RA Pocket Shrine 206/? – Midget


The birthday auctions were in August – and I have finally fulfilled the last of the items that were on sale. Donna had specified that she wanted Thorin in a RAPS, and a steampunk-y theme, so I put on my shrining hat and put a little shrine together a couple of weeks ago. I made sure to use some deco items that Donna had gifted me – and yet I initially wasn’t sure whether the RAPS hit the mark. It just looked a bit too small. But Donna got the package before the weekend, and it apparently was received well, so I can now show you #206 in the shrine project.

When making steampunk shrines, I always look for vintage tins because they are perfectly themed on the outside already. The more battered the better, and this one certainly is. Ok, cheeky, but the “Midget Pulmonas” are perfect for a dwarf, don’t you think? And even more so, as this tin basically comes from Middle Earth: Can you spot the place name on it? I bought it in an antiques shop somewhere in New Zealand four years ago. Who better to enshrine than Thorin?

The bottom of the tin has become the lid, though, and the rusty metal looks fabulous as a backdrop to a frilly ornamented T.

Inside there are the characteristic gear wheels – and a few keys to Erebor, for good measure. I included a map (so Thorin doesn’t lose his way again), as well as a tiny Hobbit book. (You can’t see it, but it actually *is* a tiny book – it has individual pages and a separate cover. I made it for this purpose.)

Donna gifted me those fabulous metal decorations – arrows, wings, keys. I really like this stylised arrangement, and oddly, I think the wings combined with Thorin’s determined look, make him appear quite sexy…

It was much fun creating this shrine – also because it reminded me of our latest auction project and results. I hope that the same is true for Donna – that she feels cheered up just knowing that her auction win contributed to a hefty donation that can make a difference for those who need it. With the holiday season coming up, that is a worth-while thought.

On the subject of auctions and holiday season – I am currently speaking with an elf bts about a possible mini auction in time for Xmas. We have collected a few things that might make nice pressies for the upcoming gift-exchanging opportunities. Watch this space!

65 thoughts on “RA Pocket Shrine 206/? – Midget

  1. I agree with LoLo about the wings, they add majesty to the already pretty darn majestic to begin with.

    The colour scheme, the gears and keys – I love the lot of it, including the Kiwi tin.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ode to Flight

    There once was a dwarf,
    Of all things.
    Who sprouted a fine set of wings.
    Into the sky he did fly.
    He soared and he dipped,
    While being constantly shipped.
    Graceful as a bird in a breeze.
    No need for a pony or horse,
    All hail Erebor’s Air Force.

    Kathy Jones

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I love everything about this shrine. The fact that you chose a vintage NZ tin and used elements that I gifted you make it even more special to me. The tiny Hobbit book just blew my mind. How cool is that? Looking at Thorin with his wings reminds me of the sacrifice he made – by giving up his life for the greater good. A majestic angel indeed 👑 😇Thanks again G, for the careful thought and inspired creativity you put into this. It’s lovely. ❤️
    P.S. A Xmas auction would be fab.

    Liked by 3 people

    • That is a lovely interpretation of the angel wings – so Thorin is now a guardian angel for his dwarf people. I really like that idea – not least because it continues Thorin’s story beyond his death. (Fan fic writers – I am looking at you!)
      So glad you liked it Donna!!


  4. I already said how much I love winged Thorin. He’s mesmerizing!!! Truly fantastic RAPS. Congratulations again to D. A wonderful auction item.

    So, you’re talking to elves??? 🧝🏽‍♀️🧝🏻‍♂️ Do tell us more…


  5. Dieser RAPS ist 😍😍😍! Donna hat sich die perfekte Kombination gewünscht und du hast es meisterhaft umgesetzt. Und ich liebe, liebe, liebe das kleine Buch! Was soll ich noch sagen, einfach großartig.


      • Na wenn es dir Spaß bringt, dann immer los, da wollen wir hier nicht im Wege stehen 😉. Aber ist das nicht ziemlich friemelig? Ich würd da, glaub ich, irgendwann ausflippen, weil meine grobmotorischen Finger das einfach nicht hinkriegen würden 🤯🤬.


  6. I am not crazy about the steampunk, but you make them look so awesome. That ‘T’ side is one of your best decorated parts. ❤


  7. Pingback: Late But… RAPS 207 Raffle Result | Guylty Pleasure

  8. Pingback: Replacement Activity | Guylty Pleasure

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