bronchitis. Schools didn’t shut down for that. Businesses didn’t shut down for that. Nothing was cancelled. Almost 12500 people died in the US from H1N1 between April of 2009 and April of 2010. Internationally .007% of the world’s population died of H1N1.

      And those numbers don’t touch the numbers from the 1918 flu pandemic, which killed 50 million people world wide! (But medicine has come a long way!)

      Corona Virus just doesn’t compare, so most of us aren’t taking it seriously. The head of the CDC has stated clearly that the most dangerous thing he’s seen the last month isn’t the virus, but the main stream media hype fueling something that doesn’t add up to what they’re claiming. Not Fox News, but main stream news.

      Oh, and many are sick and tired of people blaming everything from media hyped pandemics to the fact their sex life sucks and they stubbed their toe on the way to the bathroom in the middle of the night on our current president. I got my facts from the CDC – Centers for Disease Control, for those who don’t know. So if you want to compare facts between Trump’s response to Corona and Barry’s response to the more dangerous H1N1, you’ll find Trump’s response wins hand over fist.

      I’m sorry Guylty, if I started a screamfest on your blog. As you well know, this isn’t my normal thing. There is a reason why I don’t discuss politics. However, I’m just about fed up to the teeth with this. If anyone wants to try me, my blog has a post – Mildly offensive rant behind the cut. That’s the name of it. Go there.


        • I’m aware of that. It is still less of an issue than the flu or anything else out there.

          I’ve doubled up on my daily inhaler, as well as my vitamins. I’ve already had bronchitis twice in the last 5 months as well as the flu. Not fun and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone

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      • Zee, the novel coronavirus hasn’t been fatal to as many people as the regular flu *yet* because it’s been around for such a very, very short time. Let’s compare numbers in a year or two. Surely that is common sense? In the meantime, anyone who isn’t taking it extremely seriously now is doing a massive disservice to all those in their communities who are at particular risk, even if they, themselves are not.

        Liked by 3 people

          • It is a public health system problem. Because the disease causes in some people, without warning, such symptoms that they must find themselves under respiratory assistance, in a short time and this sometimes without prior warning, after ten days of mild ENT infection. (patients with heart, lungs, hypertension, immunosuppressed … are the most fragile)
            The litigation is on the hospital capacities to put under respiratory assistance a large number of people at the same time. The corollary is the choice of doctors to choose between patients, those who will benefit from treatment.
            It is not by closing the borders but by confining the frail at home that the peak of the patient can spread over time and be lower. Between 60% for optimists and 80% for pessimists, I prefer to follow the real instructions of international specialists than those of a gesticulator ex television host …


            • I’m concerned for my parents. They are elderly and my mom is having rotatory cuff repair surgery this week. It looks as if I’ll get to be home when she comes home from the hospital.

              This will hit the elderly and those with repository problems the most – just like the flu. I still believe the flu numbers will be much bigger, as usual. I’ve doubled up on my inhaler, as well as my viatmin C. Trying to stay healthy and spray my classroom down with Lysol a few times a day. (I’m allergic to it. It sets my asthma off.)

              Come to think of it, hand sanitizer does as well but I can handle it in itty bitty increments, but my littles like to bathe in it. Ick.

              I’m aware certain areas of Europe are hard hit, but I’m still more afraid of the flu. I don’t get the flu shot, because usually by the time they figure out which flu is rampant, I’ve already go it and every time I’ve had a flu shot, I get the flu. It’s a no win.

              And as I stated before, the former television host was on this much faster than the tyrant we called president before him.


              • Apparently people vaccinated against this winter’s influenza cocktail are more resistant (die less) to attacks by the coronavirus.
                It will take some time for the statistics to speak in a global and definitive manner, but we must learn from the experiences of countries previously ravaged by this new virus.

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              • To give you an idea of the real scale of the epidemic. Here the medical officials are emptying the hospitals, they cancel the routine operations (like that of your mother) to prepare for the influx of seriously ill patients with coronavirus who will arrive in the coming days for intensive care.

                Liked by 1 person

            • That is what worries me, too, Squirrel – the pressure the health system is coming under. And a potential crisis where doctors have to make war-time “triage” decisions like we have heard from Italy.


              • Yes, but I don’t want to be pessimist. Here people are learning from Italy, and apparently less people dIe, because of staying at home… But they are less people globally Covid 19 dying than with flu indeed. Scientists say that 50 to 70% of the population in the end ends up being contaminated by the virus and it is besides that which puts an end to the virus since it creates a form of majority immunity and therefore the virus s “Turned off by itself”.
                But I would prefer Zee’s mother at home than in an hospital with lot of coronavirus ills persons.

                Liked by 1 person

      • Zee, I understand that this whole virus thing has been politicised in the US. I haven’t checked the numbers you have quoted, and I definitely don’t want to get into an argument. Neither about the reactions to epidemics in the past, nor this one. Largely because I think it is distracting from the issue at hand.
        The common flu is, of course, a threat, too. No debate. But this virus is equally (if not more) threatening. At least in my opinion, with the information I have at hand here, and considering the measures that the government in my place of residence have established, I am taking this seriously – and I am hoping to the gods that we will look back in three months’ time and think “well, maybe we overreacted” rather than “I wish they had done more”. The former would be a better outcome.
        I do agree with you that there is a media hype that is making people feel confused and insecure. I’ve been thinking that today, and I am actually considering imposing a Twitter embargo on myself because I am beginning to feel overly worried. I don’t want to lose my common sense over this – and neither trivialise it nor completely panic. Keeping calm is important.
        Whether it is the flu or the coronavirus, I am concerned for anyone with respiratory problems, including you. Please do look after yourself.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Like I said, I wasn’t trying to start an argument or anything like that. But I do believe the entire thing as been blown out of proportion. I got my numbers from the CDC and right now, I’m just sitting back. We went to the grocery a week ago, so I’ve not been since then. Glad I bought a bit thing of toilet paper! LOL!

          Keep Mr G. in.


          • I love this article.
            It explains in a funny but deep scientific way, with a great historical art religious painting what the limits of common persons and doctors or science-medecins’ knowledges, success really are throught time.
            I cant write about that eloquently but medecin-science is not an exact science. There are many beliefs and something that looks like “witchcraft” that go through the ages. But we must fight obscurantism (cf the death of Bridget Cleary) and preconceived ideas.
            “The Last Word On Nothing” blog often entertains me. They write on “The Atlantic” revue too (Thanks to Servetus references!)
            Their title comes from a Victor Hugo’s quote: “Science says the first word on everything, and the last word on nothing”


    • Oh yes, that would’ve been worthwhile seeing. Not to mention a friendly Mr Hinds at the SD. But well, there will be other opportunities. And yes, just heard the news, and the numbers in the UK are now rising. I can’t believe they are risking so much by keeping theatres open.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. -i like the birthday cake and Thorins party hat
    -quite like the kissing too
    -3rd season of Castlevania is really good-much more than S2-seems a shame Alejandra has only met Richard once during recording
    -sounds like your pharmacist is a good one

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s really nice to know when a health-care person knows you personally. (Or my hubs, in this case.) Even down to my hygienist, for instance. Maybe she only remembers my name from the file when I come in, but it really makes me (perhaps irrationally) have more trust in her. (She’s wonderful – I have never met anyone with a softer touch.) In any case, not just today but generally, I am very grateful for *all* the health care staff I encounter. What they are doing right now, is pretty amazing.

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      • no, your hygienist knows you! we build up relationships with our patients-it’s good for both sides tbh and it’s great that you do have one who you are relaxed with because we have a bit of a bad rep!
        wish you the best with keeping your family healthy x


        • You guys have a bad rep??? I didn’t know that. Because it can hurt? Clodagh (my hygienist) is such a nice woman, and as I said, she literally has the *tenderest* touch when she cleans my teeth, I totally love going to my twice-yearly appointment 😀. The way she dabs away the excess water that inevitably splashes on my skin… This sounds like an ironic joke, but I am serious – she is a total gem.

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            • Ha! New patients probably have previously only had their teeth cleaned by their dentist. And in my experience, dentists are a bit more ruthless. So, I totally recommend regularly seeing a hygienist. I feel that not only has my own oral hygiene improved since I started going, but my teeth in general – because she tells me when there is something that needs looking at.

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  4. Joining the chorus of ‘keep MrGuylty at home’. MrJenny needs to be careful too, so I know how you feel with the cleaning. Everyone, hope you stay safe, wherever you are.

    This roundup is the perfect distraction from such things! I love sinnaminie’s idea of the dolls of the dolls. And do my eyes deceive me or has Trevor grown a beard in homage to his Voice?

    Rachel is right, that’s a wonderful birthday cake. But how could you bring yourself to cut up that lovely mug?

    Liked by 1 person

    • It took me several hours to clean the kitchen. Well, and it’s not even the whole kitchen, just the worktops, table, and sink – the food prep areas first. The cleaning will continue tomorrow. And same to you – stay safe and make sure himself is well!
      The dolls are just the best. Meta!!!
      Oh yes, it would really hurt to cut that cake 😬


  5. I’m grateful to have your blog to look forward to every day. If you keep posting, I will keep commenting! Thanks for the list of tips of what to do in the home. With all the nonstop news, there’s actually very little printed that’s useful like this! I’m thinking this weekend will be the start of a deep clean and sort in my apartment, too. It’s something to do, right? Are we going to have a side effect of this that lots of public places will now be nice and clean for a change? I’m tempted to ride the subway (NYC resident) just to see that!


    • You know, I was thinking the same thing – side-effect: Not only do I feel motivated to clean, it *will* actually be a *proper* clean, not just a swish-swash-smudge!


  6. I totally agree with the pharmacist’s recommendations. I have 2 autoimmune diseases so I’m taking all those precautions and more. If I have to go out, shoes come off at the door and I take off the clothes I wore outside and wash them, along with taking a shower.


      • Not that it would make us immune, but we do tend to wash hands frequently anyway as working with paper does make your hands visibly dirty and (much to hubs chagrin) I rarely put things in my mouth that I shouldn’t. ☺️

        Side note: while I’ve always been careful about what I put in my mouth. Hubs will eat anything, (will spare you horrific detail) gleefully. If something falls on the floor, it’s a race to see if he or the dog(s) will get to it first. Drives me bat-shit.


  7. #5 Sinnaminie’s dolls: I love these, and am entranced by them in some way I can’t quite reason through or articulate. Her dolls are usually interpretations of a real person (an actor) in real clothes (albeit a costume) playing some part, right? These are interpretations of an animator’s drawings of two dolls based on also-drawn characters from the same animated product (the show), which are themselves sort of based on the real people who are the actors voicing the animated characters in the show. I wonder if the animator who drew the “originals” (which drawings actually *are* the “originals” in this case?) has seen Sinnaminie’s dolls yet. I would think that any such artist would be surprised, flattered, pleased—and would make an offer to buy the dolls, as I think I would offer, if I ever saw my art “homaged” in such a clearly complimentary, affectionate manner.


  8. What a worrying time for you and Mr Guylty. Keep safe all. I must admit to having been nonchalant too. The most disturbing thing so far to me is the behaviour of people. None of my local shops have loo roll. Who would have thought it! And it’s so unnecessary. I was walking behind a man who was proudly carrying some loo rolls and I actually felt envious of him.
    And thank you for this week’s goodies and providing some sane jollity. I loved the sleeping beauty and the smackeroos, in particular ‘Pete’s kiss to Ross – lucky woman – in fact, lucky women all.


    • That’s it – people are behaving in curious ways. I mean, how come all the cleaning products are sold out? Have they not got any at home? I really don’t get it. I have bought some stuff, but not in bulk. Moreover, I am using the opportunity to actually finally eat through my storage shelves. Ehm, not the shelves themselves; I don’t really like to chew on wood. But the stuff on the shelves 😁
      Oh yes, Pete and Ros. Jeepers, that kiss warranted a whole spin-off series…


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