2022 Armitage Weekly Round-up #2

Good morning to the second round-up of the year. How are we doing? I have actually started the weekend with work. 😱 My subeditor only returned my latest article at 7.15pm last night, and so I had to upload the piece this morning. And while I have the laptop out in the kitchen – the only warm room in the house 🥶 – I want to make use of the remaining 55% of battery power and bang out this week’s round-up. Heeeeeeere comes Armiiiiiiiiiii…

  1. Starting off with a sweet continuation that wraps up NS after the last scenes of the series on the train. Written by quiall321
  2. Astrovian has a nice shot of Ray and Broome from BTS of SC – reminiscing about Hobbit days?
  3. Talking hands – gifs of Richard at the Netflix Book Club, made by riepu10
  4. For the stripy-sweater-lovers among you, here are a couple of screenshots, also from the Netflix Book Club video, posted by richardarmitagefanpage
  5. And the moving version made by riepu10
  6. The orang-utan’s love slave aka Ray in sleeveless vest glory, giffed by acecroft
  7. The last one in this set of gifs posted by danggrr could be the next favourite Armitage reaction gif
  8. On signature moves *coughs*… watch out for middleearthpixie’s upcoming fan fic, I guess
  9. A short compilation of RA’s comfy sweaters, fall/winter 21/22 😂. Posted by astrovian
  10. For some reason I was mesmerised by this little SC clip (in gifs) of Ray and Lorraine… Posed by queensarahparish
  11. I found this “love letter to the man you never got to be” really moving. Could be applied to Guy – or Dolarhyde, Thorin, Raybo… Very poetically written by i-did-not-mean-to
  12. Now there is a novel idea. Florist!Thorin 😳!!!! I would never have come up with that, but fizzyxcustard did
  13. Looking at this piece of fan art – commissioned by lordoftherazzles for their “Dragonhearted” fic and made by vilbbit – I somehow had RAngel vibes…
  14. And for your bittersweet smooch needs, here is the scene between Ray and Megan, giffed by lynx1825

We are down to 17% battery charge, so I better wrap this up…

Oh, speaking of “wrapping up” – check this out:

Sadly *not* made from “finest English cotton” but 100% polyester, but well, a little, inconspicuous Thornton love to keep me warm. Literally.

Hope you have snug, warm weekend!

Sonja ❤️

25 thoughts on “2022 Armitage Weekly Round-up #2

    • Hello quiall – and welcome here. Yes, I enjoyed it very much. I love when we get continuations of a story, and I really liked what you gave Thornton and Margaret. Ha, and especially Hannah. I would’ve hated it if she had become a nasty mother-in-law dragon.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I do love a happy ending. And their story needed it. It started as an exercise for me but I wanted to see if other people liked it. Thank you for boosting my ego. I enjoy what you do. It is my guilty pleasure!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Thank you so much for including me here! The “signature” scene should be coming up shortly – if I can convince these two characters (Ray and Theo) to behave! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey, I have to thank *you* for posting quality fan fic, pixie! I see that we are now at chapter 16 already. I actually haven’t even kept up with it – no time, no head space – but congratulations!!


      • I’m not sure what happened, but I tried to reply to your comment to say thank you and to wish your husband a quick road to recovery and I think the Internet ate it. 🙂

        But thank you again for the mention as well. Ray has been a nice change from what I usually write and it’s amazing to me that my little fic has been noticed, 🙂


        • WordPress sometimes does that, pixie. I had a check in the spam folder, but there was nothing there, so I guess WP was just being her temperamental self 😉
          There seems to be quite the appetite for Ray… no surprise, of course. So hopefully your story will continue 😄


  2. The scarf you’ve ordered before Christmas I think. It looks nice. It does’nt matter if it is not made of cotton. Sun and warmth will come again.


    • You’ve got great memory, Poppy. Indeed it was that scarf. It’s really nice and I have been wearing it quite a bit – because it’s the perfect stealth fangirling tool 😉


  3. #8 I do believe I’m “Anonymous,” who inadvertently might have given my newest favorite fanfic author an idea for a future chapter. Cool! Now it’s back to greedily consume chs 7-9.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Poor you, with your late piece of work.
    Thanks for compiling all these goodies. 3) Such expressive hands. 14) Oh that smooch! The vulnerable, confused, look in Ray’s eyes, the way his jaw stretches when he moves in to Megassie …
    Loving the inconspicuous Thorton scarf.


  5. I had a hard work day today. I just looked at the sweater GIFs and ones from the recent interviews of him smiling and joking, gesturing with both hands. And looking at him just made me happy. Does he always have that effect?

    Liked by 1 person

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