Had I Forgotten Something…? [+Raffle Results]

It looks as if I have a lot of shrining in my future. There is the custom RAPS auctioned off in this year’s RA Birthday Auctions, and due to a combination of me and the buyer forgetting about it, *last* year’s custom RAPS from the auctions also needs to get done, presto. Most devastatingly, however, I yesterday got very bad news. For the first time ever, a shrine has gone missing in transit! The buyer of the Guy 2-in-1 RAPS received my package unsealed and completely empty. Makes you wonder why they bothered to deliver it at all!!! This is really devastating, but there’s nothing else to be done but to completely recreate a shrine that ranked among my favourites. Luckily, I still have the photos to work from – and the supplies that I need.

Adding to shrine workload, but happily so, I have some good news, too. I have not forgotten about my auction incentive raffle. I compiled the list and let randompicker determine the raffle winner. Result:


So, Tommie, congratulations. This is a nice win as it doesn’t double with a shrine purchase. Why don’t you let me know which chaRActer you would like enshrined, and I’ll get to that, too?

Right, and for the newer members of the fandom, I am closing with a look back into the stone age of Richard Armitage interviews. Here’s one that I really enjoyed. An absolutely pants-droppingly gorgeous Richard, around Captain America time, judging by the hair cut, flirting with Mylene Klass. *thud* And laughing. Enjoy!

131 thoughts on “Had I Forgotten Something…? [+Raffle Results]

  1. I hate hearing this but given my own post office battles lately, it doesn’t surprise me. Makes me far more thankful my own arrived intact!


  2. He looks so baby faced here, so clean shaven and it makes me want to run some hair gel or some Hair care product (I don’t know what is the most popular haircare product in the UK) through those rebelling bangy hairs. I confess I like the shorter hair not radical buzz cut but like the look of Lost Daughters photo shoot. I’ve gotten use to the beard fanning even the hair crawling down his neck and so the clean shaven look is .. youngish.. I’m struggling here to find the right word.

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    • I think it’s all down to what he looked like when you first discovered him. He had no beard when I got into him first, only stubble, so that’s my preferred look. I love how young the bangy haircut makes him look. The beard makes him look old, too, hence my dislike of it.


      • He does look like he’s about 27 or 28 years old instead of 38- or 39 so yeah I get it and I like the stubble just rolled out of bed, need a coffee, wrinkled tee (my preference is black or grey) look as well. The beard grew on me because he wore it for Thorin too. I confess I like the older more my age look of him and a little grey too although I detest that in my own hair.

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  3. That’s horrible about the lost shrine. We have problems with people stealing packages AFTER they are left at the house. I had a recent purchase where my package was opened and all the ‘stuffers’ (mags, catalogs) were stolen or fell out, but my clothes were still in! This past week, I had to get a locking gas cap because someone was stealing 3 to 4 gallons out of my car every week for the last few weeks. 😦

    Either way – Congrats to the winners!!!


      • Lost post here is stolen post. People have begun to mount cameras on their doors to see WHO is stealing. As for the gas – yeah, I’m ticked about it. I dropped 100 miles on the tank for 2 straight tanks. It was worth it to buy a locking gas cap!


    • Zee, OMG, how did they steal the gas? I know nothing about cars so I’m trying to get a mental pic of that. My neighborhood had the same problem of packages being left at the front door/screen door and either stolen or rummaged through. I mean ever optimist that I strive to be at least your clothes were there.

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      • They siphon it out of the car. It’s pathetic.

        I saw on the news a few years ago, they caught a little girl stealing packages when she got off the school bus. She wanted some game system that her parents wouldn’t buy her so she was stealing Amazon packages hoping to find one. I would think her parents would realize she has a load of new things in her room, right? I was playing piano for a friend’s choir and a 11 year stole my phone. She wanted one and her parents wouldn’t get her one, so she stole mine and sent hate messages and phone calls. We had it turned off pretty quick, but her dad and brother called me several times and cursed me for upsetting their mother/wife. When they realized my phone was stolen and where I was – my phone was returned VERY quickly. THAT was irritating!


        • It just blows my mind the level of cluelessness of parents my brother and sister in law included. I love my nieces to death but their behavior sometimes is downright embarrassing (ie metro monkeying around and swinging on the handlebar by the door that opens the train car) and my brother just kind of sweeps it under the rug like “there are worse kids out there” duh bro that’s not really the point. The twins need to act like little ladies and have some manners. Our dad would have skewered us over the coals if we behaved like some of these kids do today. Gosh I just am at a loss for words hearing that story of the phone. The underlying lead there is that the 11 year old was sending hate messages and phone calls in my opinion-huge red flags along with the original stealing…


          • That particular phone theft didn’t happen at MY school, but my friend’s school in another state. I was accompanying her chorus for their concert. I had a 2nd phone stolen at my last school – we know who took it and she ended up in juvie over it and a number of other things.


      • Yep! We typically get 330-350 miles on a tank. And then we had a tank of 280 followed by a tank that didn’t make it to 260. There had been reports of teen boys in the neighborhood looking into cars, and then this. We bought a locking gas cap and we’re back to mid-300’s on the tank again.

        It’s irritating.


  4. Boo! Hiss! on the lost Guy shrine(s). I imagine them passing through the hands of a series of shadowy owners and living in collectors vaults to be crooned over until the heat dissipates, before turning up years hence on the BBC’s ‘Fake or Fortune’ programme. They (the programme makers) will explore the story and influence of Guylty’s unique artworks and argue about whether it is the real thing or not. Guylty, you may need to make the second one with a subtle difference in order to expose the theft when the first one resurfaces 🙂

    BTW, should I get mine insured or just up my home security?

    (Incidentally I am not callously making light of this, I am seriously disappointed that after all the goodwill, generosity and human kindness stuff that came out of the auction and fandom, someone somewhere has managed to taint this and leave a nasty taste in the mouth, but the loss did correlate with the unexplained disappearance of other famous artworks and the scenario above did make me smile a bit).


    • Actually I thought that the idea of making the second one subtly different is brilliant! Your description in the first paragraph is so clever and funny. I’ll have to check out “Fake or Fortune” I vaguely remember a similar show in the U.S. awhile ago…


      • Fake or Fortune is really interesting! I think it may actually be a spin-off from Antiques Roadshow. The AR presenter, Fiona Bruce, also presents Fake or Fortune. And incidentally, she also presents Crimewatch *lol* (see my reply to Tiny Clanger above).

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    • LOL – I am imagining a ‘Crimewatch’ type of programme: First there is the general intro about the missing Guy. Then they reconstruct the last known movements of the shrine, including RL fuzzy CCTV footage of me handing over the parcel in the post office. Cue a police spokesperson on location (maybe a mail sorting facility): “This is where we lose the trail of Guy. He was last seen travelling in a white van to an unknown destination. We appeal to members of the public who may have seen a red cardboard box, to come forward. You can call the confidential hotline at 1800-xxx-xxxx.”
      ‘Fake and Fortune’, though *rofl*. Actually one of my favourite programmes which I have been catching up on YT with Mr Guylty the last while…
      Yeah, a missing/lost parcel indeed puts a bit of a dampener on the whole thing. But I won’t let this taint the experience. The replacement shrine is already in the works. Most of the ingredients needed for the shrine were still available in my stash, so hopefully it’ll be done today and then be sent to the recipient again.

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  5. I have to say it was a gut punch to receive that empty box. I am so very grateful that you have the supplies needed to recreate it and appreciate your kind and generous response. Thankfully it wasn’t one of the autograph items that would have been irreplaceable. Fingers crossed all of the other auction items make it safely. I have had problems in the past of several packages stolen from my front door (twice they were gifts) but I have arranged with fedex and ups to notify me and I can pick up in person at one of their retail shipping locations. With the PO if it doesn’t fit in the mailbox they drop it to my apartment complex office and they notify me. So far those solutions have worked. I’m still gobsmacked that they delivered a damaged and empty package though.

    I loved seeing this interview again. He’s so young and fresh faced and sweet. I’m not really a fan of bearded RA though for Thorin I make an exception. I’ve always preferred him from clean shaven to stubble probably because Thornton and Sir Guy were my first crushes.


    • Gut punch is a good description. It really also hit me in my stomach when you told me what had arrived. It’s my worst nightmare! I am just so relieved that this is an item that can be recreated – while a signed programme could not be recreated. It’s a great coincidence that I still have most of the ingredients needed for that shrine – I only had two of those slim, smaller containers, and it would’ve been difficult getting hold of another one of those. I am one third into re-making that shrine…
      That interview is great because he is so smiley in it. And young and all-round gorgeous.


  6. Congratulations to Snowyjo! Isn’t that just too bad, though, about the Guy two-in-one shrine. Should have used the handcuffs on him so he couldn’t escape! It’s good of you to recreate that masterpiece!

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  7. I’m so sorry to hear about the lost shrine. What a miserable thing. But yay for you for being able to recreate it! Thank goodness that that packet had several pairs of tiny cuffs (although there might be more in your future anyway because let’s face facts, they are too wonderful and hilarious to resist buying). We are all lucky that you’re so talented at what you do!

    Thank you for this interview; I’d never seen it before. It’s staggering how young he looks and I do love the bangs. I generally prefer him with longish hair. Not necessarily Guy’s longest locks, but enough for nape curls. Being an Alaskan, I prefer men with facial hair but this clean-shaven RA is “acceptable.” (Ha!) Oh, and those thighs in the jeans….sigh….what is it about long male legs in jeans? How was our species able to procreate before the sight of men in jeans? Hmm….I’m starting to ramble, must be time for sleep and a few happy dReAms…(I really am horrible, aren’t I? I know lots of fans feel bad about objectifying him but what the hell. Men have been doing it to women for, well, forever, and it’s not like I don’t also love and adore his beautiful mind and soul.)

    Thanks again for the video!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I personally love when we can goo and gaw over his many looks and short hair, longish hair, bangy hair, jeans, suits, tees (the grey is my fav), hands, thumbs, legs, chest, and everything else much lower (aka Hannibal role). I think it is healthy and fun and I love when we can deconstruct his selfies or his interviews or his tweets. Usually the conversation strays into other areas or commentators tell personal anecdotes or reveal bits of themselves and it becomes relatable. I am usually a clean shaven girl but that beard and even the growth down the neck has really grown on me. Makes him look dashing even caddy Claude rocked that beard so well.

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    • Phew for the four pairs of handcuffs indeed, LL. I am now one third through recreating that shrine, and at least the coup-de-grace handcuffs were still available in my stash. There are a couple of other elements that I had to think of something else for…
      Glad you enjoyed that interview. I really like looking at it because he seems so relaxed and happy in it. I love how he flirts with the presenter – I think he was in a good place at that time. And gorgeous, gorgeous looking.
      Good point about the long hair meaning nape curls. I generally like him with shortish hair – not really trimmed back too much, possibly with a bit of a fringe/bangs. Long hair is not my cup of tea at all.
      As for objectifying – I have long given up resisting the urge to admire his physical attributes. Heck, it’s simply part of him. It’s what my eyes see, and if it’s attractive, why shouldn’t we swoon over it? As you said, we all appreciate the man inside the attractive packaging, too.

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      • I had a sudden visual on the coup-de grace handcuffs and have a wide smile on my face… sorry if I interjected there..
        The presenter looked pretty cool-Chanel necklace, maybe Loubetins(sp?) shoes but she’s not Lorraine? The graphic had Lorraine on it. I think he could have dressed up more, those jeans have seen some action there a bit ratty with the nice crisp black shirt.. I’m being superficial here but I love fashion and esp him in fashion..


        • Yeah, that was Mylene Klass standing in for Lorraine. Lorraine herself also seems to have a bit of a soft spot for RA. You should watch her other interviews with RA, particularly this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqmX6xk6FTA There is a moment in it when RA goes all coy – a-do-ra-ble!!!
          Oh no, go away with high fashion RA. The rattier the better, I say. It makes him relatable. Gives him boy-next-door kind of cuteness. Even though I often take the piss out of him wearing his “favourite white T”, I secretly adore that he is not a male mannequin but simply wears what is there.

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          • I love -a-do-ra-ble! I’m for him tossing out that white tee but I like the green one ala The Crucible, I had a dream he gave it to me when I was sleeping over at his flat in London and said keep it. Sigh sigh.. well he looks so dashing in those suits and I was never really a fan of the vest worn with a suit except when he wore it to some high gloss film premiere or something. I really hated the caddy Claude tux or UN inspired formal wear in O8 but that’s not his fault. The rumpled I just had sex (I think he wishes! umm) desperately need coffee no shower look is hot and I agree relatable and that is the key isn’t it –that he isn’t dressed to perfection and dresses like an ordinary dude. He has the body to wear anything though…


            • He can toss the T – but to me, please. I’ll love that ruffled v neck forever 😂
              Nice dream, btw.
              I agree he looks dashing in suits. I loved the checkered little number that he wore to one of the Hobbit events in Canada. It was different and quirky – and it nicely and tightly encased his ass(ets). Tuxedos and other formal wear are not my cup of tea at all – completely unrelatable. My fantasy movie boyfriend only has to look good in jeans and T shirt. Paging Dr White – I have some handy man needs, pronto!

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              • Haha! I love that mental picture in my head of him tossing that ratty white T (I think he only has maybe 2 and he wears them repeatedly before he washes them or maybe doesn’t wash them) to you and saying “here love, for you…” Yes yes the checkered one he looks so old world handsome just debonair and clean cut. I wasn’t a fan of the bowtie tux look either. Dr. White could rock those jeans and tees. They made his eyes just pop and blaze!!!


          • I like this interview a lot! Lorraine is a very good interviewer in my opinion although she talks fast so it was a bit hard to understand her. But she seems very down to earth and aside from asking the proverbial Budapest circus question( which he always seems to be asked) she seemed very knowledgeable and engaging with him esp discussing the wheelchair experience in the Agatha Christie series which I have not seen yet. My eyes focused on that huge belt buckle he was sporting. He seemed very relaxed and smiley here.
            It’s a shame that interview was 11 years ago and no producing of Richard III film has happened.
            Thank you so much for the link!!


            • I love Lorraine’s Scottish accent – and I always have to smile when she interviews RA because she so obviously has a soft spot for him, not least because of the Vicar of Dibley. She brings up that show every time…
              The circus question in this particular interview was actually still quite original – he wasn’t as well-known then, I guess, and it was a new tidbit to know. Unfortunately, since then it has been brought up again and again. It’s like the oldest chestnut *ever*…

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        • ROFL. Touché, Besotted. I *do* indeed sometimes wonder what has happened. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would write such incongruous lines – or create naughty little pieces of art that appeal to the basest of instincts 😉 Life is such a surprise!!

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  8. Well, Sonja, I don’t have a Daniel Miller RAPS but all his bed scenes, and Mina-against-the-wall scene are sure inspiring. What is it about RA’s characters and walls?
    I’m sickened by the theft of the 2-in-1. That was such a wonderful tribute to Guy. I’ve been fortunate but we hear all the time about packages being stolen off porches or out of mailboxes. I’m retired so I’m home a lot with my car inside the garage, so no one really knows when I’m or not, in case I’m being cased. Stealing mail, packages, or gas, can get you shot.


    • *rofl* Now, there is a challenge, Tommie. So far I had always shied away from *those* scenes, but I’ll gladly pick up the challenge.
      Guy 2-in-1 version 2 is already in the making. I worked on it for a couple of hours this afternoon. It’ll differ in a few details, unfortunately, but well…
      I think, in the future I will *always* use registered mail for my packages, just because that requires a signature and means that parcels can’t just be left on the doorstep.

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  9. Wer macht den sowas??? Kunstraub!
    Guy möge den Dieb in seinen Träumen verfolgen, mit Schwert und vernichtendem Blick.
    Herzlichen Dank für diese Interview. Ich glaube nicht, dass ich das schon einmal gesehen habe. Da war er aber gut aufgelegt, fast schon locker und sooooo jung. Knuffig! Kann frau mehrmals anschauen… doch, doch…
    Hat meine Stimmung aufgeheitert, nachdem mich dieses “Stell dir vor ein grünes Kind…” Video doch etwas genervt hatte.


    • Oh Gott, wie gut, dass du das sagst, Elanor. Dieses grüne Kind Video war ja wohl hochgradig nervend!!! Ich wollte eigentlich entnervt schon nach dem ersten Blag abschalten, hab aber die ganze Zeit auf den großen Clou gewartet. Der natürlich nicht kam. Lame! Was wollte Herr A uns damit sagen? Dass Kinder keinen Rassismus kennen?? Naja, bei solchen Suggestivfragen natürlich nicht…
      Anyway, ja, bei sowas sind alte Interviewschmankerl natürlich genau das Richtige. Du solltest auch den zweiten Teil von dem Interview noch sehen. Da steht nämlich RA in der Fernsehküche und behauptet, dass er gern scharfes Essen mag. Und es wird suppenklar, dass der Mann allerdings von Kochen nichts weiß, den er schnappt sich eine rohe, gerade geschnittene Chilli und… aber sieh selbst: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krfuh-TOIwU

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      • Der zweite Teil war mir merkwürdigerweise bekannt, aber dennoch herzlichen Dank für den Hinweis. 🙂
        Ja, obwohl ich seine Qualitäten immer noch sehr zu schätzen weiß, bin ich wohl mittlerweile über das anfängliche “Himmelhochjauchzen” hinweg und manchmal finde ich RAs Anwandlungen einfach… nervig(?)… anstrengend(?)…
        Es kommt mir halt bisweilen vor, als ob er nicht wüsste, dass er es mit erwachsenen Menschen zu tun hat. Andererseits will ich mich aber nicht ärgern, wenn ich mich mit ihm beschäftige, weil er unter die Kategorie “wohlfühlen” fällt. Also versuche ich, so gut es geht, die positiven Seiten zu sehen und das seid ihr hier und gerade auch diese Videos. Danke 🙂


        • Ich hab eigentlich an seiner good-decent-bloke-Tour nichts auszusetzen. Kommt in Interviews immer gut. Wenn er aber selbst was schreibt oder solche Tweets absetzt, dann fühle ich mich immer ein bisschen wie von einem Kindergärtner herablassend ermahnt. “Ei ei ei, du musst immer schön brav sein!” Im Grunde ist er mir da immer viel zu wischiwaschi. Das hat schon fast was vom viktorianischen Gutmenschen, der es als gottbefohlen sieht, die ihm anvertrauten Seelen zu retten. Denn sie wissen ja selber nichts…

          Liked by 2 people

  10. Oh, Guylty, what a terrible shame. That shrine was one of your best. And double-dip Guy as well. May whoever stole it have nothing but drying paint videos on their TV for ever more. Or eternal motor racing, round and round till their brains fall out from the noise. ☠️

    Joking aside, that was a mean thing to do, so disappointing for the winner and for you as well. Wonderful that you have the goodies left to make another.

    Which reminds me of the old joke about the man who was congratulated on making a fourposter bed.
    “Yes,” he said. “I made it out of my own head and I’ve got enough wood left for another.”

    That’s a sweet interview. And, er, what everyone else said. ☺️


    • IKR. I also thought this was one of my most inspired creations. To see it vanish, was really gut-wrenching. But well, at least I have the photos to work from.
      LOL on your curse. That would definitely be punishment!!!


  11. Pingback: Richard Armitage tangentially related | Me + Richard Armitage

          • Oh yes hunky chunky and quite a deep voice. That’s very honest of him to say he basically had to get hungover to achieve that voice inflection. I mean that is really putting yourself thru the ringer for a role!!! Esp if you haven’t partaken in the enjoyment of wine in awhile.


            • Ah, well, to be honest, I don’t take everything RA says seriously. I can’t believe that he seriously got himself drunk in order to have a deeper voice. He may have noticed that a drunken night has that sort of effect on his voice, but maybe that was more of a coincidence than intent. If it was, I’d be seriously worried for him.

              Liked by 1 person

              • See maybe I’m just naive in general but
                when he says he preps for a role (ie water boarding in Spooks and Strike Back) I take him at his word. My mind could visualize him painting the town red to “feel” Wolverines voice so to speak. Hungover is no fun and it is atrocious the older one gets (😉😜)


                • Oh, I totally believe that he did the waterboarding. Or that he researches in other ways, like visiting historic Salem town and spending a day mucking out the stables and sharpening an axe. I just think that he often speaks tongue-in-cheek, possibly exaggerating a little bit. It’s all good – he’s a great interviewee.

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                  • I don’t know if he was hungover but I would not be surprised if he did some drinking — he said creating Thorin’s voice involved the use of alcohol and cigarettes, as well as shouting out speeches and so on.

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              • I might add he likes to really research his roles so maybe he was researching in a bottle of Pinot Noir but yeah I think your explanation is right on the money👍😀

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                • well he has said that his idea of enjoyment is drinking a bottle of Veronese Garganega, which was when he was doing the narration of Romeo & Juliet. Have you tried it? I hunted some down in the local Waitrose supermarket. Yummy!

                  Liked by 1 person

                    • Talk about a double edge sword…. maybe the drinking was occurring bec his mum’s health was declining and he needed a way to cope with that. I could sympathize with that although my family has drinking issues too.


                    • Don’t think it was that, he told interviewers that he was drinking red wine at the end of the day’s shooting on the Hobbit


                  • No but I’m scribbling that down now. I like New Zealand wine a lot. I will have to google where to purchase it. Waitrose supermarket where is that? Do they have an online to order?


                    • Hi Michele: Here is an edited but accredited version of a review of Garganega which may help you find some without having to shop at Waitrose 🙂

                      PUBLISHED JULY 27, 2016
                      UPDATED MAY 16, 2018
                      The Grape Glossary: A guide to hip varietals

                      Soave is not a grape; it’s a geographical appellation, like Chianti.

                      Made mainly, and sometimes entirely, from garganega, Soave can contain up to 30-per-cent trebbiano di Soave, a.k.a. verdicchio, a grape with a similarly crisp, light profile. Pronounced gar-GAH-neh-gah, with the accent on the second syllable, the variety dates back at least to the Middle Ages and likely first sprouted in the landscape where it continues to thrive, the province of Verona.

                      Top brands in the Soave zone include such names as Pieropan, Inama, Ca’ Rugate and Anselmi.

                      In fact, so frustrated was Anselmi with local production standards, which permitted heavy crop loads and led to Soave’s watery reputation, that the estate chose years ago to opt out of the appellation. It now produces garganega-based wines without the word Soave on the label. Roberto Anselmi’s vines can carry as few as three bunches per plant versus 15 for some of his neighbours, and his Capitel Croce bottling, at roughly $27 to $30 a bottle, is a standard-bearer for garganega quality. The Anselmi San Vincenzo also is excellent at roughly half the price.

                      At their best, garganega wines are light-medium-bodied, with a rounded core displaying flavours of pear, white plum, almond, citrus and gentle spice, always tightly tucked in by crisp acidity. They are sublime with delicate seafood and other light fare and pair smartly with pizzas of any description, even an all-dressed “meat lover’s” with double cheese, believe it or not.

                      Though usually vinified to dryness, garganega also excels in a sweet, classic Veneto dessert wine called recioto di Soave, with excess sugar obtained by letting grapes desiccate to the point of almost becoming raisins.

                      You can find garganega behind other names, too, such as Gambellara, Bianco di Custoza, Colli Berici and Colli Euganei, all nearby appellations in northern Italy that rely heavily on the grape for white wine production. Farther south, the vine also has been cultivated for centuries on the island of Sicily, where it tends to be called “grecanico dorato.” We don’t see much grecanico dorato in North America, unfortunately. Maybe part of the reason is that it’s just not as easy to pronounce as “Soave.”

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Tiny, thank you so much for the info and explanation. I googled Waitrose supermarket and they have a terrific selection of wines!! My eyes were watering over at the different types. The prices are a nice range too when I convert pounds to US dollars so I’ll have to check it out. I love love love pizza and pasta so this type of wine would sound perfect with either.


                    • I coulda used a glass or two yesterday also when I got into an argument with a handyman that came to our office to do some patch up work and proceeded to make a gigantic mess on the wall. I’m an easy going person so it takes a lot to rile me up but he managed to kill the rest of my morning and afternoon. Where was this bottle of Garganega when I needed it!!!


                    • Yes you’re right, it was becoming an eye sore and I was tired of my boss gazing at it then at me like do something about it. I was upset with myself for letting my German and Irish come out and explode on this dude. You know when a conversation starts off innocent and cordial but then one person says something just a little bit inappropriate or unprofessional and the conversation turns and snowballs? That is what happened, he made one snarky comment which I brushed off then he proceeded to excuse the shitty job and mess he had made and I protecting my boss and my office called him out on it and one word led to another. Mind you I do not name call, I’ve had that happen to me (by my sister!) and it is hurtful and unfair but I let him get under my skin and boom the German and Irish emotional side of me just exploded. I’m proud of both my German and Irish side so please do not take offense. It is not intended in a negative way but both are strong and resilient nationalities and don’t back down-that’s what I meant.


                    • Oh, no offense taken at all, Michele. I actually like the German way of calling a spade a spade. The Irish have spunk, too, although they tend not to explode in your face as the Germans do. In fact, in 19 years of living in Ireland, I have assimilated a lot and am rather sad that I have lost some of my German straight-forwardness. I actually miss it.

                      Liked by 1 person

  12. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 166/? – Guy 2.0 | Guylty Pleasure

  13. I love Germany, I miss it a lot even living there as a child and a tween. I definitely need a trip back to Ireland too. Maybe if he ends up doing a play in London next year I can make a joint trip out of Ireland and England. Fingers crossed.


  14. Pingback: [Sorta OT:] Parcel Chain/Travelling Shrine Project | Guylty Pleasure

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