RA Pocket Shrine 164/? – No-Brainer

Before I set off into the fiery sauna that is Germany at the moment (34 C/93 F expected for Munich tomorrow – I’m sweating already, given that the temperature in Ireland has been HALF that in the last two days…), I have another little shrine for you. Little is the keyword – it’s a small tin, and as such comes without the customary candles. Not least because the lid was too nice to disfigure with a whole for the candle holder. See for yourself.

So, who could this shrine be for? It’s a no-brainer, really.

Someone’s sniffing the roses 😂 . (Sorry about what looks like a white tip of the nose. That’s just a reflection on the photo paper. Unless he’s dipped his “dorito” too deep into the flowers…)

But yeah, it’s about time that Daddy Cahalan got a bit of love. After all he’s got…

I’ve given him a bit of silver dust around him. And on his temples…

Small and sweet. And very flowery.

As it is a small shrine, I initially thought I wouldn’t put it up for auction. And then I remembered that in the past there has always been a little bit of regret among auction participants that the items tended to attract rather high bids. Ehm, that sounds wrong. No no no, I *want* the high bids. After all we want to donate a proud sum to our chosen good cause. But high bids exclude the more limited budgets. And I have been thinking that this one could theoretically go in with the smaller budget in mind. What do you think? Will there be demand for a small RAPS, or should I instead concentrate on the bigger shrines? I am planning to go back to the shrining bench once I am back from my trip – but wow, only three weeks (or even less) to go until the fundraise… I better get my act together.

In the meantime – looking forward to sunny Munich. I’ll have my laptop with me and am planning to work while there, so I’ll be in touch.

34 thoughts on “RA Pocket Shrine 164/? – No-Brainer

  1. Wonderful! I like this one so much and hope it will be in the auction. I love how you are able to highlight RA’s different work so well. But then, what else should I expect from a Guylty Genius?
    Hope all goes well in Germany!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ah, too much praise, LL. But glad you like this little shrine, too. Ok, this one is earmarked for the auctions, too, then.
      Have arrived in Germany by now, and boy is it hot…


  2. Definitely include this one in the auction it is so sweet and sometimes the smaller things bring the biggest rewards! Gosh Munich will be warmer than Wash DC this week! Wow! Who woulda thunk it? Enjoy your time there 😀


    • Yep, and it’s nice to have a variety of shrine models available.
      Munich is swelteringly hot. 28.5 degrees C inside the flat when I got up at 7.15am. Not sure whether I can even work in this heat…


      • I would take UK and Ireland colder weather any day over hot and humid weather esp in the States and I’m a June baby.


  3. guilty you have Zee’s weather and mine for the past 3weeks.,when you get to Germany..Saw Brain on fire on Netflix. Love the shrine,auction it. have a nice trip.


    • 🙂 Glad you like it. Even though I love travelling, I really was sad to go this time because I was totally on a roll with the shrining… I’ll get back to it when I am home again.


  4. Daddy Cahalan didn’t have as much screen time as I would’ve liked but you’ve given him a lovely tribute. Excited to see all these shrines for the auction. Do we have a start date?


  5. Small, big – we love them all. And all are good for auction. Maybe the smaller once could start without starting amount, you know, from zero? It would be reachable for smaller budgets.

    p.s. you know I love it. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Very sweet shrine. Love all the flowers. Good things come in small packages and this beauty might fetch more than you think at the auction. It’s perfect for those who want to keep their fangirling under RAPS.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Small, but perfectly formed! Love the shrine, hope you are having a fab time 🙂 hope the weather gets to a comfortable temperature soon! xx


    • Thank you, Tiny – the weather never made it into comfortable temperatures, but I weirdly enjoyed the heat, despite the sweat. At least it was proper summer weather :-).
      Having said all that – it was pretty heavenly to come back to Irish temperatures, and to sleep without sweating the bed wet…


  8. Die Auszeit in München hast du dir aber wirklich verdient, so fleißig wie du warst! Drei Schreine mit dem gewissen Etwas, das jeden Einzelnen zu etwas ganz besonderem macht. Hoffe, du genießt das nichtirische Wetter ausgiebig, ich persönlich würde ja jeden irischen Sommer diesem hier vorziehen.
    Durch Kurztrip (eine richtig tolle Stadt, vielleicht erinnerst du dich ja), Umzugsvorbereitungen und einige andere unerfreuliche Dinge, die Zeit und Nerven gekostet haben, musste das Fangirling eine Weile zurückstecken. Mittlerweile bin ich bei den Blogs wenigstens wieder auf dem Laufenden, pünktlich zum anstehenden Jahresurlaub 😉. Und da sind wir auch bei dem Riesenproblem. Ich werde die ganzen Geburtstagsauktionen verpassen😱. Werde nämlich ziemlich oft ohne Internetzugang oder Mobilfunkverbindung sein. Könntest du also bitte aufhören, dich von der Muße küssen zu lassen, damit ich mich nicht darüber schwarz ärgern muss, was mir alles entgeht 😉.


    • So, jetzt auch mal endlich die älteren Kommentare aufarbeiten.
      Ja, ich war zwischen meinen Ferien fleißig. Irgendwie hatte ich Zeit und Eingebung. An die Auktionen hatte ich noch gar nicht richtig gedacht, aber so passt das alles perfekt.
      Schade, dass du gerade während der Auktionen im Urlaub bist. Andererseits: Urlaub im RL ist schon besser als virtueller Spaß! Genieß ihn also.


  9. Pingback: The Fun Begins: #2018RABirthdayAuctions Now Live | Guylty Pleasure

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