Armitage Weekly Round-up – tumblr edition #44

Happy Saturday, everyone.

My list is a bit short this week – no Friday goodness as I was heading off already on my weekend break. But well, hope you still enjoy what I have found. – By the way, if you have a tumblr, please remember to leave the gifmakers, photo editors and other creatives a little love when you look at their posts. There is nothing better than receiving a like, a reblog or even a comment. Here we go:

BOFA round-up 44

  1. Have you seen petruchiolucasthorin’s (Lucasgirl on Twitter) set of RA photos from the Jameson Empire Awards earlier this year? She posted loooooads of ponytail goodness on tumblr
  2. I’m not sure what kind of platform this originally appeared on, but thanks to yakisobaru for posting it on tumblr – I laughed so much
  3. kenjinart reacts to Rich’s hashtags – funny and cute fanart
  4. I’m in a Porter state of mind. This is nothing new. You *all* know it. But hey, never NOT reblog round-up. Gif by circusgifs
  5. A Thor/Hobbit cross-over AU by disneytolkien. Kind of cute
  6. radiorcrist does cutesy Thorin again
  7. ROFL – applefia2036 gets the prize for the funniest post… *wipingawaytears*
  8. spyvstailor is back with the “Richard Armitage photoshopped into romantic film moments” series. A priceless series of manips
  9. The shape of Gary Fuller’s glasses are very reminiscent of Harry Kennedy’s. Bit old-fashioned, though. Or are they Richard’s own? Check circusgifs’ gifs
  10. The whole story of how Richard was cast as Thorin – with photos and gifs. Made by the fabulous mezzmerizedbyrichard
  11. Here is a bit of harmless fluff from triple-r-porn. Is this the first Gary fanfic I have read??? Short and sweet
  12. jassy2101’s gif reminds me that I really ought to bring my “Mrs Richard Armitage” mug back out. Only because it’s BOFA time, of course
  13. Definitely Richard not Thorin in bilbo-babe’s gifset. Love it when he is cheeky-happy
  14. LOL – what Bilbo and Dwalin thought, when Thorin condemned them to burn. By stradivariuspk4
  15. I really like mrsjohnstandring’s focus
  16. LOL – a nice pun on richardarmitageconfessions
  17. What a fabulous Proctor quote gif – with a surprise by prefernot2/Barsine
  18. And to make our mouth water in advance of this year’s premiere season, applefia2036 has collected suited RA in one handy set

Hope you have a nice weekend. Back soon!

Guylty ❤

47 thoughts on “Armitage Weekly Round-up – tumblr edition #44

  1. Wonderful :-))) I’m away on a road trip and have had very limited online time (having way too much fun hehehe) so this is not only a lovely Saturday morning treat – it’s a HUGE gift! THANK YOU Guylty for finding, listing and posting all of these wonderful posts. You’re awesome!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Glad you liked it and had time to peruse the list on your road trip. I am only just back myself – hence the delay in replying… What a weekend, both real and virtual… I have much to catch up on.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Nice roundup!!!

    Jollytr wrote a nice Gary fic a month or two ago – Before the Storm – which is at RASexualFrustration. Of course, I have mine sitting on the burner, waiting for the end of Manna.

    Gary’s… uhm… Harry’s…. no Gary’s glasses are sexy. Give over.


  3. Decided not to wait until Sunday 😉 here goes.. (thanks for the goodies and candies and sweets 😉 )
    1 – oh my, do you know what? He’s truly stunning sometimes, just beautiful, I could look at these for hours and not get bored, that smile 🙂 Love the hair colour, love the grey beard 😉 like just everything about these! He needs to let the hair grow..
    3-would looove to see him dance, utterly cute cartoon! 4- ehem.. cough cough 😉
    6- awwwwwwwwwwwww 7- really??? ‘gggg’ 9-I can deal with the glasses but NOT with them lamps in the back… horrific!:-p 10- just feeling grateful!! 11-nice 🙂 12- hm I wonder if I could dare make myself one and take it to work, hm hm…. 13- that smile! Shines on you 🙂 15- I have some technical doubts about how he actually managed to sit in some of those! 16-ashfdwekfhlqekjf…. 17-which is why every night we were laughing when he said it, even I couldn’t resist an inappropriate giggle 😉 18- looove that Berlin number with the striking blue shirt and the one with checked shirt and nice purple hanky, also the grey elegant Empire no… that shiny number! Omg ‘ggg’ and see technical questions above on some pants 😉 but I know what he should absolutely always wear! That stunning, knee-mushing smile! 🙂 best accessory in the universe!


    • I had a wonderful weekend, thanks Austoz. The West of Ireland is stunningly beautiful. No matter what weather. We had – as is usual in Ireland – all seasons in one day. Very chilly autumn/winter breezes, pouring spring rain, bright and warm summer sunshine. Got wet, dried in the sun again. Magnificent. All worth it when surrounded by some of the most beautiful spots in the world…


  4. Diese Bilder von Jameson Empire Award hatte ich länger nicht mehr auf dem Schirm. Aber die hauten mich jetzt doch wieder um. Genau wie Hari konnte ich mich kaum losreissen. Die haben aber auch die richtige Grösse, damit sich die Wirkung sofort beim ersten Anschauen gut entfalten kann ;-). Tja und diese Parade zum Schluss macht mir tatsächlich den Mund wässrig. Ich bin ja ein grosser Freund seiner Schuhe. Und zwar auf allen dieser Teppich-Bilder. Über den einen oder anderen Anzug könnte man (wohlwollend) diskutieren, aber die Schuhe sind allesamt gelungen gewählt. So schick verpackt lasse ich mir das gefallen 🙂


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