New Images Courtesy of Audible?

I have just seen this tweet by Eni Koni on Twitter and am stunned. In a good way.

Right, OMG

That full length is just…

My suggestion for the fangirl emoji: “Lethal thud by love”

Damn, I can only say *oooooooooooooooooooof*

92 thoughts on “New Images Courtesy of Audible?

  1. See the beard looks good here don’t ya think? He looks a bit thinner if this is like from yesterday or very recent and the hair is just magnificento!!!


  2. I very quickly scanned the comments on the original tweet and someone said that the pics are from July 2016. Whenever they are…*thud* indeed!

    You knew that I was having a bad day and needed some inspiration, didn’t you, dear Guylty? It’s amazing what a little theRApy can do to lift a fangirl’s drooping spirits. I hope that both of these delicious photos will be seen in one or more RAPS at some point!

    Thanks again, and I hope all is well with you in your lovely corner of the world. Mine is definitely lovelier now!

    Liked by 1 person

      • Looks a bit tipsy there in the close-up? The pants are a bit antiquated too but the shirt is quite nice! So this is prior or during the Love Love Love run?


        • He does look bemused or tired or something in the close-up, doesn’t he? I love both photos. They seem more candid to me, like he’s not trying to present a polished image, just getting it over with and/or having some fun. Maybe because it’s “only” for an audiobook promo? Or maybe because he is hung over! He does love his wine, our man. But I do concur that the words most applicable are “orgasmic” and “ooooooof”!

          Liked by 3 people

          • LL yep well said. I agree something was up w him and he looks so laid back and playful not made up and wearing a filtering mask like in his IG pics. I keep wondering where he is now??


            • That’s okay, you probably don’t realize you’ve lost several hours of your day online, when all you intended was to “check”. Good for you. I’m seldom on Facebook anymore, and not on Instagram everyday. I need to stop following things, and people I have no real connection with on sites. I think I’d be happier. Quality, not quantity.

              Liked by 1 person

              • Yes but for me it was more cyber bullying and negativity esp on Twitter but alas I do engage in these blogs a lot now but I’ve found a nice nIche here where I feel welcome and embraced and that for me is what I am looking for which perhaps others look to social media to do. I know many here are on social media and that’s great. I do lurk if that’s the term every day on his Twitter and Instagram but out of curiosity more than anything else. I truly enjoy the interactions here because the conversations are sweet, engaging, funny and insightful and I’ve learned about other movies, songs, books galore, theatre involving Richard and non Richard stuff so the rewards for me keep multiplying 😛

                Liked by 2 people

                • You’re not the first I’ve heard say they left Twitter because of the bullying. It’s a shame really. There are so many more that just want to make friends, come together due to Richard, and are kind to each other. It’s unfortunate that the minority drives away good people.

                  Liked by 1 person

                  • Jane it happened on FB again long story but I was flummoxed by it and all the negativity I’ve read about on Twitter is quite frankly disturbing to me and again I know many here are on Social Media and probably have wonderful experiences on it. Again for me it is not my cup of tea ☕️ 🤨😏


                    • It’s not for everyone. Do what is right for you. I joined Twitter and Instagram because he did. Then of course, it grew from there. I’ve met some friends on Twitter that have absolutely changed my life for the better.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Jane I’m really happy for you and that I think was the initial intent of Social Media but my guard is up and even Richard on social media won’t get me to join. But and this is my ignorance talking so forgive me but you follow him right so does he follow you back or is it one way track?

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Oh no, he can’t follow any of us. Imagine the uproar it would cause if he followed some of the 224,000 but not others.


                    • Oh right see I’m really ignorant how it all works but people here seem to know who he follows so you can see that as a Twitter member (Tweetor or what is the official name of a Twitter member) but he can’t see you guys? There’s a world of stuff I’m thinking about that concept right now that isn’t PG rated 😛😇😂😜


                    • Yes, anyone who has a public account, it shows who they follow, and who follows them. He follows mainly industry people, and politics. He can see our posts if he chooses, and I suppose he does sometimes because he comments on unkind tweets, and retreats for awhile. Mostly, I would guess he is too busy to keep up regularly. If he does check on us regularly, he will definitely see things that are not necessarily PG. 🤭 You are not ignorant in the least. Many of of us who did not grow up with it all don’t quite get all this stuff until we start using it. Even then it takes time to learn just what it can do. It’s not like any of it comes with a handbook.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Jane I really appreciate you taking the time to explain the Twitter process to me. I’m happy if he follows politics bec that is a huge interest for me and I can understand why he follows industry people for intel on potential roles. Interesting that you said he comments on unkind tweets but he would do that publicly I know the Dana Dimwit he basically capitulated to her idiotic and quite ignorant tweet but you can see all of that? I mean that explains a lot bec he is uber private so I wonder why he would engage w negative behavior aka tweeting. I think some of the R rated gifs and commentary he would be flattered with esp that female fans think of him as such a sexy handsome guy!


                    • He played Hannibal nude so I cannot imagine he is that much of a prude and he should feel flattered that these women spend a lot of time with the gifs and the fan art which is quite good esp the portraits of him. He’s a handsome dude but I think part of his charm is that he down plays his looks. That’s quite alluring to me almost bashful but not Hiddleston bashful do you know what I mean?

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                    • Yeah I’ll add I’m definitely old school girl. I’m the long email type and I text a little although I like getting texts. To be quite frank the whole social media just mystifies me and I just can’t get past the negativity that I read about on line and the glamorization of bad behavior airing dirty laundry thru the tweeting not to mention politically having our Commander in Chief dictate foreign and domestic policies thru Twitter. Sorry don’t mean to rant!


                    • That’s okay, many a rant occurs on SM. We may be making Guylty crazy if she’s getting notifications of all these. I think we should be able to speak back and forth since we’re both on WordPress.


                    • But I’m sure your phone was pinging incessantly and it was like 4 or 5 am your time when we were conversing! My phone sits right next to my bed and I’m a light sleeper to begin with so when it pings for incoming emails my curiosity is stirred and I automatically look. You are probably far more placid (in a good way) than I am.


                    • Nope, it wasn’t. I neither have notifications turned on, nor do I keep my mobile by my bed. So you are welcome to chatter away, any time of day or night 😉


                    • That’s very smart of you. My phone serves as my alarm clock so it is charging by my bed at night . Still I felt the same as Jane did but you are super cool to reassure us😀👍


          • I don’t know, I simply don’t believe that he is so unprofessional that he would turn up at *any* kind of gig hung-over. I’ve heard people say on Twitter, too, that he looks tired. That didn’t really occur to me tbh. My interpretation is that this is simply one of a series of fast-click shots that the photographer took on continuous mode. He told RA to just move around as he liked, striking a few poses, while he simply kept pressing the shutter release. The result is a number of images that are simply taken mid-movement – when the subject doesn’t necessarily control movement and facial expression. I’d say the facial expression is somewhat coincidental, as is the whole pose. It has turned out well, though, gives a bit of character to the image. And that whole open-armed look obviously looks inviting and appealing – especially to loved-up fangirls *hehehe*

            Liked by 2 people

            • That’s a great explanation and makes sense. Maybe he was jet lagged which I look like death warmed over anytime I fly over 3 hour time differences! I have to say he really can’t take a bad professional picture even when he was in his early 30s around North and South time 👏😉😘

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            • That’s why we need you so, Guylty! You have the professional experience to tell us what’s going on. I agree that he wouldn’t show up hungover, although he might not always be able to control being tired. But even tired, he is blissfully beautiful. I wouldn’t mind tucking him in for a nap. 😳

              I remember seeing somewhere, possibly Twitter, someone describing ouR mAn as so charming because one day he looks like James Bond, while the next he looks like a 10-year-old boy who has been allowed to dress himself. I think we all know which RA we have here. That said, that very open collar…gah…*thud* and *thud* again.

              Do you think we could get a full “ooflet,” please, or even a half-ooflet? Your analysis has intrigued me so!

              Liked by 2 people

            • He is often tired, especially on morning talk shows. Sometimes I think having several cups of coffee to try to wake up in the morning gives him that hungover appearance. Who wouldn’t be tired if they worked, and flew around the way he does?


            • Simultaneously with the R&J promo he was rehearsing LLL, so at a very low body weight, and doing all the promo for Berlin Station. I’d be willing to say he looked a bit tired.


              • I did. At the time I read it, which was in recent months I think it said the last year anyway. I don’t believe it was connected to fitness at all. A man gets to a certain age, and they can’t take it the way they could when they were younger. They get a little more drunk, a lot more hungover. I would suspect he thought he was drinking too much, and being the ultimate professional that he is, stopped. He would never allow such a thing to affect his work. He said he hadn’t had any alcohol for what the length of time was. I don’t know if now he has a glass with dinner in a restaurant. That would be purely trying to guess with no actual knowledge.

                Liked by 1 person

        • Hm, he was clean shaven during LLL, so it must have been before. Someone said that the promo was photographed in July 2016 – that makes sense then.
          Yeah, the trousers aren’t really my cup of tea, either… I don’t really think that that style suits his rounded hips. But hey, my fashion sense is non-existent.


          • I agree about the pants. They look like something a geriatric golfer would wear.
            except they’d be white with a belt. My fashion sense is not too great. I wear a lot of things from Costco. That is about my speed.

            Liked by 1 person

            • That’s a great description geriatric golfers pants! I like fashion and clothes a lot but some of the clothes he wears off duty are for little boys and pubescent tweens in my opinion but I’m glad it wasn’t just me thinking those pants were old looking like from the 80s or even the 70s Haggars 🤣😉


          • Oh good I thought I was being a little too critical there. God those hips are just 💗💗💗😍and when he is chunky hunky he just looks so manly if that makes sense..,


              • I love everyone’s perspectives on how he dresses. I think it is stimulating conversation and maybe some politics would be interesting to discuss like Brexit which just fascinates me as an across the pond foreigner.


                • Oh, politics would be way more interesting. But in the past, whenever he has dared to voice an opinion, there was lots of criticism, and it often ended with him pulling his tweet or with fans getting into nasty fights with each other…


                  • Yeah I know and if he is a people pleaser (um I raise my hand) then he cares too much what others thin hence one of the reasons I avoid Twitter. It’s a shame though I would love to sit down and chat w him about Brexit, Theresa May, Trump, immigration, capitalism and ahh socialism!! I’d better quit while I’m ahead😉


  3. Looks like these are from the photographer’s blog (Chris Sanders), not released from Audible (even though it’s that shoot). I love these pictures – open arms and long lean body; sleepy bedroom eyes.

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