RA Pocket Shrine 84/? – #BeholdTheRedDragon

The waiting is over. He is finally here. The Red Dragon has emerged. Last night episode 3×08 of Hannibal was aired and boy, was it a show! Richard Armitage totally blows it out of the water hehe again. Not that I am *really* surprised. We *know* he is good, and the trailers that had been released in the run-up to the start of the Red Dragon story arc, already showed that he is performing at his creepiest and most effective. Congratulations, Richard – your Francis Dolarhyde is stunning! And a review is in order. (To be posted separately) So, despite reservations about Hannibal I can say one thing: I am hooked. I am in.

Inspiration was quick to follow. Armitage as Dolarhyde is hard to resist. And so I sat down to make a RAPS, my interpretation of episode 8 in season 3 of Hannibal, The Great Red Dragon.

The Great Red Dragon (16)

I like to think that those red and orange swirly bits look like fire, breathed by a dragon… But wait, we are not quite there yet. Episode 8 was all about introducing us to Francis Dolarhyde. So that’s what is contained in the shrine.

The Great Red Dragon (13)

Francis in his attic, training and on his way of becoming the Red Dragon. As yet untattooed, but all the better for us to appreciate the muscular landscape of his back. He really dangles on those rings, btw – you can move him around. And the little Hannibal sign behind him can actually be removed if that is too much advertising for the owner’s taste.

Staying with young Dolarhyde, here is the bottom of the tin:

The Great Red Dragon (9)

What’s he looking at? The Great Red Dragon? Or the tattoo (that’s a detail of it in the background)? And the crop of the picture is no coincidence. I wanted to get the Hannibal sign in. Ahem. Yeah, right. P-p-p-p-p-peaches.

So a shrine for Dolarhyde? Dubious, of course. We know what he will become. But well, I suspend my knowledge for a moment and I light a candle to his redemption.

The Great Red Dragon (6)

Making this RAPS was a pleasure. InspiRAtion is so easy when Richard is involved. And there will be more to come. Five glorious episodes. Five more shrines?! Yes. I’ve decided to make a RAPS series of six. One for each episode. So watch this space, this is only 1/6.

For those of you who only look at Twitter intermittently: I posted the shrine last night during the live-tweeting session for #BeholdTheRedDragon and have thrown in it in a raffle. It’s the first time I am raffling something off over there, so let’s see how that goes.

If you are interested, you have until 10am EDT (that is New York time, or 3pm GMT for those who do not live in the US) to retweet my original tweet above (not the blog post’s tweet), including the hashtags #BeholdTheRedDragon and #Hannibal, and you are in the raffle for it.

Good luck! ❤️ 🀄

32 thoughts on “RA Pocket Shrine 84/? – #BeholdTheRedDragon

    • I try to whenever I can. They make the shrines so much more fun, invite the user to play with them, move things around, touch, becoming part of the object.
      The mirror effect was – as usual – a result of improvisation. I hadn’t planned to depict the attic window in the shrine, but then the shrine looked too plain. I experimented with white card and silver glitter in the window, and then I noticed that the metal back of the tin served almost like a mirror. Even though the back of the cut-out Dolarhyde is black, the reflected shape on the metal looks skin-coloured from a particular angle. Lucky coincidence…

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I love it! It took me FOUR tries to post it right, but I posted it!!!!! Still hope I did it right if I didn’t please forgive me and count me anyway. I’m outta here in a few hours and I still need to pack the computer (obviously) and sweep the room out.


  2. Guylty,my friend,I do not tweet.As usual your shrine is great.I loved your review.I hope that someday you watch all the seasons of Hannibal.I don’t know why but I think you would really like it.You would analize every episode,its thought provoking.Just my humble opinion.


    • Thanks Dede – there’ll be more shrines and more opportunities to get one 🙂
      As for the rest of Hannibal – I am such a wuss, I just don’t dare watch it all. I love the OTT aesthetics of Fuller (am currently watching Pushing Daisies and love every second of it) but I just can’t stomach the gore. here’s to hoping that his next project – American Gods – is going to be less gothic.


  3. wow, tolle Umsetzung! Habe ich das jetzt richtig verstanden dass man den Body umdrehen kann? Und das Tatoo ist im Spiegel? Oder auf der Rückseite?
    Ja, der Rücken hat echt was, genau das Richtige für einen Shrine! Irre was ein paar Muskeln so bewirken können 🙂


    • Hehe, nee, ganz so detailliert ist es doch nicht. Man kann den Body zwar umdrehen, aber leider gab es kein entsprechendes Bild von Dollys Vorderseite… Das Tattoo ist der Hintergrund unter dem Kappenträger in der Unterseite des Schreins.
      Jou, die Muskeln sind beeindruckend. Auch wenn ich immer an deine Erläuterungen bzgl. Bodybuilder und Zusatzsubstanzen denken muss…

      Liked by 1 person

      • Das eine geht halt nicht wirklich ohne das andere, aber viiiiiiel täglicher Körpereinsatz steckt da auch mit drin. Mein Sohn hat sich jetzt Eiweißriegel mit 1.800!!! Kalorien gekauft, damit die Muskeln auch was zu futtern haben 🙂 Das wäre meine Tagesration – frustriertguck 😦
        Aber das Ergebnis beim OdB kann sich wirklich sehen lassen, was uns fangirls doch wirklich freut 🙂
        Bin mal gespannt wie Du die nächste Folge kreativ verarbeitest!


        • Nee, schon klar mit dem tatsächlichen Training. Sieht man ja auch – er kann das mit dem einhändigen Liegestützt wirklich. Autsch. Allein der Gedanken…
          1800 cal – Wahnsinn. Und alles nur Kohlehydrate, kein Fett?
          Bin selber auch gespannt, was da kreativ noch rauskommt. Obwohl, ich habe da bereits ein Schrein-Design vor Augen, dass ich unbedingt umsetzen will, egal ob das in der nächsten Folge zu sehen ist, oder nicht…


          • hauptsächlich Eiweiß! Fleisch in Form “aus der Pfanne”….
            Auf den neuen Schrein bin ich schon echt gespannt. 🙂
            Das Tigerbild sah ja auch sehr vielversprechend aus. In der Szene steckt viel Gänsehaut drin!


  4. Oh, you have OUTDONE yourself! I did retweet your post but I fear I was probably about an hour off the deadline. Blame me sleeping in after reveling in the episode for longer than any sane person should have. LOL. But whether I’m in the drawing or not, it deserves retweeting. Glorious man. Boy. Thing. LOL


  5. Another extraordinary shrine. Recreating the attic was a divine inspiration. Can’t wait to see each one you make for each episode. I missed the live tweeting event (and your raffle) due to a prior commitment which I seriously thought about skipping to watch RA’s debut. Fortunately, I was able to watch it early Saturday on the internet (thank you, City TV). Since then I’ve watched it 3 more times; each time catching more detail of his transformation. We owe him awe.


    • I know, it’s crazy, isn’t it? The priorities being affected by something like a TV show! Shocking! 😀 I am lucky in the sense that it doesn’t get shown in my territory, anyway, so I have to watch it on platforms where it is available to watch at any time really.
      Glad you like the attic recreation. I hope the next episode will give us equally yummy material to work with 😉
      Oh and yes, he’s got my awe.


  6. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 109/? – #RichieValentineSwap | Guylty Pleasure

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