2022 Armitage Weekly Round-up #3

Sorry for the delay, I just got side-tracked this morning into crafting. But hooray, I was in the mood for some crafting – which is a reason to be happy, or the reason *why* I’m happy. I’ve been quiet the last few days, not in the best of head spaces, tbh. It takes most of my strength to keep both mine and Mr Guylty’s spirits up, and by the time I have accomplished that, the battery is empty and all I feel able for is passive consumption of content, rather than creating it myself. I’m sorry. But I hope there will be better times some time in the future when I can muster up the energy to be creative here again.

The round-up is a nice hybrid between consumption of content and creating the weekly list of new stuff for you, so here we go…

  1. A comment by faheyslantsov on watching SC. Ha, one of the reasons why I am not watching SC with the hubs because I’d be too preoccupied 🤪
  2. Richardarmitagefanpage has some new photos of Ray Levine
  3. In case you hadn’t heard it yet, Richard is currently recording a number of short stories that will appear in an audio anthology. It’s a charity project edited by LJ Ross. Astrovian has the titles of the stories Richard is reading
  4. Middleearthpixie’s fan fic Damaged Goods goes to chapter 16. (Links to previous chapters in the post)
  5. Riepu10 has a few more gifs of Richard from the Netflix Book Club gig
  6. Thewarriorandtheking brings us roaring Thorin. 😲
  7. Riepu10 again with another set of gifs from a recent promo gig – the Today Show
  8. And from the same event, a loooong set of screen shots by richardarmitagefanpage
  9. Oh yes, initiala, oh YESSSSSS!
  10. And what is your take on RA inverting the books on his book shelf background? Style decision or privacy protection? Posted by astrovian
  11. Ooooh, I love it. Fizzyxcustard is getting crafty. That’s right up my street…
  12. Lots of Ray gifs by garethamm
  13. Here is a fan fic by legolasbadass – Richard as a professor. Set in Oxford, and with an OFC. This is part 2, and I haven’t read part 1, but I did like what I saw when I quickly scanned the text

Lucky number, right? 😉 Lots of Ray, but who is complaining? He is actually the most compelling chaRActer in a long time.

Have a lovely weekend, all,

Sonja ❤️

38 thoughts on “2022 Armitage Weekly Round-up #3

  1. Thank you for the weekly update. Couple of thoughts spring to my mind:
    If the bookcase in the background is in his NYC apartment, and he has returned to NYC fairly recently, afawk in the new year, are his house plants real or fake ones??
    Secondly, I think if he has inverted the book spines deliberately it’s as if he had something to hide or something he did not want to share. Bit weird, slightly off in my opinion. Premeditated.
    Finally, from looking at the recent gifs of him in SC promos, and having seen the wig photos of younger Ray, I am of the opinion RA is wearing a hairpiece in those promo interviews. I think he wore a similar hairpiece for his bithday vid. Sacrilegious I know…It’s an observation, not a criticism.
    Sometimes it”s good to have down time, not doing much at all. You will know when the creative urge hits you again so in meantime enjoy the consumption and go with the flow….


    • 1. The houseplants – I wondered exactly the same thing, Zigzag. I’d say they are real, though. Surely he has enough cash to employ a cleaner who pops in and waters the plants even when he is away on business?
      2. Dito. Turning the book spines around is a real pet peeve of mine. There is a lot of that going on in styled interiors at the moment, I think it is just plain stupid. Don’t get me wrong, I looove interior design. But for all the “neutral aesthetic” of the inverted book spines, it is totally impractical and implies the owner only has the books on their shelves for decoration purposes, not for reading. Meh. Not sure where that places him. I haven’t really pegged him as a (interior) style icon, so my guess is he turned the spines around so that the viewers couldn’t see which books he is reading. Equally silly reason, if you ask me. Just grab the effing book and move it out of shot, man.
      3. Hairpiece?????????? *eeeeeeeeeeek*!!!!!!! I have to have a closer look at that…
      4. Hehe, ended up doing a good bit of creative stuff today. Designed a birthday invitation card for my aunt, and she was so happy with it. That gave me a big boost 😃


  2. Yay for feeling inspired to craft. That’s always lovely. I’m keeping all of you in my thoughts.

    And such a smorgasbord of goodness. 😍 I agree, Ray is quite compelling—not only but definitely also visually. Love the Netflix book club stuff, but what really slayed me was the Today interview. Holy hotness!! 🔥🔥🔥


  3. Thanks for bringing these to us even when you have all things going on…Today’s my birthday, and how nice to start the day seeing your RoundUp email in my inbox with all the Armitage Accoutrements!


  4. #3 Wondering if RA, like the authors of these stories, is donating his services to Shelter. Would seem to be right up his [charitable] alley.
    #4 Ch 17 is now available. Things are really heating up between Ray and Theo, and the hand-braced-against-a-wall move makes an appearance in Ch 15. Not to be missed IMHO.
    #9 I’ve been swooning over RA aging gracefully since I first noticed the grey during last year’s birthday video. Ooof!
    #10 I wondered, too, how he keeps the plants alive. Since he’s admitted he can at times be rather untidy, he may employ (or live with?) someone who handles such housekeeping tasks. And the book spines? Agree that’s just silly and unnecessary. What could be so offensive?! And why does he care what we might think?
    Lastly, no, no, a thousand times no on the hairpiece. I won’t listen. La la la la la la la la la…


    • #3 Good point. I would assume that he does. I mean, the whole project is edited by LJ Ross, and he seems to have some kind of rapport with her, so chances are that he is providing his service for free. (At least I hope he does…)
      #4 I definitely have to read this story now…
      Yeah, that hairpiece… no. Just no. 😂


  5. Great stuff this week! Love the photos from the Today interview and all the other great items. Richard just keeps getting better looking with each passing year. Too bad I can’t say the same for myself! I’m not unhappy with my looks, but I think I did look better at 25- LOL.

    I think those plants are real and interesting about the books. I think people are just tired of being judged for the books on their shelves and the art on their walls. Many people like to keep their personal spaces “personal” and I get that.


    • Re. hidden books: I definitely think it’s a privacy move. And yes, he’s absolutely entitled to his privacy. It’s just that turning the spines inward has made that a bit more obvious than moving the books away completely, I think…


  6. Happy crafting Guylty! And please don’t ever apologise for not feeling up to for providing anything here. Wishing you all well.
    I suspect he turned the spines round to avoid more speculation. He is a book lover and I imagine that books furnishing rooms for style purposes would be disrespectful to them. (10, I am intrigued though by the photograph on his right!) 11. Love ‘evil, filthy’ Raymond further down!


    • Hehe, thank you – did some more crafty stuff yesterday, for my Etsy packaging. And it made me feel better ☺️
      Agree with you there – I don’t think he turns the spines around as an interior design choice. Privacy more like. Fair enough.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. So glad for you! Crafting time, so the spark ignited the inspiration!!! Keep going and fill your batteries. I don’t care if Ra is wearing a hairpiece or something else. i love his personality and his inner spirit and soul. Those eyes are telling the truth no matter what…


  8. Es könnte auch sein, dass die Programmleitung Richard um die Umstellung der Bücher im letzten Moment gebeten hat, wenn sie das als Werbung betrachtet haben. Auch wenn er das selbst gemacht hat, wundert mich das nicht so besonders, jeder braucht doch ein bisschen Privatsphäre und die meisten Menschen blenden sogar ganze künstliche Hintergründe bei Meetings ein. Interessanter fand ich ein anderes Mal, dass Erinnerungsstücke von The Crucible an den Regalen dabei waren.
    Ich habe gesehen, dass du Postkarten mit den Mustern vom Adventskalender gemacht hast und auch einen Becher mit der Werbung für das Filmstudio von Ray 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • Absolut richtig – Privatsphäre. Passt schon – und wir haben ja dennoch einen Einblick in seinen Einrichtungsstil mit dem eingebauten Regal und den Pflanzen… Hehe, hätte nie gedacht, dass er ein “Plant Daddy” ist 😆
      Jup, die neuen Karten mit den Motiven vom RAdventskalender sind da. Sind ganz nett geworden und ich habe schon ein paar verschickt.
      Becher mit Rays Filmstudio? Da stehe ich jetzt allerdings auf dem Schlauch. Was meinst du damit? Allerdings eine super Idee!!


      • Ich habe auch so meine Zweifel, ob er die Pflanzen selbst ausgesucht hat oder für sie sorgt 😊. Aber wer weiß vielleicht doch, die sehen jedenfalls echt aus.
        Den Becher habe ich bei dir auf Redbubble gesehen. Hihi, jetzt sind es sogar drei mit Ray Levines Electric Studio (nicht nur classic sondern auch tall und travel mug) 😊.


  9. Hair piece? How can you be so mean, ladies? It’s called “toupet” 🧐
    I understand that my penchant for bald men is probably not mainstream, but he’s handsone enough to handle the lack of hair.
    Maybe he couldn’t play the spring chick anymore. But who likes spring chicks?


    • LOL re. toupet…
      Remember that manip that he posted a few years ago of himself with a shaving kit and a bald head? 😬 I have to admit that my love for him that is *allegedly* ENTIRELY based on his talents and not his looks, might be put on a test if that were the case 😵


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