2020 Armitage Weekly Round-up #35

I take it you have heard all the good news? UV is apparently in the can and will be shown in cinemas and on the BBC at an undisclosed point in the future. Personally, I am not sure whether the cinema is currently the best place for a filmed piece of theatre. And the BBC is regionally restricted. So neither option really feels particularly accessible to *me*. The only advantage of a BBC transmission is, that there might be fans with access who also have some other technical knowledge… *say no more*. Not to put a dampener onto things – I am thrilled that they have decided to film the play, preserve it for posterity, and that way give the public a (second) chance of seeing this particular interpretation of UV Richard Armitage strutting his stuff. But I am a little baffled that they are not thinking of any streaming options – *in this current situation that the world is in*. Is it because the recording was not organised through the theatre but through the producers? Because other theatres have proven that streamed plays are financially viable. Just a couple of days ago I watched the long-postponed play Three Kings with Andrew Scott in the Old Vic. It was so worth waiting for (after Scott had to cancel the original dates due to some minor but lengthy surgeries), and even though streaming does not even come close to the look and feel of sitting in a theatre, it was still a live performance. And it added some extra value in the sense that a filmed/streamed performance allows the cameras to come up so much closer than you would ever be able to see in a theatre. So it has its reason for being. (And in this case, Andrew Scott was of course absolutely stunning in a 1 hour monologue. A very Irish play, if you ask me, not just because the character is Irish and the actor speaks with his native Irish accent, but because the play was interwoven with moral themes of regret, forgiveness, guilt and love that struck me as particularly Catholic-Irish. The play was, of course, written specifically for Scott by his ex-partner, English actor/playwright Stephen Beresford.) Anyway, I am waffling on. Suffice to say I look forward to watching the play once again. If anything, it will finally provide a level playing field because frankly, it is getting a bit old, having to see the same people tweet their triumphant SD stories and selfies over and over.

Before we get to the round-up, though, I would like to welcome back my first love.

RA Keanu

Well, hell-ooooh, Keanu!!! Where have you been all this time? 

My first thought was – Keanu Reeves, ca. 25 years after this photo shoot:

I know. Keanu really was gorgeous. And had some nice flaws that made him look even better, like that massive scar from a ruptured spleen.  Who would’ve thought that such a long middle-parting would come back in fashion? RA really rocks it, and while the thick mop wasn’t quite my cup of tea, I have to say I like this particular style. It looks really turn-of-the-century Russian to me, too, don’t ask me why. Something wild, romantic and full of pathos. I am wondering, though, whether the shrubbery and the hair were temporarily dyed? Looks very dark to me (although the Lo-Fi filter on Instagram tends to work wonders, too, right, Richard? 😉) Anyway, no complaint whatsoever. Perfect combo of early celebrity crush with current. I actually think that the #romanticherohair *needs* the shrubbery because otherwise that look on stubble would mass-destroy ovaries and curb birthrates for decades to come.

But I digress again. Finally, the round-up:


  1. In case you wanted to know which scent RA has got on his dressing room table, astrovian has the answer
  2. Astrovian is dominating the Richard Armitage tag again, so here is a post with some moving images from MZ
  3. “Is there anything you’d like to tell me?” – um, if Guy asked me that, I’d probably have to confess my undying attraction to him. Gif set by riepu10
  4. And once again, with some bright smile Adam Price, riepu10 again
  5. The ultimate #romanticherohair gif set, compiled by mezzmerizedbyrichard. I can only say, watch at your own peril!
  6. Interesting quote by Richard on his face, illustrated by mezzmerizedbyrichard
  7. Missgraciemae with an audio book review that many of us would probably agree with
  8. LOL, I must try that. Suggestion by buildarocketboys
  9. You know those Getty Images of Richard that turned up last week and that we didn’t particularly like? Well, just in case I am linking here to richardarmitagefanpage who have got the images in larger format (than my mass screenshot) Warning – they don’t get any better just because of larger format… if anything, they get worse
  10. I bet you would love to see Guy of Gisborne taking a bath. Right? Here’s your chance, thanks to mininottingham
  11. And some What a Guy Wants by nfcomics
  12. This cartoon of Thorin really caused some visions of Mr Darcy in me
  13. Sorry, this is grossly outdated (March 2020), but I had to laugh out loud at it. Posted by vengealis. Gives new meaning to the term “King under the Mountain”

Lucky number 13. I’ll go back to staring at Keanu Armitage now.

Have a lovely weekend, all!

Sonja ❤


34 thoughts on “2020 Armitage Weekly Round-up #35

    • The UV news really perked me up. Frankly, they would be stupid not to do it. After all the play ran very well, and there was plenty of demand. – Wondering whether the actors all had to completely relearn the lines. It’s such a long time since the play was cancelled.
      Oh yes, the Waterstones pics… they are gold!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Totally agree with you Helen! When I went through my gif folder I didn’t have any from his Waterstones appearance – no idea why, as I love his look of that time, he was absolutely gorgeous. That’s something I’ll have to rectify!

        Liked by 2 people

  1. Loved Keanu Reeves in The Lake House but iirc haven’t seen him in anything else, earlier years or otherwise. I can see the attraction though of the younger Keanu.
    The news of the Uncle Vanya film is exciting, however it’s screened, the chances of actually seeing it now are far greater than they were a week ago.
    Thank you for the inclusions x


    • I used to have a collection of Keanu DVDs – because he was my previous movie crush before RA. I liked the Lake House, but I’d probably go back even further than that and count Point Break as one of my favourites of his. And then the Matrix trilogy, which is truly stunning.
      I really wonder how we will get to see UV. I am not really planning to enter a cinema in the foreseeable future. My preferred medium would have been a digital download.
      Thank you for your tumblr gifts! X


  2. My first thought on the new pic was Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen, interior designer, and that isn’t a compliment. The beard is definitely a suitable foil against exploding ovaries. the thought of Guy in the bath, isn’t. It is fantastic news about UV though, particularly for those who will be seeing it for the first time. Thanks for the great round up, Guylty.


  3. That new pic is quite the contrast with Trevor Wossisname from BS. Hope it’s not a case of hair today, gone tomorrow.

    #10 ~ the scene we’ve all been waiting for – just about everyone else had a dunking in the show. Can’t see the rose-petal nibbles anywhere though.

    Lovely roundup as usual, Guylty. Thanks for brightening up my day.


  4. On reading your article again the name Steven Beresford popped out to me, wasn’t he the director of Richard ‘ s only attempt at the ’24 hours play’ at the Old Vic in London all those years ago? And while on the same subject I was shocked and saddened to hear Clemency Burton-Hill had a serious brain haemorrhage, she is in recovery, but I recall how RA looked at her with such awe when she admitted to be a violinist.


    • Hm, not sure whether that is the same guy? I haven’t researched properly, only saw that the playwright Beresford is also an actor. Would it work, age wise? When were those 24 hour plays? 15 years ago? How old is Beresford? Would he have to be a bit older than RA to have been director then?


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