Community Re-Watch for Newbies and Old Hands Alike?

While I loved finally forging ahead with my Fan Challenge – #O was a big winner, no wonder, with all those pretty pictures – I interrupt my challenge run for a little question. Encouraged by the vigorous commenting that has been going on on the blog over the last while, especially with a few newer members of our fan community, an idea has been lingering and slowly maturing at the back of my brain. I recently wrote somewhere that I find it really beneficial to have a handful of new members so vocal on the blog. Sure, there is an element of repetition for me there – they are still at the discovery stage while I (and many other established fans) are already fully versed in Armitage’s back catalogue. But the discourse in the comments made it clear that there is not only a need for discussion, but that it is actually quite invigorating and refreshing for me as an ‘old hand’, too, when projects of the past get discussed again. Maybe that is true for other established fans as well?

Blink and you miss him. Catching up with the lesser known roles in Richard’s oeuvre, such as Epiphanes in Cleopatra, 1999. Image via RAnet

In any case, just to set the scene for my suggestion today: I joined the fandom in spring 2012 – pre-Hobbit but post-NS, Spooks, SB etc. I missed out on all the fun that was had when the community in the early days actually stayed up late together to watch new material appear live on TV and comment asap or even in real time as it was broadcast. (There was a little bit of that when BS aired in 2016 and 2017, but by that time many of the legacy fans and fan sites that I “grew up with” had already closed shop, and there was not a huge amount of discussion cross-fandom.) With the diversification of the entertainment platforms and the access issues that go along with that, similar parallel watching occasions seem to have vanished. Maybe that is also due to the dissemination of the fandom across so many different platforms. In any case, I was wondering whether there is any interest in staging a little “community watch” program ourselves. I do not want to re-invent the wheel here – I know that it has been done before, and that everything has been *said* before (and much of the latter can actually be read up on fan blogs of long standing such as me+richard). However, for those of us who did not add our *own* two cents’ worth to the discussion, is there any interest in creating our own programming and working our way through some of Richard’s back catalogue?

Opportunity to delve deep into the origin of the “Favourite White T-Shirt”. I think I might be on to something here. Early evidence of the infamous “costume buy-out” via The Golden Hour, ITV, 2005. Image via RAnet

This is what I envisage: We choose a show/an episode of a show. Due to time zone differences, parallel watching may not be possible, but we can give ourselves a time frame (such as a week) during which participants watch the show/episode. Those who have a blog can then write about their impressions of the show and post on their blog. Discussion can take place in the comments, allowing non-bloggers to take part in this community re-watch. We can work out further details – such as: Should the “Re-watch Show” travel from blog to blog, i.e. should it be hosted by different blogs every time we do a re-watch – that would keep an ensuing discussion of the show in *one* place; or should all participating bloggers blog on their own – that might split the discussion but would widen the reach nevertheless. We could work from a predetermined schedule of shows/episodes that are on our list; or we could take turns picking individual episodes of different shows. In any case, it might be fun to get our teeth back into some of the earlier work. We can be as deep or as pithy as we like, and old hands can share their insights while benefitting from the fresh new perspectives of the “newbies”.

Richard’s back catalogue in action. If this doesn’t make you want to discuss the interrelationship of role-reversal and social status, then I don’t know… Screenshot via me+r

This is of course one of my half-baked ideas that I am throwing out there. (As you know, I like experimenting with baking… My latest supereasy no-knead wholemeal bread is a triumph *ha* 🍞 😉!) I have not concocted a proper plan yet, but I am keen to hear whether there is any demand for this. Preferably not only from our new community members, but also from established bloggers – I think this idea would be more interesting if it isn’t just happening on my blog but is spread to other blogs (and platforms), too.

Let me know. And before I go just a quick little shout-out to “newbie” Michele who has just established a blog of her own, entitled The M Files. Michele informs me that The M Files will *not* be a RA fan blog but a discussion blog for anything BUTT. Eh, no no no, anything *but*!

114 thoughts on “Community Re-Watch for Newbies and Old Hands Alike?

  1. Wow!! Great idea on the rewatch. You are super organized so make a schedule out and we faithful soldiers will follow it!!
    I am beyond touched that you plugged my um blog. Don’t worry wink wink nod nod will show up subtley in there as a loving tribute 😍💗👍😘

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m in if it’s all Sir Guy all of the time. ❤

    Just kidding! With the different time zones involved and varied demands on our schedule, I like the sound of the week to digest each bit.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. You know I collect anything RA related, I would like to see Casuality episode s and Doctors, can’t find them.they were on U tube but don’t know if there still there. Still waiting for season two DVD of Berlin Station and urban. Just got the new murders son,can’t wait to start reading that. Congrats Michelle on the new blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dededotti: I haven’t seen Urban either and that is number one that I want to still view and Pilgrimage too. It would be great to have a Richard watch club and watch a fav episode and then chat here about it (ie Lucas!!). I love how everyone takes these posted pics of him and has different eyes and voices on him. It inspires me to watch him for his artistry as a performer in addition to his err physical specimen.

    Thank you for your sweet thought on the blog. I hope it can be a place to stop by and chat about anything and everything besides Richard although he’s always lurking now in my subconscious,.


  5. I haven’t seen Cold Feet either with him as Speedo Man so that may be hard to find. Sparkhouse would be wonderful to watch and digest again and converse over as An Ideal Husband. Standring is sooo sweet!!!


  6. Sounds like fun to me, especially if we have some lead time, both to source the material and to try to create time in our schedules (something I’m failing miserably at right now). When I’ve blogged about past projects, I’ve used the tag Rich’s of the Past, in case you’d like to use that as a tag for our posts.


  7. Not episodes related..the thing that fascinated me, is the pictures,sometimes it looks like he’s 3 different people.I think it was one of Zees kids that stated,how come you have all these different men here??.the newer one with blue shirt,he looks so old.,that’s 4 men now!!! I digress…

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I’m up for it! I’m so bad – I’ve not really watched a lot of Richard’s stuff. The recent – The Hobbit, Berlin Station, Into the Storm. Sleepwalker… (brain on fire, put me to sleep) I’ve NOT been able to get past the opening scene of Pilgrimage, although I’m reading a lovely Pilgrimage fanfiction, so I might want to try again. I’ve seen North and South and really want to rewatch as I watched it spread over 2 years *iknowmybad*

    Oh and Robin Hood!!!! I’m up for that one!!! Most definitely!!


  9. Count me in! I still consider myself a “new” fan (became one late 2016, early 2017) even though I’ve seen almost all of his work multiple times. I’m active on FB and Twitter, but people don’t seem especially fond of discussing his work in any detail. I end up droning on about something and, even though likes are nice, I’d rather if everyone pitched in and gave their own opinion. I’ve been re-watching RH again, but I’m up for watching any of his work at any time!

    p.s. I just had the thought it would also be fun to match-up some of our social media posts with what we’re watching, as with the themed days a lot of fans play around with–“GuyFridays”, “ThorinThursdays” and whatnot.


    • I know what you mean. Especially on Twitter, discussions tend to become tedious because of the character limit, and therefore people don’t engage as much. Basing it on a blog might make it easier, even though that means we are concentrating it away from the more visible social platforms. But that doesn’t mean we can’t discuss it on Twitter and FB either. In that sense your idea to match posts cross-platform is great. I am all for that! I think a custom hashtag is called for – “Community RA-watch” or something like that.
      Anyway, would be great to have you on board!


    • I’ve found the same thing. The replies consist of a lot of cat emojis and I can only take so many of those. Plus, Twitter is not the ideal medium for a wordy person such as myself. 🙄

      Liked by 1 person

            • Don’t get me wrong. I’ve had entire conversations that were nothing BUT gifs and it’s super fun and silly and you giggle but I have yet to discuss a movie or book or performance satisfactorily in this format. 🤓


              • For sure. I use the emojis and exclamation points (worse than Richard’s) as forms of expression b/c I know most people will get what my mood at the time is but I totally agree when discussing a movie or play or book the emojis seem superficial and silly.

                Liked by 1 person

                • Hahaha. I use way too many exclamation points.
                  Me reading or writing outside of social media: “One exclamation point every 2000 words is quite enough.”
                  Me on social media: “OMG!!!! Awesome! We should absolutely go!!!” 🙄

                  Liked by 2 people

      • In fairness, there is only so much you can say on Twitter, and emojis are the easiest way of expressing an opinion. No one likes to read a 7-tweet-thread of opinion… It kind of clogs up Twitter if you do. But in any case, we have an alternative forum with the blogs, so hopefully that will prove to be an easy platform for people to take part.

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        • Well in confession mode I’m not on Twitter and have no love for it so I am biased in that respect plus I love your blog and the pics and discussions are so engaging and late night I don’t want to go to sleep sometimes!!


        • Oh, absolutely agree with what you said re Twitter. The character limit alone makes it difficult to engage in any deeper discussion. My cat emoji aversion is more FB related but I’ve just given up on that anyway, so it doesn’t matter. And I’m not an emoji hater, quite the opposite! I just find it tedious when someone writes a post and 38 answers to it consist of a single writhing kitten. /rant


  10. Yes, count me in. But for some of the so-so t.v. shows, does anyone have a time-saving version that has RA scenes only. Because I don’t care about the plots. Oh wait, will not knowing the plot disqualify me from participating in “conversations?”


  11. Pingback: Richard Armitage tangentially related | Me + Richard Armitage

  12. Great idea! And a week to view makes it easier to participate. I always have the best intentions (just like the fan challenge 🙄!) so I won’t guarantee regular Tumblr posts, but I’ll certainly follow along when I can.
    Our meetup group watched the first two episodes of North and South on Sunday night (cue oohs and aahs and sighs whenever Thornton appeared ❤️) I/we never tire of multiple viewings!
    Spooks and Strike Back would be on my wish list, but I’m up for anything, except Pilgrimage and Hannibal – the ick factor is way too high for me. I’ve watched each of them through once with my hands over my eyes and that’s enough, although I confess to having revisited Francis in the attic and his black shorty shorts a few times 😉
    Over to Audible to download The Murderer’s Son.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, you Aussies and your meet-ups. So jealous – it just sounds great every time, Mezz. The nearest I have come to a multiple attendant re-watch was when Suzy and CraMERRY visited me here and we stuck on SB. It was such fun because we weren’t watching for the plot (oh, really?) and thus able to make quips all the time…
      Anyway, I completely get your reluctance to watch Pilgrimage and Hannibal. Even reduced to a fan cut, especially the former would make difficult viewing (for that *one* nasty scene). I think it would be best if we started with something nice and easy, just to lead us into the whole project. Maybe I’ll post a poll later today and we can decide together.
      Have you started Murderer’s Son now? I went for a walk yesterday listening to it and was immediately absorbed by it. I think I have to schedule another walk today…


      • Kate, see I viewed Hannibal as a tragic love story more than horror. If it is horror is like psychological mind screwing (there a stronger word I want to use here but I don’t want to scare you off) so Francis and Reba’s love story is what I focused my attention on. As warped as he is Francis was very tender and sweet with Reba and I concentrated on that. I hadn’t seen any of the other episodes of Hannibal just Richard’s so maybe the gore was there but not so much in Richard’s. Pilgrimage though I’ve heard is gory like bloody gory and I know it is ketchup (what my dad use to tell me movie blood was made of) but any animals killed or any violence just rattles me. But I’m gonna muster and watch it soon.


  13. ArmitageWatch site should still be up with world-wide schedules. It takes a while to get through his catalog. (I may never have gotten around to Cleopatra and I still need to watch Urban. ) Found the Twitter feed delightful when everyone watched simultaneously.


  14. Sounds like a fab idea to me, especially with a reasonable time frame in which to reply – I often feel I am late to the party due to work schedules. Also I very much like/thoroughly approve of your picture illustrating the ‘back catalogue in action’ – do you have any naughty ones for a ‘front catalogue’? 🙂


  15. What a good idea. Sometimes I rewatch N/S and of course Spooks, and Ricky D. and ordeal by innocence 2007. But I have sometimes difficulties to rewatch a film in the whole only to see a snippet of RA


    • Agreed. I usually watch the ‘fan girl cuts’ on YT. But maybe for the purpose of a Re-Watch, we could see the whole shebang. Mind you, I think it will be better for our motivation to start with a major work where we have ample opportunity to discuss Mr A.


  16. I really like this idea. I’ve watched a pretty good amount of his work but revisit my favorites often. I would be up for a rewatch of just about anything. I have to admit that with some of the titles I’ve gone back to I do tend to hit the fast forward button to get to the highlights (insert any scene with RA) but there are others that keep my interest throughout like the Hobbit trilogy. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve rewatched that. Seems like the ones keep drawing me back in are Thorin, Guy, John Porter and John Thorton. If they ever release Urban on DVD I’m pretty sure that Chop will be added to that list. And I really do need to rewatch The Crucible again before my Digital Theatre “rental” expires (grrrr!) but don’t get me started on that subject. 😦


  17. Cool idea! But for me it depends on what shows we choose. Don’t think I’d do Robin Hood or Spooks, I don’t think I’d have the patience to write about those. N&S, Vicar of Dibley, Strike Back, The Impressionists, however, I wouldn’t mind dipping into again!


  18. I agree. Fans should watch his early work, even when he is not a lead. I always recommend to new fans to get a list of his work. Like you, I came into the fold before The Hobbit but soon after North & South. Before I joined any fan sites, I hunted down his work. I was fortunate that the Houston Libraries had access to much of his work on DVD. I found Sparkhouse and many of his documentaries on YouTube. I’m still trying to find Frozen and of course I’m frustrated to Hell over access to Urban.
    I hate to admit it but I don’t understand fans who won’t research into his past roles. To see the development of his talent is a joy.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Amazon has Frozen to rent for $4.99 if that helps. That’s where I saw it. Richard is ok in it, young like boyishly young but it is really Shirley Henderson’s movie, she’s terrific in it. I am 100% with you on Urban, I fear I will never get to see that unless Amazon picks it up down the road.


  19. Pingback: Ready for the Community Re-watch/RA-watch? | Guylty Pleasure

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