RA Pocket Shrine 178/? – The Original Steampunk

[Honest truth: I couldn’t wait to write this post. Or rather: I couldn’t wait to publish this post, so I wrote it in advance, even before I received notice from the recipient that the shrine had arrived. Whether this is really a masterpiece of mine, probably depends on your taste. But somehow I am extremely curious to hear what you think of this RAPS.]

But let me start at the beginning: Sometime a while ago, I received a package from England, containing some lovely vintage tins as well as bits from a broken pocket watch, among other things. The shipment came from Rachel, whom I know as a steampunk enthusiast. There was no deal connected to the shipment – she didn’t send me the tins with the instruction to make something for her. And for several months I duly didn’t do anything and wasn’t planning to. And then my creative flash hit me. I decided to create something specifically for Rachel with the material she had sent me. And this is it.

Isn’t that a gorgeous tin? Yes, I know, tobacco is not PC these days says the reformed smoker, but the gorgeous deep red, the scuffed tin and the lovely words – “sweet Rosemary” – all that gets my imagination going… Unfortunately I did not take measurements, but the dimensions of the tin are about 10 x 7 cm, and it is quite deep… So here it is:

I know I know – I obscured the gorgeous Mr Thornton. But remember, this is a steampunk shrine, so that is deliberate. I loved using all those fiddly little pieces from the pocket watch – watch faces, cogs and wheels. The background consists of really old book pages, there are the cover and fly leaf of Gaskell’s North and South – and the gold frame in the corner actually holds a picture of Elizabeth Gaskell herself. Gee, I really hope Rachel likes NSAs for the bottom of the shrine:

No worries, just joking… Here it is in full beauty:

There we have the original steampunk himself… hehe. But as a quick explanation: I couldn’t bear throwing away that transparent paper lining that came with the tin. It was stuck in the lid, and I simply decided to use it like those thin, transparent pieces of paper that you often find in photo albums… However, if Rachel doesn’t like it, she can always throw it out. – The two laser-cut gear wheels actually come from Rachel’s boyfriend who has a business that creates laser-cut items, iirc. Enquiries in the comments please 😉 And if you look closely, you will notice that the candle sits in a little clear “saucer”. That is actually the glass cover of a wrist watch and also came in Rachel’s package. I used it to stabilise the candle holder – because I decided to not poke any holes in that gorgeous tin lid. This way, the candle can be balanced on one of the wheels… See in the following picture:

So there we are – my first attempt at a steampunk creation. I have no idea whether it cuts the mustard in that genre. I know next to nothing about it and just literally fumbled my way through this shrine.

In any case – I had great fun creating it. Having been sent all these bits and bobs worked wonders for my imagination. I had to think and experiment and work out by trial and error what worked and what didn’t, and I loved playing with this tin. Without praising myself, I have to say I quite like the result, not least because it differs from my usual pocket shrines: Not only is it a good bit bigger than the tins I normally use – the only comparable, previously created RAPS of that size coincidentally also depicts Mr Thornton – but it also is less focussed on poor chat-up lines pithy puns than my usual work…

I can only hope that it will pass muster for the Steam Hygienist aka Rachel. If not – just fling it in the bin!


149 thoughts on “RA Pocket Shrine 178/? – The Original Steampunk

  1. Your steampunk RAPS truly is a masterpiece, dear G. I hope that it was as much fun to make as it is for us to look at! Your talent and imagination never cease to amaze me. It’s so cool that you were able to find inspiration in a fellow fan’s aesthetic as well. Kudos to youdos!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Aw, thank you, LoLo. It really was huge fun to make – maybe especially so because I didn’t plan or overthink it this time. I didn’t have a masterplan and just put things together – and really enjoyed the process.
      But you are right – working within the parameter’s of Rachel’s steampunk aesthetics was a fabulous challenge and actually refreshed my own creativity a bit.


  2. Having seen a pic of it and commenting to Rachel how precise and thoughtful this shrine was so tailor made for her I love your back story and just how beautiful and creative you are! I think just the multi dimensions of it and how beautiful and compassionate she is as a person this shrine just typifies all that and more! You have outdone yourself!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It all came together in this shrine, right? It was great to actually make something that was not necessarily my usual aesthetic. In any case, as long as Rachel enjoys it, I am happy 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  3. fling it in the bin!!! never have a heard words that horrify me more!

    honesty, it’s utterly stunning, the colours are perfect and I *adore* Thornton and N&S. Some of my love of that program is the aesthetic as a steampunk, and it’s genuinely one of the most perfect costume dramas I’ve ever watched-i love that it’s quite gothic in style which you’ve achieved here with the RAPS

    it was a lovely surprise and the kindness and love within this fandom that i’ve experienced is and the sparks of creativity it produces are superb!

    anyway, thank you once again xx

    Liked by 4 people

    • Hehe, great. I hope the other half doesn’t feel too threatened by the shrine 😉 If so, you can always claim it is not about RA at all but only about that book, the era and the steampunkishness of it all…
      And a little reminder that it is the *fans* that make a fandom, is always good 😉 Thank you to you for being part of it!!!


  4. I obviously don’t have all of your previous RAPS in front of me or present in my mind’s eye right now, but this has to one of the best ever. I love every single thing about it. Although I have no personal connection to it (save a very tangential one in that Rachel and I both adore costumes), the steampunk aesthetics really speak to me, and since Thornton and N&S are very much in my top three, I cannot praise this masterpiece enough. #lesigh

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, you like steampunk, too? *takes note*
      Thank you for those lovely words! I suddenly wish that RA had done more swoonworthy period stuff – just so I had more pictures of top-hatted hotties to choose from 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m not a steampunk fan or connoisseur, but I love dress up in all its forms and I adore the aesthetic. I think all Rachel’s pictures from events are stunning.
        And I would love more period stuff!!

        Liked by 1 person

        • I have to admit that period stuff really is not my cup of tea at all – BUT in this case (and in the case of Mr A) I feel completely different. Oh, and in case of the junk journal aesthetics, too. I suddenly find myself loving the old, tattered, vintage look. Must be my age *hehe*

          Liked by 1 person

          • Me, too. I worked on mine quite a bit in the last few days. It’s all completely distressed, dirty, old. I love it. I’m using some of the pages you sent me rn, but my approach seems so boring and unvaried. I’m a bit stuck. *sigh*


            • Hey, it’s your first JJ, isn’t it? I think it needs time to actually find your own style, or to get into the swing of it. Just do whatever makes you happy. I am sure it is great! You can always start another and another and another!


              • It is, but you are of course talking to an impatient perfectionist. 🙄

                I did prepare the skeleton for the cover and have started considering the order of the pages I’ve made so far. And to think I wanted to start with something easy like a card first. Always trying to run before I can walk…


  5. I am blown away, this RAPS is absolutely my taste and if it is fling in the bin I would be the first to rummage around in the trash to find it. So nice the little gear wheels
    I have had ear rings made of gear wheels of a pocket watch but unfortunately they were stolen.
    I can shout loud: you *are* talented

    Liked by 1 person

  6. It’s fantastic! I adore watch innards – not sure if that makes me a steampunk fan or not! I love the way this all comes together. And John Thornton in his top hat is just perfect for the genre… ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I love your raps and this is a masterpiece! My children are into manga, anime and games, so in the last 3 years I chaperoned them in Lucca (Lucca comics and games, a very big fair). Well, there I saw more and more people in steampunk attires, probably because it’s nice and easy! Kudos!


  8. I think it’s beautiful – well done! I love SteamPunk, it’s very cool. One of my daughters went to a SteamPunk themed wedding about two years ago.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, great point, Servetus – I hadn’t really made that connection at all.
      This quote: “And things like the pocket watch which was quite an old, beautiful piece of jewellery – I decided that it belonged to Thornton’s father so that he was wearing something of his father all the time.”

      Liked by 1 person

  9. What a brilliant, brilliant creation, G! I love the vintage-y inventiveness of steam punk and you chose the perfect RA subject as inspiration. Thornton surrounded by watch bits- even obscured a little -there’s no mistaking that handsome profile. Even Ms Gaskell is impressed and seems to be looking back at us in a knowing swoon. Like Servetus mentioned, Thornton’s pocket watch was the connection that first came to mind. Also, that you featured EG rather than Margaret was a really fun surprise. The coolest part was that you zeroed in on a theme special to Rachel. Well done ❤️

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you D 🙂 – Thornton was definitely ideal. However, since this shrine has been received with a lot of enthusiasm, I have now made a list of a few other chaRActers that may look appropriate in a Steampunk Shrine.
      And hah! No way was I going to let Margaret monopolise Mr Thornton in this RAPS. (I am not a huge fan of hers tbh.) But I do like Mrs Gaskell (despite reservations about her book) because I think that those early women writers were quite something!

      Liked by 2 people

  10. Ooh yes, please! An RA steampunk series has endless possibilities. Oh my heart…a steampunk Guy …or Thorin…or Ricky Deeming …or John Proctor …or …*fans self 😍

    Liked by 2 people

  11. I have to come back to this because it is sooo beautiful. One thing I forgot to mention originally is that I love the candle in the little holder. I’m always a bit sad when I see the wholes poked into the tins for the candles, so this one is extra awesome in my book. 🕯


    • You are absolutely right, of course. My heart usually bleeds when I bang the holes into the tins. But the holes are a slightly better solution than any other candleholders. When I glue them in the tin, they usually come off when you try to extract the candles from them after use. But yeah, I usually play it by ear – when the tin is antique or pretty, I won’t damage it with holes… promised!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I am glad you didn’t poke this one. 😉 I’m a bit of a fire fraidycat anyway, so I could do without candles. I would never light them in a RAPS for fear of the whole thing going up in flames. 😱 🔥 And that would be absolutely tragic!


  12. Damit hast du dich wirklich selbst übertroffen 😍. Einfach nur wow!!! Der Reiz liegt auch für mich in den ganzen Uhrinnereien. Sowas fand ich schon immer faszinierend. Ist das eigentlich ein Jooly Roger über dem Ziffernblatt?


    • Danke dir – ich bin wirklich geplättet, wie viele von euch diese Steampunk Ästhetik gut finden. Hätte ich nicht erwartet! Aber das ist jetzt erstmal notiert und wird umgesetzt 😉
      Und ja – richtig, da ist ein dezenter Totenkopf auf dem Zifferblatt. Gehört ja auch mit zur Steampunk-Ikonographie…


      • Wir tun halt unser Bestes, damit dir die Arbeit nie ausgeht 😉.
        Das mit dem Totenkopf wusste ich nicht. Kenne mich mit Steampunk nicht wirklich aus, aber die Bilder, über die man ab und zu mal stolpert, gefallen mir schon.

        Liked by 1 person

              • Not really. That RAPS is gorgeous, that´s for sure. And I also liked the bits and pieces I saw of Steampunk here and there, yet. But I know next to nothing about the Streampunk culture and lifestyle. Definitely didn´t do as much research as you did.

                Liked by 1 person

                • Ah Nordlicht ❤️😘I’m just trying to keep up with you !! I’m always last to the party 🎉 but thank goodness you are here to keep me on my toes and abreast of everything happening!!👍😉❤️❤️❤️❤️🤗✅


                    • Nah you are German! Always on time! I’m doubly punctual b/c not only part German but my dad is retired Army and is a time stickler. I meant you are always in the know. I follow your lead happily 😘❤️❤️❤️🤣🤗👏👍


                    • Oh no, as a German I´m always punctual, of course. But I´m mostly not up-to-date, not hip, not trendy… you get what I mean 😉.But good to know that I was able to leave an opposite impression 😉😂.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Jou jou Nordlicht then we are partners in crime together b/c I am always behind the times on trends, lingo, intel, Armitage sightings, tweets, IG posts, UNF, bush telephone? Well I happily will walk w you thru this fandom!!😘❤️👍😉


    • Shoot – what a horrible amateur mistake! 1000 apologies. It’s the sort of stupid mistake that nearly cost me the benevolence of my husband’s uncle. He’s a Scot and I asked him whether he had an “English passport”. *arrrgh*
      Explanation: In German colloquial language, “England” is synonymous with “Britain”.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Pingback: RA Pocket Shrine 190/? – Rider | Guylty Pleasure

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