Armitage Weekly Round-up 2019/1

It looks as if the tumblr issues have righted themselves. I had no problem finding posts this week. No wonder – I had missed last week, due to my Belfast trip. So here we go, another year of tumblr round-ups. Frankly, I can’t believe I am still doing this 😂. I don’t think I ever foresaw that it would go on for five years when I took this on. It is such a pity that the fanfic round-up mantle has remained vacant since then… Is there really no one out there who reads fanfic and might be able to update us on *quality* fanfics?

Speaking of fanfics – fanfic actually still seems to be in fashion on tumblr. However, it doesn’t often feature in my round-ups because I am extremely picky when it comes to fanfic. I don’t really have a problem with RPF at all, and reader-insert fics are usually very gratifying to read *ahem*, but lately I have found that I am too old for the new fanfics that are written in that vein. They just don’t really appeal to me in tone, in vocabulary, even in subject matter. But that is just me, old and prude… However, I do want to encourage everyone to go on tumblr and search for fanfics there themselves. Fizzyxcustard and amethystrosestarr are a good start.

And now ad res.

  1. Is it unfair to post old photos of celebrities? Ra-of-light asks a question. Discuss
  2. Since *some people* 😉 were insistent the community re-watch should’ve been Guy, I give you this oldie-but-goldie by riepu10. A repost, so genuinely from this year!!!
  3. LOL – I think I am going to have to make this my avatar. Meme by noodlegirl5
  4. After a while, here is a new instalment from the What a Guy wants series by nfcomics
  5. Whoa – I absolutely love this piece of fan art of Richard as Wolverine by 77tiger77
  6. I laughed out loud when I read this question posed to and answered by fallnangelcreations. And my answer would be: No, may be aware of it but completely believes it’s not due to him but “a beloved character from a book. I think it was on a curriculum somewhere.” DUH!!!!
  7. Ra-of-light has noticed that there is a lot of water in Richard’s oeuvre…
  8. Riepu10 has also posted a few New Year’s edits. Here’s one
  9. And here is another
  10. On the subject of my community re-watch – check paintedshards’ tumblr! There are several gif sets of Richard scenes in Hannibal there
  11. Deepestfirefun has a late Christmas pressie for those of you who are not on Audible… hint hint
  12. Totally loved this post by rcrispina – do the colours match yours?
  13. In case anyone needs a good night story for their little one, deepestfirefun is at your service
  14. I have no idea where this thought comes from, but yeah, I somewhat agree with sexycraisinthanos
  15. Sorry, this What a Guy wants is too late for Christmas, but it’s great fun! By nfcomics
  16. On board with that, jediwizardelf
  17. And finishing today on an important message by Mr Armitage, capped by it-comes-in-venti

The first round-up of the year is done. Part of the ever-recurring resolution I make every year: I want to post the round-up every week. Well, I probably won’t make it this year, either… but I’ll post as often as I can.

In the mean time – enjoy and happy new year to you, once again!

Guylty ❤️

124 thoughts on “Armitage Weekly Round-up 2019/1

  1. Red head? He’s naturally chestnut brown but I would never describe that as red (my OH has exactly the same colouring which is a bonus lol!)
    I agree about Fizzyxcustard -I really enjoy her fanfics-not read any by ameythystrosestar
    I agree with the sentiment about photos from teenage years- I’d hate to see photos of myself when I was at my most gawky spread all over the Internet!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This some person still advocates for Guy esp since half of your roundup is about him as it should be!!
    The collage of oucs of him are fabulous and hello Richard wet Into The Storm as a RE WATCH would be terrific. I’ll send you a mini umbrella as well😘🤣😉😻
    Hope you are feeling better 😘🤨😉


  3. Thank you so much for doing these roundups! Those of us who are not on Tumblr very much appreciate your forays into the interwebs on our behalf. I agree that NO ONE wants to see horrible photos of themselves as a teen spread all over said interwebs. But oh! That gif of Guy. *thud* And now it’s time for me to head to bed, finally….with dreams of Guy dancing round and round.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Bisher bin ich nur bis nur Nr.2 gekommen, weiter nicht. Ein Bild von einem Mann! Diese Augen, diese Wimpern, diese Augenbrauen, dieser Blick… KARL, MEI DROPPA!!


  5. Nice roundup once again Guylty!
    There are still problems with tumblr. Especially with tags. Stil some posts won’t show up in the tag


      • My blog has disappeared completely (again) from those listed in the tag. It’s a bug apparently, according to staff support, but one they haven’t fixed for a couple of months now. It’s frustrating, because there are blogs irrelevant to RA, and ones that have been inactive for some time, that are still there. And the NSFW purge is a huge mess. Sorry………whinge over! That aside, I, and quite a few other RA blogs, are hanging in there. (waves to Riepu 😊)


        • That is just so bizarre! I think I need to go back to my own tumblr and completely overhaul my dashboard. In the last while I had come to completely rely on the armitage tag for my round-up. But if the tag doesn’t work, I will have to make sure that I am subscribed to all the Armitage blogs.


  6. Re: #1, it all depends. Ugly ducking to swan might not be so bad. Mentioning no names. 😉 On the other hand, looking at my teenage pics, I was presentable enough in those days, instead of the walking disaster area I thought I was. But it all went downhill fast from then on. 😦

    #2 That will do nicely is right! Perhaps we should all start removing our gloves that way. It could be our secret sign.

    And I could do with a poster of #17. Love a cuddly sweater, love a cheeky expression.

    Thanks for a great round-up, Guylty, and a very Happy New Year.


    • As I said elsewhere – #17 is the perfect reminder for health and safety measures, as prescribed by law.
      Richard and gloves… a thing of beauty.
      As for the teenage pics – I think we are all far too critical of ourselves. And we are not taking into account that they were taken within the context of the time. Or rather: fashion of the time. From horrible perms to stupid brand logos on shirts… I’ll show my teenage pics in the next post if I think of it. I’m not afraid to laugh about myself 😉


  7. I think that question is bizarre. Richard Armitage is not spending all his time surfing fan media; it’s not like he notices what people post about him at all except possibly on Twitter. So I don’t get why there’d even be an occasion for him to care, but we have no reason to assume that his reaction to seeing those photos would be the same as ours would be to seeing photos of ourselves — we really don’t know what they mean (or don’t) to him. Second, he’s a public figure and that means that photos of him as a teenager are a matter of general interest. Just like photos of any other celebrity or political figure or notorious person. And thirdly — it’s not like there are even that many known photos of him as a teenager circulating. Maybe a dozen max? None of them were obtained by nefarious purposes (unlike another photo of him that I can think of); all were posted or shared by people who had legitimate access to them or were themselves in the photos.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Spot on argument, Servetus. Particularly the point that he is a person of public interest – that’s simply it, whether we (or he) like it or not. As soon as someone becomes interesting to the public, pictures and facts from the past will become matters of interest. And imo there are worse things to dredge up than some 30 yo photos…

      Liked by 1 person

      • Okay, I need to rethink what I said about teenage photos being off-limits. Servetus and Guylty have persuaded me. As you say, public figure and all. I adore seeing young photos of people like Marilyn Monroe, so why not RA? Just because he’s alive and presumably would be embarrassed like I would be? Nah, that ain’t good fan thinking. He’s undoubtedly used to seeing silly photos of himself, if he even notices them anymore. And I will admit it’s fun to watch how he has matured over the years. I find it endearing in real life, the way that teenage boys grow into men, with their sudden acquisitions of height and shoulders, so why should I feel protective of anyone seeing that side of RA?


          • I have been thinking of one, I will admit! Sort of a discussion about what it’s like being a boy who suddenly has a growth spurt versus being a girl who suddenly develops. I was recalling an interview in which he said he was suddenly 6′ tall and was therefore no longer allowed to be a “naughty boy.” I can very much relate to that but would also like to chastise him gently about what it’s like for a girl to suddenly develop characteristics that make her become the object of very unwanted and not-really-even-understood sexual attention. I mean, I think he would totally get it so I wouldn’t call him out (either IRL or in my version of RL), just remind him that there are worse things that suddenly being tall. I mean, at least when he was 14 he could reach the top shelf. 😉


            • Oh yeah I think there is a gentle but sweet convo there you can play with! I love how your furlough is sweet, funny honest and relatable!! I laugh and smile and think Richard would love what you wrote so endearing to him!!

              Liked by 1 person

        • You know, another argument I have in the back of my mind, is that actors have long ago let go of outward insecurities. I mean, that’s what they have to do if they want to free themselves of their own persona to step into the skin of another character. In so many ways, our teenage selves are a different persona and a different person even than what we are now. And I would assume that an actor can completely let go of a former iteration of him/herself… Plus, I am sure there are way more embarrassing photos as such if he looked at the derps and stills and screenshots that people have made of him from his various films and shows…
          But anyway, that’s just my argument. It’s obviously up to every fan themselves to decide whether they want to look at those pics or not. And if they don’t – fair enough.


  8. But it is a typical fan displacement in the form:

    1. Seeing photos of Richard Armitage as a teenager reminds me of photos taken of me as a teenager.
    2. Photos of me taken as a teenager embarrass me when I see them now.
    3. Therefore, photos of Richard Armitage taken as a teenager must embarrass him when they circulate.
    4. As a consequence of my assumptions about how Richard Armitage feels about photos taken of him as a teenager now in circulation, other fans should not circulate them.

    1 and 2 are totally legitimate premises — it’s 3 and 4 that are not logically valid.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Or its just someone having an opinion -like how you vehemently dislike North and South. The blog doesn’t say fans must stop sharing pictures of RA as a teen -just espousing an opinon on why they dont undserstand why anyone would. Plus they’ve not disguised the fact they wouldn’t want photos of themselves shared on the internet.


        • I take your point that the post only expresses an opinion and doesn’t expressly say that others shouldn’t share those photos. But isn’t that what the post implies? Isn’t the intended effect of the post to make anyone feel guilty who has posted or even enjoyed seeing those teenage photos of RA? That’s certainly how I feel about that post. And it’s not even as if I post and share those teenage pics.
          Not sure whether my vehement dislike of NS really has that “moral sledgehammer” in the background like this post has. I would say no – there is no moral dimension to liking or disliking NS, imo.


            • Why shouldn’t we open that door?

              Probably some of the older fans are experiencing an allergic reaction here, but not that long ago it was extremely difficult to express negative reactions to N&S. The best one could hope for was a sort of “well, we know you’re crazy but we love you anyway” reaction. I had the issue that the reasons I loved N&S had nothing to do with romance — and yet I was told again and again that I didn’t understand or wasn’t accurately reporting my own reactions.


                • Yeah, there have, but that’s because discussion on my blog is pretty strongly controlled. The bar for entry is high and I don’t publish comments from people who insult me.


                    • Those people are just sick and need help. You have enough on your plate
                      and certainly don’t need that crap! My observation is that everyone who engages and comments on your blog do so out of love and respect for you!!😘❤️❤️


                    • Maybe we’re talking past each other — but the people who leave horrible comments also want to engage and comment. Whether or not they are worth my time, they are there (thankfully in much smaller numbers than a few years ago, probably in part b/c of the fading of RichLee). I know who some of them are IRL — and I don’t think any outside observer would say they are sick; they also think, and say, that I’m the one who is sick. This whole constellation (say something outside the norm and get told in various ways not to say it), repeated over years, is why this topic tends to get a little tense. All the people who want to be commentators are not highly respectful of everyone. I have many great commentators, whom I very much appreciate; but not all would-be commentators are great.


                    • People who tell someone else to kill themselves over anything, let alone fangirl stuff are definitely not in their right minds. Just my opinion, but that level of vitriol isn’t normal.

                      Liked by 2 people

                    • Not to burst your bubble, Michele, but there is a rather ugly underbelly to a lot of fandoms. Dissent and disagreement makes some people particularly nasty, and we have witnessed some really, really awful things even in our small Armitage fandom. (I’m not going into details – the less said the better. I do not want to perpetuate the toxicity of it again.) Some of it stemmed from people who denied others the right to voicing their own opinion. That is why a lot of us react very very sensitively to suggestions that a topic should not be approached.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • I appreciate what you are saying and believe me I’ve gone thru enough toxic stuff in my personal and professional life a few years ago that I would not participate anywhere that is evident. From my observations over the last 10 months or so I find bloggers and commenters here in The Armitage sphere what I follow to be honest, compassionate, smart, sweet, funny and respectful. Not everyone will agree w everyone all the time and certainly everyone should be able to voice their opinions in a respectful manner. It may start out chatting about The Armitage but I think everyone commenting and reading these blogs stays for the community and conviviality of the bloggers.


                    • That is true, by and large. However, there are some active fans who are seen as “controversial”. I’m probably not one of them – happy Henrietta that I am. But Serv definitely has born the brunt of the anger of some fans, and she has had to be much more vigilant on her blog than I have to be, for instance. So, the upshot of it all is that there is more to the discussions on these blogs, than meets the eye… However, as you said, the overwhelming majority of people who engage, are doing so with respect and consideration. If that wasn’t the case, I would’ve shuttered this blog long ago… let’s hope it stays like that.


          • You could say that about any opinion ever said-people say their thoughts out loud partially because they would.would like other people to take on board their thoughts and in all honesty we all would in an ideal world want people to agree with us!


          • North and South est une série qui peut être lue selon plusieurs angles: la religion, la nature humaine, l’histoire de la révolution industrielle, la condition humaine: ouvrière, féminine, … Chacun y trouve ce qu’il veut y trouver en positif ou négatif. Je le rapprocherais des romans d’ Emile Zola, de Maupassant, ou ceux de Tolstoi de Dostoîevski, c’est une fresque historique.


            • I guess it covers all those angles. I just personally do not think it does so very well. I find the love story unoriginal, the characters clichéd and stereotypical. (I had written more here but I’ll stop. This is a beloved story by many – and so may it remain. I simply do not like it very much.)


              • Les éloges des critiques m’ont amenées à jeter un coup d’oeil à NS. Ce n’est pas la love story qui m’a fait regarder une deuxième fois la série. Mais bien mes lacunes en anglais qui m’ont conduites à plusieurs streaming, je voulais comprendre l’histoire. Le sujet des filatures et des mouvements syndicaux me ramenait à l’histoire d’une partie de mes ancêtres, partis de leur Bretagne natale, pour devenir mineurs et fendeurs dans les ardoisières.


                • Hm. Not sure whether Victorian fiction is really such a great source to learn about the industrial revolution and the circumstances of the working class… That’s exactly what I disliked about this novel. Gaskell’s approach is decidedly simplistic. And patronising.


                  • Then let us watch “Time team” while ironing and thinking about women status at home! This monday I’ve got textils’ mountains = archaeological Xmas’ remains to climb down.


      • I agree that it’s policing, albeit weak policing. The use of the verb “insist” is the clue there. If I say to my father, “why do you insist on tracking dirt through the house after I’ve mopped the floor,” that’s pretty clearly a statement on my part that I want him not to do it.


        • Maybe policing was the wrong word, but yeah, it certainly came across as an appeal to people to stop looking at and passing ’round those pictures. Maybe it was an innocent comment, but I definitely have allergic reactions to that kind of stuff these days.


  9. Thanks for the round-up Guylty, with a good dose of Guy. I feel ambivalent about the childhood pics. On one hand, it is interesting to see RA evolving (and to scrutinise his hair colour – I go for mid-dark brown with auburn tints); on the other hand, they inhibit my fantasy Armitage ( cool, experienced, dark). As others have said, we don’t obviously don’t know how he would feel, or if he has seen them, although I can imagine that they could spoil a carefully constructed public image.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Who would’ve thought that the teenage pics would spark such interesting discussions! I honestly didn’t think it would. But that’s the interesting point, I guess – that we basically impose our own feelings about our teenage photos (or anything else for that matter) on the OOA. As in – Guylty has no problem with her ridiculous teenage photos, therefore assumes that OOA also only laughs about them. As for the “carefully constructed public image” – good point. Although in this case I think the teenage photos are really spot-on on what Armitage himself has said about himself as a teen: awkward because of the growth-spurt, late developer, socially slightly inept. The effect of it all on me is that I actually feel drawn to this person who was an awkward teenager – and has developed into a rather stunning adult 🙂

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      • Yep Guylty I can relate to his social ineptness and that makes him more attractive physically and affectionately as a talented actor for me too! Relatable also he has wonderful work ethic, kind, compassionate and humble


      • I think to some extent this is an outcome of the fandom experience itself (strong identification with the crush), but I also think it’s potentiated by the whole empathy thing he keeps on pushing. I’d call this a misapplication of empathy of the classic sort: if I “walked in his shoes” I would feel _______, as opposed to just asking, how might he feel?

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        • Yeah, but since he wouldn’t answer the question, any potential answers we could conceivably come up with would be pure speculation, putting us right back to square one: Some will think he minds, some will think he doesn’t. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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          • En tenant compte de ce que Richard Armitage a réellement divulgué par le passé: ses réactions épidermiques, ses prises de positions et aussi ses revirements (delate tweets)… je suis certaine que l’on peut avoir une image de sa propre personnalité et de ses pensées sur tel ou tel sujet précédemment abordé. Le reste est bien-sûr biaisé par le prisme des lunettes du fan, plus ou moins myope en fonction de son degré d’addiction (crush), de sympathie (well wisher) ou d’indifférence pour ne pas dire de haine. Développer une opinion, sur un sujet dont Richard Armitage n’aurait rien dit, est de la pure spéculation ou du délire personnel. Si cela est précisé (utilisation du conditionnel,de la supposition, de l’interrogation, de la blague) il n’y a pas de problème. Sinon cela est répréhensible et logiquement cela justifie, cela prête au droit à la critique, à la contestation.
            En ce qui est des injures, des menaces, … cela relève du “Cyberbullying or cyberharassment” et donne le droit à des représailles: rappel aux règles, l’éviction, la poursuite… Les menaces m’horrifient. Je comprends les affres qu’ont pu subir ceux qui y ont été exposés. Je comprends leurs prises de position actuelles. Nos yeux ne voient pas tout ce qui a été précédemment épuré par la censure légitime de l’hébergeur.

            Liked by 1 person

        • That’s a very good point – his emphasis on empathy is interpreted by some fans as an appeal to empathise with *him*. (I doubt he intends it like that, but it’s a logical conclusion to make.)
          The whole “how might he feel” question is something that has kept me wondering right from the moment I became a blogging fan. I occasionally think to myself that some of the stuff I write and do may not really be the sort of engagement that would make the OOA happy. But then again – fandom is so much more about the fans and their needs, than the star at the centre of it.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Exactly this, that fandom is more about the fans than the OOA. That’s a lot of what I am dealing with in that essay I told you about…if I ever finish it. Which might be, you know, never. But well said, you.


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