More Pictures from Last Year

Twitter just alerted me to the fact that there are a good number of previously not seen pictures of RA available on Getty Images. If I get this correctly, they are made by photographer Aaron Richter and can be accessed HERE. To be honest with you, I can’t really say that I think these are particularly great images. There is some sort of weird distortion going on there in a number of pictures, with Richard’s head appearing particularly long. It’s some kind of lens distortion, which may not be so obvious if the viewer doesn’t know RA. But if you are familiar with that mug (…) it’s pretty obvious that something is not quite right.

Click to enlarge

Doesn’t apply to all of the pictures, but particularly the head-and-shoulders images with RA dressed in the black shirt. Or is something wrong with my vision?

Anyway, just a little visual gift to make the end of the weekend sweeter for you…

30 thoughts on “More Pictures from Last Year

    • There is a permeating feeling of awkwardness in the whole shoot, I agree. Imo the photographer would’ve done better to leave out some of these shots. The vast majority of them just really feel off.

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  1. I think this is what he was wearing at Sundance in 2019. I don’t remember any photos from that event that were better than just ok. I’m not sure, but he could appear as a less than enthusiastic subject here because his mind is on the ski slopes ⛷🤣 I agree these photos aren’t his most flattering.

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    • Agreed, none of the Sundance photos turned out to be particular favourites of mine. Haha, and you could be right – maybe he was just sitting there, letting it happen, but really he wanted to be skiing.


  2. These photos are definitely…meh. As you say, they make him look kind of odd. To me they look as if he had been the bored stand-in helping the photographer get the lighting set for when the real celebrity arrived. No *thud* or #LeSigh factor, which is unusual for me. I’ll swoon at just about any photo of our beautiful man. 😳 Thank you for sharing though! It’s fun to remember a rather heady time when we were being inundated with new images. Hope you’re well. 😘

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    • LOL – the lighting stand-in. You are right, that’s what this feels like. I mean, the whole set is not particularly interesting, full stop. Some of the images are virtually identical, so you wonder why they have been included in this set at all – there’s not much point, for instance, to have *both* picture 2 and 3 from the screen shot above… My gripe here with these images really is that they make no attempt at letting the sitter look stunning. They look like passport pictures – and in no way represent the man at all (although some of the awkwardness may actually part of his own psychological make-up).

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  3. He does have ginormous hands though, doesn’t he? The one in which he’s strangling himself is kind of funny. Did you notice his hands at RDC or any of the other times you’ve seen him? Are they as galumphingly gigantic as they seem? #FangirlScience


  4. When you scroll over the photos at Getty’s site, the names of the files appear, all starting with “Pizza Hut Lounge Park City….” It’s just a file name chosen by the photographer to keep one set of images separate from others, but…does that mean a dumb-ass chain restaurant has a space they call a “lounge” for photographers to use when the film festival is going on in Park City, Utah? Seriously — Pizza Hut? I know it was a low-budget movie, but come on. Maybe RA was out of patience, too. (Remember his signature-demanders “greeting” at the airport?) He’s barely got his game face on. And while I’m in a ranty mood, may I ask, why, why did he even make this movie, because, honestly, it sucks. What were he and his agent thinking? I’m glad RA got to go skiing while he was in Colorado.

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    • I would imagine it’s a sponsorship thing. Like they have these spaces at the festival and companies can buy the right to slap their name on like football stadiums are the Vod*afone Arena or what have you these days, maybe?

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    • he said himself that he really wanted to make a film with those directors and he obviously just said ‘yes”‘ to whatever it was. Not my bag, but people i know to whom are fans of the genre really enjoyed it. I get the impression it doesn’t appeal to his core fan base. But again, i think that not untypical with him-i think he likes to stay away from being any sort of romantic hero where possible! lol

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      • All that. Plus, he has often spoken about his typical actors’ fear of never knowing what the next job is – or whether there will be one at all. So it’s consistent with his general MO of taking any job that comes along (within reason, I guess).
        Whether he *really* went out of his way because he desperately wanted to make a film with the Austrian horror duo…? Mh, tbh, I kind of doubt that. Isn’t it one of those things that *all* actors tend to say when they are asked why they signed up for a project? I mean, no shade, it’s all perfectly fine. I just believe that this sort of compliment is code for “I checked out their work before I signed up, and it passed muster”. 😂

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        • i have a feeling he keeps his eye on what the trends are and what’s cool-horror has been a big trend in cinema for a little while now and the same with Korean films becoming the next big thing. Or you could be spot on! lol


    • LOL – no, I doubt this was happening in the local Pizza Hut restaurant, Besotted. No, I think it’s just the name of the sponsors who provide/pay for a designated space within the media area associated with the Sundance film festival where the media can meet and interview the celebs. In return they get their name slapped onto the photos, and in filmed interviews the interviewers are probably required to say something like “welcome to the Pizza Hut Lounge here at Sundance…”. Beside the Pizza Hut there was also the “Vulture Spot” (not sure who exactly sponsored that) and the “IMDb Studio”.
      I still haven’t seen this film – horror just isn’t my cup of tea, and from what I have heard, his character in the movie is such a stupid eejit anyway, I just don’t want to see him play a stupid eejit…


      • Yeah, you and Kate are right about that, of course. Excuse me my naivete. Stupid eejit, is right. He’s surprised — but not alarmed? not questioning? — to learn that his girlfriend is a crack shot with a gun, then drives away and leaves her with his kids with a gun in the house. Huh??? Any American (gun lovers that we are) would know to get yourself and your kids away from her pronto. (I forget where the film was supposedly located and whether “American-ness” had anything to do with it. It was just SUCH a total waste of time.)


  5. honestly? I didn’t care for any of the pictures that came out of this convention. Just didn’t. Didn’t look natural or – as one person said – just not feeling it. Well, I’m not feeling it either.


  6. I headed over to Getty to check them out, and, unlike other series of photos from a shoot, premiere or promo, where I drool over them, with these I stopped after about four – they are boring, for wont of a better word. I usually love three quarter profile shots, but the ones here are off. I wasn’t “feeling it” and neither was he I reckon.


    • There isn’t much variety in the shots, and then there are sometimes 2 or 3 that are almost identical, where I am thinking to myself – why? Just pick the best one from that particular pose, and be done with it. Overall, I just don’t think these pictures make RA look good. And that is actually down to the photographer. Unforgivable.


  7. I thought they were worse than a driver’s license or passport photo. They wouldn’t seem so bad if we didn’t know how handsome he is most of the time. As for his hands, having passed things for him to sign several times, didn’t notice his hands at all. Too busy trying not to melt into a giggling lump of addled fan . Unsuccessful. btw.

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  8. I’m glad you all agree about the photos, I was going through them thinking “nah, nah, nah…” and thought my RA mojo had gone but your’re right, there is something off about them, his chin looks extended – and I don’t like the camel coat.I experienced something similar recently when I took a pic of Lucas North from my TV, he was stunningly moody, but he looked like a Mekon in my shot.


    • Oh, absolutely not charmed by those photos. Completely off. Right from the beginning I was less than impressed with them. Not all of them look distorted, but most of them actually look as if the sitter is not comfortable being photographed. And don’t even get me started on that weird picture where RA is scratching his neck while grinning like a little boy who has just been caught with his hand in the sweet jar. That kind of dud should never *ever* see the light of day, and I can’t fathom why any photographer would release something like that.

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