Thanks and Thanks

Breaking my current silence laziness, I have a couple of misc items for you today. I received a letter today that is essentially addressed to *you*.

LOROS Fundraising Director Caroline Baker has kindly written to us to thank us for your donation raised as part of the #HoHoHolidayFundraiser. She took the time to hand-write her message, making it individual and extra-special. Just the kind of personal touch that (I assume) characterises the organisation in general. This is what she wrote:

Dear Sonja,

Thank you so much for your continued amazing fundraising efforts for LOROS in memory of Margaret Armitage. Your recent donation of £3821.04 is incredible – we are all so grateful.

With best wishes,

Caroline Baker

Disregard my name in the address, the thanks go all to you for your generous support of the fundraiser – your donations, your purchases, your bids and your efforts in sharing and advertising the initiative. With LOROS having to raise £6,000,000 each year, our contribution does make a big difference.

∼∗∼ ❤️ ∼∗∼

Speaking of LOROS, donations and fundraisers – I had a wonderful visitor yesterday.

Well, I wish… 😂. No, not quite Guy. But the owner of The Jacket™️ paid me a visit 🥳. It was so nice to meet her, we had a lovely chinwag over an impromptu cup of tea, and the plan is to meet again tomorrow. On her way over to Dublin she actually stopped by a venue we recently saw somewhere else… She took a picture and suggested I show you…

∼∗∼ ❤️ ∼∗∼

Lastly, another thank you to you all for your kind comments on my recent health update. I was talking to a Buddhist friend yesterday who was explaining about the significance of what they call Metta, a form of regularly practiced meditation, the purpose of which is to generate benevolence towards themselves or others. In other words – positive energy. I consider all forms of prayer as well as any kind of positive thought and compassion directed at me or Mr Guylty as such and believe in its power. So thank you for your kind thoughts. It helps because it reassures and strengthens me!

24 thoughts on “Thanks and Thanks

  1. What a lovely message – thanks for passing it on. I’m so glad you got to meet the jacket owner, and the photo is great!


  2. Wanted to add sincerest healing thoughts and sending positive vibes to you and your Mr G. Your “unseen fans” (like myself) out here do think of you and all you do!
    And thank you for the LOROS msg and including sublime leather-clad posterior shot. I hope owner of Guy’s jacket is treating it most reverentially ; )


  3. What a lovely letter and the picture of the jacket owner is lovely, thanks for passing both on, I´m happy you had a lovely meeting with her and I keep thinking of your hubby and you 💗.


  4. Nice words coming from a caring heart. I hope she will have the strength tocontinu her work. How lovely to meet the owner of the Guy Jacket. And she was standing there at the photo, NY public library. I do believe in positive thoughts and kind wishes and little prayers. I hope you are feeling well. Give my love to Mr Guylty. Take care of yourself, dearest Sonja.


  5. Oh my gosh, please, please, pleeeeeze beg the owner of The Jacket™ to go back to the library and pose again in that spot wearing that jacket!!! Yesssss, wouldn’t that be the BEST fan cross reference ever??? Better yet, if she’s returning home by way of New York, tell her to hook up with me, and we will go to the library together, and find the location of the other photo from that shoot (I am convinced it is the same shoot), and I will take a photo of her in that spot, wearing The Jacket™, of course. This could be the best fangirl collaboration ever!!!


  6. That is a pretty awesome note. You work so incredibly hard for us all too, so I think you deserve the most thanks. I know others help too, so you want to credit the group effort, but still think it would never happen without you girl! ⭐️Puts a smile on my face.

    Haha, glad “Guy’s jacket” has a good home and glad you had a fun visit with the person giving his jacket a permanent home. Very cool👍🏼💕


  7. Lovely letter from LOROS and so nice you got to meet the new owner of The Jacket™️. Her photo from the library is brilliant.

    Speaking of The Jacket™️, did you get a reaction from LOROS after the mind-blowing August Fabulous 50 Auction? I can’t remember…


    • Nope, I never got a card or an acknowledgment for the donation in August. Which is kind of funny because it was an even bigger sum than the proceeds from the Holiday Fundraiser. I just looked back on my blog and I saw that we had previously received a thank you card before – in October 2020. So maybe they just occasionally send acknowledgments…


      • That is strange. Yes, they can’t acknowledge every single donation, but you’d think that amount would have warranted a reaction.


        • True. Maybe there are several people looking after their „patrons“ and the other person didn‘t feel our other donations warranted a separate acknowledgment? The two cards that I received were both sent by the same person…


  8. Pingback: Something Crafty This Way Comes… – My dearest Louise…

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