Donation Sent – Final Tally #cRAftingForCharity

Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day 🎶. Someone is very happy. I have finally made the donation to Save the Children‘s Syrian Children’s Relief Fund. The money is now where it will do good, it is off my hands *phew*, and I can give you the final tally and the proof of transaction. Here’s the official total, raised by us all:

#cRAftingForCharity Total

Yes, that’s a pretty sum to be smiling about, Mr A!

Let’s celebrate our success with a few more numbers and insights into the whole initiative. From the auctions we made a total of $ 1465.00. Voluntary donations raised $ 1121,65. (Odd numbers are caused by conversion from Euro to US$) Amazing sums, both of them. The whole total was raised by 27 individuals, which is pretty amazing, if you ask me. My heartfelt thanks go out to everyone who paid and donated! Our donation for the Syrian Children’s Relief Fund has surpassed the Nepal Earthquake Relief by a massive $ 856.54!!! This is a result that I had not dared to even dream. You are amazing!

The Administrative Part

As proof of transaction, I have already sent the receipt for payment to our arbiter, CraMERRY. For your information, here are the screen shots of pay side and receiving side receipts of the transaction:

Paypal Transaction Details


Donation Receipt 1

RA-gift1The Fun Part aka Raffles

That out of the way, let’s get on to sweeter things. Lovely Glady had offered a prize for all auction bidders and donors, i.e. everyone who bid, regardless of whether they won or not, and all who sent in a donation. After a hilarious random picking fail that determined Glady as the winner of her own RA gift package, we now have a winner: This RA gift package goes to… Jholland!!! Congratulations!!! (Click button below for draw protocol.)

Likewise, a winner for the Mini RAPS which I am raffling among all donors, i.e. those who have made a voluntary donation to the fund, has been determined. Lady Luck has chosen… Austoz!!! Congratulations to you, too!!! (Click button below for draw protocol.)

Now, that was all fun, wasn’t it? Thank you for all your help, for your participation and lastly a thank you to all the generous cRAfters out there who made the auction possible with their gifts for the auction. I am grateful that you made this a bigger and a better auction and that together we have raised money for those who need our help. I hope the karma boost has been received by all.

35 thoughts on “Donation Sent – Final Tally #cRAftingForCharity

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