Armitage Weekly Round-up 2019/15

Two weeks later – maybe a little more material for the round-up?

Before we delve into it, it looks as if filming the second block is now much more casual than trenchcoats and white shirts of block one.

Can anyone, btw, tell me why Bolton has become the new centre of the British film industry?

Anyway, here’s the round-up.

  1. Kicking off with a nice candid posted by deepestfirefun. White t-shirt, defiant look. What’s not to like?
  2. Old blue eyes goes straight into the feels. A post by fizzyxcustard
  3. BS seasons 1, 2 and 3. The first one especially is dramatic. Gif by serik27
  4. Just look at the first one of these manips. Portah! By moran-or-moron
  5. Thewarriorandtheking posts the three available outfits of Thorin. I guess dwarves are not renowned for their fashion sense…
  6. Not read by me, but for your fan fiction needs, here is a Guy x reader story by legolaslovely
  7. For you, team shrubbery. A set by fizzyxcustard
  8. We know all of these images, but the mix of photos through the years, presented here by angelpretend, is interesting. Your favourite iteration?
  9. Philip Turner – one of the lesser known characters – recently to be seen in a re-run on UK TV. I am not sure whether the quote on this edit by nellindreams comes from the show, but I liked it
  10. OMG – “knob-gobblin” *rofl*. Here’s another “What a Guy Wants” by nfcomics
  11. And for our newer fan friends, here’s a link to riepu10’s gif set of another lesser-known character, William Chatford, the guy with the evil moustache
  12. ROFL – Mr Thornton is like… Have a look yourself. Posted by keepmyselfamused-othersconfused
  13. Remember the game I posted in the last instalment of the round-up? Your favourite photos of RA in character? Mezzmerizedbyrichard has created her own post in reply
  14. Did Richard take inspiration from RL for this look on Thorin’s face? Caption by fizzyxcustard
  15. Something for lazy Sunday mornings in bed, courtesy of riepu10
  16. Deeeerp. Sorry, no harm meant, but these snapshots are just so funny. Caught by deepestfirefun

A nice batch, right? Enough to eat a croissant by and drink your coffee.

Have a great weekend!

Guylty ❤

26 thoughts on “Armitage Weekly Round-up 2019/15

  1. Good morning and happy Saturday. It is a sunny day here and I’ve seen stairs, bikes and traffic lights. 🙄 RA? Not so much. *huff*
    I hope you have a great weekend. 😀


    • And suddenly it works. 🤷🏻‍♀️ tumblr, you drunk.

      Love no. 1. So effortlessly gorgeous.
      For me it’s the lips in no. 2–holy moly. 👄
      No. 4, Portah is always awesome. Especially after recently rewatching. *fans self*
      No. 7–shrubbery always appreciated.
      No. 8–I wasn’t a big fan of that look in the second pic in the N&S interview, but I like this picture. The partial view in the first is thudworthy.
      No. 12–😂😂😂
      No. 15–yes, please!
      No. 16-still sexy!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Funny – tumblr is not always cooperative, it seems.
        “effortlessly gorgeous” – oh yeah… devastatingly so.
        Have to rewatch Portah soon – it’s actually the one piece from his work that I have re-watched in full length several times… And here’s me saying that Porter is not my favourite character…
        Re. #8 – Do you mean the pinstripe jacket? Agree, not my favourite either. But boy, the way his blue eyes glow in this picture, it literally makes me feel weak!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Yeah, the pinstriped jacket paired with that leather necklace and shirt—nah. But this is a great picture.
          I have a total thing for Porter. When he goes to rescue Katie in those jeans and that gray t-shirt? #dead Seriously, I am yours heart and soul. And everything else. ♥️😍 Just say the word.


  2. Just realised I have missed another episode of Berlin Station 2 , I had spent the day in London seeing the Mary Quant exhibition at the V&A I was very tired but I guess it proves my attachment is waning.
    I hope The Stranger rekindles my interest although it hasn’t so far , and Bolton? no idea in fact I couldn’t point to it on a map 😟 sorry Bolton


    • have the read the book? it’s a perfect vehicle for RA-there will be lots of intense stares and brooding!
      i’m liking BS2 much more than the first series too

      Liked by 1 person

    • You’re not missing that much when it comes to BS2… Although, actually, BS2 was better than BS3… But never mind. I have high hopes that BS 2.0 (that is: “Bolton Stranger”, Richard’s latest series 😂) will be totally different. RA playing a Brit. In Britain. Made by a British team! (This is not an advertisement for Brexit, just arguing that circumstances are much more favourable for RA here…)


    • Merci pour ce cliché!
      Ici, il fait relativement ensoleillé. Heureusement, car cet après-midi, en tenue de randonneurs, mon mari et moi participons à une ballade citoyenne. Il s’agit de ramasser les déchets négligemment jetés à l’extérieur. Nous serons une trentaine, encadrés par un guide conférencier, spécialiste de l’environnement. Mon mari a lâché que je m’y connaissais en botanique. J’espère pouvoir reconnaître les plantes qui me seront présentées….
      Bonne fin de semaine à tous.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes of course!
        Since friday, the streets have been overloaded with motorcycles. Because, this week-end, on the Bugatti circuit, the ” French Moto Grand Prix” is taking place.
        But I prefered joining a community walk to cleanup the neighbourhood from any rubbish, litter, detritus, such as plastic bottles, cans, discarded cigarette end (N&S)… that had been carelessly thrown away. At the same time, we are trying to raise visitors’ awareness by looking for hidden wildflowers in the edges (N&S) too. The pharmacists were setting foot outside, leaving their chemist shop,on this saturday afternoon.
        The weather was mixed but we could enjoy being together for a good cause.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. i very much like number 12 -it’s spot on!
    number 16 looks like he’s thinking about something particularly tasty!
    number 7-bottom middle always…i’m a sucker for his smile 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Again thank you so much for those mentions G! 😊 After reading your last post about The Impressionists I had to watch it a bit and make couple gif sets. I’m going to post the first one later today and the second one next week 🙂 That series is one of my favourites

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks for the great round-up Guylty! Is that a shaved chin I spy in the Bolton pic? Hope so! He’s looking good. But what is that pale patch on his thigh? Someone’s hand? Outrageous! A flower applique?
    5. I seem to be fixated on small details today. In the 2nd pic Thorin seems to be standing on his own foot.
    9 I’ve always had a soft spot for Philip Turner and saw IL again recently but don’t remember that quote (which isn’t saying much with my memory)
    16. Hilarious


  6. I don’t know if it would work differently in the UK.
    When films get made in certain areas around or out of the States, it is financially motivated. Meaning that area has given the film producers incentives to film there. Tax breaks and rebates are a biggie. There are other perks depending on what local businesses are willing to contribute to the deal. Before the extra tax breaks started to be offered I remember that during the X-Files season filming years in the 90s, they filmed mostly in Vancouver Canada because it is so much cheaper than filming in LA. Utah was another low cost place to film. And why I ended up a SAG member. The US state of Georgia is currently the place to film. Without knowing specific details, I’m guessing Georgia has really made it financially beneficial to do so. It is a topic that has been discussed at SAG meetings I’ve managed to attend, not that I’m good at making it to meetings very often.

    Now to check out your round-up before the Hubs shows up.

    Liked by 2 people

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