2022 Armitage Weekly Round-up #5

It’s February!!! *phew* We’ve left the darkest month behind and are heading towards the light. Or that’s how I see it. Have you noticed how it’s a little brighter every afternoon? I’ve even had a couple of days with “lie-ins” until 8am, and it is not dark at that time anymore ☀️.

Next port of call is Valentine’s Day. Not that I am really that huge a fan of said “occasion”, but anything to cheer me up right now… I’ve been thinking of love-bombing some unsuspecting people… There are a few who I *know* are having a hard time right now, so they are top of my list. If there’s any interest, we could easily do a little Valentine’s card swap – although it is almost a little bit late for it, only 9 days to go, and judging by current mail delivery times… In the past we’ve also had a couple of blog-based Valentine’s events, with virtual gifts, i.e. edits, letters, poems etc. created by the participants and published on Valentine’s Day.

But first of all it’s round-up day ☺️

  1. Starting off with a thoughtful Dr Astrov from a photo set by mezzmerizedbyrichard. Can you believe it is now 2 years since UV was playing in London?
  2. In stark contrast – a smiling (!!!!) Thorin, courtesy of a thewarriorandtheking
  3. For selfish reasons, here is a picture posted by richardarmitagefanpage of Richard at RDC5 in London… ahhh, exactly 3 years ago now
  4. As you know, I am now fully on board with Damaged Goods, the fanfic by middleearthpixie. Here is the link to ch. 30, but on AO3 it has already gone to the next chapter… And that is some *very* valuable information for you. Just sayin’…
  5. Bundibird says it as it is…
  6. In case you haven’t seen it on Twitter yet, aninomori is experimenting with a new style for her drawings. Her portrait of Richard is spot on, as always. Amazing talent!
  7. Robertdowneyhiddlesbatch has an idea for an Adam Price fan fic. Hm, now that my fan fic flame has been fanned again, I might get behind that one…
  8. Not read by me yet, but here is a Guy fan fic called Ask me in the morning by fizzyxcustard. It is part 4 in a series of prompts
  9. Here’s a What a Guy Wants quip that sounds very much like Guy. Posted by nfcomics
  10. Umph. I’d rather unsee this Azog-Thorin height comparison by outcastsnmagic
  11. Mysandwichranaway draws Thorin in modern formal wear. And a little surprise 😂
  12. Haly-reads has embarked on a NS fan fic and links to the work on AO3. I have only glanced at the intro, but this is set after Thornton falsely believes that Margaret is in love with another man

Your weekend should be sorted if you delve into the fan fic in here…

Circling back to the beginning of this post, thanks to February, my mood is getting so much better. We still, btw, have not heard back from the hospital re. Mr Guylty’s participation in the transplant programme. But Little Miss Guylty has booked her flight to Germany for her semester abroad, and I have booked my flight to visit her for her birthday. Now I have something to really look forward to, returning to Germany at the end of March to see my mum, to visit friends and to celebrate my daughter’s birthday in Munich. I think this year is going to be a good one. At least that is what I wish for you and me and everyone.

Have a good weekend, all!

Sonja ❤️

34 thoughts on “2022 Armitage Weekly Round-up #5

  1. Hooray for booked flights and looking forward to better times ahead. Keeping my fingers crossed for good news re. Mr. Guylty.

    Getting all sentimental about RDC5. How has it been three years? Such a fantastic time.

    Liked by 1 person

      • It seems like a different time now. We just willy-nilly decided to buy a ticket and hop on a plane and mingle with 600 strangers without a care in the world other than getting good seats and not freaking out at an in opportune moment.


        • Almost unthinkable. That came home to me just yesterday. I booked a hotel for Munich, and I received a long notice back, explaining all about Covid restrictions: no restaurant or bar, FFP2 mask to be worn at all times (in public areas of hotel) and only access for vaxxed + boostered or recovered patrons. Devoid of all the lightness of holiday-making that we were used to…

          Liked by 1 person

          • so im Alltag merke ich es eigentlich gar nicht so stark und auch meine Reisen haben sich in covid Zeiten im Vergleich zu vorher nicht seeehr verändert, weil ich ohnehin immer wo hin fahre wo möglichst keine anderen Menschen sind (irgedwo mit möglichst viel Natur und Wildnis und nicht oder möglichst dünn besiedelt 😉) und wenn ich wo übernachten möchte, dann oft bei Freunden oder Bekannten von Freunden etc – da ist das dann auch nicht so ein Thema mit irgendwelchen Covid-Regeln ABER letztens hab ich seit Ewigkeiten wieder mal einen Film angeschaut und da gab es eine Szene in einem Einkaufszentrum und im ersten Moment dachte ich “Hey, die haben alle die Masken vergessen!” und im nächsten Moment so 🙈🤦‍♂️… 🤪 schon irre was das so mit uns allen macht!


  2. #3. I love that shot, too. He looks a little bewildered. I like to fantasize that he is overwhelmed to realize the amount of attention, engagement, and love, LOVE, I say, he engenders, as represented by that gift.


    • Bewildered is right. He even said as much at the event. He couldn’t quite understand it all… But it was nice of him to acknowledge a cool gift like that with a nice photo!


  3. Enjoy your visit back “home”! If you happen to pass by the lower left corner of Germany, too, not only the lower right, let me know :-)) I’ll have a cup of tea for you. Good luck and best wishes for Mr Guylty!!!


  4. I typically scan every item on your list, even if I don’t fully pursue all of them. On the Bundibird (#5) page, a different item than you had flagged caught my eye. It starts with the premise that RA is cast as a tree…

    To say I was ROTFL is an understatement. Like a great art caricature, this description takes one of RA’s traits and exaggerates it just enough to splendid comic effect.

    As V-day originated with the Romans to celebrate the coming of spring, I can tolerate the uber-commercialism if it means longer daylight hours. That, and the implicit permission to overindulge in chocolate. 😉


  5. I’m glad you have much to look forward to in this new year, fingers crossed for Mr G.
    Our days are shortening of course, and with daylight saving the mornings are noticeably darker now at 6am. We had two weeks of horribly humid weather (unusual for us here down south) which made me perpetually cranky, thankfully that seems to have lifted for now.
    Thank you for the roundup inclusion. I seem to just reblog others on Tumblr these days, being short on time and creativity, but I was spurred to post some screencaps with Uncle Vanya finally being screened on Australian TV during the week!


    • Of course! For you it is now slowly turning autumn! Here’s hoping that the humid weather won’t make a comeback soon. (It’s majorly humid here – endless rain the last few days 😒)
      I loved all your Astrov sets this week but simply included only the first one I came across. But they were all scrumptious!


  6. I am glad things are looking brighter for you and all the best for Mr Guylty.
    Valentine’s Day has really crept up. This time last year I had been cRAfting.
    Thanks for the round-up.
    3. Oh, RDC5, sigh!
    I love your banner pic of Ray!


  7. Thanks for yet another roundup, Guylty, Always something to look forward to and much appreciated. Great to hear you have happy things to look forward too, and wishing you more good news in the days to come. If anyone deserves that, it’s you.


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