“But Grandmother, what big hands you’ve got…” – New Short Vid With RA

Our favourite audio book provider (…) is at the marketing game again. This time it’s a one-minute compilation of “iconic” RA moments. There is a moment early on, where I felt like little red riding hood. “Oh Grandmother, what big hands you’ve got…” You’ll see what I mean when you watch the clip:

They call him Flipper, Flipper, faster than lightning…

Not entirely sure what is so iconic about these moments, but I like to see RA laughing and joking. Not 100% sure about context-less flipped birds – he actually never struck me as a “flipper” – but it’s all part of life, right? I can certainly say that Mr A is a wonder when it comes to the variety of hairstyles that look good on him. Basically all of them. My favourite is the short style of the Juliet & Romeo promo. I can even tolerate the shrubbery.

The question is, what does the stepped-up marketing mean? A new piece of audio in the works? Or just the usual Audible-RA love machine? We’ll find out. Possibly.



23 thoughts on ““But Grandmother, what big hands you’ve got…” – New Short Vid With RA

      • I sort of feel like agreeing to this indicates either he or Audible (or both) believe that everything his fans say about him is true — he could do anything and we’d still drool after him. Honestly, flipping off the viewer is not how I’d want to start any sales pitch. I don’t see why that’s iconic. And given that we do know something about the context of the vid: so which question from which fan was he flipping off there? I’ll always wonder.


        • In fairness, I guess they think they have found the most effective marketing approach when it comes to him… I wasn’t really offended by the hand gesture, but it just stood out because a) it’s totally out of context and you wonder why he did that, and b) he always stresses politeness and a considered approach to communication, so it almost seemed out of character.
          I think you are spot on, though, when it comes to editing that particular gesture right into the start of a video. In this context it’s almost as if he’s flipping off the viewer for watching him. A strange approach to marketing… In the context of the original video it is taken from, it makes me feel rather uncomfortable for any fan whose question had been ignored in the Q&A.


    • I agree, to put that gesture at the beginning of a poorly put together video disgusting. I don’t remember the context of the original piece but I fail to see how it is ‘ iconic’.
      I subscribe to Audible but I am increasingly annoyed and bored by their disrespectful advertising.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I admit that I am taking it all far too seriously (after all it is “just” marketing), but my understanding of ‘being iconic’ is somehow different from Audible’s. IDK, I mean, something like him stroking his beard in thought during an interview – *that* is iconic, a recognisable, recurring, typical gesture. Or in his acting, the eyelash flutter combined with the little tip of the head when showing surprise or wonder. Or maybe a recurring turn of phrase that is somehow characteristic for him…
        But yeah, as I said, I am taking this far too seriously. It’s just a fan video, albeit made by Audible.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Spot on, Besotted. That’s exactly what this is. A fan video. I’d probably love it if a fan had created it. But not so much when used for flogging Audible’s offerings. *shrugs*


  1. Thanks for sharing, I hadn’t seen that yet. Flipping the finger didn’t disturb me, but then, I’m Dutch and using the c-word is also quite normal in our language (less of a sexist connation than it has in English). To me, this is a mildly amusing video. Most of all I just get tired of Audible and audiobooks…


    • Yeah, the gesture doesn’t really offend me as such, and cursing is quite common in Ireland, so I guess I am rather lenient, in general. I just find it somewhat curious that a company would show their ‘star’ in such a pose. (Or that he would agree to being shown thus…) Just another of Audible’s stunts… Looks as if the public is otherwise quite enamoured with the video.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. No idea what Audible’s agenda would be, but I have to admit anything that shows RA smiling and laughing has me watching several times.
    As for the flipping, it was always a signature gesture of Martin Freeman’s on the Hobbit set and for me it grew tiresome.

    PS Your Flipper edit has that theme tune stuck in my head now lol 🎵


    • I concentrated on the laughing, too…
      Freeman really turned the gesture into a joke, I suppose.
      (I had that Flipper ‘earworm’ in my head yesterday, too, and couldn’t shake it. Apologies ;-))


    • I find it slightly baffling. I understand it’s meant to be outrageous in a funny way, or funny in an outrageous way. Not sure whether I myself would want to be prominently captured on film with the middle finger 😂


        • You know, I think I would have liked the video more if it had been called “RA being silly for 59 seconds”… It’s just a change of label, but at least I would’ve known what to expect…


  3. Every summer needs a mistery, and here we have *roll of drums*
    The Fingergate!
    Imho it’s an evidence of his abitual self control and composure.
    I’m still not into audible, try again


    • 😂 Nice one, Lurkerella! Yep, Audible has to keep trying with some of us 😉
      You are right though – the clip is an insight (incite 😂… I just can’t get over that little slip-up) into a less self-controlled moment.


  4. seems to me like they wanted to share meme-able Armitage, in keeping up with social media. I’m not offended by the flipping the bird bit, and have used the GIF to express my frustration with current events (the quick edits i give my hats to actual fans who made it). Though I find audible’s marketing trying too hard and just milking it out to RCA fans. Hope you guys are doing ok.


    • I think you put your finger on it, Nix. It’s definitely a memorable, meme-able and gif-able scene (quod erat demonstrandum)… They certainly ticked that box :-)) And I am sure the video will appeal to lots of people, regardless of hand gestures. (I mean, I am always happy to see the man laugh, too…) It’s mainly Audible I am frustrated with.


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