RA Pocket Shrine 281/? – Easy Clover

Well, happy St Patrick’s Day to you all. It’s a public holiday here today, but while the traditional parade is raging through Dublin city centre, I unfortunately have to work today. However, I am taking a break from writing about “best Dolce & Gabbana dresses” with a little post on blog. Thank goodness, Graza reminded me a couple of days ago that I had a tradition of posting an Irish-themed Paddy’s Day shrine every year. So I spent yesterday afternoon creating this year’s lucky charm.

I had a hard time finding green mint tins in my stash, but I think this one will still do. It’s nice and square, and big enough to fit this in it:

*giggles* Yeah, sorry, it’s a bit simplistic, but that was intentional. The pun makes more sense – at least for people of my generation – when you see the bottom part of the shrine.

🎶 “like no other, before you know it you’ll be on your knees… he’s an easy clover, he’ll take your heart but you won’t feel it, he’s like no other and I’m just trying to make you see”

I hope you have clicked on that and have rocked at full volume… I sure did. And wow, the mood-enhancing effect of music!!!! I had that song on repeat for a good half-hour. Not very Irish, but well, on Paddy’s Day, everyone pretends to be Irish, as my t-shirt today proclaims

Anyway, who wouldn’t wanna be on their knees for *that*? *coughs* However, since that is unlikely to be attainable, here is the next best thing:

Lots of other RA goodness – non-clover, though – coming your way this weekend!!!


Thanks to contributions from Kate, Esther and Sinnamin an impromptu charity sale will go online this weekend!


And I have just spontaneously decided to throw this RAPS into the fundraiser, too. For all clover lovers 😂

Anyway – everyone is Irish on St Patrick’s Day!

Greetings from Dublin!

31 thoughts on “RA Pocket Shrine 281/? – Easy Clover

  1. 😊 Thank you for made us smile, Sonja. 😉 Yeah, some people are awfully reminiscent and they even very much enjoy the results of ruining someone’s afternoon. The Paddy’s RAPS is lovely and funny. Yes, he definitely get a hold on us. And you made it with such love for detail. You even covered the camera with something that imitate a four-leaf clover / shamrock (Irish seamrog 😊) (is it maybe even a pin like last time?). Glad it will be attainable (although it will probably be just as attainable as this best D&G dresses so we’ll be on our knees for sure 😂, but the RAPS is for sure more interesting and joyful).
    Happy Saint Patrick’s Day, Sonja 💗

    Liked by 1 person

    • A big thank you to you for reminding me. I would have forgotten – or been too lazy to do something. But now it works out well both for the day that is in it, and as an extra item for the charity sale.


      • Well, it will be interesting to see who will be able to get this clover RAPS 😊 I hope you’ll at least have the afternoon off to celebrate. Btw nice pic (and you are not pretending to be Irish as you even speak Irish).


  2. Top o’ the afternoon to you Sonja! (at least it is where I am 🤣) Stayed up til the wee hours reveling in Richard’s latest news. Now I must hurry to get to our parade. Sláinte Agus Sonas! ☘️


  3. Happy Saint Patrick’s day to you and your family!!! I hope you can celebrate even though you have a lot of work to do. RA looks really cute in that pocket shrine. And I am looking forward to the new fundraiser…


  4. Happy St Patrick’s Day! All your green shrines are gorgeous
    Only for today our local supermarket had ordered bottles of Guinness 330 ml and O’Hara’s pale ale 330 ml. Definitely not an Irish corner here ( grins)


  5. Happy St Paddy’s Day! And a fun shrine yet again. Yeah, great mood-enhancing song happening there. 🙂
    Good to read that the fundRAiser is a go this weekend! I have my items, thank you cards and envelopes ready. 🙂


  6. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 282/? – Cottagecore | Guylty Pleasure

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